By AlohaTraveler
It took me a long time to clearly define that what the Bad Man was doing to me was… bad. Plain and simple, it was bad for me. Never mind if he was working through pain, never mind if he had suffered many losses or had an unfortunate childhood. Never mind. He’s a grown man. He was treating me in a way that I can only define as very bad for me no matter what his issues were. Really, it was unacceptable but at the time, I did not have clear boundaries as to what kind of treatment I would accept for myself before I would draw a line in the sand and say, “No more!”
There were lots of excuses he made up and to be honest, there were lots of excuses I made up to try to explain his erratic behavior and his consistent emotional battering of me. Early on, I told myself, “He lost his ministry. He lost his marriage and his five children. He lost his boat. Who am I to judge him? I don’t know what that would be like.” I thought he was a person in a lot of pain. I had a lot of pain too and so I thought that our meeting was designed by God. I am embarrassed to admit that but I really did think this was some kind of divine meeting. We were the same astrological sign (yes, another excuse!) and we had had our hearts broken and had many losses in the years leading up to our divine meeting. So, I was very gentle with him while he emotionally battered and tortured me. I tried to understand where he was coming from. I looked for the “1 percent truth” in the terrible things he was saying about me because I was so open and willing to work on myself. I accepted that maybe I didn’t really see myself as I was, and so his “coaching,” no matter how cruelly it was administered, I took in.
But this is all beside the point. I wanted to explain why I say “Bad Man.” I am not trying to be cutesy here. I started saying “The Bad Man” before I found LoveFraud. I didn’t know exactly what was wrong with him but more than that, I didn’t want to hear his name pass through my lips ever again. His name was once something that stirred me and I said it lovingly, but I didn’t want to hear it anymore. One of my friends started calling him “Captain Whack-a-doo” and “Emotional Black Hole. ” “Captain” won’t fit for most of you but feel free to use the EBH if you like. Hehe.
Bad Man sticks for me because I don’t know for sure what he is. But I do know for sure that he was so bad to me and bad for me. I like this term now because so many of us want to solve the mystery. We want to know the exact diagnosis, but why? What difference will it make? If your Bad Man was like mine, you were being abused. Who wants to be abused for any reason? Not me. I don’t know for sure if Bad Man qualifies as a sociopath but I know for sure he is pathologically disordered and that’s enough for me. I understand this fully now.
Many LoveFraud readers have struggled with this question. There are also the readers who look for loop holes. What I would encourage you all to do is ask yourself this question, “Is this man/woman good for me?” I think we know the answer to that. Over the years, I have dated men that were not a good match for me. I have dated men that were not that good to me because, well, they just weren’t that into me! (Get the book by the way, it’s a great one.)
But only the Bad Man was truly bad for my spirit and my emotional well being. Whatever his problem is, he clearly was not good for me. When I was with him, I was hurting all the time. Or I was stressing, anxious, angry, emotionally battered, sleepless, etc. I argued with him in my head all the time, because I never won any arguments in person. I was exhausted from constantly defending my choice of words, my past, my present, my future, myself. ALL THE TIME! I was just so tired. That doesn’t sound very good, does it?
If you are struggling to find the right answer, I understand how powerful that drive is but what if you let it go by simply admitting this person was not good for me.
I am pretty satisfied with my diagnosis. The Bad Man was bad for me. I am not a psychiatrist. I will never get to administer the PCL-R (though I would love to hear the results). Even if I don’t know the final answer, I do know that he was not good for me and my life is so much better having let him go and moved on. It can be such a long climb out of that emotional black hole. I learned a lot from hitting that bottom but I never want to go there again.
It’s been over three and half years since I left the Bad Man. I feel peaceful knowing that nothing like that will ever happen to me again. Now, I can spot a disaster like him from a mile away. If I see one coming, I could fight him off with my eyes closed and one hand behind my back. Better yet, I would just turn my back and let him walk on by.
Thank you besameanne,
You obviously escaped a bad one! a VERY bad one, and you can see too, that you are not alone in thinking there was something about him worth caring for. You are a caring person. So right there, THAT ALONE MAKES YOU THE “WINNER”—unless you are afraid he will turn up on your door step, (and that might be a reasonable fear) I would suggest that you cut off ALL KNOWLEDGE of his where abouts or anything about him. Go EMOTIONALLY NC now….I’m working on that with my mom, but I realized when I ran into her in a store a while back, she can STILL MAKE ME ANGRY. I am no longer AFRAID of her, but she can still piss me off! So I know I still have more work to do where she is concerned.
My road to Healing now, though, is about ME, not about THEM. I am focusing on what it was about me, what “limp” I had that made the predator pick ME. My biggest “limp” was my inability to set boundaries and the guilt I picked up if I didn’t “make everyone happy” (especially “Mommie dearest”) so I still have a LOT OF WORK to do, but in the MEANTIME, I am enjoying life and getting on with it, not wasting my emotions on anger, depression, sadness, misery and guilt.
Hang in there Anne, it is gonna get better soon! Love and Prayers Oxy
Dear OxDrover,
You are right. Unfortunately, I had to make myself HATE before I could end the love and pain. There just wasn’t any other way for me. Now I have to work through THAT but, I know that will be much easier because HATE is an UNNATURAL emotion that I am not comfortable having in my heart.
