What can we say about the games sociopaths play in psychotherapy? We might start with: Sociopaths don’t seek counseling, ever, from a genuine motive to make personal growth.
This isn’t to say sociopaths don’t end up in therapists’ offices. They do, either because they’ve been mandated to attend therapy, or because they view counseling, somehow, as enabling their ulterior, manipulative agenda.
But never does the sociopath, on his own, awaken one day and say to himself, “I’ve got some personal issues I need to examine seriously, for which pursuing psychotherapy is probably imperative—otherwise my life and relationships are going down the drain.”
I repeat, sociopaths will never, ever, seek counseling for purposes of genuinely confronting their damaged, and damaging, personalities. This is so reliable a principle that its converse equally applies—however antisocial his history may be or seem, the client who seeks counseling with a genuine motive to deal with a issue(s) disqualifies himself, perforce, as a sociopath.
And yet we know that sociopaths (some, not all) will play therapy games. But what therapy games?
I’ve alluded already to the court-mandated therapy game, which prescribes the sociopath’s manipulative cooperation toward meeting the court’s mandate that he participate in some sort of counseling—whether anger management, group therapy around domestic violence issues, or counseling for sexual offenders.
This isn’t to suggest that all, or even most, court-mandated clients are sociopaths, far from it; even those who are court-mandated, the great majority of whom will be going through the motions psychotherapeutically, aren’t sociopaths. However, one can be quite certain that the court-mandated sociopath will most definitely regard the therapy process with absolute disdain; and, in my experience, unlike the unsociopathic client, the sociopathic client will be more likely to posture his sincere participation and recognition of his need for help. That’s to say, his tendency will be to “play” the system, more than even merely cooperate with it.
Then we have the sociopath who’s been read the riot act by, say, a seriously exhausted partner, and who agrees to participate in counseling. We might call this the appease his partner therapy game. In this case, the sociopath has reasons for wanting to preserve the relationship (or otherwise delay its dissolution)—reasons principally related to the conveniences the relationship offers or, just as influentially, to the inconveniences that a split or divorce would pose.
In these, and other, therapy games, the sociopath’s range of cooperative participation in therapy is rather wide—on one hand, he may present as compliant and receptive, effectively concealing his underlying insincerity and deception. Alternatively, because after all it’s incredibly inconvenient that he should have to take time out of his life to appease his exploited partner, he may make no disguise of how put-out he feels, and may visibly brandish his indignation, agitation and resentment.
The latter attitude, especially in cases of couples therapy, makes for a dangerous dynamic, wherein the risk of abuse, post-therapy sessions, rises. One hopes the therapist recognizes this risk and terminates the couples sessions, which are contraindicated where abuse is present and flagrant, whether overtly or covertly.
Of course it should only be so easy for any us to smoke out the well-disguised sociopath, who may just be a fantastic, convincing actor, and seem to seriously want to examine and own his misbehavior.
He may seem utterly sincere, for instance, in the therapist’s office, specifically in his contrition and his motivation to establish, or reestablish, himself as trustworthy. His agenda, even to the most astute clinician, may seem pure when it’s impure and merely effectively camaflaged.
Other therapy games sociopaths play include the I’m seeking therapy voluntarily charade, which can throw partners and therapists off, since we’ve established that clients who unmanipulatively, and voluntarily, engage in therapy, virtually by definition rule themselves out as sociopaths. This leaves us the tricky business of ascertaining the sociopath’s true motives for seeking therapy.
In other words, it’s not enough that he presents himself voluntarily for services, because his presentation, if he’s sociopathic, will necessarily be deceptive. And in any case, his status may be less voluntary than he purports; he may deny, persuasively, the court’s involvement when, alas, the courts (or probation) may be involved.
But even in cases where the court isn’t involved, although technically he may have sought services voluntarily, in reality (as we’ve noted) the sociopath may be complying with a different sort of mandate—the mandate, for instance, of a furious partner, or an exasperated employer, whom he’s willing to mollify purely from selfish motives.
