A reader posted the following comment on Lovefraud's Facebook page: "This website helps me too, but now, as I venture into the world of dating again, I find that my past is terrible hindrance. So difficult. Any advice gratefully received. Just want to be happy." Many times I've been asked, "After what your con artist ex-husband did to you, can you ever trust again?" Yes I can. I do. I am remarried, and I am happier now than I've ever been, in fact, I'm much happier than I ever was before the sociopath. So how do you climb out of the abyss of profound betrayal? How do you recover? How do you move forward, to the point where you can actually love again? Here are some lessons I've l …
Ohio man charged with killing his ex-girlfriend and crashing his car with her body in the trunk
Editor's note: The victim of this horrific crime was the cousin of Lovefraud contributor Dr. Amber Ault. In her cousin's memory, Dr. Ault hopes to help others by offering her book, "The Five Step Exit," for free. Linnea Satterfield, 56, of Elyria, Ohio, was reported missing by her sister on July 17, 2017. She had recently left the home that she shared with her boyfriend, Roy E. Owens Jr., 56. Neighbors and family members say Linnea was trying to escape an abusive relationship. Two days later, Owens was arrested in Darke County, Ohio. He'd been driving in a ditch by the side of the road, wearing only his underwear and socks, and crashed into a pole. In the trunk of his car, police found L …
What you need to know to get a restraining order against a sociopath
[youtube_sc url="https://youtu.be/FKa_uSBKa-g" title="Lawyer%20Megan%20Lyons%20explains%20why%20it%27s%20hard%20to%20get%20a%20restraining%20order%20against%20a%20sociopath"] Lovefraud Continuing Education webinar Obtaining Injunctions Against a Sociopath Presented by Megan Lyons, Esq. Tuesday, Aug. 1, 8-9 p.m. ET • $25 More info Sometimes sociopaths will not leave you alone. The involvement is over and you want to move on, but the sociopath is stalking you. Or, you can't totally escape the person — perhaps you have children together — and the sociopath uses every communication and exchange as an opportunity to harass you. An injunction or restraining order can help, but because socio …
What you need to know to get a restraining order against a sociopathRead More
What sociopaths want from sex
Many, many people who were romantically involved with sociopaths have told me that the sex was amazing. Earth-moving. The best they ever had. At least, that's how it was in the beginning, while the sociopath was still reeling them in. The targets thought this amazing sex was proof of the real connection between themselves and the sociopath, proof that the two of them were wildly, deeply in love. The truth is that sociopaths are incapable of love. Oh, they're capable of feeling attraction. And they're capable of proclaiming love, very convincingly (especially when they're looking for sex). But they are not capable of genuine concern for another person's welfare, which is a key component …
One trait or behavior does not make a sociopath – look for a pattern of traits and behaviors
I once heard from a man, whom we'll call "Jeff," who wanted to know if the woman he was involved with, "Amanda," was a sociopath. It started as a friendly involvement, with Jeff trying to help Amanda out. Amanda, who was from a foreign country, called Jeff her "best friend." Jeff eventually started to have feelings for her. But then came a series of unsettling experiences: Amanda made pornographic videos, which were posted on the Internet. Amanda worked as an escort. Jeff offered to pay her rent, so she wouldn't have to be an escort, and Amanda agreed—and continued being an escort anyway. Then Jeff asked Amanda to sign a contract promising that she wouldn't be an escort. She si …
Pawns: How psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists view their kids
Psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists are incapable of love — even for their own children. According to Business Insider, Perpetua Neo, a psychologist who specializes in these personality disorders, says: "Narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths do not have a sense of empathy. They do not and will not develop a sense of empathy, so they can never really love anyone." Neo says that some of her clients were told by their disordered parents that, "The only reason I had you was so you could take care of me for the rest of your life." Why psychopaths cannot love their own children, according to a psychologist, on BusinessInsider.com. Link supplied by a Lovefraud reader. …
Pawns: How psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists view their kidsRead More
How to get a restraining order against a sociopath
New Lovefraud Continuing Education Webinar! Obtaining Injunctions Against a Sociopath Presented by Megan M. Lyons, Esq. Tuesday, Aug. 1 • 8 - 9 pm ET • $25 The sociopath won't leave you alone. He or she is harassing you, stalking you, perhaps threatening you. You want a court order to make the abuse stop. How do you get it? But even more importantly, should you get it? These are the issues that attorney Megan M. Lyons will address in her new Lovefraud CE webinar, Obtaining Injunctions Against a Sociopath. If you're thinking about pursuing a restraining order, you need this information. About the presenter Megan M. Lyons, Esq., is an attorney based in Florida, with offices in Orlando and …
A New York model’s marriage to a sociopath
Three weeks after her baby was born, Jen Waite, a model and actress in New York City, discovered that her husband was having an affair. In fact, while she was in labor, he kept disappearing to call his girlfriend. Jen has just come out with a book called, A Beautiful, Terrible Thing, in which she tells her story. In an interview with the New York Post, she calls her husband a sociopath. Based on the article, it sounds like she's right. My husband's secret double life, on NYPost.com. Jen Waite, 32, a model and …
10 reasons why the fireworks of a romance with a sociopath are duds
In honor of July 4th, let’s talk about fireworks — the really dangerous kind. These are the fireworks that you feel exploding all around you early in your relationship with someone who later turns out to be a sociopath. Here’s what you see and experience, and what it really going on. 1. You see: Nonstop texts, emails and social media postings Reality: You’re not the only one receiving them. The Internet and social media make it easy for sociopaths to work multiple targets at once, and they do. 2. You experience: Conversations that last for hours Reality: The sociopath is pumping you for information, which he/she will later use to manipulate you. 3. You experience: Nonstop dates, get-t …
10 reasons why the fireworks of a romance with a sociopath are dudsRead More
Sociopaths and double lives
A reporter inquired about people who live double lives. Why do they do it? Can they maintain double lives for a long time? What are the dangers? Like most of us at Lovefraud, I have some experience with this. My ex-husband, James Montgomery, cheated with at least six different women during our 2.5-year marriage. He had a child with one of the women. Ten days after I left him, he married the mother of the child, which was the second time he committed bigamy. And of course, he took a quarter-million dollars from me—spending much of the money entertaining these other women. Not everyone who lives a double life is a sociopath. Some people, like spies and undercover cops, are doing their j …