There comes a time when nurture becomes nature.
This is the time when nurture and nature become inextricable, inseparable.
I suspect nobody knows precisely when this point arrives in the development of a given individual, but the immediate ramification is this: When you are involved specifically with a sociopath, or any exploitative personality, it is imperative that you stop asking how this person became who he is?
Sure, he likely endured—and was shaped by—some form of neglect or abuse growing up, and if this wasn’t obvious in the history, it was still likely there.
But here’s the point: it doesn’t matter. Not one bit.
Instead, you must relinquish your empathy, compassion and curiosity—in short, every emotion that supports your obsession to understand the genesis and evolution of your exploiter’s pathology—and confront the reality that you are dealing with (as I propose) a case of nurture becoming nature, about which there’s not a damned thing, at this point, to be done.
The damage, in other words, was baked into his character a long time ago. There is no ameliorating it now. Not all the love in the world—nothing that you have, or think you have, or thought you had to give him—will dent the petrification of his psychopathology.
His diseased personality disease is immutable, as good as etched in his DNA. Case closed.
And so what you do is this: You run for the hills, just as you’d run from a rabid dog that perhaps once was innocent and gentle. Now the dog is rabid: it no longer matters how it became rabid. And so you run, fast, and you don’t look back, because every second you allow false hope to delay you increases your risk of grievous harm.
You may have loved that dog; maybe loved it before it became rabid, or maybe it was rabid all along and you just didn’t know it. And maybe you even still love that rabid dog, or the persisting fantasy of it as unrabid.
But the dog is rabid, and a rabid dog doesn’t love you, and it was probably rabid going way back and never really loved you as you once imagined, but again”¦it makes no difference.
There are rabid animals, and there are rabid people, and neither loves you.
And so the time for analysis, of him, is up.
To be clear: I appreciate the need to make sense of trauma. But at some point, the analysis of exploiters can assume an obsessive desperation that subverts, rather than supports, the processing of trauma.
I speak here from the position of having worked with many victims of exploitive personalities who are very much like stunned deer caught, and as if suspended indefinitely, in the headlights.
One of the vital tasks is to unstun them.
And sometimes the dogged determination to “make sense” of, to “analyze” the exploitive traumatizer can be a disguised obsession with discovering something in the history (his or yours) that you insist on imagining would have made a difference”¦would have made him different?
We can search this angle interminably. And unless we call off the search, we will.
And it’s a search we’re wise to call off because it can effectively bring us to a standstill, forever.
(My use of “he” in this article was a convenience, not meant to imply that women aren’t capable of the behaviors and attitudes discussed. This article is copyrighted (c) 2009 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
Dear Gem,
Dear I think your homicidal mania now is sometimes part of the healing process with us (at least some of us) believe me I had COMPLEX FANTASIES of the things I would to them, sigh, but you know, at the same time, I realized that thinking like this is COUNTER-PRODUCTIVe to PEACE.
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” is what Jesus said about it. I don’t want to harbor or feed these terrible thoughts. I’m not criticising you about it, though, please believe me on that, cause I had some pretty HORRIBLE fantasy plans, some of which might have worked and let me get away with it, but I’m not that person who would not have regrets, guilt etc over doing something like that, so I found that turning off those thoughts when they came into my head (except the occasional jest) was the best method for me to get the BITTERNESS out of my heart!
The bible says that vengence belongs to God, and I figure He has more ways to accomplish that than I could ever dream of, so I am just going to go on trusting that “they will get what they deserve” SOONER OR LATER…and I may not even know what it is, but that’s okay too.
Cat, glad you are here, this site is usually pretty SANE and peaceful, though the occasional troll does come by, but they are usually quickly recognized for what they are. the way we try to handle them is to IGNORE them, and hit the “report abusive comment” and Donna waves her cyber wand and makes them go POOf!!! AND VANISH. without them getting the attention they crave. good system. Not engaging with them (after you see what they are about) is the best way to not give them attention.
Oxy! Olle Olle Oxy! are you around… cant remember if I posted this with all the stress but I dont want to repost…..
Yes I found it …. sorry…. I got your response…. =)
Yea, spirit, if I’m home I am usually around every little while, I have difficulty staying “on task” on things I dont’ enjoy–like for the last 3 days I have been cleaning my office and declutttering and filing. I do it for a little while and then want to throw up my hands and get frustrated and it is difficult to stay on task (I am a bit ADHD but it has never been a problem til the PTSD after the aircraft chars 5 years ago, now it is not as bad as it was then, but I work on a specific task til I get frustrated or bored with it, then move on to another task and rinse and repeat. Actually I do get a lot accomplished, but not in a specific order–so when I have to rest this old weary back, I sit down at the computer for a few minutes.
I type very fast, about as fast as I talk (but with more errors since the crash) and so I spend a few minutes here on LF then get back up for half an hour or an hour, do a few more chores, and rinse and repeat. In the evenings I am more on here because I don’t watch much TV, about 3-4 hours a week is more than enough.
My home office is starting to show some real lprogress so I am getting excited at “seeing the light at the end of the tunnel” and the rest of the house is in pretty good shape too, so my SPACE is in order which always makes me feel up and good. I’m not a “neat freak” but there is a level of clutter which sets me off on a cleaning frenzy until every corner is swept–this overcomes me about every 3-4 months, but I do try to keep clutter picked up and put away, but on some days if i don’t, that is okay too, I don’t beat myself up over it or lay down in depression for a week because some one came over and my house wasn’t spotless. WE LIVE here and it is our space so no one else can tell us how we “should” keep it if we are happy with it.
