A syndrome called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can affect victims of sociopaths. The trauma of losing love, friends, family, possessions and of enduring psychological/physical abuse is the cause of this disorder. To fight the symptoms of PTSD, it is helpful to understand the symptoms and how they relate to loss and trauma.
As I read through the current literature on PTSD, I quickly discovered that there is a fair amount of controversy regarding this disorder. We can actually learn about the disorder by listening to the arguments. The first question on which there is much disagreement is, “What trauma is severe enough to cause PTSD?” There were several editorials by experts disparaging the fact that everything from giving birth to a healthy baby to a boss yelling at an employee is now said to cause PTSD. Most experts are in favor of reserving this diagnosis for people who have suffered truly unusual life experiences, like kidnapping, rape, war, 911, etc.
The problem is that many people do experience severe stress reactions to difficult life circumstances. It remains to be determined what we should call these reactions.
Those of us healing from our relationship with a sociopath often vacillate between accepting the trauma and minimizing it. Thus, the argument about what kinds of trauma are severe enough to cause PTSD has a direct effect on us. The argument can leave us feeling weak, like we should be able to get over this. After all it wasn’t as bad as 911, Iraq or Katrina—or was it?
The second question is “what symptoms constitute PTSD?” The following table shows the most common symptoms seen in a group of 103 British men and women diagnosed by psychiatrists with PTSD (Current Medical Research Opinion, 2003):
Symptom | Frequency (n=103) |
Insomnia | 98 (95%) |
Anxiety at reminder cues | 96 (93%) |
Intrusive thoughts, images, sounds, sensations | 94 (91%) |
Irritability | 93 (91%) |
Poor concentration | 93 (91%) |
Diminished interest in significant activities | 88 (85%) |
Recurrent dreams of trauma | 86 (83%) |
Avoidance of activities or places associated with the trauma | 85 (83%) |
Foreshortening of expectations about the future | 80 (78%) |
Detachment from others | 78 (76%) |
Avoidance of thinking or conversing about the trauma | 75 (73%) |
Poor appetite | 69 (67%) |
Hypervigilance | 55 (53%) |
Startle reactions | 46 (45%) |
Acting or feeling as if the event was recurring | 37 (31%) |
Inability to recall parts of trauma (amnesia) | 19 (18%) |
I put up this table because I thought that a number of you would also endorse these symptoms. Notice that “acting or feeling as if the event was recurring” was really not that common. But similar symptoms, like “Intrusive thoughts, images sounds and sensations,” were very common. Amnesia was also uncommon. Startle reactions were only seen in half of the subjects.
A feeling of a foreshortened future is a particularly debilitating symptom because it impairs a person’s ability to plan for the future and leads to a sense of hopelessness. I will expand on this further, but I strongly believe this feeling of a foreshortened future has to do less with our thoughts about our past, and more with our thoughts about our present.
As I look at this list of symptoms, I am struck by the fact that many, many of those writing into Lovefraud complain of these symptoms, particularly nightmares. There is something special about having had emotional involvement with an aggressor that seems to produce nightmares. Since so many have all of the most common symptoms, I think it has to be that the trauma of life with a sociopath is severe enough to cause this disorder in many people.
Here’s where defining exactly what trauma is gets sticky. Rachael Yehuda, Ph.D., said in a recent article published on MedScape, “One of the things that biology has taught us is that PTSD represents a type of a response to trauma, but not the only type of response. It is a response that seems to be about the failure to consolidate a memory in such a way as to be able to be recalled without distress.” Well, this is precisely the definition that is too broad. I personally have a lot of memories that I experience or re-experience with distress. Yet these memories are not accompanied by the list of symptoms in the table above.
For me what made the experience traumatic was the truly life course-changing nature of the trauma. The answer to the question, “Will I ever be the same?” for me defines trauma significant enough to cause PTSD. The trauma that causes this disorder redefines us in a way that is different from other emotionally significant experiences. This trauma strikes at the core of our identity.
The final controversy surrounds the treatment of PTSD. Interestingly, there is no question that medications (SSRIs, particularly Zoloft) are very helpful. The problem is though that when a person goes to a physician and receives a medication, he/she is by definition “sick.” Assumption of a “sick role” or “victim identity” is one of the many factors that slow recovery from PTSD.
Many therapists are of the belief that “debriefing” or retelling the story is necessary for recovery. One group of researchers reviewed the studies on debriefing and concluded that there is no scientific evidence that it prevents PTSD. Instead, the evidence points to post-trauma factors like social support and “additional life stress” being most important.
