[youtube_sc url="https://youtu.be/u9bL2fgvmnA"] Let me ask you a simple question, how are you feeling today? Let me guess your simple answer... it’s probably a four-letter F word. Think about that answer again, FINE! We all say it, we have all memorised it really well, but is it really that simple? Are you really as honest with yourself as I have been with myself giving that answer no matter who asks the question? Besides, do I really have that genuine desire to know how you are feeling right now, honestly? Sometimes we have no choice but to stick to routines, norms and standards only because they seem to be acceptable more than anything. Try expressing your true feelings of hurt, a …
Self-Love and Healing Journey Day 3: THINK
[youtube_sc url="https://youtu.be/VmJKeLbiTcw"] Do you think doctors should be allowed to tell patients “I’m afraid you have a terminal illness”? Why can’t they just be honest and tell them “I am afraid my ability to treat your illness has terminated”? Well then what happens if there is an illness that neither the doctors nor the patients are aware of, a potentially terminal illness that only affects victims of psychopathic abuse? Let’s just call them brain worms that nobody understands yet, brain parasites that are the residues of those relationships. You wonder how to treat them? Well, my research led me to believe that there is no definition or no cure for such a parasitic illness. Y …
Self-Love and Healing Journey Day 2: BREAGRIEVE
[youtube_sc url="https://youtu.be/FKxQESWP3vQ"] Marley and I made a delicious breakfast this morning and enjoyed it on our sunny balcony. We then had the arduous task of digesting the food. We sat there for hours directing all our energy and efforts to help that food pass through our system, we tried hard mixing it with digestive juices, causing large molecules of food to break down into smaller ones to help it nourish our body. Is this actually what we do in reality? Well, our body happens to be such an intelligent system, we are fortunate to have many of these processes taken care of for us. There are billions of autonomous functions governing our body and breathing happens to be one …
Why Don’t More People Know About Sociopaths?
Every week, a chapter of my book,"Husband, Liar, Sociopath: How He Lied, Why I Fell For It & The Painful Lessons Learned" (available via Amazon.com, just click on the title or book cover) will be published here on Lovefraud. To read prior chapters, use the links at the bottom of the post. I’ve also just released a new ebook titled Narcissists, SOCIOPATHS & Wolves: Lessons From Little Red Riding Hood. (Just click here to find it on Amazon.com Narcissists SOCIOPATHS & Wolves.) Chapter 58: Final Thoughts Some women write to and fall in love with incarcerated serial killers, but most of us would never knowingly marry a sociopath. However, many wonderful, caring, intelli …
Self-Love and Healing Journey Day 1: AWAKENING
[youtube_sc url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0KkCDqmUf8" title="Self-Love%20and%20Healing%20Journey%20Day%201%20-%20Awakening"] Have you ever tried changing the weather? It’s a sunny morning here in California, but no matter how much I wish it could snow on this beautiful January day, there is probably no chance it will ever happen. Regardless, I am dreaming about it, praying for it, creating a plan, working hard, staying awake at night and wishing for that change. Finally, I cry out for help, asking people around me, reading books and magazines, wishing so hard for it to snow! Please, I want to see those snowflakes beautifully dancing and diving past my window. This is January, it’s …
Introducing a FREE 30-day mind/body recovery program, created by a Lovefraud reader
[youtube_sc url="https://youtu.be/6nSk1uPm1X0"] Roxana D recently escaped a traumatic situation — one that many, many Lovefraud readers can identify with. While in the midst of it, she experienced worrisome physical symptoms — blackouts, heart palpitations, panic attacks. To get through her troublesome journey, she is using calming mind/body techniques and exercises. Roxana now wants to share her healing journey with Lovefraud readers. Roxana is creating a 30-day Self-Love and Healing Video Series. When I saw her videos, I thought that they would be truly helpful for many Lovefraud readers. Roxana uses simple yoga and meditation techniques and movements that anyone can do — altho …
Introducing a FREE 30-day mind/body recovery program, created by a Lovefraud readerRead More
12 years later, Phil Haberman still pretends to be military
Sociopaths just don't quit. Back in 2006, Lovefraud profiled Phil Haberman, who claimed to be special forces (a lie), claimed to have suffered war injuries in Iraq (a lie), and convinced the military to pay him money he didn't deserve (the truth). Over the years, Lovefraud has periodically heard from people who had tangled with Haberman. He frequently created fundraising campaigns for sick or injured dogs that were nothing but scams. Well, Haberman was still at it during Hurricane Harvey, which struck Texas in September. He showed up as a volunteer rescuer, convinced authorities — at least temporarily — that he was military. He took charge of a dozen volunteers, shut down a highway, lau …
12 years later, Phil Haberman still pretends to be militaryRead More
If you must fight a sociopath, you cannot be nice
Sociopaths do not believe that the rules apply to them. They do not fight fair. Therefore, if you choose to fight a sociopath, or if you have no choice but to fight a sociopath, your own fighting style will need to become aggressive as well. If you're a nice person, if you typically want to do what's fair for everyone involved — well, that doesn't work with a sociopath. A sociopath's objective is not to be fair. It's to win, and possibly annihilate you in the process. To survive the battle, you'll need to act in a way that is probably contrary to your nature. It will be uncomfortable, but necessary. First decision — do you fight? Here's the first and most important decision: Do …
When your daughter is in a relationship with a psychopath
Editor's note: The following was posted in the Lovefraud Forum by the reader "freedomformydaughter." This article is so poignant and insightful I wanted everyone to see it. when your daughter is in a relationship with a psychopath* you cannot speak sense to her if you try she will walk out so you go years without being able to talk deeply to her when your daughter is in a relationship with a psychopath she will drop her family values, her morals, her modesty, her purity she will find her value in her use to him as a sexual object she will forget that she is beautiful inside she will forget that she has qualities that make her rare and unique she will forget that she has strengths …
When your daughter is in a relationship with a psychopathRead More
With a sociopath, the only way to “win” is not to play
Every week, a chapter of my book,"Husband, Liar, Sociopath: How He Lied, Why I Fell For It & The Painful Lessons Learned" (available via Amazon.com, just click on the title or book cover) will be published here on Lovefraud. To read prior chapters, use the links at the bottom of the post. I’ve also just released a new ebook titled Narcissists, SOCIOPATHS & Wolves: Lessons From Little Red Riding Hood. (Just click here to find it on Amazon.com Narcissists SOCIOPATHS & Wolves.) Chapter 57B: No Fairy Tale Ending--Yet It has been over two years since I finished the first draft of this memoir. Symptoms of post-traumatic stress—intrusive thoughts and memories, sleeplessness, …
With a sociopath, the only way to “win” is not to playRead More