Editor’s note: Last year, Lovefraud published a letter from “Natalia20” entitled “The sociopathic singer and his many women.” She was with a guy for five years, and he was cheating with multiple women the entire time. Natalia20 has written to Lovefraud again with a question about her ex's fake persona. Although it has been more than a year since my break-up with my sociopathic bf of many years, I still have more and more thoughts coming. Highly spiritual man The latest one is this: I met a highly spiritual man who would start his day by Tarot card reading, always reading self-help or spiritual books, his flat full of crystals for protection/energies, burning incense, making rituals, anal …
Why did I want to hug the sociopath, even though I know he is bad?
UPDATED FOR 2021: Lovefraud received the following email from a reader who posts as "amhealing2012." She ran across her disordered ex, and suddenly wanted to hug the sociopath. Why? Miss Donna, I spoke by email to you about 2 years ago about a guy I had been dating. You confirmed he was indeed a sociopath. I have had no contact at all for over a year and a half. Strangely he has been on my mind a lot the last few weeks, thinking I saw him and thinking about him. Today while coming out of the mall with my older daughter I heard his voice say, "I hope you found what you were looking for." I turned and there he was with that cute grin on his face. IF not for my daughter being by me …
Why did I want to hug the sociopath, even though I know he is bad?Read More
The eyes of a sociopath
UPDATED FOR 2021. Sociopaths are hiding in all segments of society. They can be male, female, all races, all religions, all ethnic groups, old, young, rich, poor, good-looking, homely. Only one aspect of their appearance may hint at their personality disorder: The eyes of a sociopath. If you've had any type of involvement with a sociopath, you may have noticed some weirdness about the person's eyes. You may see this in one or more ways, such as: Intense eye contact In my book, Red Flags of Love Fraud one of the 10 warning signs is intense eye contact. To gather information for the book, I conducted the Lovefraud Romantic Partners Survey. Of the 1,352 survey respondents, 59% of them …
Narcissists and the lack of empathy
A key trait of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is the lack of empathy. At least, that’s what most mental health professionals believe, and a lack of empathy is included in the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association). But clinical research has failed to establish that narcissists lack empathy. How can this be? Many of us have endured, first-hand, the devastating lack of empathy exhibited by narcissists, antisocials and psychopaths. Well, it turns out that there are two types of empathy, and these disordered individuals often lack one of them, but not the other. When you understand this, you’ll also understand wh …
Explaining evil – the psychopathic agenda
UPDATED FOR 2021 — Evil exists. That was the revelation posted back in 2014 by Richard Cohen, a columnist with the Washington Post. The world once again appears to be a dangerous place, so it seems appropriate to revisit this concept. The impetus for Cohen’s column was the atrocities committed by the Islamic State — the jihadists who overran Iraq, murdered anyone they didn't like, and beheaded American photojournalist James Foley. "I used to not believe in evil," Cohen wrote in his article, The Islamic State is evil returned. Now he does. Cohen compares the acts committed by the Islamic State to those of other purveyors of brutal atrocities Adolph Hitler and the Nazis. In the gener …
Hooked by a sociopath – again
UPDATED FOR 2021. Why do we escape one sociopathic partner, only to be hooked by a sociopath again? It happens. A lot. Here's an example: A reader first joined Lovefraud in 2008, as she was scrambling to get away from a man who she thought was her true love, but turned out to be a sociopath. She read Lovefraud articles and posted comments for a couple of years, and then moved on. Six years later, she sent me an email with the subject line, "I'm back." She'd become involved with another sociopath. "How could I be so stupid?" she wrote. "And this time is much much much much worse than the last." Another sociopath Why does this happen? Why do we get rid of one problem person, only …
Is this man insecure, a jerk or a sociopath?
UPDATED FOR 2021. Editor's Note: This letter to Lovefraud was submitted by the Lovefraud reader who goes by the name "Shanmoo." This article was originally published in 2014, but the message is timeless. Shanmoo wanted to know if the guy she dated is a jerk or a sociopath. Donna Andersen's comments follow the letter. I can't believe I've had to come back here after five years. I had a spath boyfriend in 2008-2009, and spent many a night on this site. However, I did move forward, and I believed I had dealt with all the issues, karma and justice happened and in fact I met a decent guy. Unfortunately we went our separate ways because of my illness, at that time. My relationship with c …
Lessons after the sociopath: Real love is easy
UPDATED FOR 2021: On this Valentines Day, if you've been previously devastated by a sociopath, you may wonder if you can ever love again. The answer is yes. And here's a bit of wisdom that will help you decide if a new romantic partner is authentic and true: Real love is easy. I am living proof. In February 2000, I was divorced from James Montgomery, who took a quarter of a million dollars from me, cheated throughout our brief two-and-a-half-year relationship, had a child with another woman while married to me, and then married that woman 10 days after I left him, committing bigamy. I was crushed. After I left Montgomery, I had one nice relationship with a man, although it didn't turn …
Don Charles Andrew Tyler Grey Fletcher AKA Andrew Funches AKA Ty Fortner now scams women internationally
Here's more proof that sociopaths never stop scamming. Back in June 2012, Lovefraud published a story about Andrew Funches, AKA Ty Fortner, scamming more than 10 women. Now, eight years later, we learn that he has a new name — Don Charles Andrew Tyler Grey Fletcher — but the same game. Except, where he once operated mostly in Chicago, he's now looking for targets in London and Barcelona! Yes, he legally changed his name to Don Charles Andrew Tyler Grey Fletcher. Having so many names is convenient, because he mixes and matches them, depending on the current scam. For example, in addition to scamming women, he was operating a bartending/catering business and proceeded to scam couples who …
Joe Biden corruption allegations – what the media and big tech won’t tell you
All of us who have tangled with sociopaths have experienced stonewalling. We ask a question. We demand to know what is going on. The sociopath refuses to answer, changes the subject and accuses us of being unfair, paranoid and mentally unbalanced. Today we are witnessing a massive stonewalling campaign by big media and big tech in regards to the Joe Biden corruption allegations. Media and big tech are trying to prevent you from making an informed decision. This is truly frightening. I am a journalist. I graduated from one of the premiere journalism schools in the United States, the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. I won the Gannet Foundation Award. …
Joe Biden corruption allegations – what the media and big tech won’t tell youRead More