I used to wonder exactly what it was that people were talking about when they said that an event or comment triggered them. I had a text book understanding, of course, but could not think of an event that personally triggered me, bringing back overwhelming feelings stemming from past abuses.
Recently, however, it happened and I experienced something I never had before. Honestly, I am surprised it took as long as it did. It was not a proud moment, as retrospectively, I can now think of about five different ways that I could have better handled the situation. At the same time, I wouldn’t really have changed it because of what it taught me. My reaction was honest, showed me that my priorities were in fact, intact, and also allowed me to further learn about myself and the severity of what I lived through.
The scene unfolds
The event began in a benign fashion. It was a simple matter. I started out with words, a simple conversation. I felt those words fell on deaf ears, since nothing changed afterwards and the individual involved did not seem to understand just how important and significant the points I raised were to me. Some finger-pointing ensued, although I tried to keep that to a minimum on my end. At the same time, I truly felt that all was not being done to prevent the situation from escalating. Nonetheless, I tried to make it as clear as I could that I was not interested in assigning blame or going to battle, but rather, finding a solution.
It did not work. As a result, I moved up the chain of command, involving the next layer of authority. At this level, I felt less placated than I had with the person on the first rung of the ladder and had hopes of being heard. This person acted swiftly and did what it took to attempt a solution. However, it appeared that things were stalling and beginning to move backwards. Frustration set in, as we began moving opposite what was necessary.
I tried to speak gently, but firmly, yet the accusations began flying toward me and some of the others involved on my end. Suddenly, I began feeling just as I did with my abuser, on the defense for something I had done my best with. I did not feel that anyone was willing to take responsibility for the matter at hand. I had owned the part that I could, but would not accept all of the blame because it wasn’t all mine to take and doing so still would not improve what needed improving. I recognized that more intervention was necessary and moved toward making that possible. In doing so, however, I lost my cool. It was not major, but it was clear to me that my emotions drove my reaction. I could not understand why I felt as though I was on the battlefield over something that did not need to be a fight. Why was I meeting with resistance over something everyone involved should have wanted to solve? Why were my concerns being overlooked and my efforts to solve a problem shut down? Why was I not being heard?
Swimming against the current
Regardless of the reasons, I felt time roll backwards, leaving me feeling overwhelmed by the unfolding events and ineffective in my attempts to solve anything. It was hauntingly familiar, but I also recognized that I had never had such feelings before outside of my experience with my individual with psychopathic features. I struggled with my reaction, wondering how and why it came to that. Soon, I figured it out. The goings on had triggered me.
In the end, things worked out as we pulled together to fix the problem. We really were a group of people who did want to solve things, but had to put some issues aside in order to get there. There is no doubt that each of us could have said or done things differently. However, ultimately we did what had to be done.
But the experience taught me something valuable and proves that we do not escape our past abuses unscathed. It took me a little time to realize that I had been triggered and that the events of the current occurrence had less to do with my upset than my past. I found this especially interesting since I no longer feel this way when dealing with my individual with psychopathic features. I fully understand what that individual is about and how he operates. As a result, I am no longer shocked or surprised by any of the actions or behaviors. They are all relatively predictable. However, I was shocked that I still carried what I had lived with me in other ways.
Just another curve in the road along the path to recovery
I believe each of us does to one degree or another. Becoming aware of this allows us to correct for it and deal with it. With that, it may offer us the opportunity to become healthier than many who are never forced to confront their feelings. There should be no shame in our experiences. We lived through some incredibly unbelievable things. The only shame would be if we failed to acknowledge them or swept them away, refusing to admit they exist.
Since my realization, I have concentrated on employing coping skills that afford me peace. After what we have encountered, there may be times when we must mentally talk ourselves through situations that stir old memories of the abuse. This may take a bit of training or trial and error, but we can do it. It’s just part of the learning process, that like all else, begins with our understanding of the disorder we were touched by. Recovery from anything is almost never free from obstacles. This is no different and simply one we must become aware of.
Most importantly, we must not beat ourselves up if we do not handle things perfectly every time. Look around at others and realize that few do (not that that is a standard by which to gauge ourselves or make excuses, but rather to realize the fact that we are human.) However, if with each experience we grow and learn, we are making progress. I think that is a positive thing. Here’s to our successes as we live and learn!
Many of us suffer from PTSD and that causes short term memory problems. Mine was originally from the aircraft crash, but the continual additional trauma of getting hooked up with a P BF afterward and the problems with my P son, and the man who he sent to kill us pushed me over the edge to INSANITY for a while. Talk about MELT DOWN, I had one for sure. It has been a long hard road to pull myself back out of that abyss and I credit Love Fraud with a bunch of the ROPE to help me pull myself up. There is magic healing here at this site and lots of good support and great information as well.
