Q. What experience have you had dealing with sociopaths or other disordered personalities—personally, professionally, or both?
A. I have been personally and professionally involved with sociopaths, narcissists and psychopaths. I certainly can spot them now and our society seems to abound with them.
Q. How do you go about helping clients who have tangled with a sociopath?
A. One of the most important things is to realize that psychopaths choose their victims not vice versa. It is important to maintain a consciousness of reality and not get sucked into their crazy way of thinking. Healing addictions, raising self-esteem and building resources are all important in separating from and recovering from entanglements with these distorted personalities.
Q. What, in your experience, is the biggest issue or problem that people who have been betrayed by a sociopath need to overcome?
A. Restoration of trust in self and trust in the world.
Q. What’s one tip you can suggest for helping Lovefraud readers recover from the betrayal of a sociopath?
A. Don’t overanalyze their behavior.
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Welcome Patricia – people have asked me for therapists who understand sociopaths and can provide expert testimony, so I know there is a tremendous need for your services.