Editor’s note: The following article refers to spiritual concepts. Please read Lovefraud’s statement on Spiritual Recovery.
Lovefraud recently received the following e-mail from a reader who posts as “lostgirl.”
I fell hopelessly in love with (read as I would have given him my real heart and died for him) a sociopath/psychopath.
Skip the details.
I am four years divorced.
There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t grieve the loss of the relationship I thought I had. I cognitively know that the person I married was not who I thought he was and I even believe I know how he came to be. Unfortunately, I have never felt anger, only sadness for what I viewed as the person he could have been that was taken from him long ago. I see him as an addict and myself as having been addicted to him.
Somehow, now, I still cannot move on. I have been through many short relationships, all ended well for me and usually I ended the relationship when I noticed red flags, the ones I kept close at heart. Again, I am in a new relationship and experiencing all the anxiety all over again (each new relationship triggers this). Including nightmares of the ex-sociopath and agonizing over how to know when someone is genuine. Good words are empty and promises of future fall on my deaf ears because I was disheartened so gravely before.
I have become cold and detached. I feel less emotion for every single thing in my life than at any time ever. All things I own, animals, family, I feel as though I am in a stage of suspended life, I cannot bond. I take care of my animals, I take care of my parents, nothing I own feels as if it’s mine, only borrowed, including relationships. I feel fake and alone.
I truly liked the person I met that I am in a relationship with now, but as with all the others after a short time (three months), I begin to feel less and look critically at their words and life as if I am subconsciously talking myself out of taking the risk of succeeding because of the pool of “thought I had’s” that live inside my head.
I know that a good relationship takes time to grow. How can I give myself the time to grow a relationship when I am so busy still flashing back to a relationship that was agony? He compliments me and I toss it aside. He talks about his life and experiences and I’m trying to assemble timeframes in my head to make sure he isn’t lying to me. It’s as if I’m trying to analyze my way in to a sincere relationship by slicing and dicing all the input/information I’m given. In the meantime I’ve dehumanized the relationship in my head and nearly severed any chance at bonding.
I have read post after post from people and articles all over the internet. What I haven’t found is any truly helpful advice for someone like me.
I fear I have lost the ability to connect permanently because I cannot logically define what is not deceitful at the moment it occurs. What is unselfish, I look for selfishness in. All good is lost because I have become obsessed with what is wrong with what is right.
How do I get back to identifying reality and trusting when it is proper? I feel that my mind was raped and I have lost the ability to connect on any level with anyone. I feel like a shell and I can see through everyone in my life, it would be so easy to be just like him (the ex) but I am not driven to “want” like he did. I see the holes in people and it is so easy for me to identify what is exploitable.
I hate this person I’ve become. I want to climb out of the shell and return to who I was before I fell in “love.”
Help I’m lost.
Realm of Numb
A very wise spiritual counselor once said that unresolved anger becomes rage, and unresolved rage becomes numbness. I think that’s what has happened to Lostgirl—she has moved into the Realm of Numb.
She was so in love with the sociopath that she would have died for him. In effect, that is what she did. Her life spark is gone. She no longer finds joy in her family and animals. She looks for deception in new relationships. She no longer trusts herself to know when she can trust another human being.
The Realm of Numb isn’t a place of pain. It’s a place of emptiness, of nothingness, of void. And it’s a place where none of us should be.
But how do we escape? How do we leave behind the feeling of fakeness, and recover the feeling of authenticity?
Search for meaning
One of the books that Lovefraud recommends to everyone who has experienced the trauma of a sociopath is The Betrayal Bond, by Patrick J. Carnes, Ph.D. The book explains the circumstances that can cause us to form traumatic bonds with an abuser, and provides exercises to help readers unravel those bonds.
When I read the book, I highlighted only one sentence that Carnes wrote, and this is it:
My experience with survivors of trauma is that every journey of recovery depends on the survivor coming to a point where all that person has gone through means something.
This is the key. This is how we truly recover. There is always meaning in what has happened to us, although it can be difficult to find. In fact, that’s what makes the destructive relationships with sociopaths so excruciatingly painful—we can’t figure out why they happened. We did nothing to deserve the betrayal. Our intentions were honorable. So why did this happen to us?
Answers in the past
For many of us, the answer lies in our past. If we’ve experienced an abusive relationship, and were not able to recover, we are primed for another abusive relationship. The problem is even more insidious if we were abused as children, because our whole idea of what is “normal” in a relationship is terribly skewed.
But issues of the past need not be as overtly damaging as abuse. Perhaps our childhoods were basically okay, but we’ve always felt somewhat insignificant, or undeserving of love. We may have had “good enough” parenting, but our parents focused on achievement, and we grew up believing that we were loved for what we could do, not for who we are. Beliefs like these, even when they’re unconscious, can create vulnerabilities for sociopaths to exploit.