How can we put this all together? Considering last week’s post, those who experience trauma serious enough to have stress hormone overdose as manifested by dissociation, are likely to also develop PTSD. An examination of the symptoms of PTSD reveals that at the core of the disorder is the fact that the person really doesn’t believe in his/her heart that the trauma has ended. PTSD is about ONGOING, not past, trauma. For those of us whose lives were assaulted by a sociopath, there is ongoing stress. The stress is the social isolation, financial ruin, and threatened further losses long after the relationship has ended. Those who recover from this without PTSD work hard to put the trauma behind them in every way.
Putting the trauma behind you does not mean you can’t take medication to help with the process. It does mean facing those bills, former friends, and other personal issues you want to avoid. Remember AVOIDANCE STRENGTHENS FEAR.
Above all, stop the ongoing trauma by ending contact with the sociopath. Do not assume a sick role, instead, work to stay healthy. Fight to be the person you want to be. Don’t allow this single experience to define you. Make living for today the place you love to be. As Louise Gallagher says in her recent post, “This is, in many ways, the greatest challenge of recovery — to accept the past is simply the route I took to get to where I am today, a place I love to be. The past cannot be changed. It cannot be altered. It cannot be made ‘better.’ It can only be accepted so that it, and I, may rest in peace with what was, eager to accept what is true in my life today.”
but the narcistic sacrificial lamb never made much sacrifices, only pretend sacrifices. My aunt is like that… her sacrifice is that she had to suffer throug her brother (my dad) being born and hanging at her skirts and being a nuisance (an active younger brother); her sacrifice was that she had to share 1/3 of the inheritance to my father (after she got 2/3) and had to agree to a settlement including a ring of my grandmother which she actually never gave back (she did give other fake cheap rings THRICE she got as a gift along with some nightshirt from mailorder businesses); her sacrifice was to suffer to share attention from my grandparents with her brother and his family. That woman was envious of me even, though I was 3! Her sacrifice was to have her brother (my dad) ignore her drama-rama on his OWN wedding day. Her sacrifice was to share the attention with my mother who was the bride. Her sacrifice was that she had to see the black sheep brother (my dad) stay married without a divorce, while she was divorced (her ex was a narcissist imo too). Her sacrifice was to have to hide the death of my grandfather and put our names on the death letter invitation and make sure we knew nothing of it and have the whole community gossip about such a shocking balck sheep part of the family that they wouldn’t even show up at their father-grandfather’ funeral.
That is one old dragon I hope dies on her treasure of gold ALL ALONE for all the pain she caused my dad (and he used to blame himself, until my mom woke him up to the truth)! And it’s a good thing she altered our shared last name in spelling… so that if I ever have to apply to a school or group where she used to teach I can in my heart and in name can say that we are totally unrelated!)
For narcissists, their sacrifices is never about what they actually gave too much to someone else (because they never give ANYTHING), but not getting the 100% of everything from everyone they feel entitled to.
Thanks for your thoughts and it sure does sound like your friend was trying to keep up with you! She obviously wanted to emulate your life.
My friend was quite bright too and I always told her how smart she was. So I guess I don’t understand why she wanted to diminish what I worked hard for. She too had and I imagine still does have a verbally abusive husband.
However (and unlike your situation where you did have fun for 30 years), we had many knock down, drag out verbal fights over the years with her putting me down and crashing my boundaries. But because I’ve lived out of state for most of my life, well, I guess it was easy for me to think she didn’t know what she was talking about with respect to me and so I shrugged it off – unless of course I tried to set boundaries aka have a fight. I know she spent many years unhappy in her marriage, but our situations were so different plus honestly I don’t think she has anything to be jealous of. She’s married, I’m not. She has a child, I don’t. Our situations are so different. I do know she lost her best friend before I signed off permanently due to her mouthiness on a trip to visit her BF after her BF moved out of state. I guess if she could lose her I was no big deal. Plus, because she didn’t believe me about the stalking I guess she just thinks there is one less crazy in her life.
Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe there is or was something about my life but you sure would not have guessed it. She spent a LOT of time telling me (or trying to remind me) that I wasn’t any happier living in CA than where I do now. Boy, was she wrong. I was a LOT happier there but she would never just let me own my own reality. She just negated my reality or version of things because SHE KNEW ME BETTER THAN ME! That is complete invalidation of my feelings, my experience, everything.
