There comes a time when nurture becomes nature.
This is the time when nurture and nature become inextricable, inseparable.
I suspect nobody knows precisely when this point arrives in the development of a given individual, but the immediate ramification is this: When you are involved specifically with a sociopath, or any exploitative personality, it is imperative that you stop asking how this person became who he is?
Sure, he likely endured—and was shaped by—some form of neglect or abuse growing up, and if this wasn’t obvious in the history, it was still likely there.
But here’s the point: it doesn’t matter. Not one bit.
Instead, you must relinquish your empathy, compassion and curiosity—in short, every emotion that supports your obsession to understand the genesis and evolution of your exploiter’s pathology—and confront the reality that you are dealing with (as I propose) a case of nurture becoming nature, about which there’s not a damned thing, at this point, to be done.
The damage, in other words, was baked into his character a long time ago. There is no ameliorating it now. Not all the love in the world—nothing that you have, or think you have, or thought you had to give him—will dent the petrification of his psychopathology.
His diseased personality disease is immutable, as good as etched in his DNA. Case closed.
And so what you do is this: You run for the hills, just as you’d run from a rabid dog that perhaps once was innocent and gentle. Now the dog is rabid: it no longer matters how it became rabid. And so you run, fast, and you don’t look back, because every second you allow false hope to delay you increases your risk of grievous harm.
You may have loved that dog; maybe loved it before it became rabid, or maybe it was rabid all along and you just didn’t know it. And maybe you even still love that rabid dog, or the persisting fantasy of it as unrabid.
But the dog is rabid, and a rabid dog doesn’t love you, and it was probably rabid going way back and never really loved you as you once imagined, but again”¦it makes no difference.
There are rabid animals, and there are rabid people, and neither loves you.
And so the time for analysis, of him, is up.
To be clear: I appreciate the need to make sense of trauma. But at some point, the analysis of exploiters can assume an obsessive desperation that subverts, rather than supports, the processing of trauma.
I speak here from the position of having worked with many victims of exploitive personalities who are very much like stunned deer caught, and as if suspended indefinitely, in the headlights.
One of the vital tasks is to unstun them.
And sometimes the dogged determination to “make sense” of, to “analyze” the exploitive traumatizer can be a disguised obsession with discovering something in the history (his or yours) that you insist on imagining would have made a difference”¦would have made him different?
We can search this angle interminably. And unless we call off the search, we will.
And it’s a search we’re wise to call off because it can effectively bring us to a standstill, forever.
(My use of “he” in this article was a convenience, not meant to imply that women aren’t capable of the behaviors and attitudes discussed. This article is copyrighted (c) 2009 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
To Lostingrief,
Although I rarely post anymore, I was an active reader/poster back when you and your ex split and you were in such anguish over it and were still in the “wanting and missing him so much” mode. I just wanted to give you a shout out on how well you are doing! I think you handled the situation in running into him just great. I’m gonna guess your indifferent reaction to his physical contact (I’m thinking he was probably counting on that physical touch of his alone melting your resistance to him and bringing you round to at least talking with him) was something he thought would never really happen. He was probably really surprised you blocked it–not angrily, but just matter of factly. Probably your not thawing really threw him off his game and bothered him or maybe even activated his desire to win, thus he could not just leave it alone and just had to call you….He is reacting to YOU really, not the other way around. This means YOU are in control, NOT him.
And I have to say congrats again cause I just love seeing YOU being the one in control!!! Jenn
Henry, Steve and all
no contact is where the power is
Henry I totally agree. Steve this post is powerful.
I have bad days where I indulge in the “how could he do it?” till i’m blue in the face. I have to snap my fingers and pull out of it, but nothing intrigues me more than how he walked away with so much of my energy, money, love and trust and left ME behind.
I’m still looking down the road after him thinking…he has to come back or get struck by lightening, but nothing happens
I’m beginning to get it, the power is in not responding and re investing my energy in the here and now…..but one last time with feeling HOW COULD HE DO IT?
Dear Staying sane!
Darling that is the one question we will never get a satisfactory answer to because we can’t truly KNOW how their brain works except that they are the human equvalent of a predator species. We can’t FEEL how they feel, and they can’t FEEL how WE feel. They can’t know what bonding is, they can’t know what love is, and we can’t even imagine what life would be like WITHOUT bonding and love.
