Editor’s note: Lovefraud received the above screenshot and her explanation from the longtime reader, “Fleeing Deer.”
The picture above is a screenshot of my former spouse’s FB post.
He is attempting to recruit people for his multi-level-marketing Ponzi scheme. He promises to teach people how to make 6 or 7 figure incomes.
Here is my “re-interpretation” of his message:
Let me tell you a tale of how I am a victim so that you will feel sad for me and have pity on me. Let me manufacture a life-changing moment because we all love redemption stories and I need you to believe I have grown, and changed, and learned from my mistakes – even though I am completely unable to do any of those things.
Let me sprinkle some fairy dust in your eyes and make it appear that my motivation is to help others, so that you will be blinded when I start exploiting your resources.
Let me make it appear like I know how to make a lot of money – even though my former wife had to file bankruptcy on $55,000 of debt when she left me.
Let me showcase my grandiosity by teaching “everyone I could” to make this much money, even though I pay a pittance in child support for five children, and never pay a penny over what I am court-ordered to pay (never mind the amounts I am morally obligated to pay, but don’t, because the court won’t chase me for those funds – phew!) because my true motivation is to stay out of jail, not to help my children or my former spouse.
Let me wax poetic because people love poetry and it’s difficult to fact-check.
It’s true, I don’t care what people think – especially when they point out supposed flaws, or shortcomings. (Who? Me?)
Those who see through my façade are not worth tolerating. I only care for those with vulnerabilities that I can exploit.
You must be hurting, desperate, willing to let me cross any and every boundary in my exploitation of you for this to be successful.
Of course it won’t be free. It’ll cost you everything you allow me to take. Of course it won’t be easy – it takes a lot of work for me to beguile new victims and keep them from squirming while I insert the siphon into their veins.
Of course it would take effort – my effort to keep you in a pen, and yours to produce more for me to feed upon. And I do promise to walk the path with you, sucking your life-blood every step of the way as long as you refuse to give up. If you drop from exhaustion, it’s not my fault, is it?
Empty swings and empty rooms will always be a wonderful story for me to use as bait for new victims.
Ignore that I neglected to pick up my children for their most recent break, leaving them wide-eyed and wondering why Daddy refused to drive half-way to get them. That would’ve been a week of work for me, and claiming their mother withheld them from me because she wouldn’t drive nearly the entire way to deliver them to me, is a MUCH more useful story in my line of work.
Empty swings and empty rooms makes my heart full of plans and my spirit full of deceit. They make me remember the power I had over one human life for a decade and a half, and if I play my cards right, I just may hit that jackpot again.
Only speak to those I hand-pick for you to interview.
Don’t talk to my former spouse, a college graduate, of how her life changed to include unemployment, bankruptcy, welfare, Medicaid.
Don’t talk to her or my parents of how committed I am to the accolades of leadership without actually leading.
Don’t talk to my children of how deep and powerful my neglect of their physical well-being has scarred them.
Of how my bright and flaming torch of my own brilliance and importance has blinded me to the needs of my own family and will blind me to yours as well.
Of how I do one thing (exploit my spouse for my own gain) is how I do everything.
Empty rooms and empty swings do not have to remain empty. I have a place ready for you. Are you all in?
Oh my gosh, Fleeing Deer. You did a spot on interpretation job for his ‘poem’, which is, by the way, some of THE worst writing I have read in quite awhile. They are such shameless liars and deceivers. Just completely shameless.
Thank you. I highly recommend “The Narc Decoder” by Tina Swithin. It will help you do the same!!
I like her book too.
Everything, and I mean everything, he EVER said to me; was NOT the truth..always couched in ‘oh me, poor me’..and of course I fell for it. Love (he used this word often), meant SEX on HIS terms. Money was our money, until HE made the decisions, then it was HIS money. We were farm partners, but when it came to dealing with neighbors, salesmen, etc. I was too stupid to be a part of HIS decision making. Romance was another word; it meant SEX..so when I heard the phrase ‘romantic evening, or time”..it meant SEX had better be a part of it, or else.. The farm was ‘ours’, the reality was, it was HIS and HE made the decisions. I did most of the body physical work, but HE took ALL the credit. Same went for being a parent. HE was the good, caring, generous dad (still is), but I was the dumb, stupid woman/mother who NEVER did anything right. He was the ‘fun parent’ I was not. Oh yes, do they skew everything to mean what THEY want you to think.