According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, “anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It helps one deal with a tense situation in the office, study harder for an exam, keep focused on an important speech. In general, it helps one cope. But when anxiety becomes an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations, it has become a disabling disorder.” Put another way anxiety is supposed to help us. The parts of the brain that produce feelings of anxiety are similar to the parts of the brain that process pain, another negative emotion. Anxiety and its cousin pain help us by signaling danger and causing us to avoid. Their job is to inhibit behavior. The part of the brain that processes pain and anxiety is called the Behavioral Inhibition System or BIS.
I have observed that anxiety is the single biggest obstacle to recovery from a pathological relationship with a sociopath (psychopath). The aftermath of these relationships leaves a person with terrible anxiety, dread and when anxiety/dread is overwhelming, avoidance sets in. Avoidance coping leads people to withdraw from life and responsibilities and the result is only more anxiety. A vicious cycle sets in where anxiety leads to avoidance, avoidance behaviors get us in trouble, that trouble leads to more anxiety, that anxiety leads to even more avoidance”¦and so on.
Why is a pathological relationship different from all others? Why is the anxiety experienced afterward so profound? I think the roots of the anxiety have to do with 6 things:
1. During the relationship, mind games, undermine a person’s confidence.
2. During the relationship the victim is intentionally isolated from potential sources of support.
3. During the relationship the sociopath/psychopath does things that harm the victim’s relationships with significant people in his/her life.
4. The break-up of any relationship causes anxiety, conflict laden relationships more so.
5. In the aftermath many victims face financial problems.
6. In the aftermath many victims face legal problems.
O.K. , I admit the anxiety is caused by a total destruction of the framework of a person’s life!
I think that our psychological defenses can operate so well that many people underestimate the degree to which anxiety influences their behavior and the level of avoidance coping they engage in. The best indicator of anxiety, in my opinion is this avoidance coping.
Just what is avoidance coping? Avoidance coping means that a person denies or minimizes the seriousness of a situation. He/she uses a self—protective strategy and actively suppresses stressful thoughts. Most importantly, behaviorally speaking avoidance coping means an avoidance of tasks that might in anyway remind us of the stressor and avoidance of doing many of the tasks of life. Since avoidance coping requires so much mental energy, there is not enough left for getting work done. Instead, people tend to get satisfaction through other activities like eating or watching TV.
I got to thinking about avoidance coping this week because I tutor a 15 year old in math and he described his own behavior which is a good example of avoidance coping and its consequences. I hadn’t seen this student for about a year. I worked with him for several years and the last time I saw him he was in 8th grade and was doing very well in that he could solve simple algebra problems. Now in 9th grade, he is failing math so his mother called me. When I tested him, he had regressed. He could not do any of the tasks he could do easily only a year ago.
I asked him what happened. He said, “The things I know I do. When I don’t get something, I don’t want to do it. I get home and feel like I would rather ride my bike, so I do. Then I don’t do my homework.”
The point I want to make to you, is that I worked with him for only an hour and he got a 93 on the next test! Due to this victory, he feels a great deal less like avoiding. So I ask you, are there things you are avoiding that you could actually succeed at if you just stop avoiding? Wouldn’t an A grade at some task that you are avoiding boost your confidence and serve you better than that nagging feeling you are not doing the stuff you are supposed to do.
My student’s mother has some negative words for her son’s motivation. She says he is lazy etc. She just does not understand the degree to which anxiety is producing his dysfunctional behavior. He doesn’t outwardly appear anxious, though inwardly he is. Just that little contact with me reduced his anxiety enough to help him face that which he had been avoiding. Just like my student, even when we don’t appear anxious, our avoidance behaviors often lead to further damage to our already damaged relationships.
If you are avoiding too much, I encourage you to stop avoiding. Confront those tasks that are causing you dread, fear and anxiety. In the end you will feel a lot better. You might get an A grade if you try and not trying always leads to failure-an F. Next week more on anxiety and coping.
Hi crazee! Doing o.k. Need to post here sometimes but not comfortable because I have seen narcissistic behavior of certain posters and have been ‘outed’ because of that. You would think professionals would see it and stop it…but not here I guess.
Oh, before I get warned…let me say…Blah….Blah…Blah. If someones parents, kids, neighbors were spaths…I would think they are too.
Hun! Just go ahead and post and ignore whatever is getting under your skin! You have alot of friends here! N’s are and will always be N’s. Did you ever think that they are here for an example for us to learn from?
Yes, not crazee, you are right. I just hope that someday someone will see what I see.
Dang! I am having a difficult day. Had to get the plumbing fixed yesterday. I thought I did o.k. Have severe agoraphobia, but met the plumbers, talked to plumbers, paid the plumbers. But, aftewr they left had a full blown panic attack. What the hell is wrong with me?