How does a child born blind learn what colors look like? How does a child born deaf know what a bird song is? It is the same with them,, they are born somehow or morphed into at a very early age a creature that is missing a critical bonding element that attaches them to others in an empathetic way. They are missing something, but just like the blind child misses colors she isn’t aware of missing what she has never seen. Language can’t explain to her what she is missing even.
You are right Stayingsane, NO CONTACT is where our POWER IS, because we no longer RE-act to them, but ACT for ourselves. TOWANDA GF!!!! You deserve it!!! (((hugs))))
Stayingsane – I understand how he could do it on an intellectual level. He is a text book sociopath. I will never comprehend on a human emotional level how anyone can do it. Surely I am wrong, nobody can be that cold..Oh yes they can and will if we let them…I think if we understood them we would be like them. So sometime’s we have to accept what we dont understand as bad for us and we should walk away and not look back – it will take time – but please know you will be ok.
Well, you know I do understand that these P’s are like this….however, my adult kids that turned out to be a great deal like their fathers were NOT like this as kids. I raised them and they were all three very well behaved, sensitive, giving, loving children. They excelled at school and all loved and respected me greatly. They started changing after they became adults…and I mean out of the teen years. They were all three great teens…no problems but small minor ones. No drugs, alcohol, rebellion etc. Miy last one did not even date steady until she was 19-she spent all her time with her horses. I loved being mom…and now all three are very different people….and I don’t even really know them any more. They are selfish, hard hearted, disrespectful and worldly. I do understand we are genetics but…I do believe there is choice involved.
Dear TB,
I agree that they have CHOICES, they know right from wrong, but they choose to do what they want to do over what is right. some of this can be “trained” into people, and some people have more “genetics” to over come, but in either case, I think it is say like an alcoholic may have more trouble Choosing to not drink alcohol to excess than I would have, BUT they still have a CHOICE to not drink, knowing that they do mean things and stupid unsafe things when they drink.
EVERYONE (adult) with an intellectually functioning brain with enough smarts to tell right from wrong, who is not psychotic and seeing visions or hearing voices can make choices. Can determine their own behavior. A psychopath knows “right” from wrong, but just does NOT care. “I want what I want and I want it NOW, no one else has any rights but me.” seems to be their mind set.
I’m sorry that your kids chose those choices instead of better ones, but we are all “free agents” I think. Genetics may tend to make choises more difficult, but we all have choices even then.
ps, I do think though that you can make decisions and choices and if you go far enough down the wrong road, there is no turning back…like an alcoholic’s drinking can “fry” the brain to where they no longer are ABLE to make choices because their brain has been damaged. I wonder if the Ps do the same thing–their earlier choices influence their brain to not be able to make better ones. I wonder if we, as victims, do the same thing, get locked in to the “defeated” posture where we no longer struggle to break free.
I do know that prey animals when they are caught in the clutches of a big cat, will cease to struggle and “self pacify almost in a state of shock where they don’t apparently feel any pain or fear as they are killed.
Oxy: I would agree totally with you. Very good points and very well worded.
And especially that they can go too far. I could feel this in my x’s….they have become a slave to the very things they once manipulated at will.
hey jen:
thanks for the shout-out. i’m doing pretty well considering i gave the spath-hole 25 years of my life and love. the only truly lasting remnants is the 70 lbs i gained since this happened. ugh. but putting myself back together emotionally was priority number one. now that i’m doing pretty well there, i’m starting to tackle the physical manifestations of the damage. with that emotional connection ripped away — the ‘love’, the sex, the affection, the loneliness — food has become a very fulfilling companion. but enough is enough. i look ridiculous.
has anyone else here responded to the sudden dissolution of a relationship with food and weight gain?
anyway, i’m good. NC is good. no drama is good. money is good. truth is good. freedom is good.
but my ass has paid the price!
I think I do PARTIALLY understand how they think and why they can act like they do. You just need to remember how you thought as a child. Remember that you could drift in and out of REALITY when you were a child. Nothing was permanent, so even murder could be a solution to your problem. There were no limits because you couldn’t really conceive of consequences. Even if you think out a plan, you believe you are in control, ominpotent and with magical powers. As a child you don’t really think other people feel all the drama and emotion that YOU feel. YOU are SPECIAL. ONLY YOU have these very potent emotions therefore YOU ARE entitled to any behavior YOU find necessary.
Seriously, think back to the way you thought when you were a child. It’s how they think.