You could literally safely eat out of my egg donor’s toilets, and you know, I don’t feel guilty that my house is not to that level of INSANI-TERY…you can safely eat the food I offer you on the plates I offer it to you on, and that is good enough for me. If you can write your name in the dust on my furniture, that’s okay too, just don’t write the DATE!
I like my house to look nice FOR ME, not because someone else might think badly about it if I didn’t keep it like a furniture display for a home and garden magazine. There is no more GUILT making me do house work (I still don’t enjoy it much while I am doing it) I do it because and WHEN I want to, or think it needs it. Gosh, how liberating that feels!
Dear Oxy, It was meant in FUN!!LOL!! Of course I dont harbour these sorts of feelings, not for long anyway! I just thought id make you all laugh! Dont worry, Im not turning into a spath!!Love, gem.XX
Dear One-step-at-a-time–
Wow. Thank you.
“. . .all that glue that is him is acid waste and falling apart is a small price to pay for ridding yourself of the pain in your viens”
I think it is very hard to admit to myself that I was duped, foolish not to see the truth sooner, that I had a BABY with this person, slept next to him. Then I discount the things I read–that describe him perfectly–and convince myself “It can’t be!” He is NICE. And I go through all the “kindnesses” he has done for me. It is hard to admit that he “NEVER HAD ME” or never loved me, or never SAW me. How do you not feel like a complete IDIOT?
Dear Donna Andersen–
Thank you so much for the link about the addiction.
Yes, something is so screwed up in my brain as I torment myself, and keep going back for more. What the hell is wrong with me?
BTW, I have been separated physically for a year and a half. I think it’s a huge accomplishment that I got him out of the house. Changed the locks. Filed for divorce so I have legal protection against his moving in on a whim. The time away HAS helped me see him in a more real light as his security is unravelling without my presence. He is freaking out now and working hard to hook me back.
I just need to do that “one step off the road” like One-Day-at-a-time described.
P.S. I’d like to share a voice message he left last night in another post. The message seems a good reason why it would be wise for me avoid talking to him. I would be interested in others’ view of the message.
Thank you.
To continue my previous post, as I am caught in the headlights, “waiting for the car to run me over”–here is how easily I can doubt myself and feel guilt or responsibility to respond to my husband’s plea in a voice message.
He said,
“DW, I know you are having trouble with this. I’m trying to invite you because I want you in my life now. THere’s a lot of things going on. We’ve spent many years of life when many things were going on whether babies, or parents, a war, or whatever. We’re alone again and in a crisis, and there are still a lot of things going on in life. Just because 2 people are troubled or fighting or whatever, these things still go on. I’m inviting you in because it’s improtant stuff I don’t want to go through alone. If we can, that would be great. I want to be there with you. I want you to be with me, NOW. That’s what I’m kind of begging you to consider, really. Pleading with you. Be there with me. You only get this stuff once.”
I just don’t have that PUSH to get me to jump off the diving board. If he says “he can’t do this anymore” (try to work out issues), I melt in a puddle. If he wants me “to be there with him” I am distrustful and wary.
I haven’t had that clear moment like you did on phone, when you saw him for what he was. Maybe I am not trusting my instincts? Clinging to false hope? Questioning if my perception is right, despite my therapist’s repeated urging to run for my life.
His message to you is doing exactly what his intentions were when he left it. He has created doubt. Not the kind of doubt that you SHOULD be having…..Like doubting his sincerity and running for the HILLS….
But the other kind of doubt…..The questioning yourself kind of doubt….Like maybe he really does love me , blah, blah.
The WORST kind of doubt but the one he intended to create.
It is amazing but true that even though an S/P/N doesn’t feel the emotions we do they have an uncanny ability to “read us”. And they know exactly what they are doing.
It would be a very wise thing for you not to talk to him. Around here it is called N/C. (no contact) His message was
manipulating your thoughts to be about him.
Even listening to his messages or reading his emails or text is opening the door for contact (even if it is just “contact” in your head) If you really want to be able to heal from this relationship you first have to make the decision to go total N/C.
Oxy! I agree totally… the P’s can be a little anal retentive/OCD with how much of a neat freak they can be…with the dust thing… it just comes back the next day now if you can write a novel in it then we may want to write the date it is published but….no one should judge anyone else unless their own hands are clean….. also no one can rent space in my head unless I lease it to them…. you had answered my post and I just wanted to make sure I did not post the same thing again since its on my mind… I am also being stalked here I think the P and P… reading my posts but if they have nothing better to do then … I am still going to feel what I feel and write what I want… its mine…my pain, my joy, my happiness… my most of all freedom!
Dancing Warriors therapists list is great! by the way..
I agree witsend…..why should we doubt ourselves…mine would say stop making S-it up in your head….well.. I search for the truth , the pieces of the puzzle and I started putting them all together since the minute I met him almost 23 years ago… thank goodness for my elephant memory.. and the fact that I keep everything.. yes remember all the nasty things they have done to us, all the times they d&d and we run back to rescue them… who wants to be with someone that needs that much saving anyhow… I want to live and be somebody… just because they are incapable of keeping their lives together they leach onto ours… get your own dam life! We are not playing house!