Last week, Lovefraud readers brought two disturbing cases of abuse to my attention. The cases were disturbing because of the depraved actions of the perpetrators, and because most people would not suspect that they were predators at all.
The Lovefraud reader BloggerT7165 sent me a link to the case of Jessica Banks, a 65-year old woman from Moreno Valley, California, who was convicted in July of 13 counts of child abuse and two counts of sexual penetration by force and fear. Two weeks ago she was sentenced to two consecutive life terms.
The Lovefraud reader Ox Drover alerted me to a recent program on ABC’s 20/20 called Handsome Devil: The man who spread HIV. It recounts the case of Philippe Padieu, age 53, who was convicted of intentionally infecting at lease six women with HIV. Padieu, was sentenced to 45 years in prison.
Jessica Banks
The victims in the Jessica Banks case were her five adopted daughters. The five girls—who are sisters—were abused in their biological family and placed in foster care with Banks in 2000. Banks legally adopted the girls in 2004. Shortly after that she took them out of public school. They started attending school at the Word of Life Apostolic Church, which was located in a Moreno Valley strip mall. Jessica Banks was the pastor of the church, which prosecutors described as a cult.
In 2005, one of the girls was found curled up on the sidewalk in front of another business near the church. She had a black eye. With that, the four girls, aged four to 11, were discovered. When authorities removed them from Banks’ custody—they were living in a hidden room in her garage, wearing long black dresses and two layers of diapers.
The girls were emaciated, with only moldy food to eat. Prosecutors said Banks kicked them daily and beat them with cords, sticks, high-heeled shoes, belts and extension cords. She also made them take sleeping pills. Two of the girls were sexually assaulted with paint sticks.
The girls said they attended séances at Banks’ church, which only had a handful of members. One of the girls sat there with a rope around her neck. Saying the girls made up the stories, Banks denied all charges of abuse. The jury didn’t buy it and convicted her.
During the sentencing hearing, Banks’ attorney argued for leniency, stating that the woman did not fit the profile of a typical sexual predator.
To read more about this horrible case, see Girls adopted by Jessica Banks
Philippe Padieu
After her marriage fell apart, Diane Reeve from Dallas, Texas, decided to try Internet dating. She met Philippe Padieu, an exotic man who was born in France and worked as a network security analyst in Frisco, Texas. They shared an interest in martial arts, and Diane had a relationship with him for four and a half years.
Eventually, however, she learned that the Padieu was cheating on her. She went through his cell phone bill—she was paying for it—and contacted nine other women to alert them to Padieu’s infidelity.
A few months later, one of the women, “Susan Brown” (a pseudonym given her by 20/20) called Reeve back. She’d tested positive for HIV. When Diane Reeve herself was tested, not only was she HIV positive, she had AIDS.
Brown had called Padieu, told him about the HIV, and that she had reported him to the health department. Padieu wasn’t worried about the infection, but he was furious that he’d been named.
At this point the women took on a mission to warn the other women that Philippe Padieu was sleeping with. In fact, six women, who ranged in age from 40 to 60, formed both a support and investigative group. Padieu was bringing a parade of women into his home, knowing he was HIV positive. He had to be stopped.
To see how they did it, I recommend that you watch the 20/20 episode, which is available online at Handsome Devil: The man who spread HIV.
Padieu himself is interviewed at the end. Of course, he denied everything, and said one of the women infected him.
You can also read a 20/20 article about the case at: How women united to stop HIV-positive man.
Unlikely perpetrators
Both of these cases are horrific and shocking, and thankfully, both perpetrators are going to be locked up probably until they die.
But look how long they were both out on the street harming innocent victims without attracting any attention. That’s because they weren’t typical perpetrators.
Jessica Banks was a 65-year-old grandmother and church pastor who abused her own adopted daughters.
Philippe Padieu was a 53-year-old computer guy who targeted middle-aged women.
Once again, appearances can be deceiving.
why didn’t someone notice something? maybe it’s time we took a look at our neighbours….a real hard look…do they act normal? is there signs of distress in the children that ineveitably pas under out noses everyday…what is wrong with us that we can’t sniff out this darkness and call the police, alert out friends, confront someone somewhere that might be able to hrow some light on the problem…..women have been traditionally see as hysterics? is that why we don’t say anything? it’s not enough to cite these outrages we have to see what’s going on under our own noses now…if every one did that we would have it covered…but what is with the collusion and the turning the blind eye???? just angry..have to get it out…going crazy that this can still happen….it’s outrageous….