And so, once again, we have the illusion of a client who appears motivated to seek help and make a kind of sincere reckoning, but who, instead, uses therapy to manipulate his way out of the doghouse and restore the old leverage with which he’ll continue, sooner or later, to exploit in his customary style.
Finally, for now, we have sociopaths who play the dedication to their spiritual development game. These are typically well-educated sociopaths with a polished psychological rap, who posture as committed spiritual seekers. Some of these sociopaths may go so far as to make a sort of cult—a seeming life mission—of their alleged spiritual development, raising irony and farce to new levels.
This category of sociopaths validates another principle that applies to sociopaths in general: While they are absolutely incapable of genuinely pursuing their personal and spiritual growth, yet smoother, more glib sociopaths can be highly capable of ungenuinely, insincerely, manipulatively pursuing their so-called personal growth.
Think of the predatory trollers (and rollers) at AA and NA meetings, and all other sociopaths, who posture one way or another as honest, open books seeking to confront their trauma responsibly and seriously.
Summoning guises like Mr. Sensitive, Mr. Wounded, Mr. Relationship Builder, Mr. I’m In Touch With Vulnerability, Mr. I’m In Recovery From Co-Dependence, and countless other pseudo-evolved raps, these sociopaths can be magnets—and they know it—for genuinely vulnerable women seeking sensitive, emotionally available, vulnerable men with whom to partner in their own recovery.
I’ve outlined briefly, here, several of the more common therapy games that sociopaths play. They are by no means an exhaustive account. In concluding, I realize there are several points and issues that scream (at least to me) for elaboration. I intend to address them in more depth in upcoming Lovefraud columns.
(This article is copyrighted © 2010 by Steve Becker, LCSW. My use of the male gender was for convenience’s sake, not to suggest that females aren’t capable of the behaviors and attitudes discussed.)
Steve, That post is so spot on. My ex played all of the those games on and off with me although not in court but I am pretty sure if he goes to court with his wife who is currently trying to stop him seeing his children he will play ALL of them Mr. Sensitive, Mr. Wounded, Mr. Relationship Builder, Mr. I’m In Touch With Vulnerability, Mr. I’m In Recovery From Co-Dependence and make out she is the bitch from hell.
My own ex played the “I am Impotent and I have no idea why game” with my therapist and then said it was because he was not comfortable with his “hetrosexuality” and used it as an excuse for treating “women so badly” as he had supposedly been abused at school the which was probably a perfect excuse for him to have sex with the opposite members of sex as I had found him on a load of sex sites offering sex to men LOL
Even the therapist after said he was extremely convincing ! as they always are to everyone until they actually get caught out. I just feel sorry for the poor women on here who have lost their children through fighting in court.
I realise how far “I” have come on since leaving removing him from my life.
to all
Feeling misunderstood,
I was thinking about animals and their lives.
I asked a question, I did not make a statement accusing someone of eating children!!! I just switched the word lamb with child, the animal being a baby (very stupid of me actually) and who’s to say animals LIVES are not as imortant, its a question not a statement!!!!.
I’m sorry if I offended anyone. It was not my intention. I just really love animals and was talking about my own possible hypocrasy and how it really upset me one day as I was eating lamb…and met the possibe psychopath in me who turns a blind eye to kiling baby animals for food..? QUESTION not FORCE FEEDING ANYONE
heartened to hear that you give your animals a humane life! because I love them and think they deserve repect and humane killing etc. not angry at anyone for eating meat, just questioning the value of an animals life.
Gem you said:
Bproof compared me to a cannibal who eats babies
we have a choice, as human beings, NOT to eat meat but you dont convert people to your way of thinking by trying to “guilt” or “browbeat’ them to your way of thinking.This is what spaths do, we know better than they do.Love, Gem.
hinting that I’m a spath is wonderful of you! thanks so much! you are such a delight!
