It is no accident that narcissistic and sociopathic personalities will seek, and often successfully attract, partners who have their own issue: a tendency to dread the idea of disappointing or displeasing them.
This is admittedly a generality, but it’s a pattern I’ve observed in my clinical experience, and it makes sense. The exploiter, who regards others as existing principally to satisfy his or her wants on a continual basis, must by definition find in a mate someone who is highly motivated—and especially, highly afraid not—to satisfy him or her.
Thus one often finds the pairing of an exploiter complemented by a partner who is prone, perhaps compulsively, to look inward to himself or herself as the cause of the exploiter’s dissatisfaction.
Clinically the goal is to encourage the over-accountable, overresponsible partner to examine this aspect of himself or herself. This is necessary given the fair assumption that sociopaths and narcissists are unlikely to genuinely reform their characteristically manipulative, selfish ways.
I’m often surprised in my work by the tenacious investment exploited partners make in solving the needs and complaints of their self-centered mates. Of course they’ll never succeed, but as long as they continue owning the exploiter’s blame for the latters’ discontent, they can keep trying, keep striving to be a better mate—to become, finally, the good-enough mate the exploiter has claimed to deserve all along.
Let us emphasize the futility of this scenario—the exploiter really doesn’t want a satisfying or, for that matter, even a perfect, partner; rather what he or she wants is a partner who, in his or her insecurity, will continue to accept on some level blame for the exploiter’s unending, habitual exploitation.
The exploiter, in other words, is looking much less for the perfect partner than the perfect scapegoat. For this reason the sociopath and many narcissists will recruit these qualities in a partner—qualities, for instance, of high self-doubt, high guilt, high fear of incurring others’ wrath or displeasure, and a strong tendency to self-blame.
Moreover individuals possessing these qualities will tend to be drawn to individuals who seem to be their counterpart in many ways—for instance confident, self-assured, powerful-seeming, unself-doubting, and perhaps unself-reflective. They may harbor the fantasy that the latters’ seeming strength and confidently entitled attitudes may prove a salutary complement to their self-questioning, self-doubting natures.
And this is certainly possible—this complementarity can theoretically work—in situations uncomplicated by sociopathy or narcissistic personality.
But when the more confident partner is a sociopath, or narcissist, this complementarity of personalities becomes a set-up. The less confident partner, whose tendency is to self-destructively accept the exploiter’s blame for the latter’s rages, discontent, abuse and general misery, becomes the perfect foil, the perfect dupe, for the sociopathic or narcissistic partner, who has it made, so to speak.
Again and again I encounter wonderful, thoughtful, emotionally generous individuals who are trapped less by their exploitative partners than the intolerable idea of themselves as failed mates. The result is their often intensified efforts to be found satisfactory by, and to obtain validation from, the exploiter.
The exploiter is, of course, incapable of appreciating his or her partner’s devotion. But even if not, he or she would intentionally withhold such recognition anyway; his or her object, remember, rather than to uplift his or her partner, is calculatingly the opposite—to engender hopelessness and depression in him or her.
On and on the cycle goes, until the vulnerable partner, just as the exploiter has sought, finally feels so low, incompetent and disempowered that he or she can’t seriously imagine a different future.
By now a form of despair has set in—the despair of expecting to be found just as wanting in future relationships as the present. Dangerous resignation follows this hopelessness—again, exactly the outcome the exploiter wants.
(This article is copyrighted (c) 2008 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
Dear Knowledge,
Yea, I do know what you mean, and some of them actually ENJOY the pain they infilict on others, but some just do it and don’t really notice the pain or take any glee in it. My P-son and my P-sperm donor ENJOYED infilicting pain, putting one over on “the man” or cheating someone so they can feel superior to them. It just depends on the individual I think.
Many guys just want to say whatever they have to to keep 2 or more women on the “string”—Tiger Woods is an example of that I think. Probably wasn’t wanting to hurt his wife, or even the GS, just wanted what HE wanted and didn’t notice it might hurt someone else, but he DID know his wife wouldn’t like it, but didn’t care.
Help! …pulled back by guilt about divorce.
Just met with lawyer to draft a divorce proposal. Asked H for financial statements. He said, “Sure.”
Mon, he left a voice mail saying he wished “we” had changed “our” mind before going to attorneys.
Next, sent an e-mail validating my feelings. And after so much work during a long separation, I feel so pulled, wanting to think he is GOOD and feeling GUILTY that I am leaving him.
I’ll post his e-mail. Would love to hear how you all ignored the siren song and resisted self-doubt.
His email: [I wish I had been a better friend and was more capable of understanding you and being there to love and adore you because you deserve all of this and more. I know now that this is what love is and it does not happen automatically just because I want it too. I needed to listen and let you in because that would have formed the human bonds and nurtured a relationship that brought joy and comfort and a full life.
I believe we have much to be thankful for but I understand that it was not enough without this basic connection and I understand that our relationship was incomplete. I understand this now and I know I would not be on this good path had it not been for you. I am saying that you are good and I will never forget. I am only beginning my journey and it is hard because my old ways are habitual and have powerful pull but I am trying very hard and getting better everyday and it is inevitable that I will journey on this higher path.
I wanted you to know that I wish you well and thank you for being a kind and gentle person.]
Go through my days like a sleepwalker, numb.
Thank you for any encouragement.
The strength to end it has to come from deep within you. But you need to really think about this, if he has proven over and over a pattern, like abuse, weather its emotional or physical, then the draw you back in by being all sweet, its a pattern. Do NOT fall for it. You know deep down what is coming.
