While there are no sure-proof ways to avoid exploitive partners (short of entering the monastery), we can reduce our risk of getting too deeply involved with them. Why do I say too deeply? Because if getting involved with an exploiter at all isn’t bad enough, getting in too deeply is the disaster we hope to avoid.
One of the best (and most under-utilized) strategies to protect yourself is to properly“vet” your prospective (or new) partner. What I have to say ahead is especially applicable if you’ve been burned by a sociopath previously, and even moreso if you suspect in yourself a tendency to enter relationships with bad-news characters.
What do I mean by “vetting” your partner? I mean, of course, getting to know him as thoroughly as possible before deepening your investment in him. But here’s the rub: it’s the getting to know him through others.
By others I mean his friends, family, relatives and, indeed, anyone in his social orbit from whom you stand a chance to learn, or confirm, something meaningful about him.
And so while we can agree that no strategy alone guarantees protection against exploitation, I’d propose that vetting your partner intelligently increases your protection, and is much wiser than depending exlusively on him (especially if he’s exploitive) to furnish a candid history of himself.
In other words, your partner’s history of himself will be much less informative than, and dangerously incomplete without, others’ complementary history of him.
How exactly do you vet a prospective partner? It’s true you could take any number of draconian measures—like hiring a team of private investigators—to assist you in the process and, indeed, there may be circumstances where you feel this is necessary.
However, I’m going to restrict myself in this discussion to vetting strategies that might be described as “natural—”meaning, you have access to them in the natural course of your evolving relationship.
And it begins with several absolutes: for instance, you absolutely must meet his family. You must meet his friends. And if he has kids, you must meet them, too.
Really, your aim to meet anyone and everyone in his life from whom it’s feasible to derive, piece by piece, a more complete, validating (or invalidating) profile of him.
If he has no family with whom he’s in contact, and no friends, or, if he has them but discourages you from meeting them, or, worse, is unwilling to let you meet them, well then”¦Houston, we have a problem.
If his parents are in fact deceased (and he hasn’t killed them), there’s nothing doing there. But what about his siblings? And other relatives? And, I repeat, his kids (whether younger or older)? And vitally, his friends!?
My point is that it’s on you to ensure that you neither confine yourself, nor let him confine you, into discovering him within an informational vacuum. I can’t stress this point enough: you absolutely must not allow yourself to be confined, in your discovery of who he is, within an informational vacuum.
Translation, and again at the risk of repeating myself: sooner than later, you’ll want to meet as many people as possible in his life, past and present, who, collectively, can shed light on who your partner is.
Then, if he stonewalls you; if in anyway he restricts or censors your access to feeback through the human beings who’ve comprised, and comprise, his social network, well then”¦I repeat, Houston, we’ve got a very serious problem.
And so, for instance if, in your efforts to move the vetting process forward at a natural, efficient pace, he strings you along and is saying, week after week, I’ll introduce you to my family, just not quite yet, baby”¦I’ll know when the time’s right, trust me”¦.this portends disaster.
Similarly, if he says, ostensibly to protect you, “Trust me, baby, you don’t want to meet my family. They’re a bunch of lunatics,” trust me: you’ll want to meet them. He may be right—they may be lunatics, but you’ll want to meet them to assess the risk that he’s one, too.
Because when his brother Billy Bob, who’s had a few too many pops, tells you on an unscheduled tour of the family property, “Phil tell you how me and him used to set them cats on fire and watch ’em burn to a crisp? Damn, them was the good old days,” this feedback just might not square with Phil’s having told you what an animal lover he was as a kid?
In other words, even dysfunctional, unhinged family and friends can cough up really IMPORTANT information.
Like this, from his mentally challenged, but not necessarily delusional, sister, Crystal: “Good luck with Harold. You seem nice, honey. Maybe now he’s got a girlfriend, he’ll keep his hands off me.”
Okaaay, Crystal”¦thanks for the blessing.
And please, if he has no longterm friendships, do yourself a favor: Don’t rationalize this. Ask yourself, say, hmmm”¦why?
Why does this 40-year-old man have no longterm friendships? What could explain the fact that he has no contact with anyone from his past? (Incidentally, “They’re dead to me,” isn’t a reassuring explanation, especially when a lot of people, it seems, are dead to him.)