Maybe she just needed someone to kick around, to feel superior to, to have one leg up on, to take out her frustrations on. Maybe I was someone she could compare herself to and say “See? I may have this abusive marriage but at least I’m married.” I honestly don’t know. When I told her we’d never be friends again I also asked her what the payoff had been for her in all the years. Her response was “I love you more than you’ll ever know.” Yeah, right. It’s all just mind boggling to me at this point. All I know is it was toxic and there must have been a payoff for her. Of course, I could ask myself the same question. I guess I valued our history and believed her when she said she cared.
As far as what others think, well, you have a wise philosophy there. They don’t really matter and I’ve never been fond of gossip anyway or being the center of attention or topic of gossip. I am hurt that my new neighbor was really previously friendly with me and now is cold as ice, but I didn’t have much invested so I guess it doesn’t matter. If I keep to myself they won’t have much fodder for gossip anyway.
You wrote “For narcissists, their sacrifices is never about what they actually gave too much to someone else (because they never give ANYTHING), but not getting the 100% of everything from everyone they feel entitled to.”
What a brilliant observation and so true. When I was with The Saint, he never gave ANYTHING. He just took and took and took. He had this mind boggling thing he used to say to me and I STILL don’t get it – “You have to give to get.” Can anyone explain this to me? All I did was give, give, and give.
He used to tell me that when I stopped asking if we could go out to dinner is when we’d go out to dinner. Meanwhile, I was cooking all these wonderful things for him on a regular basis. I don’t know why, but we were intimate only a handful of times (in the form of “consummation). I’ve read that Ns either use sex to conquer or withhold sex to punish. Well, I guess I was punished a lot. Yet he’d tell me these stories about some woman who would make him tacos and then “ask him to do that thing to her.” Like I really wanted to hear that. For some reason, no matter how many problems it caused, he would NOT stop talking about other women – the women in his past, the women in his present who wanted him. It was ridiculous. He expected me to compete for him which is just something I don’t do. Hey, if you prefer someone else over me go be with her!
I think I saw real emotion ONE time in his eyes, aside from his ever present, never-miss-a-beat smiling face telling me how great his life was going (in between the times I’d see him after a break-up). This man would look at other women in my presence, tell me about his NY Eve with someone else that was wonderful (with this sly smile on his face that just made me want to slap him!)
The ONE time I think I got to him was when he was bragging over two 30 somethings who were after him. This was to have been a night where I FINALLY got some closure. I just told him I had no respect for him, I was NOT impressed and that he was a SLUT. That is the ONE time I ever think I saw any true emotion, as in “damn, this didn’t have the intended effect and I think I’m hurt!” That still brings me satisfaction when I think of it as he knew I was seeing a college professor at the time.
Oh, I still get angry when I think about it! I do NOT do the other woman thing. It’s no wonder he made such a habit of lying. Had I known for ONE minute, had I had any PROOF of what he was up to, I would have been out the door permanently in no time. I think the most EVIL thing these jerks do is LIE! If they would just do us the courtesy of being honest with us, none of us (or most of us) would have NOTHING to do with them!
It’s human nature to copy each other, sometimes without even being aware that they are doing it. Just like people mirror each other’s body language during a conversation, they also mirror each other’s desires. Everyone does this but some people do this more than others, I think it has to do with their emotional immaturity.
So your friend and Oxy’s may not be aware of WHY they want the things you have. They only know that they want it and they feel envy.
When your friend says that she loves you more than you’ll ever know, I think that she means she admires you and wants to be like you. Maybe to her, that is love. But to me that isn’t love, it’s envy.
I prefer to stay away from people who envy me. I was unaware of it for most of my life and it didn’t work out well for me!
Oh, and I need to clarify, these women he’d refer to (taco bimbo or NY Eve “companion”) were all in his past or when we were not seeing each other. He gave me the impression he was faithful (ha! Considering our non-existent sex life, that’s not exactly the right word) or that I was the only one. Everyone else (female) in his life were just friends.
Bet he really choked on the words when he LIED to me after not seeing me for two years that his lips hadn’t touched anothers, except for relatives, etc. It just makes me sick to think of how much he lied and why I did not just listen to my instincts SANS proof.
I guess because he was of a certain age (ED age), I never pushed things. He would not go to the Dr or admit there was any ED issue and I thought it was a touchy subject. The truth, however, is most likely I was doing the cooking while he was sowing his old oats elsewhere! Grrrrr…..
And considering I had been every weight possible and NOTHING did it for him, he must have been enjoying himself elsewhere. Either that or he just truly no longer cares about sex anymore. I wish I knew the truth and I never will.