If he is a P/S he is really incapable of love so you will be wasting your time on something that can not exist.
Do yourself a favor and list 5 things hes done to you, it might give you a new perspective. When I did this all 5 things were bad, lied, deceived, cheated, etc, all bad. Do you want to return to that? To a dream hes created that can NEVER become a reality?
Be strong, hang in there, do not talk to him anymore, dont read his emails, nothing, just go on with your life and let it go, if you dont you will be continually be pulled in.
Best of luck to you, be strong, do this for yourself and your future!
Dancing, seems like he is just trying to “push your buttons”, and I’m sure he probably knows how to do that better than anyone else. Where does he get this stuff… “human bonds, joy and comfort, higher path”… did he ever write/speak like that before?
Your feelings are perfectly normal, oh, that’s it, you are NORMAL and you have FEELINGS! This seems like another power play, isn’t that all they think about?
Hi Shabby – This is henry. I really just wanted to give you a thumbs up on your encouragement to Dancing. When I see new posters here I realize they are at the lowest points of their lives. Like we were at one time. It does get better. But you never forget a real sociopath or what they have done. But we do get better, takes time tho.
This is how I interpret his email…..
Blah, blah, dum, bum, whatzit doo doo shooey bloohey……
Shoulda woulda coulda……
You need to go back and REMEMBER WHY you separated?
What got you there? AND DON”T FORGET THAT…..
Youve been separated a long time……if it was ‘for real’…..You’d both have been trying like HELL to save it…..
I’m sure you tried like hell….to save it….this is what women do….we don’t give up…..until there is NO HOPE!
I tell my kids…..when they break up with the ‘loves of their lives’……and then a year later….when ONE realized maybe they lost a good one…..
I tell them…..what I told you……THERE WAS A REASON YOU BROKE UP!!!!
Think about that…..and let the guilt go…..
Guilt is NOT a healthy thing to live with…’ll eat you up…….
Give the guilt to HIM for NOT being the actions behind those words he typed!!!!
Here here hens…..
“takes time tho’!!!
Yep….don’t we know it!!!
Keep on walken the walk hens…..your doing great!
Dancing Warrior, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. And it reminds me a lot of when I would get conversation or e-mails from my ex that would start me wondering again if there was maybe a feeling human being in there, or if maybe he was capable of loving, or even loving me.
All that yearning for them to be what we desperately wish they could be can blind us to what is right in front of us. I suggest you read the letter again.
There is really nothing in this letter about you, except for his abstract discussion of his inability to meet your needs. Not even an apology or a clear statement of responsibility for what he put you through. Rather it was all about me, me, me. His capabilities, his failures, his path, where he’s going. It sounds like a monologue he’s delivering to himself in the mirror.
The two little sops to you — the self-centered thank you : “I would not be on this good path had it not been for you” and calling you a “kind and gentle person” (which really means he’s a little sentimental about the good times he had taking advantage of you) — are exactly the type of kiss-off that these guys deliver as they’re shifting gears to search for their next victim.
Most importantly, there is not one word in this letter that offers you anything or indicates he has the slightest interest in renewing the relationship. If anything, he wants to look like a good guy to keep the door open, in case he needs something from you in the future. But whether or not you realize it, you are now disqualified from a relationship with him, because you’ve become a little too hard to deal with. You’re judging him. You’re making demands for fair treatment. Why would he want to deal with that, if he can find someone like you used to be?
One thing about sociopaths is that they want to pay as little as possible for what they get. Once we become difficult, they tend to go off searching for lower-hanging fruit. (Or they try to break us down, so we don’t think we deserve to ask for anything.)
You’re still vulnerable to him, maybe still in the bargaining phase of imagining he just might be a nice guy. Believe me, he’s not. This letter is a masterpiece of self-centeredness and avoidance of the slightest debt to you. “Thanks” does not equate to “I’d like to pay you back, because I know you invested hugely in this relationship and got nothing out of it, except heartache.” He’s hoping that his useless thanks will make you forget what he owes you.
DW, it took me a really long time to get over my idea that my role in my ex’s life was to be a transforming angel that healed him, made his life better, and that I would somehow be repaid by the “better person” he was after all my love magic worked on him. It took me a really long time to understand that not one word that came out of his mouth wasn’t a con, designed to keep me doing exactly what he wanted to be doing. Without any consideration at all for how I felt or what it cost me.
If you’re not there yet, you will be. Hopefully soon. This character doesn’t deserve the tiniest molecule of your caring. Never did. And your hoping for anything from him, other than more exploitation, is just hurting you. The sooner you understand this, the faster you will heal.
I hope this makes sense. And I’m not seeming too hard on you. I really know how you feel. And I know that you deserve better than this.
Dancing WArrior,
Sweetie, the TOTAL REASON FOR THIS E MAIL is to soften you up and make you feel sorry for him so you won’t SKIN HIS ASS in the divorce.
Believe me, I have letters from my P-son (from prison) painting a wonderful picture of what a wonderful mother I have been to him, as well as the letters to his friends telling them what A BITCH I AM and calling me “Osama, my mama”
Hi hens, you adorable sweet man. Thank you for the nice words, you are right… it does get better, of course I still have some low days. I wish on a star sometimes that he was different and that he loves me (boink!) All of us will have to go out and howl at the next full moon, LOL.
He did stop by at the beginning of the month, but unlike you, I was out in the front yard!!!! 😛 He’s had his liver transplant, then had a seizure and had brain surgery (ha) and he looked like a skinny old man. I just acted like my FABULOUS self, no need for him to know what agony I went through, looks like he’s been going through some of his own! Karma, baby.