And show me where I said you gemini was a cannibal?
live and let live? eh excuse me for expressing an opinion. Just one! humbly. The arrogance of saying that I am forcing something down your throats ! the only thing down our throats are baby lambs…(JOKE FOR CHRISSSSAKE)
bulletproof – thank you for sharing your honest inquiry about eating meat, a questioning of your world view post spath.
the questioning of our world view is one of the biggest challenges and opportunities we have as we come out of the fog and find our true hearts again. when our foundations have been shaken to the ground, we rebuild. And in that process we become more of who we are now.
The deep questions that we ask and answer are what brings meaning to our experiences with these horrid people. it is so important that we support one another in this endeavor.
Hi One.
Deep Questions.
Althought one might propose that the answer to what’s for lunch really points to the simplest, most profound answer for how life is going to be post spath.
it implies that we live on and do the things important to living on after that.
It implies that the spath is in the past and not the moment and in a simple moment we can focus on doing someething with a healthy choice.
And execercise that bears repeating in a complex world where the continuity of concious thought around these psychological insults is nearly enough to drive you mad.
Look at what happened to Emily Dickenson. I think she was hit by a spath!
A perspective we should have covered in literary analysis – Seems obvious to me now. Why do we spend months teaching women about her writing without explaining that what caused her so much grief is what we describe here?
I’m having poetry and greens for lunch. You?
Silver – job finding, housework, stretches and a spinach salad.
hope to be back tonight. much to do.
This is a great article. It reminded me of the time my S went to a counselor on his own (without my knowledge). He actually paid to have someone tell him what he wanted to hear based on what HE told her, so he could try to use it against me. According to her, I was a “Drama Queen” AND Bi-Polar. This all without me being there to diagnose. People like her should have their licenses stripped. I’m sure he was all to believable, however, I find it hard to believe that ANY therapist would make the diagnosis she did without being able to speak face to face with the other party ( me).
When he returned home and told me that he spoke to a counselor and told me what she said, I honestly didn’t believe a word he said. I told him I wanted to talk to her and hear it from her own mouth that she did indeed say all those things. We went and I confronted her. She did not deny it. Needless to say I was in shock. Who the hell was this person? In my book she’s a QUACK!!!
Ever since then he’s labeled me me as Bi-Polar even though my counselors (and I’ve had 2 within the past 4 years) have said that I am in no way Bi-Polar or a “Drama Queen”. He’s even told his co-workers I’m Bi-Polar. They’ve given him articles about it, they talk about it, and even make fun of me about it behind my back. All of this is so incredibly sick.
This is all feeding into the S’s game. He only went once to counseling on his own, and once was all the ammunition he needed. He’s threatened to go again during fights just so someone can tell him what he wants to hear and use it against me.
As far as he’s concerned, there is absolutely nothing wrong with him and it’s all ME. I’m the one with the problem. And you know, he’s right. I’m the one here dealing with an abusive, manipulative, cheating sociopath. He has no problems. Everything goes his way. He’s got his whore, his loser wife who caters to his every need and allows him to abuse her, he’s got all his buddies at work who feed into his sociopaty and cheating. What more could he want?
I HATE him and everything he’s done to me. I hate that he’s torn me down into the pathetic little loser I am. I hate him for taking everything I had going for me and turning it into shit. I hate that he’s taken my heart and stomped it so brutally. I hate that he’s made me afraid of EVERYTHING… even losing HIM. I hate that I am not allowed to speak my own mind, have my own opinions, have feelings or display emotions without being brutally punished for it.
I hate myself for ever allowing myself to get suckered into a relationship with someone like him in the first place, and for not walking away when I saw the first “Red Flag”. I hate the fact that more often than not, I wish I would die in my sleep. So am I a “Drama Queen”, or someone who has been tortured and tormented for 8 years?
Here here! Touche and in complete agreement, Steve. Great article, and something every “ordered” partner should learn and know.
Bulletproof – I just want to applaud your thinking about other sentient beings – you are clearly meditating on the subject and its meaning for you right now – you will form the path that best fits your life and your emerging spirit soon – you are already taking steps down the path.