It’s also possible that there is a deep spiritual reason for becoming involved with a sociopath. This is what happened to me. I believe that we all come into this life with lessons to learn, and sometimes the lessons are painful. I discuss this more thoroughly in another blog article, Why did this happen to me?
Some people may not be comfortable with the idea of searching for the meaning of the entanglement with a sociopath. It may feel easier to think we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and ran into the wrong person. We just want to brush the encounter aside.
I think this attitude is only a band-aid, and sooner or later, if we don’t find the root cause, we’ll repeat experience. There is meaning, and discovering it leads to healing.
Research, therapy, introspection
So how do we do this? How do we find meaning in what may appear to be a random victimization?
Here’s an important point: True healing doesn’t just happen by itself. True healing requires personal effort.
The first step is to be willing to look for the meaning. Sometimes this, in itself, is difficult. We may be afraid of the painful memories. We may have tried to shove the experience into the past. We may be afraid that if we start crying, we’ll never stop. By being willing, we face these fears, and we may discover, to our surprise, that we can overcome them.
The actual process of finding meaning will probably involve some combination of research, therapy and introspection.
Research: This means educating ourselves not only about the sociopathic disorder, but also about the characteristics and attitudes of a whole, healthy person. We need to understand what we’ve been through, and what we want to become.
Therapy: By therapy, I mean seeking support from other human beings. This could mean working with a therapist or counselor. Or, it may simply be seeking the advice of an understanding, trusted friend, or other members of Lovefraud.
Introspection: Somewhere, deep within us, we know the answers. If we can quiet our minds, with meditation or just sitting in stillness, information will bubble up into our awareness. We may become aware of the mistaken, limiting beliefs that we didn’t know we had. We may receive intuitive guidance about what we should do. If we allow ourselves to seek the truth within, we will find it.
Emotional experience
We cannot expect the process of finding meaning to be simply an intellectual exercise. The bottom line is, we are in pain, pain that may be so entrenched that it has become numbness.
Pain is emotional. The release of pain is also emotional. Therefore, the search for meaning is an emotional experience. The meaning may be buried under anger, hatred, disappointment and fear, and we need to plow through all those emotions in order to find it. And this isn’t a one-time event. We may release anger, only to find more rise up to take its place. This may happen again, and again, and again. The truth is, we are all walking around in pools of pain, and draining the pools takes time.
The expression of these emotions is not pretty, and many people may not have the strength to be with us as we do it. I found that I could only do it with my therapist, or alone. So I sat in my spare room, which I call the meditation room, crying, pounding pillows in rage, and recording my rants in my journal.
But once we release the emotions, they’re gone, leaving room within us to fill with other emotions—like hope, love and joy.
To Lostgirl
Lostgirl, here is what I want you to know: You were betrayed by a sociopath. This is an experience that happened to you. It is not who you are. You are you; the experience is the experience. Do not confuse the two.
There is a meaning for the experience, and it will help you to discover it. This will require effort and commitment on your part. Take the steps. Make a commitment to yourself, to your own growth and happiness. What better commitment could you make?
Find the meaning. But don’t go on a self-help expedition to the exclusion of all else. Here’s a secret: When you focus on any joy in your life, no matter how small, and feel gratitude for the joy, you create an internal energy that attracts more joy.
Healing our hearts is always the answer. To heal, unearth the pain, and replace it with joy. The process may take time, but eventually the life spark will return, brighter than it ever was.
Witsend, it amazes me to no end that people hear the message they want to hear rather than what was said.
Denial is a wonderful emotional state for a while, it helps us to cope with something that we can’t “eat all in one bite” but if we STAY there long term, it keeps us from either fixing the problem or accepting that it is what it is.
When we are dealing with someone in acute denial, there is no way we are going to get them to see the situation as WE see the situation because to do so is to threatening to their status. It is what keeps us from making progress and healing.
We can’t be any blunter than we have been. “They have eyes andn see not, they have ears and hear not” as Jesus said.
“Invest in yourself for it’s the only thing you can control”
–Shawn Nelson, MSA
I am reading, currently: “Help! I am in Love with a Narcissist” by Steven Carter. Hopefully it will put the proper perspective on things for me. Just thought I would share…
Thank you all for your support. I realize that the “drama” is not going to stop with her.
She sent me an email telling me that she is filing a lawsuit for the money in a custodial account she had.
She made 800.00 on a film job and every time she wanted something, she told me to take it out of her account.
I withdrew 250 for her iPhone and to take her to auditions, which she was well aware of.
Now, she wants the money thats left in there and I told her “no”.
So, she emailed me that it is illegal to take HER money from the account and is filing a lawsuit.
I didn’t respond.
I feel totally harassed but I will not respond.
Its just amazing what she is doing.
She sold the iPhone she bought and then bought a 600 dollar one, which she wanted ME to activate on MY account. When I said “NO”, she then wants the money from this account. I told her there is nothing left.
I should never have told her that. Now, she is threatening me again!!
I cannot believe this is my daughter. She is a carbon copy of her father.