Hang on, be good to yourself, learn and grow, take care of YOU first before anything else. Get good sleep, eat right, exercise, and it will help. Keep changes to a minimum to decrease stress and that will help too.
Exercise is great for burning off stress hormones and great for your heart and other organs as well. Helps with sleep as well.
Keep seeing your counselor and your wise doctor. You are fortunate to have both! God bless.
Oh, and whatever your spiritual direction is, take care of that too. it is very important that we take care of ourselves physically, emotionally AND spiritually. Even if you don’t believe in God, there is a spiritual aspect to every human. Nurture that aspect.
Ox Drove,
I have found LoveFraud to be just what I need!But what you said about taking care of myself spiritually…that is my priority!In fact,that is where I found the comfort & strength to last as long as I did in the relationship with the spath.
As for taking care of myself physically,that is something that I have to work on as I have always put others first.Old habits take awhile to change!It’s not helping that it’s wintertime or that my mind is preoccupied right now,lol!
Dear friends, I’m in need of some advice and help again.
This Christmas I suddenly got a female friend on visit for a week (by surprise) and it’s the drama queen I’ve earlier mentioned in other posts. I was baffled by her sudden visit because I’ve tried to slowly pull my self out of our friendship by making my self boring, but obviously I still need to work on my boundaries. I just couldn’t say no and ask her to leave. However she behaved and tried her best to make things nice for me just to say that. She just left for her home return and I’m a bit confused about my own emotion about the whole visit.
I did not want her here at all, but I kept my mouth shut and swallowed my irritations. She did some things that was pretty disturbing, but I tried to ignore it. While she was here, I felt so tressed. It was like having a child in the home again…or to be exactly, having my ex spath back in the house. I couldn’t sleep very well because of the stress and I felt completely drained by her, energetically. She is really demanding and so childlike that I have to watch over her every step. In one way it was so nice to have a “friend” over (because I spend all my days completely alone without any human contact) and in the other hand I prayed the days would go fast and she would leave. (Just as I did my ex) I just wanted her out of my house.
Now that she’s finally gone home, I feel exhausted, my body aches, I’m nauseous, I’m so extremely restless and I truly fear the loneliness. I feel… distress. Just as I did after the break up.
I also stopped eating healthy, started smoking alot more, did not exercise as I usually do regardless of who is visiting.
The last night she was here I really worked hard mentally and spiritually- cutting chords to mention one thing and after that I started to become my self again.
The thing is, I don’t understand what happened? Her behaviour his pretty obvious, but it is my own I can’t put my finger on. What am I overlooking?I still feel stunned and gagged when they do the things they do, leaving me speechless.
Am I being triggered? Why do I “adjust” or sink down to their level? How come I don’t do this with healthy people (then I am my self) ?
Now that my friend has left, I don’t miss her at all, but I do feel extremely lonely and desperate for a male companionship. I just want that warm body to lie next to, feeling warmth and the heartbeat of another human body, so I can feel safe and protected and sleep/rest. So to me it seems like, it’s not about missing HIM or HER, it’s about being lonely. Or?
I’m confused. Can somebody help me and put my head back straight?
Hello Sunflower. What a horrible experience for you. This so called friend sounds like a total nightmare! Firstly, one of the reasons we can become targets for spaths or people who want to use us is because of our low opinion we have of ourselves. We “allow” these people to trample us to walk all over us. That however is not the mystery is it! You ask why. In my exp it’s not down to one thing that has happened nor is it purely environmental, I believe I have been used and abused because of the way my personality is…..my genetic make up. I’m still trying to understand why I have fallen prey…..maybe I’ll never have all the answers.
However, there is one thing I do know. I’m not going to allow anyone to have that power over me again. I’m not going to do something I don’t want to do, I’m not going to be friends with someone because we’ve always been friends. I have lost contact with a friend so I can identify. I just decided I didn’t want to be there listening to the same old same old. It was always about her and she never helped herself. I didn’t want to hurt her obviously but I did tell her that I had changed and the friendship could not return to what it was.
After my exp with the spath I have changed. It’s me first now. And if people don’t like it that’s too bad.
As far as missing male company, yes I could enjoy a nice hug, the warmth of a hairy body next to me in bed but…..I’m getting used to my singledom. I really am. And so will you, Sunflower.
You said “I just want out of it. The same feeling I had when I was in the relationship. I want out, but I can’t leave.”
