Editor's note: This Spath Tale was submitted by the Lovefraud reader who goes by the name Devin. I believe my soon to be ex is a sociopath. I am wife number four, and still the problem is me. I have learned so much about narcissists since the big discard at a Chik-Fil-A almost two years ago.Yeah, I was THAT important. Told I would be divorced while whoever he was with was hiding in the bathroom. So glad I don't live like that anymore! I am going to speak about Christian sociopaths. He was a bible theology major and an ordained minister that I met at church. How could I lose? I thought I hit the jackpot. He was kind, attentive, loving. etc. Thought he loved the Lord. When we started dating, …
Why I Wrote “God Has Failed Me”
By K.M. Lessing I see many books and horror stories written by women who were the victims of psychopaths. They go on and on detailing all the pain and suffering they endured. And they leave out one vital detail: his name. So he goes on to the next victim and the next and the next. I ask you: why must we be so careful to protect men who are predators? Why must we take every precaution to make sure these dangerous men stay safe—safe to con the next woman, safe to destroy the next mind, safe to play his sadistic games”¦until the end of his life? When I wrote my books, I decided NO WAY. I decided I would not protect the man who destroyed me emotionally. So I published his REAL name and REAL pict …
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: He was not like a human being
Editor's Note: This letter to lovefraud was submitted by a woman who was born in Germany of Turkish heritage, who now lives in London, England. We'll call her "Ozgur Ruh." She calls her ex-husband "Evil". I met my ex -- "Evil" -- on the internet back in 2012. He was a captain and was working in Liverpool, UK. My first thoughts was this guy can be only a friend I was not attracted to him at all. Then he started to call me very often and things just took off. I am 42 now, had one failed marriage when I was very young. I was not looking for love, I was only talking to guys. Big mistake. Anyway he proposed on 1st of April -- what a joke! I thought I was falling in love. He lived in Turkey an …
The sociopath has changed me and I will never be the same: Part 3 of 3
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader in Belgium, whom we'll call "Enora." Read Part 1 and Part 2. One day he told me that I was crazy and that I had to see a psychiatrist. So I went. When I told him what my life was like and what had been happening the man said: “You don't have to be a psychiatrist to see what is happening. You have to leave this man. People in concentration camps were depressed. You are living in a concentration camp. If you don't leave him, you will become chronically depressed and then what will happen to your children?” At that time I started to think about leaving. Before, I didn't want my children to come from a broken home. Now I rea …
The sociopath has changed me and I will never be the same: Part 3 of 3Read More
The sociopath has changed me and I will never be the same: Part 2 of 3
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader in Belgium, whom we'll call "Enora." Read Part 1. Starting the business was very expensive. We went to the bank for a loan, but he wasn't able to get one, as he was blacklisted by every bank in the country. I had to cosign a loan so that he was able to pay for his debts to the bank. Now that problem was dealt with, we were able to start a business being equal shareholders and equally responsible for everything. I told him that this was something that we would work for until our retirement and that in a year, he couldn't change his mind or be fed up with it. He agreed, but he kept expressing his doubts about me. He felt that …
The sociopath has changed me and I will never be the same: Part 2 of 3Read More
The sociopath has changed me and I will never be the same: Part 1 of 3
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader in Belgium, whom we'll call "Enora." I had always considered myself to be an intelligent and confident woman. I had the college degrees and the high profile job to prove that. I was making very good money and people looked up to me. I was working in Brussels, at the top of the Belgian political establishment and in my hometown, I was elected as the president of the social welfare department, which was the second most important job in the city, next to the mayor. I had been single for a year, after leaving a bad relationship with an alcoholic. Working was my way of trying to forget my loneliness and the fact that, at age 31, …
The sociopath has changed me and I will never be the same: Part 1 of 3Read More
Poem artfully describes sociopathic manipulation
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following poem from a reader whom we'll call "Chandra." She says, "My poem is an expression of how it feels to discover all the lies, remembering the well-applied pressure, and sometimes the fear of of living with a sociopath." Origami They start with the basic material. Find the right size and shape. With the right texture and resistance. Then, the adjustments start. The first folds, as important as any others to follow, carefully considered and made. A few more folds. Both large and small, then turn it around. Pressing those folds in firmly, so they take. Adjustments made, worked into the piece, rather than wrong folds taken back. Turn it around. Fold …
The Opposite of the Sociopath is the Libertarian
By John Hunt, MD All who read Lovefraud.com know that sociopaths lie, cheat and steal, manipulate, control, defraud. Sociopaths seek out positions of power over others. The low functioning sociopath does this on a small scale—just ruining the life of an unsuspecting spouse, perhaps. The high functioning sociopath does this on a much grander scale, perhaps through the political system—ruining a country. Sociopaths seek power. What better way to accomplish this than through politics? Think how much politicians have to lie to get elected. It is hard for a good person to get elected, in part because they don't lie well. Sociopaths lie with practiced ease and no guilt. They concentrate themselves …
The Universe Wants You To Be With Your Psychopath – Is It True?
[youtube_sc url="https://youtu.be/4w42k3cg1W8" title="9%20Toxic%20Soulmate%20signs"] Editor's note: The following article refers to spiritual concepts. Please read Lovefraud's statement on Spiritual Recovery. By Jade Joddle For those of us who are spiritually awakening or who have a well-developed third eye chakra, the experience of falling in love is a catalyst for peak spiritual experiences. This means that when falling in love, incredible, magical experiences may occur between oneself and one's lover. Since such experiences are so out of this world, a person experiencing the strange phenomena may then search for meaning in them and conclude that the universe has united them with their …
The Universe Wants You To Be With Your Psychopath – Is It True?Read More
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: He wanted to drive her car, but didn’t want their child
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader who posts as "ifiwereabird29." I met him in 2009 at my job. He asked me for my number and his wit and funny personality won me over. The first night we talked, we talked for 6 hours straight. I was completely mesmerized. At the end of conversing, he stated, “You and I will be dealing with each other for a long time.” I was elated. I had graduated from college two years prior and I was certainly ready for love. I wasn't the girl who guys often pursued so when he pursued me, I was wide open! I had many red flags but chose to ignore them out of pure desperation. I will admit that I was too ready to jump into a relationship. The …
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: He wanted to drive her car, but didn’t want their childRead More