How do you know if you're being stalked? If you are, what should you do? The LadyLux website recently posted advice for women on stalking. The website interviewed four experts, including Brad Robinson, a former CIA agent who is a private investigator and a member of the Lovefraud Professional Resources Guide. Here are some of the questions they addressed: How can a woman tell if she is being stalked? Is a stalker typically someone she knows, or a stranger? What should a woman do if she suspects she has a stalker? When should she contact the authorities? For the answers, and more information, read: Stalking: Are you a victim? on …
All I want is to live my life without my ex in it
Editor's Note: This SPATH tale is an update to a story previously submitted by Lovefraud reader "Tina-Marie", 'I am getting more imprisoned daily'. My well connected, well moneyed sociopath ex-husband, who abandoned the children and me years ago, took every dime and signed custody over to me, resurfaced 18 months ago. He followed me to another state despite a cease and desist letter to not do so. He has had protective orders which he violated and got arrested for. He had two criminal charges for domestic violence with the current pending charges I just mentioned. He has sent me threatening emails and texts telling me that if I don't drop the charges, he will bring our son to court with …
Watching the Sociopath Self-Destruct
by Quinn Pierce The Perpetual Victim I don't know how he does it.  It's a skill he continues to practice and perfect, I suppose. What's astonishing is his ability to twist any situation- no matter how absurd- into something where he can paint himself as the victim. Anyone who was even remotely involved in our lives last year would know that my ex-husband reached a new level of vindictive, hurtful behavior.  He manipulated every resource he could access including doctors, courts, school systems, and child services in two states.  It was such a forceful and constant barrage of attacks that I didn't even have time to collect my thoughts before responding. And that was his goal all alo …
New Year’s Resolutions for Lovefraud readers
Here we are, at the beginning of the New Year. Let's make it a year of recovery, healing and growth! I offer the following suggestions for New Year's resolutions: I will treat myself with love and respect regardless of how I may have been treated by others. I will trust my own perception of reality. I will maintain No Contact. I will accept that what happened actually did happen and let it go. I will listen to the still, small voice that knows the truth my intuition. I will evaluate other people by their actions, not their words. I will make time for my personal healing and growth. How about you? Do you have a resolution to share? I wish all Lovefraud readers a wonderful New Year! …