It’s probably unncessary to get mired down in defining precisely how far back you’ll want to mine his past? Maybe it’s unnecessary to go all the way back to elementary school? Or even junior high? But what about high school? College? Old colleagues? Cousins? Hell, even old prison buddies (sorry, I know that’s not funny).
Speaking of prison, here’s a concept I ask you to entertain: if you should happen to establish, through your due diligence, that your Romeo has a prison record, how can I say this diplomatically? Remember the books See Dick RUN! See Jane RUN!
Well this circumstance—a prison history—dictates that, just like Dick and Jane, you run! Because it’s amazing what a good, smart, well-timed flight can protect you from!!
Back to the longterm friendship matter: If, in the course of the vetting process, you discover that, alas, your new partner has, indeed, maintained friendships since childhood, or made and maintained solid friendships as an adult, this is a good, positive sign. Is it certification of his integrity and authenticity? Of course not. But it belongs in the plus column of your assessment. It’s the kind of discovery, among others, you’re glad to make.
Let’s say your new partner’s alleged best friend and, for that matter, all his important “peeps,” allegedly live scattered across the country, thereby, he laments, complicating your opportunities to meet them face to face. What now?
Well, where geography deters you from breaking bread with them in person, technology to the rescue! Use skype! Talk to them, see them, interact with them on the computer! At the very least, talk to them on the phone!
There are plenty of feasible ways, in other words, in this technology-enabling world, to connect with those in his life whose geographical situations make for impractical face to face meetings. And so, if he keeps you at arms’ length from them, he’s telling you something very ominous that you need to heed carefully and proactively.
Let me stress: you aren’t just evaluating the dish you get on him from those who’ve known, and know, him (ostensibly) best; you are also evaluating the dishers! You are evaluating the evaluators!
Who are those who comprise his social network? What are their values? What’s their integrity level, as best your instincts tell you? Do they strike you as—even if not admirable in their own right—credible character references?
The answers to these questions matter a lot. It may be nice that Don, his best buddy since third grade, swears on his own family’s life that your boyfriend’s character and integrity are beyond reproach. But if Don’s done time for armed robbery, the credibility of his glowing reference suffers.
You are also evaluating how your new partner relates within his social circle. Does he maintain his “integrity” around them? Does he treat you with a consistent level of attentiveness and respect regardless of the audience? Conversely, does he become a different person around different people, revealing unexpected, disarming sides of himself?
Again, please remember: The vetting process I’m suggesting needn’t be, or seem, formal or contrived; rather, it should be entirely unforced, entirely natural. And your new partner should enable this process by welcoming you into the lives of those with whom he’s shared, and shares, his life!
If he doesn’t make this process natural and seamless—if he filibusters or stonewalls you—this is, I repeat, a serious problem.
What are you looking for in all of this? You are looking to confirm that, by and large, others’ history and experience of him line up with yours! Because if they don’t align, that’s a fatal sign. (Yes, I’m channeling my inner Johnny Cochrane!) If they don’t align, that’s a fatal sign.
So what do you with reasonably unfettered access to these valuable, potential Judas figures in his life? At the risk of overkill, you listen to them, listen to their stories of him. As we’ve established, they will tell you stories. And if they don’t tell you stories, you can ask for stories. And when he says, glowering at his buddy, “Let’s not go there, Al,” you know that’s a place you want to go.
And when he says, even more sinisterly, “I’m not f’ing kidding, Al. Let’s not go there,” you know that’s exactly one of the many places you may need to go.
Sometime the stories aren’t verbalized, they’re just implicit; and sometimes the stories come in the form of questions, like, why doesn’t Tom have relationships with any of his kids?
Listen for the excuses and heed their meanings. Their mother poisoned them against me. Even worse, their mothers poisoned them against me.
In other words, if he’s been married more than once, and hates all his ex’s, and all his ex’s hate him, and all his kids hate him, then 2+2 doesn’t equal he, poor guy, has been repeatedly victimized.
Beware of the partner who’s a lousy parent. While it’s not a guarantee he’ll be a lousy partner, it’s a warning that the same self-centeredness that corrupted his relationships with his kids will surface in his relationship with you.
