It’s amazing how people can have differing opinions of the same book. Last May, the Lovefraud Reader Ox Drover wrote a review of The Gaslight Effect, by Dr. Robin Stern. I am always on the lookout for books that will help readers understand, and recover from, a traumatic entanglement with a sociopath. Because Oxy was so complimentary about The Gaslight Effect, I was anxious to read it, and possibly recommend it to others.
Well, I read the book, but I’m not sure I can recommend it.
Oxy did point out that Dr. Stern never mentions the word, “sociopath,” referring to the perpetrator as the “gaslighter,” and the victim as the “gaslightee.” Although Oxy was willing to look past this omission, I’m not.
First of all, let’s define “gaslighting.” According to Wikipedia:
Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in which false information is presented to the victim with the intent of making them doubt their own memory and perception. It may simply be the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, or it could be the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.
Gaslighting is nasty behavior. The problem I have with this book is that Dr. Stern never, ever mentions, not once, that a person who is gaslighting someone else may be malicious, controlling, and intent on destroying the soul of the victim. She does not mention that the gaslighter may be mentally and emotionally abusing someone else, simply for his or her amusement. She does not say that the gaslighter may be evil.
Here’s how Dr. Stern defines the gaslighting relationship:
The Gaslight Effect results from a relationship between two people: a gaslighter, who needs to be right in order to preserve his own sense of self and his sense of having power in the world; and a gaslightee, who allows the gaslighter to define her sense of reality because she idealizes him and seeks his approval.
This definition makes it seem like the two parties—gaslighter and gaslightee—are equally responsible for the dynamics. I don’t think that’s true. Then, a few pages later, Dr. Stern writes:
Of course, neither of you may be aware of what’s really happening. The gaslighter may genuinely believe every word he tells you or sincerely feel that he’s only saving you from yourself. Remember: He’s being driven by his own needs. Your gaslighter might seem like a strong, powerful man, or he may appear to be an insecure, tantrum-throwing little boy; either way, he feels weak and powerless. To feel powerful and safe, he has to prove that he is right, and he has to get you to agree with him.
Excuse me while I barf. Sociopaths who engage in gaslighting do not feel weak and powerless. They are motivated by dominance and feel totally entitled to do what they want and take what they want, even if it is someone else’s sanity.
Three types of gaslighters
Next, Dr. Stern describes three types of gaslighters—the Glamour Gaslighter, the Good-Guy Gaslighter, and the Intimidator. She spends the most time describing the Glamour Gaslighter:
He lets you know you’re the most wonderful woman in the world, the only one who’s ever understood him, the fairy-tale princess who has magically transformed his life. He’ll transform your life, too, he implies or even promises, he’ll shower you with affection, take you to wonderful places, sweep you off your feet with gifts or intimate confessions or sexual attention of a kind you’ve never known before.
This is a perfect description of a sociopath in full seduction mode. But Dr. Stern doesn’t seem to get it. Instead, she explains that this man is in love with the idea of a relationship. He likes to be a leading man, and is looking for a leading lady to fill her part.
Dr. Stern describes the Good-Guy Gaslighter as someone who needs to appear reasonable and good, but is deeply committed to getting his own way. She spends the least amount of time describing the Intimidator, perhaps because the problems are so obvious—put-downs, yelling, bullying, guilt trips and other types of punishment. In order for a relationship with an Intimidator to be more satisfying, she says, the Intimidator will need to alter his way of relating. Yeah, right.
Stress response
Much of this book describes sample cases of gaslightees trying to understand and cope with gaslighters. I’m sure this helps people realize and identify what is going on in these relationships.
The book, however, falls down when Dr. Stern explains why this behavior happens. She writes, “Gaslighting is a response to stress; people become either gaslighters or gaslightees when they feel threatened.”
Sociopaths don’t engage in gaslighting because they’re stressed. They engage in it because it’s who they are and what they do. And victims don’t become gaslightees because of stress. They are trapped because of a psychopathic bond created by the predator.
Then, Dr. Stern asks the reader to be honest:
Think about the ways in which you aren’t being your best self. Do you set off your gaslighter by being overly critical or demanding? Do you belittle your gaslighter or play on his vulnerabilities? Do you say or do things that you know will make him crazy?
