Victims have a certain way of walking, and psychopaths can spot it. That’s the conclusion two bloggers for Psychology Today reached, based on a scientific study released last year.
The study, Psychopathic traits and perceptions of victim vulnerability, was authored by Sarah Wheeler, Angela Book and Kimberly Costello of Brock University. The abstract states:
The purpose of this study was to determine whether individuals scoring higher on psychopathic traits would be better able to judge vulnerability to victimization after viewing short clips of targets walking. Participants provided a vulnerability estimate for each target and completed the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale: Version III (SRP-III). Higher SRP-III scores were associated with greater accuracy in assessing targets’ vulnerability to victimization.
Psychology Today blogger Marisa Mauro, Psy.D., explained the study further. A group of male university students were asked to watch video clips of 12 people walking. The videos were shot from behind, and the students were asked to rate the ease at which each could be mugged. Several of the individuals had, in fact, been victimized. The students who scored high in psychopathic traits were better at picking out the people who had already been mugged.
Mauro works as a prison psychologist. Based on her experience and this study, she wrote:
Certain personal characteristics are associated with tendency to be on the receiving end of bullying such as harassment and manipulation. I have found that the demonstration of confidence through body language, speech and affective expression, for example, provides some protection.
Another Psychology Today blogger, Jeff Wise, also commented on the study and what it says about victims. Wise wrote that he recently came across a guy who seemed to have the traits of a psychopath. The man was charming, good-looking, athletic, financially successful—and he left a trail of destruction in his wake. His victims sounded like wallflowers. Wise wrote:
The women who wound up on the receiving end of his attentions were individuals who, in their own description, were not very worldly, experienced, or outgoing. They were psychologically vulnerable and hence ill-equipped to either resist this fellow’s predations or to deal with them emotionally after they had occurred.
Wise concluded that, “people who are on the receiving end of crime often do mark themselves out, if only subliminally.” Mauro suggested that people can decrease perceived vulnerability by projecting dominance—more eye contact, less movement of the hands and feet.
If only it were that easy.
Traits of targeted women
The research both bloggers quoted described a particular situation—people walking down the street, and how vulnerable they might be to being mugged. It should not be generalized to describe all victims of psychopaths. After all, how many of us were involved with muggers?
Consider the research by Dr. Liane Leedom on women who were targeted by psychopaths. She found that they have three traits in common:
- Extraverts. The women are outgoing, competitive, strong-willed and liked excitement. Sometimes they are free-spirited.
- Cooperative. They are high in empathy, tolerance and compassion. They value getting along with others, and are willing to compromise their own interests for the larger picture.
- Invested in relationships. They like being around people. They are sentimental and focus on special moments.
Dr. Leedom’s research relates to women. But I’ve heard from many Lovefraud readers, both men and women, who were successful, take-charge individuals—until they met the psychopath.
Personally, I don’t think anyone who watched me walk down the street would tag me as timid or vulnerable. I’m an athlete, and my stride is confident. But I was victimized by a psychopath, who took $227,000 from me, and cheated on me incessantly. And the guy started setting his hooks via e-mail, before he ever saw me walk.
Maybe projecting dominance would work to avoid muggers. But it’s not going to stop victimization by a card-carrying psychopath intent on finding a resourceful new supply.
No, right IN the eyes, god darnit!!
AWWW What a shame!!
Didnt mean to do that! {fingers crossed here!!}
Love and good luck!!
Mama gemXX
I am laughing at the posts! Ox Drover you so funny! Yes, ready, aim, fire! You simmer water for heat and humidity? I had to do that too when I first moved out here. The mobile home on my property was broken (they lied to me about the condition in Condition Report) The furnace didn’t work, nothing worked, rotted floors, broken well, broken water pipes etc. I paid a guy to get the well fixed, and then I paid a guy to get the stove working, he got the furnace working but it quit after a while. I compromised by simmering water on stove for heat. I heated the bath water on stove. Trick is to put cold water in tub, then add hot. My little boy got a warm bubble bath every night even through we had no running water. My son is no longer little.
Look at what I accomplished fearlessly! I didn’t know Jim at the time. I never would have made it if I knew Jim cause he would have put everything on HOLD.
Aussie Girl, it would be a great idea to put together our funny stories (from everyone here) put it in a book and split the proceeds.
One-step thank you for your kind words. I do get too angry cause I shouldn’t be in the funk. I was leaving him alone. He had to start up something I couldn’t ignore, and now here I am cleaning this up….