If I had a pound for every time I thought that self same thought, my friend.And here we are….we did escape. We did make it out of the other side.
My new mantra? Zero tolerance on bad behaviour.
Good luck
Darling I can so relate! You are a “people pleaser” and are afraid to make someone happy and SET BOUNDARIES.
It is YOUR HOUSE and you allowed her to invade it. It is difficult at first but you need to learn to set boundaries.
“I’m sorry you have come so far, but I have other plans for Christmas and I won’t be able to have you stay here, bye bye, have a nice HOliday.” THAT’s a BOUNDARY and it is OKAY TO SET THEM. You don’t want her in your house, you are NOT OBLIGATED to let her invade your space. it is YOUR SPACE.
Block her number, or if you’d rather, just tell her you are no longer interested in being her friend.
I think that after we have recovered a little from a spath attack and we become more ourselves again, that our senses are magnified and we pick up on things in other people much more than we did before. I know for me that I reevaluated pretty much ALL of my friendships after my last experience and just stopped contacting all of the people I thought of as toxic in my life. They all tried to weasel their way back in and to pump me for information about what was going on, but I just refused to answer questions and ignored them and they ended up just going away.
I know that if I had contact with any of them that they would try and drag me back into it all again and I just refuse to go there. I have found ME again after many years of manipulation by these people who I now consider as completely toxic to the real ME and I just will not now have anything to do with them.
2 of them watched with apparent ‘glee’ at every horrible twist and turn of events as that arsehole tried to ruin my life. Neither of them said a word against him even though they both knew my partner and knew the hell that I was going through. In fact if anything they both encouraged it to continue as they awaited with great anticipation for the next piece of juicy gossip coming their way. As far as I am concerned they are NOT my real friends and they have no place in my life.
Hear HHear!!! Never again. They are not good friends and should not be part of your life. OUT WITH THE MINIONS of the Psychopaths. They enjoy the DRAMA RAMA and are not caring about what it does to someone else as long as it ENTERTAINS them.
Thank you so much for your responses. I always cherish your words and I’m so thankful I can come to this site for support and wisdom. It actually gives me much more than my appointment with the therapist 😛
I do agree on how much boundaries matter. If I don’t set my boundaries, I loose my sense of self. I get that.Is it the codependency speaking? The lack of self worth or identity? Is it fear? Is it a childhood mechanism? I DO NOT want to behave like someone I’m really not. All I want is to be ME. Is it something in the people pleaser personality? I really need a good book on that subject because I don’t really get what a people pleaser really is. The big picture yes, the details- no.
The good news is, when she first was here, I did set alot of boundaries about my house. I am actually proud of that. I told her straight out what my house rules was and she did follow them as far as I know.
In a strange twist of fate I was laying in bed with my partner in tears telling how utterly betrayed I felt by one of them who I had considered to be my best friend for about 6 years.
He was the person who told me to ‘go for’ the spath who had stalked me all night in the club we were in and who continued the whole way through witnessing what a devastating effect it was all having on me. He was there when the lies started to be exposed, he saw how devastated I was after a night of evil ‘gas lighting’ by this person. He even said to me that night that ‘he had never in the whole time he had known me seen me upset like that before’. And yet even after witnessing it first hand all he kept saying to me was ‘hang in there it all work out between you in the end’ when what he should’ve been saying was ‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING! THIS GUY IS A NUTTER AND YOU HAVE AN AMAZING PARTNER SO WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS’. But no, nothing but encouragement to ‘hang in there’.
So after I finish chatting to my partner I get up and I had a missed call from said friend. I checked my voicemail and it wasn’t my friend but his nephew using his phone contacting people to let them know my friend had passed away. I was DEVASTATED and felt extremely guilty for not spending time with him before he went. Now I look at it totally differently.
Ironically I text the other friend in our ‘gang’ about OUR friends death, 3 months later I have still not had a reply….
I think the ‘copying their behaviour’ is really just falling back into the old (bad) ways of the friendship. They drag us back into their miserable, negative worldview of everything. I too notice it a lot with people now especially people at work. I just ignore it and get up and walk away. If its constructive criticism I will agree BUT I will only do it to help look for a SOLUTION to the problem, not to sit around just bitching about something just for the sake of it.
Our boss is a major spath and a nasty one at that, but his days of manipulating me are over. Now the only reactions he gets from me are ‘if you say so’ and ‘maybe’, both delivered with a big cheesy 🙂
I know how hard I work and I know I’m great at my job and I know how much he absolutely sucks at his, so I really don’t care what nasty words come out of the money hungry tools mouth!