If the wounds are too fresh and the thought of forgiving the person who abused and upset you hurts too much, honor that. There is no shame in not being ready. It is normal and everyone’s timeline is different. Close the article for the time being or read it for nothing more than future reference, with no pressure or expectations. Allow yourself to feel all that you do, the pain included, with as much passion and purpose as possible. After a while, come back to it. Examine what you have gained, rather than concentrate on what you have lost, even if what you have lost is significant. The hope is that your personal growth is also significant and that the positive things you come to learn about yourself are far greater. Believe it or not, the day may come when you are not only able to forgive, but thank the person who brought you here, but that is all in time…
Forgiveness can be a tough subject to broach when the ones we are considering forgiving are the psychopaths who harmed us. Eventually, however, we should try to find a way to do it.
Why we should forgive
Resentment and anger eat away at us. Even though we may have been seriously wronged by the psychopaths who crossed our paths, holding on to those feelings hurts us, not them. Nelson Mandela once said, “Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill your enemies.” While it seems like an easy enough concept to grasp, putting it into practice may prove more challenging. While in the midst of the anger, confusion, and disbelief that almost always accompanies our brushes with psychopathy, it’s tough to imagine forgiving the person who tried to hurt us. But forgiveness is a funny thing. The reason it must occur has less to do with our wrong-doers, and more to do with us. Forgiving helps us heal.
What does the process look like?
This will not come easy or fast. In fact, it would be wrong to rush it. We must honor each of the stages of the grief process in order to fully heal. But eventually, we have to let go of any remaining ill feelings so that we can grow and move forward. The psychopaths’ acts may have been truly horrible, so we need not excuse them, but we can learn not to allow them to damage us further. As long as we are caught in negative feelings, our offenders are still winning. Hopefully, we can come to the place where we re-empower ourselves and re-gain control of our lives.
Forgiveness does not need to mean forgetting. We should not forget what happened to us or behave as if it never occurred. Rather, we should remember what we went through so that we don’t allow the evil back in or repeat our pasts with others in the future. Further, we need not expect anything from those who did us harm. In cases such as ours, they either enjoyed what they did or to us or were merely using us for their own “advancement.” There are no sincere apologies coming from them….ever, so do not look for one. This is about us and our peace and we can do this without seeing them or exchanging any words. For once, it is actually all about us.
What we come to feel
Recently, someone new to the struggle asked me how I feel about what happened to me and how I feel about the person in my situation. I had to think for a moment, but finally decided that I feel “nothingness.” Where I was once consumed with emotion, I now see this person as a void. It is almost like a chapter of my life that did not exist, in spite of the fact that it was extremely significant.
I know that the situation was real and awful. I care about and acknowledge what occurred, as the storm I weathered hit with a tsunami-like force. However, I lived, learned, and somehow, grew. I think I became a better person along the way, as a result. Without the experience, I don’t think I would have realized that I was only living half alive, realizing only a portion of my potential. I would not have known the strength I was capable of, without this test.
I believe that when we no longer allow them control over us, we come to feel “even” again. At that point, what once existed as love, hate, anger, and sadness disappears, becoming “nothingness.” We come to see our perpetrators as insignificant, even if their acts were not. It is then that we can forgive because what was, no longer matters.
We can move toward the future for ourselves and those we care about. For the first time, probably in a long time, the psychopath takes a permanent back seat, regardless of any residual antics. It takes time and the road is long, but eventually, we can release the demons and thrive. The rewards will come. They may not be concrete or quantifiable, but we will begin to recognize them when we feel them.
Interesting Tealight and BBE,
my exspath was really into skinny blonde guys. He always had a young skinny blonde friend, no matter how old he got. I thought this was because he was once a skinny blonde when he was young, but now it sounds like you’re saying that this is the current arm candy for gays?
Tea Light;
That is what we are here for. Keep in mind that victims of abuse often succumb to the wishes of the abuser, either out of fear or for wanting acceptance.
In addition, some suffer a rebound effect. For about a year, I decided that I was going to “out Trolly Dolly” the Trolly Dolly in every way I could – travel, sex, drinking, even some drugs.
