A few days ago, Bill Zeller, a 27-year-old graduate student at Princeton University, died. The cause: suicide. The reason: He was tormented due to being repeatedly raped as a child.
Zeller left a 4,000-word suicide note that eloquently explained the effect that the devastation had on his life. There is a link to it in this article:
Princeton student kills self over rape as child, on CBSNews.com.
Story suggested by a Lovefraud reader.
Yay! Sanity returns!
si, si estás en lo correcto.I really thought i would have most of today off. didn’t happen. and tomorrow i have about 5 hours to put in. I want to take wednesday off, so I will work toward that.
Vale, que descansas el miercoles! Babe fell again today, with a rider on her back. Horse and rider ok, thank God!
I can translate from P-speak to English, does that count!
Chica – no! Was it M?
Yep. She stumbled, fell, rolled on M. 1,300lbs! Just bruised ribs. Both shook up, very much a WTF thing. That happened to me a few times with the late great S. Kind of a rite of passage tho. Nothing worse than that, IMHO.
Translating P speak is a great talent, Oxy!
Bruised ribs – Babe or M? 😉
I don’t know if i was ever rolled on – I had a talent for jumping off as they went down. and landing on rocks. with my neck.
M with bruised ribs. Babe has small scrape on her head. Oh yeah, jumping off and landing on the neck–owww 🙂
M’s bones are a little old for this rite of passage. I can’t imagine going of a horse at this point in my life. eeek.
cleaned off another bookshelf today, and set up my altar. the buddhas have a nice clean space now, and a beautiful beeswax candle offering in a red cavalier glass. Threw out some papers pertaining to S, not the horse, and to the ‘lying sack of cap evil c spath’. (truer words were never typed!)
Oky kids, I changed my screen name as promised, but not so much as to completely throw EB when she returns. so here I is, one step at a time has some ‘joy’ in her now (and a little CA Chardonnay)