More generally, beware of the partner who has a history of discarding others in his life. You want to assess this history very carefully, because this is a history that will repeat itself, you can be quite sure of that.
You may be the passion flavor of the month, or year, even five years, but when the edge of his passion fades, watch out. He will cast you off as he’s cast off the sundry others in his life, perhaps even his kids from an earlier first marriage.
Do not be fooled for one second into believing that you are who he’s been looking for all his life. He may delude himself, again and again, with this fantasy, but it’s your obligation to yourself not to collude in this delusion.
(I thank Lovefraud poster Silvermoon, who, while she may or may not subcribe to my ideas, sparked my thinking for this article with her extremely stimulating feedback. As always, my use of male gender pronouns in this article was for convenience’s sake, and not to suggest that females are exempted from the attitudes and behaviors discussed. This article is copyrighted © 2010 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
Family is supremely important, my h’s mom is schizophrinic and his dad played along with it, physciatrist gave that a name too and said he hadn’t seen it in 20 years. I thought his parents where just old, instead of odd, when I first met him.
He is an only child and he and his parents only talk about superficial things. Never peronal things.
Steve, Your article above, speaks most directly to me in regard to a female friend I had for only about three months. We got very close in that short time, and she told me she was the youngest of 10 children, that she had 5 children of her own, and her x hub still thought she walked on water. I never saw one photograph in her house of any of these people. I never heard tell of a phone call, or a letter. I don’t even know if any of these peeps were real, or if she was just estranged from them.
She always had a story to tell about her accomplishments, how adored she was, and yet nothing had the ring of truth about it….it just didn’t add up.
Then I saw her file a false police report against someone she had a vandetta toward, and saw her totally disregard emotional pain in others, (deriding them for their self-pity, and holding herself as superior to them) and my gut started telling me something was wrong.
Talk about the mask. This is a true story: We were drinking a beer in a bar, and someone approached her. She was smiling and joking and having a wonderful time until this person, (a friend of hers) told her his MIL was in hospital, not expected to live. She immediatly laid her face into her folded arms on the bar and stayed that way just a little too long, as if trying to figure out what face to put on. A little bit later, after her friend had moved on, she pointed across the bar, at the dying womans daughter and said, “Look at J’s face.”
Just didn’t feel right.
One day, she was sitting in the car, waiting for me to lock the front door so we could go shopping, and this srange feeling hit me all over…anxiety/fear/shame not sure how to name it, but I remember asking myself, “where is this coming from?”
And I remember feeling like I was being SIZED-UP.
I made like Snaggelpuss (remember him?) exit stage left. Haven’t seen her since.
Very insightful and informative…..a reminder we all need.
I have learned through this experience to ‘investigate’ everyone….chances are, if your in my life…..I’ve done my own ‘search’ on you.
So much of the things you mention can also be done online…..prior to you walkng the natural path to discovery.
If we learn how to cross reference people on the web…..we really need to start with VERY LITTLE info on them.
First, last name.
an approximate age.
With that info, I could tell you where you have lived (cities), your age, your parents or childrens names…..
and go from there……
From there I can cross reference and see that you helped your daughter purchase her home in XX town in 1999 and her and her husband divorced in 2003.
If the person being searched has a facebook or a Myspace, linkedin or other accounts….depending on what they have VOLUNTARILY offered the world…..it doesn’t stop there….
I can check your friends on facebook and see that your daughter has remarried a guy named Bruce and has a newborne and lived next door to you now….I can even see you and your new g. baby picking out a christmas tree last year in the woods…..BECAUSE SOMEONE, and not necessarily YOU posted online photos….you know….flicker/travel buds etc….along with headers that say…..Dad and baby Jasmine. Or Jasmines first Christmas tree……
People are so organized, and wanting to share so much with the world….it’s just CRAZY!
I can tell you you own a home with WHAT….your ex wife…..
But, oh wait…..county records don’t show ANY divorce from your EX wife JILL…..
Last night I had a friend call me….her daughter received a subpeona….they were freaked out.
They didnt’ know what it was for…..and they were paralyzed with fear.
So….we went to the net.
I told her what it was all about, (By court records)
I told her about the charges the young man being prosecuted were. (By court records).
I googled his name….for kicks…..and holy cow……I told her ABOUT HER DAUGHTER…..by OTHER PEOPLES MY SPACE comments…pictures etc….