Gee, the people I hear from are walking on eggshells trying not to set the guy off. Until, of course, it gets so bad that they have not choice but to explode.
What’s your view?
In the last chapter, Dr. Stern offers three courses of action for people in these situations: Changing the gaslighting relationship from within, limiting a gaslighting relationship, or leaving the relationship. Yes, these are the three choices, and the book offers suggestions on how to decide what to do.
When considering whether to stay in the relationship and change it from within, Dr. Stern reminds the reader to be compassionate, both for herself and the gaslighter. She writes:
You don’t have to put up with unlimited bad treatment, but if your gaslighter persists in gaslighting you, you can remind yourself that he is also suffering, perhaps even more than you are. After all, he almost certainly grew up in a home where he was gaslighted by someone and couldn’t make it stop—so now he doesn’t understand why you have the power to say no.
Is this true? I am asking an honest question of Lovefraud readers here, and I would appreciate your feedback. Have any of you ever been subjected to gaslighting by someone who was basically a good person with problems? Can any of you attribute gaslighting behavior to the perpetrator’s stress or internal pain? Or, do you feel that gaslighting behavior is due to sociopathic traits?
Afraid to recommend
Overall, I have mixed feelings about this book, The Gaslight Effect. The author does a good job of explaining what the behavior looks like, and the questions victims should ask themselves to determine what is really going on. She offers strategies for coping with the behavior, including leaving the relationship.
But Dr. Stern seems to come from that school of therapy that believes both parties contribute equally to relationship problems. Throughout the entire book, I kept waiting for the author to warn the reader that some gaslighters have dangerous, pathological personality disorders, and they should run, not walk, for the nearest exit. The warning never came.
Therefore, I’m afraid to recommend the book, because it may encourage people to stay and try to work things out with an abuser. And the longer people stay in a gaslighting relationship, the more power they lose, and the harder it is to finally leave.
I”m sorry you feel so overwhelmed but I do understand. This one is rather large. I’ve not been here very long, but it doesn’t seem to be the norm. Some of the posts are so insightful,helpful and there are SO many intelligent people who write them, it’s hard to keep up a single thought in posting a response!
I don’t think you’re being at all selfish. 🙂 Maybe just reading whatever post catches your eye and you really want to respond too….respond to that one, then move onto the next? Maybe it might not feel so overwhelming that way?
Hello and Happy New Year!!!
Thank you for the warm welcome (from Dec. 24/10-Blaming the victims blog) and the very good advise.
In response the only things I have documented are the manipulating text messages when Jimmy texted me on my cell (pay as you go)as well as very angry (but not threating) voicemails he left”.but then my cell phone broke where the charge was, so before my cell died I forwarded the text messages to my hotmail but lost all voicemail messages, I also have all the weird letters/postcards he sent me and also 2 letters from a very long time ago which I kept (of course)from previous relationships”these I found under our bed (at the time, there was a lot of stuff under the bed) in 2006 or 2007 about his physical abuse for the 1st letter and the second letter ’Laura’ wrote about his mental abuse (in the letter she felt like dying/thoughts of suicide, aint no doubt that he got her to that place with severe mental abuse, manipulation/brainwashing) as well I have witnesses (my family and 2 of my friends) that witnessed some of his abuse, control freak ways and anger and other things.
Many times he would say to me that I was very naive and gullible and anyone could take things from me, which is what he was doing (one of many times he would give me hints to his ’hidden agendas’ by mockery) and he was correct..predators can see the weaknesses and exploit them”he used a lot of gaslighting (I know now what it is all because you have it on LF!)