Did you read the article above? I think you might be stuck in the anxiety circle I am in. READ it!! It makes sense. I get so wrapped tight in anxiety… I can’t see straight sometimes. Hang in there woman!!!
Ok peeps!! Gotta go get some rest!!
Peace and Sweet Dreams to all
Yes, yes….notcrazee. I try so hard. i can’t seem to get out of the circle.
LL – I have anxiety issues. have had for quite awhile, just didn’t really recognize it until the last year, er, since the spath.
but now i have PTSD – i think that is the spath/ toxin injury combo for me. the thing that is helping me is nuerofeedback. I have absolutely no talk therapy, although i would like it. The nuerofeedback is making a significant difference for me. (this might help you jazzy)
i was seeing a dr. i referred to as the ‘cognitive dude’ for awhile last year. pretty much wanted to punch him all the time. he was both arrogant and ignorant – he really didn’t get what shape i was in, or what i had been through. he suggested ssris, wanted to punch for that also – i am not depressed. i had told him early on, that even if i was ssris were NOT an option for me. I had tried numerous ones years ago, when i WAS depressed, and they were of little use and messed me up badly. i believe that many different chemical/bio-mechanical/ imbalances can trigger depression – and ssris never corrected my depression. going to spain and meditating, getting warm and getting laid, pulled me out of my depression.
anyhoo, i digress. i couldn’t get cognitive dude to prescribe anything for my very true anxiety. but he wanted to give me drugs i cannot take, for a medical condition i did not have. FUUUUUUUCK. i really did want to punch him. told him that, too.
when things settle down a bit, i am going to ask for a referral to the mental health clinic and get a diagnosis for this anxiety disorder, that i have been accommodating my whole life. it goes up and down, depending on what’s happening in my life. it’s been getting harder to handle – not only because there is more horribleness in my life, but because it just is. When things are okay, i can cope with it, but it has gotten harder as the years have gone on. I don’t want to live like this for the rest of my life.
so, i guess this is something i can thank the lying sack of crap evil c spath for. yah, right. snort.
While you’re snortin away over there lol! I hear ya on the antidepressant front. I think I’ve tried every single one in the past. Didn’t work for me either and I was more messed up too. There was one I tried that DID work for me for awhile, but then I got sick on it and it wound up being black labeled anyway, so back to square one. My cognitive therapist (she was good, just not for me) told me that she thought I was suffering from GAD. I went to my doc who confirmed that. Currently, I AM on anti anxiety meds which have worked well, until I parted permanent ways with exPOS.
In a trauma state ever since. Then the Chemistry thread came along, shocknawe and S1 and Star and…….everyone on the same thread and shock said something that just blew me away and it all made sense to me……….
It’s not me that’s messed up. It’s my perspective of things that’s messing me up. Wanna hear something SO weird? Since that thread and reading shocks and everyone else’s post after….not ONE anxiety attack tonight. Even had a very upsetting event just happen and stayed calm, cool and collected, just keeping my feet on the ground and doing deep breathing…..changing my thought patters from freak out mode to be JUST in the present…feeling, I mean REALLY feeling my feet on the ground, telling myself everything is okay now and that I”m SAFE from abuse or whatever is going on around me. Ironically,this also opened up my spirituality for God to come in and just give me a big ole hug. I sure wish every second could be this way. I’m going to work VERY hard to maintain this. Even if I have to stop off the FREEWAY to do this, I will do it.
You can do it too, ONe.
You can. This is a great place to be. I find that when I’m about to freak, go back in the past or let athought get a hold of me, of spathy or anything else negative or unhealthy for me, put my feet on the floor, and just let the thoughts pass, breathe but FEEL MY FEET ON THE FLOOR……..hard to explain.
What a huge revelation!!
See if it works.
dancing – i have lived in this body for a very long time (well, not in oxy years, but still…)
I may not know everything about what IS going on in it, or what will work for it, but i know a whole lot about that, and about what won’t work for it.
the docs in the practice (md and cognitive dude) seem to think i have something against meds in general. uh, no. just inappropriate meds. its funny, they have such a knee jerk reaction and are such ‘profilers’. i don’t want to take meds that make me sick, and that somehow makes me anti meds. they are so intellectually lazy. I do take some meds – a newish drug that really helps with some sinus issues i have. i take asthma meds when i need to, and a couple of other things as needed. when i have a bad migraine, i get my butt to the hospital and get loaded up on big drugs in emerg.
nope, not anti meds. just don’t throw drugs at things i can make changes in my life to deal with. your point. (and that not listening thing shows in so many ways, doesn’t it)
and hey, if they give you another scrip for anxiety meds, send them my way, i can’t get them to give ME any! snort.