It’s the holiday season, and many of us are running around doing last minute shopping, trying to find gifts for everyone on our list—and possibly, with this economy, on a limited budget. But what are we planning to give the most important person on our list? That is, what are we planning to give to ourselves?
This year, some of us have been forced to face the fact that the person to whom we dedicated our time, energy, love and money was a sociopath, thoroughly prepared to take everything he or she could from us. Some of us discovered this a year or two ago, and are still processing the awful truth.
When we become entangled with a sociopath, it shakes the foundation upon which we built our lives. Axioms by which we lived turned out to be flawed: No, not everyone can be saved by our love. Yes, when some people say, “I love you,” they’re lying. No, not everyone is good deep down inside. Yes, evil exists.
The turmoil can leave us feeling like we’re drifting without an anchor.
I’d like to suggest that this year, we give ourselves the gift of a new anchor, a new axiom. And what is the gift? Trusting ourselves.
Most of us knew on some level, early in the involvement with the sociopath, that something was wrong. The sociopath’s stories didn’t add up, the behavior seemed odd, the emotions didn’t match the words. But we doubted ourselves. We let the sociopath explain away our queries, or convince us that we were paranoid.
Then, as the entanglement progressed, we started to lose ourselves. Perhaps the sociopath told us we were insane. Perhaps it was easier not to argue. Eventually our lives no longer seemed to be ours.
Well, we’ve learned the hard way that we were right all along. So let’s not berate ourselves for not heeding our instincts. Let’s take it as proof that our instincts work.
We may have to start slowly, by consciously asking ourselves, “What do I want to do now? What is right for me in this situation?” But as we release the anxiety of the sociopathic relationship and listen to ourselves, we’ll find that we have the answers.
This year, let’s give ourselves the gift of trusting and believing in our own good. We can do it. We can emerge from this experience with hard-won wisdom, and move forward to create a happy and fulfilling life.
The Lovefraud authors will be taking a break for the holidays, and will resume posting after the New Year. We wish all of you a healthy, safe and Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, blessed solstice, or whatever you celebrate, and a wonderful New Year!
I have that image indelibly etched in my mind of you driving in the snow with your children in the back seat praying while you were cussin….such an adventure for the kids! 1983 and here is the snow again…keep safe, and keep P free
Here’s a nice companion piece to this blog.
I love the writing that woman does!
i am cleaning house – vacuuming and such, cause someone may be coming over to view the room I have for rent.
and i am paying attnetion to the dialogue in my head. it isn’t kind. speaks to how defective i feel, how much conflict is in my life and how much i feel i have to hide the conflict.
i feel shamed. ashamed. because of how tied up i am with the expereince of being spathed; because i am fighting the bully landlord; and can’t pay my bills – and have to let certain accounts go into ‘eviction/ cut off’ before service agency will help – so i have my second eviction notice and my utilities are in arrears – i go on tuesday to see if i can get help with the rent and utilities. the landlord thing will take months to resolve – which is about the smoking issue, and that ….oh, blah, blah…let’s just say that their is lots of strife and conflict.
and i am embarassed.
and work – i have not been a productive employee for almost three months now. and it is going to be apparent really soon – this week. I will try ti mitigate the damage, but it is going to show. and i just can’t keep up the facade….it is causing SO much stress. this is the fall out from the spath. bless her diseased evil little heart.
okay, i am what i am, and things are as they are – doesn’t mean i am less worhty. i have just been in a lot of trouble. i keep thinking people will smell it on me and run. and things will get worse.
and i need a new roommate, a new job, etc. i am not in a position to ‘coast’. this is NOT a good cycle of thinking. So if anyone has dealt with this – and has some ideas of how to break this thinking I would like a shout out.
one step is worthy.
One-Step , your not alone, in a similar situation a month ago, I found a place, a new job and and s/path/narc … free… yes it is not easy, but do not beat yourself too much we are only human and we are good people, when others who take advantage of us leaving us to clean up the mess they helped create … I am speaking of my ex S/P/Narc…. he sat on his Ass while I paid the rent/bills etc supported 3 people and when the cops escorted him out he choose to intimidate me Oh you gonna be OK …
yeah f–ker now that your gone, I did what I had to do and I put a roof over our heads without anyones help just myself! You are stronger than you imagine, it is easier said than done but picture yourself in a better place even if you need to ask for help, it sucks that in order to get help you must be destitute like in a shelter or on the streets… but its beauracracy right red tape bull crap….. do not be embarrassed if we start off from humble beginnings with help we can pull ourselves up… be honest you say you cant keep up the facade…. you dont have too just let go and be you and know that others have survived similar situations and you will too! I hope it helps.. I do know it sucks to be worried about bills (since we are normal we worry) and keeping a roof over your head… I remember telling my friend about being evicted she said hey look at jewel she lived in her VAN… it was not what I wanted to hear but I think she meant hey if she is JEWEL and she is who she is now … the humbler we are the better we will be in the future! hope that helps! Hugs !!!one step!! I am asking the universe in my thoughts for all good things to come your way! xoxoxo Hugs !
thanks spirit…and man, do I wish i had a van!
LOL…. I hear ya! It would be nice… also it would be nice(not) for a second to not have feelings like guilt, shame, embarrassment huh its easy for those spaths….. no remorse.. no concern of other peoples FEELINGS! callousness … no depth or character… integrity
Better to be without Logic than without Feelings….(quotes off my refrigerator) What a clean feeling it is to accept and own my life and not beat myself up for the mistakes I have made!
Procrastination is a form of self abuse…
Did you ever notice what excellent drivers women are?(some men too) that end was my two cents LOL
spirit: this is NICE!
‘What a clean feeling it is to accept and own my life and not beat myself up for the mistakes I have made! ‘
I want the clean feeling back.
Just keep saying it over and over to yourself and imagine(envision) that clean feeling! Get it back!!! you can do it !
One Step – I used to also worry people could smell the failure on me lol Don’t stress about it – they can’t! They have no idea what we have been through at all. Having some good company around will help you heal faster as you start to see that although not everyone has been through an SPN relationship, but everyone has their secret pains and shame to bear. You will realise this experience has not damaged you in the ways you might think.
I listened to a NLP recording a while ago about negative internal self talk that we often have. He recommended a very simple strategy to halt it immediately and at first I laughed about it but when I tried it I was amazed to find it seriously works.
Here it is then … whenever you have a negative self beating thought come up or a stream of them you just say to yourself (or out loud if nobody else is around lol)
“Shut the f**** up!”
It really works – simple but effective. I wish you a great flatmate who turns out to be a great friend. I wish you a reliable and sturdy person who will meet their obligations without fail and be a light for you in showing you all the good parts of your character and personality that everyone else can see but you cannot. I wish you coffees at 1 in the morning and deep and meaningful discussions as you cook meals together. Watch some comedy moments on Youtube for light relief and try to focus on the good stuff – we can only stay in analysis of the darkness for so long then we need breaks 🙂
Hey – this site might give you a giggle …