Then she asked me to google her daughter….and do a search I would do on a date…..
I told her her daughter was 5’1, blue eyes, brown short hair,an athlete, likes mint tea, Vanilla icecream. Was a diabetic with thyroid problems, Babysits 4 young girls under 5 on the weekends in XX city, attends XX college….went to San Fran with her parents in 10-05. On that trip watched a naval band with singers they enjoyed. Has 2 cats, sleeps in late, works at XX. Her boyfriend was XX. Her roommate was XX and XX.
Her grandmother rosie was dying of lymphoma, he uncle lives in AZ….I can see pictures of her prom, and 28 other albums dating back to 2004….showing EVERYTHING….family, friends yada….all named and photographed….She went to a baseballgame yesterday at yada staduim with XX. I told her her work schedule for next week. I appologized for her friend Charise passing away and said it was nice of D to sign the online memory book…and told her what her daughter had written from the family.
I told her her email address, her husbands email address AND her daughters email/telephone AND new address…..
SHE SAID STOP!!!! She was sickened…….and shocked I could find so much and basically ‘tell’ her about her daughter……from simple online searches….
a few sights, lead you to another site, to another and BOOM…..you can cross reference this person…..
This is all available for ANYONE to view……
I do not sign ANY condolonce greetings online…..I put NOTHING ‘outthere’ about MYSELF……
If you wnat a relationship with me…..you gotta make an effort!!!!
I had a date scheduled with a guy, he called me to confirm, from his landline…..I didn’t even know his last name……
From a landline you can start a search on a person……reverse lookup….then you get a name….then go to 123people.com….and start clicking around….for the motherload.
A lot of the sites give you minimal info, but enough to dig deeper……REMEMBER, it’s about cross referencing…..
I found out this ‘date’ was married….to a woman named ERIN…..where he lived with wifey poo, his last name, work address, exactly what he did for a living……no kids, newspaper articles on his hobbies, his family etc….
I met this guy for a ”drink’…..and just messed with him…..I told him all about my Best friend ERIN from xx town, and I used to live in xx area on xx street….great neighborhood. He said, yeah…I live in that neighborhood….I said oh, do you know the jones….(wifes friends in the neighborhood)…..Oh, ya wanna see a guy bolt……FAST!!!!!
We don’t always need to hire a PI……they do have access to DMV records and other law enforecemnt info the public doesn’t have access to ….
I have found….by doing my own search….It shows inconsistencies in peeps stories….then I’m out.
I don’t bother to go further…..
But if someone is ‘clean’…..what they have said is either confirmed or you just can’t dig anything up……
It’s about diligence and doing the groundwork FOR YOURSELF!!!
But NO sign up fee or registration or 49.00 a month type deal…..
There are plenty of paid sights, but I have found way more than I need by cross referencing info FREE.
any ideas of how to get insight onto court and PTO records in Riverside county?
Go on Pacer.org Pacer shows bankruptcies, criminal, civil, restraining orders, traffic, small claims etc….in MOST states.
You must sign up with a CC…..but it’s a govmt. page with Tons of criminal records….this site is not really super organized and it takes a bit of time to figure out….but it’s also not rocket science…
Cost is 8cents a page, so it won’t break you either. SOme countys do not have their records online and use pacer for this service.
Check the county first…use pacer as a backup.
Go to riverside county court. online
And also check the riverside county recorders office online info…..
Both should have a search via name.
Always informative, and always enjoy the well placed and much needed humor in some of your articles!
This is what I will pass on to my daughters:
“that it’s on you to ensure that you neither confine yourself, nor let him confine you, into discovering him within an informational vacuum. I can’t stress this point enough: you absolutely must not allow yourself to be confined, in your discovery of who he is, within an informational vacuum”
When you dont rely on just his words, but his actions and the words/actions of his nearest and dearest (if not all dead right!) … you are killing two birds with one stone…protecting yourself AND making sure that you are getting to know the real person you’re considering becoming involved with !
Thanks Steve!
Try this:
pacer.org is a site for children with disabilities?
OH…that’s not it….
TRY this link…sorry!
Kim, very chilling. Creeeeepy. Great job heeding your instincts.