Part of a Now 5 Week Series: Week 1: Running a Business with a Sociopath Week 2: The Downfall of a Business with a Sociopath Week 3: Preparing for Divorce Week 4: Divorce and Aftermath Part A Week 5: Divorce and Aftermath Part B Divorce and Aftermath Part B Now that I knew the business was indeed going bankrupt, I had to make a decision. I knew by this time the only way to get what I needed was to make him think that he was getting what he wanted. I knew that he would not stop the fighting in this divorce if he did not get what he wanted. He would not care how much money we spent on attorney's fees and court. Having someone to fight with was actually a bonus for him. He liked the chao …
Alleged Charleston murderer Dylann Storm Roof: Perhaps a budding sociopath who never had a chance
On the evening of June 17, 2015, Dylann Storm Roof sat in a Bible study group at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, in Charleston, South Carolina, for 45 minutes. Then he pulled out a Glock .45 handgun and shot 10 people, killing nine of them. All of the victims were African-American. One was the pastor of the church and a state senator, Rev. Clementa Pinckney. Two others were also pastors. Six of the victims were women; three were men. Fourteen hours later, Roof, 21, of Eastover, South Carolina, was arrested and charged with the murders. Many people, from politicians to celebrities to men and women on the street, are decrying the mass killing as an indication of …
The chess game called divorce: Financials with a sociopath, Part 4 of 5
Part of a Now 5 Week Series: Week 1: Running a Business with a Sociopath Week 2: The Downfall of a Business with a Sociopath Week 3: Preparing for Divorce Week 4: Divorce and Aftermath Part A Week 5: Divorce and Aftermath Part B Divorce and Aftermath Part A Writing this I feel like I am only writing general statements about what happened. The amount of upheaval that came with each situation and the time and effort it took to even get to these occurrences was insane. I remember spending 8 straight hours compiling evidence and documentation and recitals for my attorney about my role in the business on a regular basis. It was a full time job, maybe about 30 hours a week when it was …
The chess game called divorce: Financials with a sociopath, Part 4 of 5Read More
‘Married at First Sight’ reality TV show apparently cast a sociopath as the groom
[youtube_sc url=""] Editor's note: The Lovefraud reader “amille2” wrote the following critique. I normally do not watch reality TV shows. The few that I have seen seem anything but real. With that said, I was intrigued when A&E and the DIY networks promoted a show called, "Married at First Sight." The premise is two people marry ....... without meeting in advance. The men and women are matched by a panel of experts: a psychologist, sexologist, spiritual advisor and a professor with a PhD in Sociology. A modern twist on arranged marriages. They all claim the participants go through rigorous interviews evaluations, background checks, questionnaires, etc. One wou …
‘Married at First Sight’ reality TV show apparently cast a sociopath as the groomRead More
Let’s Talk Financials with a Sociopath – Part 3 of 5
Part of a Now 5 Week Series: Week 1: Running a Business with a Sociopath Week 2: The Downfall of a Business with a Sociopath Week 3: Preparing for Divorce Week 4: Divorce and Aftermath Part A Week 5: Divorce and Aftermath Part B Preparing for a Divorce Out of Denial Now this is where it really gets ugly. I am going to try and attempt to only highlight the business details of the story, not sure if it's fortunate or not, but I think I will have enough juice to make a full short story of this. I went to the doctor on a Tuesday and had spath watch the little one. On my way home, I decided it would be nice to stop by the office to bring some candy to my office manager, the new admin …
Let’s Talk Financials with a Sociopath – Part 3 of 5Read More
Advice for Protecting Elderly Relatives from Sociopaths and Gold Diggers
Editor's Note: Yesterday, Lovefraud posted a story from a reader whom we'll call "Maura." She describes how a female sociopath latched on to her recently widowed father, took over his life, and tried to hasten his demise. Read the story. Following are tips that Maura and her family learned the hard way. Our Advice On How to Protect An Elderly Relative This is our advice based on our experience to best protect an elderly relative should they marry a sociopath or a gold digger: 1. Immediately hire a private investigator to do a background check on the new spouse. Verify marriage status, divorce and marriage history, career history, credit history, bankruptcy, ancestry, court records, pre …
Advice for Protecting Elderly Relatives from Sociopaths and Gold DiggersRead More
Psychiatrist explains how prison employee may have been “groomed” to help inmates escape
In an interview on CNN today, Forensic Psychiatrist Dr. Michael Welner spoke of the female prison employee, Joyce Mitchell, who is alleged to have helped the two New York inmates escape. Lovefraud readers might find healing in what he had to say. He said that there may not be any particular vulnerability in a victim of what he terms “emotional hacking.” He states the greatest risk factors are “access and time.” “We need to appreciate the vulnerability with prison employees the way we do our children with pedophiles,” Welner says. He points out that, “We all see what we need to see in other people.” Prison workers need to regard the humanity of inmates, he says, and this regard makes them v …
Psychiatrist explains how prison employee may have been “groomed” to help inmates escapeRead More
Let’s Talk Financials with a Sociopath: The Downfall (Part 2 of 4)
Part of a 4 Week Series: Week 1: Running a Business with a Sociopath Week 2: The Downfall of a Business with a Sociopath Week 3: Preparing for Divorce Week 4: Divorce and Aftermath The Downfall of a Business with a Sociopath In 2009 we decided to buy another house to give us more space to store our tools, equipment, etc because we had grown out of our office and storage space. I was still running the business out of our home to try and save money. Also in a strange way I knew that as soon as we moved the business to an external location outside of our home, I would lose all accountability with the sociopath and he would go rampant with himself. He was and had been using gas lighting tac …
Let’s Talk Financials with a Sociopath: The Downfall (Part 2 of 4)Read More
Mischele Lewis on the front page of the Philadelphia Daily News!
Lovefraud has followed the story of Mischele Lewis, of Florence Township, N.J., who fought back against William Allen Jordan, an bigamist and international con man. Jordan is now serving time for fraud. After reading media coverage about her plight (the original story was written by Donna Andersen for the Daily Mail), New Jersey Assemblyman Troy Singleton, D-Burlington, wrote a bill to make "sex by deception" illegal. Yesterday, Mischele was on the cover of the Philadelphia Daily News, interviewed for a story about the bill. Here it is: Watch out, lovers who lie! Sexual assault by deception could become a criminal offense, on Will Allen Jordan, aka Will Allen, on L …
Mischele Lewis on the front page of the Philadelphia Daily News!Read More
Commissioner blasts SEC for allowing criminal banks to continue business as usual
Last week five big international banks were found guilty of rigging international currency markets and fined $5.5 billion. The very next day, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued the banks waivers from automatic punishment so they could continue business as usual. SEC Commissioner Kara M. Stein did not agree with letting the banks off the hook and issued a scathing dissent. The banks UBS, Barclays, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and the Royal Bank of Scotland had already been granted a total of 23 waivers after previous wrongdoing. Bank traders actually met in an online chat room called "The Cartel" or "The Mafia" and conspired to rig rates. The scheme ran for years. According …
Commissioner blasts SEC for allowing criminal banks to continue business as usualRead More