It’s sad that being a loving, generous person will provide an unending supply of takers and users. I guess it’s because the takers and users outnumber the loving and generous 100 to 1. The world would be such a wonderful place if it were the other way around! Instead of being afraid and hiding our light under a bushel – we could let it shine – and the takers and users wouldn’t have any shadows to hide in when they crawled out from under their rocks!
“That’s the way I always heard it would be…………….”
Love – Anne
DEar Anne,
Sugar, the takers and users I don’t think out number us 100 to 1, I think that we (caring and sharing people) just ATTRACT them toward us because our light does shine! The book “Women who love Psychopaths” I think proves that we (victims) are above average in caring. What WE have to do is to learn to SEE THE PATHOLOGY in the users and to ALERT OURSELVES and LISTEN TO THE VOICES THAT WARN US. The INTUITION inside of us that knows a predator is in the area.
Looking back I can see that I “downplayed” and “denied” the “voices” that warned me of ALL the predators and psychopaths. I DIDN’T WANT TO ACCEPT THE TRUTH OF MY INTUITION.
Accepting that someone you love is EVIL is painful and I didn’t want to face that pain. But they will go on causing more pain if we don’t stop and face the facts squarely and disengage from them, NO MATTER HOW PAINFUL IT IS, it is LESS PAINFUL than staying in denial.
The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off (and I might add HURT YOU AS WELL).
You are going through the normal and “natural” phases, Anne, but the painful parts are like the labor of childbirth, they seem to be FOREVER, but they aren’t, eventually they pass and you will give birth to a NEW LIFE, A NEW YOU, A BRIGHTER AND BETTER AND WISER YOU! ((((hugs)))))
Dear OxDrover –
Brighter – as in shinier or smarter? Better – as in P-free or as in even more cynical? Wiser – as in still hopeful for something even less likely to happen or as in suspicious and paranoid!!!!!!
Maybe I’m still in the pissed off stage!
Thanks! Anne
OxDrover –
I know I downplayed and denied the voices of my intuition. I completely IGNORED them. I KNEW I was making a mistake yet, I could not stop myself.
I just hope I learned my lesson. I think I have. I may be more cynical but, I’m definitely wiser! Anne
Dear Anne,
After a while on the “healing road” we come to a spot that we have to choose which road to take—one road in that fork is “it is about them” and the other is “it is about ME”—and that fork may not be there for you for a while yet, but when it comes, and it should sooner or later as you progress, the road will NO LONGER be about what asses and jerks and evil satanic creeps they are, but about US and learning to listen to our intuition, and yes….as in smarter, wiser, hopeful, and peaceful….YES, YES YES!!!!!! to all of those things.
My healing road now has taken the fork to improving me, to making me better, smarter, wiser, happier, and keeping myself P-FREE. LIVING AN ASSHOLE-FREE LIFE.
A guy who used to work for my husband called our farm the “Asshole-free zone” because I didn’t tolerate assholes here (his son was one of those that I told to get off and STAY off) and I didn’t tolerate assholes that were NOT RELATIVES of mine! LOL Now I have learned to be intolerante of ANYONE who is a horse’s butt, nasty, hateful, a liar etc. NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE. NO ONE gets a pass!
I’m not paranoid, I’m not bitter, I’m not cynical, I’m REALISTIC about the people I encounter. I look at what their MORAL COMPASS is and if it is not pointing toward an HONEST AND TRUSTWORTHY person in ALL Aspects of their lives, then I don’t need them in mine AT ALL.
Second chances? RARELY, and only then if the person shows TRUE repentence and behavior change consisitently for a LONG time.
Lots of times you only have to listen to a person talk to decide what their moral compass is pointing to. I’m not being critical of everyone’s “faults” but it is I am looking for the people in my life to have a similar moral compass to mine.
A consistent pattern of driving drunk? Why would I want you in my life? A consistent pattern of not holding a job? Not being financially responsible? Four divorces? Arrests? Not paying child support? Theft? Lying? Vulgarity and violence? WHY would I want that person as a “friend?” Or God forbit as a lover?
They are free to live their lives any way they choose, but I am FREE to not have them as an intimate friend. If that makes me “judgmental,” so be it. Jesus even advised his apostles to “ye shall know a tree (man) by its fruit” (behavior). If the fruit is rotten, then the tree is not a good one. That’s pretty good advice for anyone.
Oxy, you wrote:
A consistent pattern of driving drunk? Why would I want you in my life? A consistent pattern of not holding a job? Not being financially responsible? Four divorces? Arrests? Not paying child support? Theft? Lying? Vulgarity and violence? WHY would I want that person as a “friend?” Or God forbit as a lover?
This is perfect, perfect, perfect.
I want to print it out in big type and tack it up everwhere in my house. On telephone poles. Tape it in the window of our local post office with all the flyers for firehouse pancake breakfasts and art openings. It makes me want to become one of those street artists who stencil messages on the sidewalks.
Do you think we could do one those little circles symbols for “no more jerks”?
T shirts and jackets with the symbols too.
Kathleen Hawk: How about a bright lemon with a big NO slash through it?
Perfect, Wini. I was trying to imagine a graphic, and that’s a good one.