Just be aware that when you first start considering all the suffering in the world it can be really overwhelming especially when you realise the bits you have participated in. You can become filled with a righteous fire and try to share what you have uncovered and thought about with everyone else. This is not the path for everyone though. I see that you were questioning – I have done this in the past as well. I have also been a zealous convertor who tried to get everyone around me thinking the same (and drove them all nuts!)
I don’t think you meant to offend anyone – you were just questioning and drawing a parallel that many vegetarians and vegans have drawn – yes this is a common parallel we consider believe it or not. As I said in a previous post, taking this step that many consider a simple dietary change, is a much larger journey – one that makes us delve into the deepest aspects of ourselves. We question our philosophy, morality, beliefs and values and practices. It is a confronting process for both the seeker and those around them.
The posters here have received your questions with love although they don’t share your orientation. You won’t always get that response from people so try to surround yourself with others who are thinking like you to strengthen your resolve so you can ask those questions and have those discussions in peace. I learned a long long time ago that trying to convert people by selling them on the ‘wrongness’ of meat or the ‘rightness’ of vegetarianism doesn’t work – it’s like trying to teach a pig to sing – it doesn’t work and it irritates the crap out of the pig! ( And NO I am not calling ANYONE a pig!)
People come to it themselves if it is to be their path. Part of your learning in vegetarianism will be learning tolerance for other orientations – remember it is a spiritual process – in essence that means it deals with the very best aspects of you, but it is not always easy. Sometimes it will mean biting your tongue when you desperately want to shout something out. Tolerance has served me well in so many other areas of my life – it allows me to understand that rather than a right and a wrong there are many shades and hues of rightness and wrongness depending on what part of land you stand in at the time. Like Oxy’s examples of Muslim people who are indoctrinated to hate Westerners – if you lived in that culture then that would be normal and healthy.
I wanted to speak to the passion and committment I heard in your post – I know vegetarianism is a contentious debate between meat eaters and non meat eaters. It’s not an easy road to take. So I just wanted to say big up to you for continuing on this journey – temper it with tolerance for now. You might have a calling in the future to lead workshops about vegetarianism or to write or blog about your changing life. It means you are changing in a profound way – meditate about what this all means for you and try to handwrite every day all your thoughts and feelings about the suffering you notice. You might be surprised about what emerges from you!
I wanted to find some support for you – it’s hard to do things alone but when we are with like minded others, endeavours become easier 🙂 So here are some resources for you to use as you like. I hope you will continue to post here = you are a wonderful individual with much to offer
PS did you know a raw vegan diet literally cures Type 2 diabetes in a month? Exciting stuff and reason enough for us all to include a little more salad in our lives – even if it’s accompanied by a steak or a sausage or chop!
Thank you for another wonderful and validating article. It’s amazing how clever they are.
The S in my life is a bonafied “SPRITUAL HEALER” (he has a spritual school diploma on the wall)…lol….and has book shelves covered with spiritual healing materials. He certainly comes off as being Mr. honest, Mr. Sensitive, emotionally available etc……ALL LIES!
Soooo hard to disearn the truth……
Thanks for hearing me. I guess I relate to what you say:
You can become filled with a righteous fire and try to share what you have uncovered and thought about with everyone else
I ‘m sorry for sounding righteous,I guess there is a thin line between passion and righteousness. I am so flawed and I do not think I know all the answers, I just felt for animals to the point of tears as I ate lamb and started to confront the animal eater in myself. Of course it’s not for everyone!!! just like every opinion ever expressed here is not for everyone…why pick on this particular one??
anyway thanks for the support, I feel great after reading all you say!! even happy and excited
And I love what you say:
I learned a long long time ago that trying to convert people by selling them on the ’wrongness’ of meat or the ’rightness’ of vegetarianism doesn’t work ”“ it’s like trying to teach a pig to sing ”“ it doesn’t work and it irritates the crap out of the pig! ( And NO I am not calling ANYONE a pig!)
I’m laughing. Hey thanks!