We've discussed many of the sociopath's traits, such as his missing empathy and compassion; his tendency to remorseless interpersonal exploitation; and proclivity to audacious acts of lying, deception and sundry other violating behaviors. Now, I'm tempted to add to the mix what I call the sociopath's tendency to “irrational optimism.” By “irrational optimism,” I mean the sociopath's irrationally optimistic belief, if not conviction, that he'll either evade or, somehow, otherwise prevail over, the real, probable consequences of his actions. Consider this brief, hypothetical interaction between a sociopath and his partner, who learns with certainty that he, the sociopath, has been cheatin …
What All Sociopaths Have In Common
As we think about sociopaths, let's remember that they can make diverse presentations, which can make it hard to know if (and when) you're dealing with one. Although sociopathy is a personality disorder, it's complicated by the fact that sociopaths have widely diverse personalities. There are smart sociopaths and dumb sociopaths; gregarious sociopaths and more withdrawn sociopaths; engaging sociopaths and paranoid sociopaths; calculating sociopaths and more impulsive sociopaths; socially skilled, and socially unskilled sociopaths. There are charismatic sociopaths and sociopaths with dull personalities. There are sociopaths who may leave you feeling remarkably comfortable, and sociopaths …
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m Not a Sociopath
Ladies and gentlemen, hello”¦and thanks for inviting me to speak to you about sociopathy. As an audience, you come highly recommended by my good friend Phil, who visited with you last winter as a narcissism expert, and who, I understand, you basically booed off the lectern. By way of personal disclosure, I can tell you that I've been diagnosed as a sociopath separately by several prominent clinicians all of whom, let me establish candidly, were complete charlatans. As a matter of fact, this is the basis of my book, which of course is prominently displayed for purchase on the table in the back, entitled, “How Three Utter Clinical Charlatans Separately Diagnosed Me as a Sociopath.” Just a lit …
Disturbing cases of atypical abusers
Last week, Lovefraud readers brought two disturbing cases of abuse to my attention. The cases were disturbing because of the depraved actions of the perpetrators, and because most people would not suspect that they were predators at all. The Lovefraud reader BloggerT7165 sent me a link to the case of Jessica Banks, a 65-year old woman from Moreno Valley, California, who was convicted in July of 13 counts of child abuse and two counts of sexual penetration by force and fear. Two weeks ago she was sentenced to two consecutive life terms. The Lovefraud reader Ox Drover alerted me to a recent program on ABC's 20/20 called Handsome Devil: The man who spread HIV. It recounts the case of …
If he walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, he’s a quack
I address this post mainly to my female audience because, in my experience, the pathology I'll be discussing, while not exclusively male, is more often than not expressed by men against women. I revisit here what I regard as an important relationship red flag: When you meet a man who seems to be “Mr. Perfect,” someone “you can't find anything wrong with,” you need to take a good long pause; otherwise, trouble bodes. Now I'm not talking about, or maligning, the experience of “great chemistry.” Great chemistry, even electric chemistry, where you hit it off instantly, is a good thing and sometimes a good omen. But there's an important difference between “great chemistry” versus the sense of …
If he walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, he’s a quackRead More
Nancy Garrido: alleged kidnapper and rapist
Last week I discussed Philip Garrido, a psychotic and psychopathic individual who allegedly with the help of his wife kidnapped Jaycee Dugard at age 11 and held her 18 years. This week I would like to discuss the some of the details of Nancy Garrido's life that have been reported by reliable news sources. The Details Nancy Garrido is 54, her maiden name is Bocanegra. She was born born in Texas, the second child of a family of five or six children. She has been married to Phillip 28 years. According to the New York Times, “Gail Powell, a spokeswoman for the Nevada Department of Public Safety, said Nancy Bocanegra was visiting an incarcerated uncle when she met Mr. Garrido, a tall, lanky …
It Wasn’t You
(This post is meant for her, who knows who she is, and the rest of you, who know who you are. My use of “he” is for purposes of convenience; women, too, are capable of the behaviors and attitudes described. Copyright © 2009 by Steve Becker, LCSW) It wasn't you. It was him. I know you're not a black and white person (like he was). But sometimes it is black and white. And so this is the deal: It wasn't you. He wanted you to think it was you, when all along it was him. And you didn't fully want to believe it was him, either. Even now, perhaps in a corner of your heart, although it may conflict with your rational healing self, you may still not be entirely ready to believe that it wasn't you. …
Garrido and Mitchell: two sociopaths who are also delusional
“Suddenly, everything made sense, I was not crazy, I had been dealing with a psychopath!” explained a woman this week as she told the story of how she discovered “psychopathy” and Dr. Hare's diagnostic symptoms. With this discovery, she learned that a personality disorder is behind the behavior of people who manipulate and harm others without guilt or remorse. Prior to learning about psychopathy, the woman said she held the view that all people were basically good and needed the same things. Understanding psychopathy/sociopathy gave her the ability to make sense of a world where a small fraction of individuals do a tremendous amount of harm- AND YET THESE INDIVIDUALS ON THE SURFACE SEEM PERF …
Garrido and Mitchell: two sociopaths who are also delusionalRead More
The love scripts of sociopaths
It is likely you are reading this because a sociopath said “I love you” and you believed him/her. You also probably thought that when the sociopath said “I love you” he/she used these words as you do, to express a sense of intimacy, passion and commitment. However, what a sociopath says and what a sociopath does are so different it can be crazy making. In the aftermath of a relationship with a sociopath, former romantic partners are left to wonder, “Just what was going on in that person's mind?” "What was he/she thinking?" Many people have written in asking, “Did he/she really love me?” and “Do you think he/she loves that other person now?” It is the second question many find most disturbi …
BOOK REVIEW: In Sheep’s Clothing–Understanding Manipulative People
By Joyce Alexander, RNP (Retired) Dr. George K. Simon, Jr., Ph.D. received his degree in clinical psychology from Texas Tech University and has studied and worked with manipulators and their victims for many years. Dr. Simon has taught over 250 workshops on the subject of dealing with manipulative people. In 1996, he published In Sheep's Clothing—Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People. This book is in its ninth printing. The book is divided into two principle parts. Part I is “Understanding Manipulative Personalities” and Part II is “Dealing Effectively with Manipulative People.” Two Important Types of Aggression Dr. Simon describes two types of aggression: Two of the …
BOOK REVIEW: In Sheep’s Clothing–Understanding Manipulative PeopleRead More