Dear Jeannie,
Glad I made you smile! My gallows humor is all that got me through sometimes.
I have a working furnace, but in the winter time the HUMIDITY is so low that it makes it hard for me to breathe, so I simmer water on the stove in a big pot and it makes the air more humid and it FEELS warmer with the humidity higher, as well as the higher humidity keeps my sinuses from being too dry. I actually boil off about 10-15 gallons of water a day into the air if the humidity is very low outside.
I’ve learned ALL the tricks to staying warm and comfortable in the winter time and cool in the summer time…keeps the utility bills lower but makes the comfort more too. I have also lived in a crumby place where the wind blew through the cracks after my divorce when I had a kid on each hip…but I survived the divorce from hell then and I made it and it amazes me just what we CAN survive! I am very impressed at the quality of strength that is expressed here by the women and men of LoveFraud.
We’re like the old Timex watch commercial, we “take a licking and just keep on ticking!” You are going to do fine Jeannie! I know you will! (((hugs)))
Hi Ox Drover,
I find lots of humidity is good for heat too. It screws with my breathing though.
I have my electric dryer set up to vent into the house. This heats and adds moisture to air. I keep a pot of water on wood stove. It simmers. I tried cooking on woodstove but, guess I’m not a skilled pioneer cause the stove doesn’t cook even. The soup didn’t get done.
My car died today. I can’t make it to court tomorrow. I will call the court and ask for a telephone conference.
I tried to start the car today. It was sluggish. It turned over and quit. I tried to start it again. This time it made a type of flapping sound. You know the sound of putting a metal washer in a rubber band and twisting the washer round and round, so when you let go the washer spins and makes that fast flapping sound?
I did the routine of making the car noises over the phone to my mechanic cause I needed an idea of the price. It is So embarrassing making those car noises.
It is going to be expensive between the tow and the repairs. I am actually relieved that I have an excuse to get out of court!
It has been such a load on my sholders. How bullied have I been that I would rather pay for tow and car repairs than face him in court!
Now my washer is not working! The cold cycle quit. The hot water cycle stalls in spots. OMG maybe I should calm down with a long drink of hemlock.
Car trouble is NOT an excuse for missing court…..I highly suggest, you figure out a way…..hitchhike, bike, bus, Taxi, walk, call a friend…….. WHATEVER.
The court will NOT accomodate your needs, given car troubles.
If you don’t show……he will present his case and you will not be heard from…..NOT GOOD! An extended order most likely will be granted based on his heightened lies.
Then your order WILL be dismissed……..
I got a telephone hearing, arranged by a DV womens center and my Dr, ONLY because I had just been released from hospital with surgery and cancer diagnosis……and my DR said…..NO WAY…..I was so drugged up, I barely remember speaking to the judge on the phone……and I didn’t realize what she had said was ‘on the record’ until months later. I wasn’t physically able to get to court and sustain a hearing.
Even the DV advocate came to my house and filled out the docs while I was in bed recovering.
Courts don’t work this way…….we all have troubles, but remember….YOUR the one claiming fear….and needing protection…..YOUR the one needing to defend these false accusations against you from his application for TPO…..
Don’t chicken out…….FACE THE FUCKER…..and find your ADAMANT!!!!!! (And get your butt to court come hell or high water!)
And even more reason to go……have you been having recent car troubles……is this a bit fishy??????? (Cameras needed). I might consider putting this ‘claim’ in my order request too! He’s messing with my car your honor.
And he ain’t counting on you being there……..he knows your limits…..change your limits and show him your serious…….this is required…….to stop the abuse… matter what he may do to you….you will ALWAYS FOLLOW THROUGH and he can’t stop you from going to court!!!!
Can you say…..sugar in gastank?
And call AAA and get a membership….it’ll be cheaper than a tow and you get 3 tows a year… sounds like your gonna need them!
ouu, it would be good to be able to prove that:
‘Can you say”..sugar in gastank?’
Check the ‘lip’ of your gas tank hole thingy……(female mechanic talk).
And google symptoms of sugar in gastank…..bleach…..SABOTAGE!
I’d use it regardless……in court…..just the cooincidence….hmmmmmmm.?????? fishy!
But then again, maybe Jeannies car hasn’t been running good for years…..and i’m realying on my ‘I KNOW” spath bucket again……
jeannie sweetie, not jazzy.
made the same mistake today with a potential sponsor. sigh. i know she was way impressed.