Hello Ox Drover, on Dec. 24 (on the ’Blame the victimes blog) you mentioned that I should be BF with his x-wife”strange that u mentioned that, in May 2010 she called me due to manipulation from Jimmy (they have a son together),of course on Mother’s Day- just like Jimmy to do that), unfortunately he is still controlling her, he told her (not asked, not in his vocabulary to do that) for her to call and see if me and him could be friends, lol how warped can one get-really!!!! anyways we ended up talking for about 1 1/2 hrs. and confirmed some of the same things he done to me but with a twist”.she said there was no verbal or physical abuse except for the time she hit him over the head with the phone (he apparently aggressively grabbed the phone away from her, she hit him w/phone and he dislocated her jaw”“not Abusive”“hello please lady”“then she said a few times he threatened to kill her and her parents were very fearful for her life and were the happiest parents when she left him”now there is no way that if someone threatens to kill you there would be no abusiveness in other areas”I don’t understand how Sandra could not see it for what it is! and one of many creepiest things about Jimmy is these things happened with his x-wife over a decade and a half! and the most creepiest thing was he showed me a photo album of many, many, many women-maybe over a hundred-not sure but many (i didn’t look at all) had locks of their cut out and placed by their picture, this is a very old album one pic he had was of his sons mother when she was young(not his x-wife), I asked him why did he have their hair cut out and I do not recall what he said, I tried to reason and blocked it out of my mind for a short time (much later I told the cops, they didn’t do anything)
Thinking back at this, it was almost like he wanted someone to stop him back then-just for that time-but he seemed to really enjoy what he was doing which makes it so evil. It wasn’t revealed until later that he is a psychopath, very abusive predator. I now accepted that he preyed upon me purposely, planned, premeditated, willing action, I had and still sometimes have a very hard time knowing this was a purposeful act.
I did tell his x-wife that I went to cops and have 3 file reports, after the fact-I don’t think that was a good idea, but nothing can be done, can’t take it back, so much was said.
On a more positive note -I am a born again Christian, being with Jimmy-I lost my way back then-thinking I know better than the Lord and even after all this trauma the Lord God is healing me, forgave me within a split second”He unconditionally loves me and I have found great healing through God’s Word and without this the worst would of happened 🙂
WOW!! Super inspirational! I’ve not picked up the bible much…still dealing with LOTS of spiritual abuse from POSspath. But I DO know that God is REAL and I DO believe in HIM….
What do you think of this, Free? Someone had mentioned it here to me, maybe Ox? dunno, anyway, that God’s GRACE spared me MORE of this man, dodging a bullet.
Perhaps HIS grace covers us all. Whether we believe or not. He IS universal and I’m believing that my faith will increase more and I will be able to pick up that bible and read it without beating the crap out of myself.
Congrats Free. You sound great!
to be.
No worries 🙂
Wow, I didn’t know those things about you! Of course I’ve not been here that long, but I”m amazed at how many obviously intelligent people got scammed by Spaths. I do agree with you about childhood stuff making us vulnerable. I DO think there is a real element to that. I also want others to understand that when I say that I’m NOT and WILL Never say it was anyone’s fault for how the Spath behaved and the hideous things he/she has done, whether you had a bad childhood or not, is ALL THE SAME to spathy!
To be, just a thought, something to ponder: What do you think of the idea that perhaps those of us who have been abused in childhood by a toxic parent or two, …those of us that didn’t come out of spaths ourselves, that our empathy readings might be a bit higher? I was thinking about that today when thinkin about how spath nailed me. Using the pity ploy to do it. My empathy alarm bells went off because of HIS (now) machinations of abuse in his marriage, resonated with ME! And that is precisely what he did to suck me in and I bought it without even THINKING about it! I was going to rescue HIM from HIS pain of HIS abusive marriage…now having been a child of abuse, what is yours or anyone else’s position about the potential reality that perhaps because we know what it is to be so wounded that we could be nailed even EASIER than someone who doesn’t carry that baggage? Maybe there IS some truth in staying in it longer, or having a difficult time with NC because we related to that abused hurting soul? (forgot who mentioned that this evening on a post here). Just curious as to what your thoughts would be on this.
Aussiegirl, you beauty! Someone who is not going to bed when I feel like posting!
Thanks so much for your response. To clarify, ex was arrested only recently, and did a violence intervention program at the suggestion of his lawyer. They gave me an advocate – that’s how I learnt about domestic violence. That’s when I learnt that what he did was child abuse. He reluctantly started seeing a psychologist, to my relief and delight. However, the psychologist didn’t see him as a violent or abusive man, just someone with flawed parenting skills. He has to keep seeing this psychologist as part of his Good Behavior Bond. I stopped seeing this psychologist (who always insisted on seeing us together).
