Lovefraud Live is evolving. What started out as my Youtube show is now an informal, inexpensive support group. If you’re looking for advice or support, join us!
Four years ago, I started presenting my Lovefraud Live videos on Youtube. But I wanted to take it to the next level, offering you more opportunities for advice and interaction. So I moved Lovefraud Live from Youtube to a private Zoom call, with a focus on recovery. The calls are every Tuesday at 8 pm ET. You can protect your identify if necessary.
Here’s what to expect: First, I do a short presentation, just like in my Youtube show. Then, I turn off the recording and answer your questions. You can ask general questions about narcissists and sociopaths, or questions about your personal situation.
You’ve probably discovered that your friends and family don’t really understand what you’re going through. And they’re tired of listening to you. That’s why it’s so important to get input and support from people who know exactly what you’re talking about. Feel free to chat with other people on the call. You’ll feel better.
Upcoming topics
- Oct. 3 — Why you didn’t see it coming
- Oct. 10 — Finding meaning in the betrayal
5 Steps to Recovery from the Sociopath Series
- Oct. 17 — Introduction
- Oct. 24 — Understand the relationship is an addiction
- Oct. 31 — Find the strength to choose yourself
- Nov. 14 — How to break dysfunctional emotional ties
- Nov. 21 — Identifying your own vulnerabilities
- Nov. 28 — Deep healing for emotional recovery
For more on these topics and an updated schedule, see Upcoming Lovefraud Live sessions.
How to join
How do you get your invitation to the Lovefraud Live informal support group? Simply subscribe to my new True Lovefraud Series podcast.
In this podcast, I’m presenting some of the more than 10,000 cases I’ve collected of people who have been deceived and betrayed by narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths. Survivors tell their stories in their own words — you may find that their experiences are just like your experiences.
True Lovefraud Stories is available on all major podcast players. As a subscriber, you’ll be able to listen to them without the interruption of announcements or commercials. Plus, you’ll have access to bonus content and guest interviews.
If you miss a Tuesday Zoom call, you can listen to my presentation, although not the private discussion, on your Lovefraud Live audio feed. You’ll also have access to the Lovefraud Live audio archives on your favorite podcast player.
If you need the input of people who truly understand involvements with narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths, join Lovefraud’s informal support group.
This is the most inexpensive support group you’ll ever find. I look forward to seeing you at Lovefraud Live.