It is no accident that narcissistic and sociopathic personalities will seek, and often successfully attract, partners who have their own issue: a tendency to dread the idea of disappointing or displeasing them.
This is admittedly a generality, but it’s a pattern I’ve observed in my clinical experience, and it makes sense. The exploiter, who regards others as existing principally to satisfy his or her wants on a continual basis, must by definition find in a mate someone who is highly motivated—and especially, highly afraid not—to satisfy him or her.
Thus one often finds the pairing of an exploiter complemented by a partner who is prone, perhaps compulsively, to look inward to himself or herself as the cause of the exploiter’s dissatisfaction.
Clinically the goal is to encourage the over-accountable, overresponsible partner to examine this aspect of himself or herself. This is necessary given the fair assumption that sociopaths and narcissists are unlikely to genuinely reform their characteristically manipulative, selfish ways.
I’m often surprised in my work by the tenacious investment exploited partners make in solving the needs and complaints of their self-centered mates. Of course they’ll never succeed, but as long as they continue owning the exploiter’s blame for the latters’ discontent, they can keep trying, keep striving to be a better mate—to become, finally, the good-enough mate the exploiter has claimed to deserve all along.
Let us emphasize the futility of this scenario—the exploiter really doesn’t want a satisfying or, for that matter, even a perfect, partner; rather what he or she wants is a partner who, in his or her insecurity, will continue to accept on some level blame for the exploiter’s unending, habitual exploitation.
The exploiter, in other words, is looking much less for the perfect partner than the perfect scapegoat. For this reason the sociopath and many narcissists will recruit these qualities in a partner—qualities, for instance, of high self-doubt, high guilt, high fear of incurring others’ wrath or displeasure, and a strong tendency to self-blame.
Moreover individuals possessing these qualities will tend to be drawn to individuals who seem to be their counterpart in many ways—for instance confident, self-assured, powerful-seeming, unself-doubting, and perhaps unself-reflective. They may harbor the fantasy that the latters’ seeming strength and confidently entitled attitudes may prove a salutary complement to their self-questioning, self-doubting natures.
And this is certainly possible—this complementarity can theoretically work—in situations uncomplicated by sociopathy or narcissistic personality.
But when the more confident partner is a sociopath, or narcissist, this complementarity of personalities becomes a set-up. The less confident partner, whose tendency is to self-destructively accept the exploiter’s blame for the latter’s rages, discontent, abuse and general misery, becomes the perfect foil, the perfect dupe, for the sociopathic or narcissistic partner, who has it made, so to speak.
Again and again I encounter wonderful, thoughtful, emotionally generous individuals who are trapped less by their exploitative partners than the intolerable idea of themselves as failed mates. The result is their often intensified efforts to be found satisfactory by, and to obtain validation from, the exploiter.
The exploiter is, of course, incapable of appreciating his or her partner’s devotion. But even if not, he or she would intentionally withhold such recognition anyway; his or her object, remember, rather than to uplift his or her partner, is calculatingly the opposite—to engender hopelessness and depression in him or her.
On and on the cycle goes, until the vulnerable partner, just as the exploiter has sought, finally feels so low, incompetent and disempowered that he or she can’t seriously imagine a different future.
By now a form of despair has set in—the despair of expecting to be found just as wanting in future relationships as the present. Dangerous resignation follows this hopelessness—again, exactly the outcome the exploiter wants.
(This article is copyrighted (c) 2008 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
I found out the hard way why the policy of no contact applies.
I made the mistake of believing that I could still be “friends” with Bridgett, my sociopathic groomer (not “girlfriend”) but it turned out that it was simply a way for her to extort $3000 from me. She knew my fears, and actually threatened to sue me until I found out about her criminal record (albeit petty).
The gig was up when she said that her paternal grandmother was sick and she tried to get me into a blame game saying that I was somehow responsible for her new “boyfriend” beating her up. I called her father, who said his mother was fine and in a nursing home.
Dear Aloha,
You and I have sort of made this journey “hand in hand” with our healing and I just want to say that your articles have helped me very much, and your insights and support have meant more to me than you can even POSSIBLY imagine. I revel in your healing, almost as much as I kick up my heals for my own healing. It is still an “unfinshed journey” and the healing is a journey not a “destination” for me. I hope to go on improving and growing as I live to the last day of my life.
When you throw a ball into the air it goes up and up and up until it finally stops dead still in the air for a microsecond, and the microsecond it STOPS it starts BACK DOWN. I want to keep on going up and up and I NEVER INTEND TO STOP growing. I feel certain you feel that same way and I just wanted you to know just how much your cyber-friendship has meant to me personally! (((hugs))))
Thank you 🙂
I appreciate all of everyone’s ‘cyberfriendship’ 🙂 Thanks for the skillet when we all need it!
Dear LetGo,
LOL ROTFLMAO, I’m glad you “appreciate” the SKILLET! It really is meant with LOVE! Fortunately, I have two wonderful sons who will “flatten my head with it” when I need it, fortunately lately I have been doing so well, I haven’t needed it, but who knows, that may change any day! We’re all human and all subject to getting into a rut of self pity or anger, or lots of emotions we shouldn’t “cultivate”— because we sure don’t want a “bumper crop” of them. LOL (((hugs))))
Thanks for leading to me to your essay…
Your list made me laugh!!! My x-S had at least 90% of those same “qualities” on your list!!!
I’m going to go now to write “a list” of my own ( in my journal)
God bless..
I’m not sure what ROTFLMAO stands for?
My ex-“S” also sent a slew of sick and twisted phone texts to both myself and to my teenage daughter…
I have it stored on a CD that the police made of the photos they took of the text messages…
About a week ago I stuck the CD into my computer and faced the horror of seeing them all over again…
The very last text he sent gave me the sickest feeling of all… It said “I love you”…After all those twisted,perverse and ugly messages he had sent to both myself and my daughter, he was still trying to manipulate …
It is so hard for others to se how dificult this is for us ! we are being led to believe that it is our fault for careing for another (animal ) it aint human humans can’t treat humans that way let alone another animal ! they say the difference is the soul that animals have no soul ! well I want to believe that my best friend in all the world will be given a Soul and be with me in PARADISE ( my Cat CJ ) and I believe all things are possible if we only BELIEVE. It’s Mind Over Mater/science/logic/opinion/evil !
Thank You All my Name is Jere And I approve of this message :)~
Jere, you are funny and smart. How come I never met you when I was in Florida? I went to Orlando very often (mostly to the amusement parks). I almost lived there once. My boyfriend and I at the time were moving there to go to school from Fort Myers (this is when I was like 20), and our UHAUL broke down right where 1-75 turns to I-4. Literally, we waited for awhile and said, ya know, maybe something is telling us NOT to go to Orlando. So we turned around and went home. Instead, we went to another university, and ended up breaking up. I met the xx-s a little after that. The I moved to Caifornia. I wonder what would have happened, how different my life would be, if that darn UHAUL didn’t break down. It just goes to show how every second and experience and choice counts, and will affect us forever. BUT-I still believe God has a plan where he wants us to ultimately end up. Destiny maybe? But we control HOW we get there? Iwonder 🙂
The Bad Man’s messages used to take my breathe away. It was shocking how cruel he could be.
Also confusing was that I had an arguement for every single thing he said… everything was a twisted version of what happened and somehow, he always saw himself as the victim of me. This alone kept me up nights for over a year trying to figure that out… that I was the villian in all this.
Now I wonder why I spend one minute worrying about that.
I have learned that when our character is under constant attack by another person… to look carefully at the person doing the attacking. Why is it that they are trying to divert all the attention away from themselves?