I only realised I was living with domestic abuse about the time he got sentenced, and within 2.5 months we separated. People who knew about what happened don’t seem to conclude that he must be narcissistic/sociopathic or at the very least too toxic to live with. Even his psychologist said it was wrong of me to tell of the assault to the pastor because the pastor was mandated to report it. He said he didn’t agree with the mandated reporting laws because they villainized “normal” people instead of the “real” abusers. He said I shouldn’t have told even my best friend, but only spoken about it with my husband! Of course I had tried, but he shut me up. The psychologist said I had no other option but to try to work things out with ex and not be so analytical – “true lovers don’t stand back and guard their every move”!
So you can see that he presents as a very conscientious, faithful, moral, caring, passionate father and husband. A good friend who now understands, said that her husband found it hard to believe it was domestic violence when all ex said to him was what a great mother and wife I was. He believed him hook, line and sinker and felt like I was the one being unreasonable.
Another friend said to me after church last night that ex cornered her and asked if she had seen me lately because it would be good if she did. I told her it was his way of organising my social life so that he would know who I spoke to. She could see how he had gone round everywhere and isolated me by getting everyone on his side. This is in spite of me getting a pastor’s support before separating, and the pastor said, “Of course the whole church will be behind you, don’t worry about him, he’s got 3 friends at the most.” Well, my friend conceded that now he has many friends and I have none! Which doesn’t worry me – he can’t stop me going online!
Not too late…
yes he can stop you from going online… my xspath changed the code for the wireless internet and cancelled my cell phone. I had no way to contact anyone!!!! Make sure you have all your services in your name and paid for by you.
it’s hard to respond to everyone! there is much going on. that’s a good thing, people are finding out about LF and the spaths.
When you posted your problems, it helped people too. We need to be kept aware of what is happening and what spaths do to hurt us. Thank you for posting and asking for help.
You will know when you have some advice that you want to offer. And you won’t be able to stop yourself. Your adhd will disappear and the focus will make you post because you MUST respond.
Your post was sweet
Not-too-late –
Why thanks! 🙂
BTW – where in the world are you that we are awake at the same time?
(I am in deepest darkest country Western Australia, so I am already several hours out of sync with people in my own country, let alone all of the “foreigners” here at LF!!!)
I believe in what Bruce Lipton believes…that everything in our “subconscious” mind, is programmed into us from birth to age 6. And, the problem is that most of us our functioning on our subconsicous…95%, and really living who we the present…only5% of the time. This is the problem. And, this is what Buddist have been teaching for centuries…”Enlightenment.” be happy, is to get rid of that old brain…that subconscious…to overcome the “old programming”..most of it NEGATIVE!…to feel PEACE and happiness.
Now, with people like ME…who endured lots of physical and emotional abuse from the time I was born…(my Dad told me how my Mom treated me while younger plus I recall)…I was programmed to feel worthless…that I was ugly…etc… My mother was Mommy Dearest…I can’t even watch the movie without sobbing throughout it!
Ok…so I grow up, and consciously, I am reinforced from the outside world how beautiful I am….(even modelled when younger), intelligent I am, (from teachers…grades), creative I am….(I oil paint..portraits and all…)….
BUT, deep down, the original programming is still there!!! “Something” in me keeps hearing the NEGATIVE.
Our minds are like IPODS….when you buy one has no music on it. You program it..and play back what was put into it.
Well…I had A LOT of negative.
When I got older, I felt sorry for my father. I watched him take abuse from my mother. I also felt sorry for my siblings…even though I actually got the worst treatment of all of them, for some reason.
Maybe THIS is what made me a sensitive person. I totally compensated for my childhood by raising my own 3 children 110% opposite of what happenned to me. Even as a single parent, everyone tells me that they are spoiled.
I drive them to school daily…even with a bus a block
I constantly told them how smart they are and how much I love them…I never hit them or talked nasty to them….TOTAL OPPOSITE.
They are happy, confident, (get up on stage in school, etc..), all in Honors Program..were all in gifted and talented program in elementary school….