Staying – The words below came from another post that addressed similar concerns to yours and hopefully they are helpful here:
That is like asking why we can not detect the flame before the match is struck. A psychopath is a lot like a baited hook must appear to a fish. Looks good and everything is fine until after you have had a taste and that hook is set and the pain kicks in. And yes you might have nibbled on a bit of metal and been a little leery but the bait just looked normal and so you took a taste. So how do you “detect” something that is almost undetectable until after the fact? And this does not apply to just psychopaths. Next time you are in a large group of people try to detect who among them have mental health issues. Most of the time you cannot pick out who is suffering from what unless they are actively displaying symptoms. Even professionals cannot do so. So this is no different from many other mental health issues really.
“I think that the “shock” of psychopaths is not in the fact that they exist. They always have and everything from movies to books to fables/stories and parental tales have warned us about these boogeymen. Sure the term “psychopath” was not used but it is the same. The shock comes, for some, in the fact that the psychopath shakes our protective self-delusions to the core by showing us a bit of reality that we hide from ourselves. We find out that we really never know people like we think we do and truly no place, no time, no nothing is 100% safe. There is no guarantee that the nice pastor or the charming lady teaching our children will not be psychopaths and wreak their damage on us and ours at anytime and anyplace. It can be very stressful for some people to face this. The shattering of our rose-colored glasses can be one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. Why? Because we have to trust others to varying degrees even if we do not want to. We are forced to be dependent on others and forced to trust them to various degrees. We trust the guy in the pharmacy to not poison us, we trust the person making our food to not contaminate it, we trust the waterworkers to keep our drinking water clean and not put something in it, we trust that teacher to be appropriate with our children, we trust…..and the list goes on and on and on.
“That is why some ancient advice still holds true today:
“Epictetus (50-120 AD) said:
“‘That happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of this principle: some things are within our control, and some things are not. It is only after we have accepted this fundamental rule, and learned to distinguish between what we can and cannot control, that inner tranquility and outer effectiveness become possible.’
“Things themselves don’t hurt or hinder us. Neither do other people. How we view things and people is a different matter. Strange as it may seem at first, it is our own attitudes and reactions that give us the most trouble. We cannot always choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them.
“Circumstances do not arise to meet our desires or expectations. Events happen as they do. People behave according to their own inclinations and what they are faced with — which we may not even be aware of. Don’t try to make your own rules that the world is supposed to follow. That is a recipe for frustration. Exercise what influence you can, then accept what you actually get and make the most of it.
“And crossing paths with a psychopath demonstrates how right Epictetus was and is. Once we have the glasses off it may be painful but it can also be the chance to change and find peace.”
THANK YOU FOR THOSE WORDS! Absolutely priceless!
We would like to think that there is a recipie or way we can make ourselves 100% safe in this world, but there isn’t. I’ve spent too much of my life trying to find ‘the way” to do that.
I still try sometimes. LOL But less and less than ever before! What I have done, though, is to change my perceptions and my attitude.
A couple of years ago I lived in ABSOLUTE TERROR, but now I act cautiously, but I realize that the WORST thing that could happen to me would be my son would manage to kill me—and though I have no death wish, today? tomorrow? Next decade? I will die anyway, but I REFUSE to live in terror!
Nothing has changed but my attitude (well, most of the time!) LOL
Thanks for these wonderful words from Epictetus!
All societies run on trust. our economy is based on trust in our currency. I think that’s why we don’t talk about psychopaths. If people knew how many of these things are running around, trust would quickly disintegrate.
Look at the country of Mexico. I visited there when I was 12 and got on a bus with another little girl. we sat down. A woman got on the bus and told us to get up because she was sitting down. I was shocked. No one would have treated me like that in the US, but in Mexico children are second class citizens. Its part of their culture because of the extreme poverty. in 1976 many people still didn’t have toilets or telephones. Being so poor means that you can’t invest to much love and attention into any one child. I had other similar experiences there as a 12 year old. All the 12 year old mexican kids in 1976, are now adults. They were devalued as children and now look at that country. It’s out of control.
That lesson comes from the Serinity Prayer.
Trust is a word reserved only for God, I do not trust people! and I certainly do not trust this govt. or the Federal reserve which owns IT!
Easy, no society can exist without trust. How do you know the roads will be there tomorrow so you can get to work? or that you can buy gas at the station? or that your job won’t fold up? In impoverished countries, there is much less trust in each other and in the government. I agree with you that we are going the way of the roman empire. Of course, I blame P’s for it all.
No Easy, the Serenity Prayer came AFTER Epictetus and was inspired by his (and others like him) philosophy.
Thinkin of you Lily