Thanks, Skylar,
If there is anything to envy about my life, it’s news to me.
This is not to say I have not been blessed in certain ways and I am grateful for that, but I certainly do not consider myself a person to be envied. BUT I am also not a person who makes a habit of envying others, so maybe I just don’t get the whole envy thing.
I appreciate your input. 🙂
Not really much I can add…
So true about being careful about who you share with. Sometimes the people I think are good friends look at me as though I have 2 heads when I tell them my story and I can see the wheels of judgement turning. We have each other. No one will judge here.
Thank you for your concern about the cutting. It’s not an habitual response and, in fact, I hadn’t done it for years. Last night I was ambushed by the feelings that lead to this behavior. Am I fine today? No, but I’m focusing on being a calmer, more in control me. The someone that I used to know.
Can you pinpoint what led to the behavior last night? If so, it might help to talk about it here.
I have my own self destructive behaviors, so I do understand. Sometimes it helps to talk about it.
I felt the same way when I realized that my spath picked me because he envied me. Then I found out that he envies everyone. Still, I wondered what exactly it was about me.
Like you I don’t feel “enviable” but I’m grateful for the little things. And you know what? I think that’s what he envied: my gratitude. It shows on our faces that we aren’t envious.
For spaths, envy is all they feel and I think they envy people who aren’t envious, most of all. I have good reason to believe this. What I noticed most about my spath and all his minions, was that they tried to seed envy at every opportunity. It is envy that consumes them and envy is what they want us to feel too.
My spath drove me into poverty over the years. As I had less and less, he began pointing out what other people had, more and more.
In fact, I’ll never forget one incident. He had made friends with yet another millionaire and his wife. The wife was a pilot and they were building a mansion on a nearby beach. Spath would come home and tell me all about it. This was during the last few years when I never heard a loving word from him. I was the dog he kicked when he got home. We barely spoke.
So he says, “X and Y have such a great relationship. They love each other so much and it shows. They live for each other. blah blah blah.”
Now it might not seem strange to hear that except for the fact that the reason WE didn’t have a loving relationship is because he didn’t want it. He made no effort, he didn’t respond to my efforts. I had given up long ago. Sex was non-existent for 15 years because I wouldn’t go along with his orgies.
A few minutes later, he says, “Do you think I’m thoughtless?” I said, “no, you’re not thoughtless.”
In fact he gives much thought to the cruel things he is going to say. So much thought, that he purposefully compared X&Y’s marriage to our non-marriage, just to seed envy in me.
So basically, I’d say that they are obsessed with envy and what they envy most is people who don’t feel envious.
Dear Kathy and Ox Drover,
I really appreciate your comments.
Thank you so much.
This girl, yes was a whore. Thats for sure.
At the time I was lonely. I needed some
human contact and she forced her way into
my life. At no stage did I invite her.
She was a sociopath plain and simple.
She “invaded” my life. No sooner had I invited
her to my house she was already discussing
re-organizing the kitchen and getting me to
agree to pay 10,000 dollars to restrip the floor
and get new cabinets. I knew what she was doing
was wrong but STUPIDLY I played the fiddle with
her because I thought maybe in future she would
be a rock in my life. I didnt even know what the term
sociopath meant at the time and I just thought that
her controlling nature was a way of her showing care
for me because I was vulnerable.
As far as impotence is concerned, it was not my physical
problems but her ATTITUDE towards me.
She even took me to a hospital and tried to get me to
sign forms in anticipation of an operation.
She had no patience. Each week she asked me about
my “progress” on impotence. Just like everyone else,
I work and I didnt have time to go to the doctors every day.
Then she got very very argumentative with me and accused
me of “lying” to her and “neglecting” her needs.
Then she threatened to see ex partners who she maintained
contact with. She told me that she loved me but would see
these guys behind my back in order to fulfil her highly driven
physical needs. I on the other hand told her that this was
morally flawed and said that she had to work on a relationship
as we did not agree to an open relationship. She then accused
me of being controlling, dominant and said that she was a free
spirit and that I should never hold her back. At this point I stood up for myself and told her that I did not agree to her seeing other guys. It all went downhill after this and every time I saw her she got more and more de-sensitized to the point where she did not hug, she refused eye contact and did not return my calls. Then she acused me of stalking her when infact all I was trying to do was save my relationship with her but because i was not giving into her promiscuos needs and was not giving “supply” to the sociopath she left me cold and threated legal action should I ever speak to her again. I really cant describe the pain i feel. Its just horrible. I feel so sorry for all you people here. I am in the same boat !!!!!