In the wake of Weinergate, CNN posted an article entitled, Stop calling Huma Abedin a victim. Abedin, of course, is Anthony Weiner’s wife, who I’m sure was, at the very least, embarrassed by the scandal, and perhaps angry enough to consider divorce.
The article quotes a couple of authors telling women to choose not to be victims. Instead, women should choose to define their own happiness. Oh, there are a couple of caveats—the advice doesn’t apply to women who fear for their safety or are facing financial ruin. But there is no discussion of what to do when your relationship is so emotinally abusive that you are psychologically traumatized.
In short, this story offers advice for women coping with infidelity whose partners are not sociopaths. Which is fine—these women need advice as much as anyone. But the article also reinforces society’s “just get over it” attitude, which makes life difficult for women dealing with true exploitation.
Read Stop calling Huma Abedin a victim on
Lizzy, me and hens feels better now so we can go to sleep…we will get the next installment tomorrow or the next day. I got to get to bed, got to be in town by 9:45 tomorrow…so early to bed, early to rise.
It is really hard to say I love you to someone-especially when they don’t feel the same way.
Lizzy You get to take me with your new place etc. I will always be here for you…gnite and dont let the bed bugs bite.
Hens-thank you so much-now you gotta go make me cry-goodnight buddy!
Goodnight Oxy-hopefully some other people will be around to talk to me.
Lizzy it is harder to say ‘I love you’ to someone who lies and say’s I love you back……I admire this neighbor of yours, sound like she is trying to be a friend and that is what you need is a friend – not a lover…..
She is tough on me when I need it. She says she is kinda maternal with me. I just pray that she is the same tomorrow and she sincerely acknowledged how hard it must have been to tell her. That’s why she said she was sorry that she wan’t gay.
Hey Lizzy ~ I’m so glad that you got it out there! Your friendship may grow even more now that the “air is clear”. big ((((HUGS))) to you. I am also glad that you feel better than you thought you would about her being straight. Maybe this will help you to be a bit more focused on this great new job opportunity you are starting on soon. When is it that you will be leaving?
H2H-thanks I’m a little teary but not as bad as I thought. I am leaving on Friday and saying goodbye to her will still be very hard.
Lizzy ~Yes, I’m sure that it will be hard, but at least it’s only so long, and not really goodbye. Maybe it will be a bit easier now that the cards are on the table. It sounds as if you have a very caring friend in your neighbor. You can always keep in touch via e-mail and telephone. Heck, even Skype when you both want some face time. True friends don’t stop being friends because of distance. I think you’re going to do just fine. 🙂