I am lucky to be alive and not HIV+. Thankfully, I learned how really empty is such a lifestyle. My real regret is hurting several very nice guys along the way.
I feel no shame for what happened, because it was not me and I learned and moved on.
Chicken is even young than twink and generally refers to an underage teen boy. Then there is “barely legal” then twink.
Interestingly, twinks that are in demand when they are 20 don’t have much of a place past 30 unless they bulk up a bit and develop some personality!
I think the straight term for Chicken is “Lolita”?
More than just arm candy — there is a sexual attraction. If the twink lets him, there will sex.
Probably paying somebody somewhere…
On that latter, we all have in our extended circle those who come into a nice chuck of money via inheritance and blow-it without having anything to show for it.
For example, I have a cousin who was morbidly obese since a child, never married. His parents past and left him a nice house on Long Island and nearly $500K. Within several years, the money was gone and he had to sell the house to pay back taxes…
He never went on any trips, did not buy expensive cars. In fact, all he had to show was a big plasma TV and some other electronics stuff.
Where did the money go? Gambling, drugs and prostitutes. He never saw his 50th birthday…
can you see how he was trying to trade places with you? He is HIV and he wanted you to be HIV. He did intend to have sex with you eventually, once he had you really believing that he was a prize — a person you could only hope to be.
Because you became ill, he thought that his game was done and he had chosen the wrong prey. They only want pure, innocent prey, not someone already tainted by shame.
But he did manage to turn you into him, for a short while. When you Trolly Dollied, you were acting like him. He slimed you. These people are contagious and STD’s are only a part of it.
Yes, emotional Vampires.
My primary-spathy ex on at least one occasion spoke of himself with some level of disgust as a vampire. Then he said “They don’t really exist, right?” He did not mean the literal kind when he called himself one and never showed any interest in the classic ones. I knew him before Buffy and the subsequent vampire crazes. I guess there was Ann Rice. At most, he might have come accross the Ann Rice vampire movie(s). And not become fixated.
MIne once talked about his “cold, grey blue” eyes in comparison to my “bright, ocean blue” eyes…
You connected across cultures inn New Yawk, right?
Same here. Unless you were in London. You mentioned NY anyway.
Mine was slightly younger than I. Subsequent hysteropath over a decade younger. Susan Sontag ended up with Annie Leibowitz because she couldn’t get into men her age. Which is ironic because she raked Leni Reifenstahl over the coals for her focus on the young and fit and strong in her photographs of Nubian peoples. You said something possibly along those lines…? Martha Wainwright said of Rufus that “he wants the same thing a straight man wants: an 18 year old”. I don’t know how accurate her generalization is… And now Rufus has a committed partner, which is great.
My vampire didn’t suck emotion out of people. Sex/money/housing was what he constantly had to be setting up or maintaining his access to. And probably also variety. Others have a different opinion on this type, but I believe any draining of strength was just the byproduct of his going for those other things.
Yours sounds like something else like a different kind of vampire.
It’s interesting how in modern pop culture there is so much about showing their “humanity” or torment, even though the image is of a predator. With the teeth of real animal predators. Hollywood often shows that “civilized human, soul searching, suffering, borderline-noble” kind of inner life in people I mostly think of having little: cops, first and foremost. I guess in fiction about fictional creatures anything is fair game. I did see a lot of Buffy, and an offshoot show Angel. Some of their topics were definitely about stuff in the real world. Angel had what I thought was an excellent episode about the club scene, and this parasite that would move from host to host (killing each one as it left or something), constantly saying it would stop when it found the right fit. Angel himself was a vampire fighting evil.
Buffy had a hilarious one about a demon that was fear-related or used fear — it had left some traces and they typed it out of a hogwortsish textbook, and when they found it after a scary search they were shocked to discover that it was inches tall. It was yelling “everybody’s going to abandon you” and other basic things like that at Buffy and she just stomped it dead. When they went back to the textbook they noticed that the picture said “Actual Size” below.
Klaus “look at me I’m Nosferatu” Kinski, turns out, was a major sicko and abuser.
I have no idea what the more recent vampire stuff is like. Doesn’t sound interesting.
Sigh. My head feels like it is going to pop off…