I say that they are ME without the abuse!a
Ok, when I see children walking to school late..and its cold..and some of their friends are hungry…have parents who don’t care…I cry tears! I am so sad because I don’t want anyone to ever feel the lonliness, sadness, worthlessness that I felt as a child!!! Empathy? I feel everyone’s feelings!! I became an “EMPATH”….. I feel sorry for everyone. omg
This is a good quallity, but it is also bad if you aren’t strong and confident and wise enough not to show everyone in the world how “sensitive” you are. Why? Because if you are sweet and kind like me….people generally mistake kindness for weakness out in our big bad world!!!!!!
This is why, even though I raised my daughters to be kind to others…etc…After this last r/s, I realized that I better TOUGHEN them up for thier own goods.
Yes, its good to be empathetic, and kind…..but with the predators out there…..I am now preparing my girls for battle….how to PROTECT themselves.
So, yes…we are empathetic…a good quality…but we were never taught how to stand up for ourselves…
I was really a doormat for my X. Because I feared never meeting a man to love me again….at my age..with 3 kids…I allowed him to abuse me. I felt that I deserved no better…and I feared rejection.
Only, in the end…the r/s built me up….I am now STRONGER than ever…and I have more confidence in myself now than ever in my life.
I actually like who I proud of my accomplishments…feel that any man who gets my love is the luckiest man in the world.
In other words…going through this has really changed me. It triggered the old stuff…made me look at it…and realize what I’ve been doing my whole life…..feeling unworthwhile.
It took private therapy, this site…groups…lots of reading and introspection….but I am happier and strong now than ever before. At 53, I have finally learned to reprogram my brain…to enjoy each in the now…not look back at the past and feel pain..not worry about the future…
I’m enlightened…and theres nothing better than inner peace.
Sometimes we need to go through something traumatic…to hit rock really take a look at ourselves….in order to REBUILD and emerge a BETTER person.
Life is one big lesson.
Dear Not-too-late,
I don’t know about this “psychologist” or “counselor” but WHAT YOU SAY THAT THEY TOLD YOU IS 180 DEGREES WRONG!!!! Can’t get WORSE THAN THAT!!!
You had EVERY right to “tell” what your husband had done to you, you had ever right to separate from this person! You have every right to PROTECT YOURSELF.
I suggest that you find ANOTHER CHURCH, because you do NOT NEED TO BE FUNNELING INFORMATION TO HIM through his “friends” at the church. NO CONTACT means that you are away from him and anyone who will give him informaiton about you. I t is obvious that he is STALKING you through the church members. STALKING is not just creeping up behind you in the dark, but finding out what you are doing, where you are going, and what you are thinking, and trying to control you.
GET AWAY FROM HIM and EVERYONE who is his “friend”—-those people are NOT your friends, and while their religious beliefs may be that “you must forgive”–believe me, “forgiving” does NOT include restoring trust or a relationship with someone. If he was TRUST WORTHY, he would leave the church and go somewhere else, he would not stalk you. He is NOT SHOWING REPENTENCE, he is showing cunning and malice and a need for control.
I had to DISASSOCIATE myself from the church congregation where I had attended and was related by blood to most of the people because my egg donor (I used to call her mother) had fooled the people there so bad and convinced them that I was the bad person abusing her. In fact, she brought a convicted sex offender (pedophile who had raped 3 children and spent 20 years iin prison for it) into her home, into the church and presented him as “repented” and me as a BAD GUY —the church as a group would not listen to the truth, and not as individuals either. I had NO CHOICE but to move from there. It hurt, but it was my only choice, and I think you are in the same position.
Jesus and the Apostle paul said that “if they brother offend thee, go to him privately and talk to him, if that doesn’t work, go with witnesses and if that doesn’t workk go to the church and do not even eat with them until they repent and change their ways.”
Your have I think done all those things, and your husband is still trying to control you and even the congregation has been hoodwinked by him, and the “counselor” (who is no counselor but is advocating your continued abuse by this man) So to me you have done everything that Jesus and Paul advocated and the only thing you can do now is NO contact with him or anyone who is “siding with” him. Move if necessary, go to a shelter, but get away from him, these people are NOT supportive of you, but of his abuse. He will not change. God bless you my dear! Keep safe. ((((hugs))))