She is NOT just an unruly teen. She is an evil, selfish sociopath who is out to get me. Just like her father.
I won’t respond to another email or text . If I get lawsuit papers in the mail…I will go to court. Bring it on!!
Thats my new attitude. Getting stronger….
“insensitive honesty is brutality”
Marcus Aurelius
“The truth will set you free, but first it will pith you off” (can’t remember who said it but we’ve used it here on LF a LOT 😀 )
I have over 28 years experience working for the UK government bank.
Check Terms & Conditions of the account. Age limits…….etc. Who has legal responsibility to administer it? You, either as D’s parent/trustee would have had legal authority to administer her account on her behalf or would have needed her signed authority for any actions. Balance is irrelevant.
WHY did you respond?
You are a loving parent, always have been(BELIEVE IT) and as always, strive to act in ALL the family’s best interest.
ana cara…
I responded with “Please do not contact me via email,phone or text anymore. I will delete the message before read.”
It was a custodial account. She wanted an iPhone. I only took money out for that. She told me to.
I spent thousands on her last year alone…acting coaches..trips to NY (100 dollars each time), two trips to Florida, photos…(1000 dollars) plus drove her and her b/f to 3 concerts and airports for him…etc…THOUSANDS.
I am so happy I texted her that. I’m done.
Certified mail or nothing.
The police told me to file harassment charges.
I don’t need to go there…no energy.
To Lost Girl-
Betrayal is an understatment when it comes to having been coerced into sex and love with a lying predator. I gather that the man you’re referring to lied to you about basic precepts about himself. Someone who is duped into either sex or love is not consenting… much the same way that someone who is doped in date-rape is not consenting.
Being coerced into sex is rape by fraud. Being coerced into love is emotional rape.
Depending on whether or not he misrepresented himself to you, your present state of lack of emotion and disconnect could be the result of Post Traumatic Rape Disorder. As absurd as it may seem, betrayal can intensify feelings of attachment. Even though you know the man to be other than who he pretended to be, you could still be in love with the man you thought he was. When you see him, you need to tell yourself that he is not that man. Not only is he not that man, the man he is, is a liar.
You need specialized help in overcoming rape by fraud that’s consistent with other types of PTSD. Find the right therapist and read on the subject.
Also, depending on the state you live in, it could be a punishable offense.
You were a victim of a predator. Once you grasp that, you’ll get angry and be ready to get over it. You’re fortunate that you didn’t have his child or you and his child would face a lifetime of issues locked into the disturbed machinations of a psychopath.
Not all men are psychopaths…. in fact, very few are. I’ve seen statistics that it’s about 3% of the male population. From the experience you’ve had, you’ll get real good at spotting them. You’ll recognize the signs. You’ll be able to trust your judgement again.
Every experience we have in life grows us. You didn’t need to grow this way, but you did. It’s now a part of who you are. Just like when we put on weight, we don’t like those extra pounds, we can also put on unwanted emotional baggage. You’ll need therapy to help you put this new part of yourself in a place that makes you feel stronger and wiser instead of feeling like a victim.
To: tobehappy
Your daughter has you wrapped around her little pinky. She’s pushing your buttons. She’s doing so because she achieves the results she wants by it. The advice you got about becoming “thick skinned” is good advice. You need a therapist to help you grow that skin.
All kids emotionally break away at some point. Some do it kicking and screaming. It’s as if the only way they can feel separate from us is if they desecrate the relationship that supported them through their childhood. Once they feel sufficiently separated, they cease their rage.
You’ve been internalizing every nasty word she says and every accusation. Stop. Instead of getting upset and angry, recognize she is going through a phase and respond from a place of detachment……. yes, yes, dear….. we all know what a horrible life you’ve had and what horrible mom I’ve been! Would you like some syrup for those waffles? No, you can’t borrow the car.
The good news is that all kids are different and it’s not likely that all your children will behave the same way. When she sees life continuing for your family unit without her being a part, she’ll eventually feel that she’s missing out and her fury will have run out of steam.
When she’s pregnant, or when she’s about 24, you’ll be a much more intelligent and appropriate mom than you are right now. You just need to develop a sense of humor ’til she rediscovers how wonderful you are.
And, btw- two can play the No Contact game. You’re supposed to be the loving adult. NC is a childish, mean way to deal with a loved one. You love her, you just don’t love the way she’s behaving. You might want to send her a text and say, “I’m really sorry I did that. You just really pissed me off and it got the best of me but I really am an adult.” (The message there is that adults- which is what she’s trying to be, don’t behave that way.) “I promise that the next time you piss me off that way, I won’t take your 17 year-old, obnoxious behavior seriously.
If there’s something that the two of you generally enjoy doing together, offer it. She might not take it, but she’ll get the message that adults show love, even when they’ve been angered. If she takes you up on it, don’t feel compelled to give in to ridiculous demands and try to slough off her insults….. it’s just your daughter struggling to break away because she’s reached that point in her life.
wow Fraudsurvivor, very well put.