Parole protest

Joyce turned her evidence of the plot over to the Arkansas sheriff and to Texas prison officials. No law enforcement agency ever took any action against Hamilton or Patrick for the alleged conspiracy.
Joyce was afraid that if Patrick ever got out of prison, he’d finish the job that he started.
Her son was up for parole in 2010. Joyce retained a Texas attorney not to get her Patrick out of prison, but to keep him in.
The attorney submitted a protest of the parole, including a letter from Joyce to the parole board. She detailed the whole plot, including what she believed was her son’s motive:
“Since I had finally realized that my son Patrick was not only not repentant about his crimes, but actually was proud of the killing of that young woman I decided to sever contact with him, and to cut him out of any financial gain at my death. Patrick knew that if my elderly mother predeceased me, he would have no share in any family inheritance. However, if I were to predecease her, then the trust would give him a life estate in the farm and 50% of the income from the natural gas royalties. This was the apparent motive for him to send Kenneth Hamilton to our farm.”
The lawyer attached a thick stack of documents the police report of Jessica Witt’s murder, Hamilton’s rap sheet, copies of the correspondence between Hamilton and Patrick, and details of Patrick’s inheritance, should he get his hands on it.
The lawyer also referred to Patrick’s numerous infractions of prison rules, and included Patrick’s letters in which he gloated about outsmarting the guards.
Patrick was denied parole at least for a few years.
Second parole protest
In 2013, Patrick again came up for parole. For three years, her son had stayed out of trouble in prison, so Joyce worried that the parole board would believe he has reformed.
Joyce believes her son will never change, and wants the parole board to understand that. In a second parole protest, she wrote:
“There is no way to predict what someone will do in the future, but the best indicators of future behavior is past behavior, and my son has shown by a lifetime of crime and rule breaking that he has no intention of living a law abiding life.
“He has been given chance after chance to reform, to go straight, to attend any college he wanted to go to, and he dropped out of high school to live a life of robbery, violence and murder.
“I am terrified of Patrick, and my other sons are terrified of him, because we have finally realized that he is truly a psychopath (see the medical records from the prison) and with the unjustified grudges he bears us, we will never be truly safe, even with him in prison, but we will be in acute danger if he is released.”
If the parole board doesn’t listen to Joyce and lets Patrick Alexander out of prison, Joyce plans to protest on the steps of the Texas capitol. With her, she says, will be the family of Jessica Witt, the young girl her son murdered.
Thanks, guys, yep ME TOO!!!!! I’m glad for the sake of EVERYONE, the Public, Jessica’s family and my own family. I am so grateful to God that this whole miserable protest went well and that He gave wisdom to the board members…plus it doesn’t hurt that I have the most well connected parole lawyer in Texas who is known to the board and has an 80% success rate in getting folks OUT so I imagine when they see that HE has presented a protest and was hired by the perp’s family that maybeeeee, just maybeeee, they might want to give what his protest packet says a close look.
Ox Drover, just today I listened to your podcast from March 2012 on the Aftermath Radio site telling the story about your son and your tragic life dealing with him, and it has left me shaken. Your story has to be the worst thing a mother could ever have to endure. I really worry that I could be in similar danger you feel you are in because my sister is a sociopath. Since my father’s death several years ago she has had total control over our elderly mother, and I am concerned that she may do whatever it takes to exclude me from inheriting any money from my mom when she dies. I live in a different state from the rest of my family and I worry she may send a hit man to do the job, since I don’t think she would want to risk getting caught. Then I googled your name thinking I would like to email you to discuss my situation further, and saw an obituary for a Joyce Alexander from Arkansas that passed away January 27, 2014. There was no writeup nor any condolences or memory book entries, so I thought that was strange. I also noticed that this thread’s last comment was by you on January 11, 2014. But I am really hoping that is not you, and that you are still living and staying safe from your son. Please respond to this thread to let us know you’re okay. My concern for myself is that I don’t know how my mom’s will is written, whether or not my sister would profit if I were to precede my mom in death. So that has me worried and I can’t get any straight answers out of them, so was thinking about contacting her lawyer to ask how the will is stated just for my own peace of mind. My sister and my mom have kept the estate documents in their own little world, and not let me or the other siblings in on it, so we are in the dark. I don’t know what to do or who to turn to. My husband thinks I’m worrying about something that will never happen, but how do I know what she is capable of? She lies, manipulates, steals and is a parasite, so she has all the hallmarks and tools to get what she wants. Plus she has a lot of friends in low places. It just occurred to me that maybe you had the obituary written to fake your own death so your son won’t continue to haunt you. Such a tragic life you have lived through…I really hope you’re okay. If you don’t want to appear on this site for privacy reasons, maybe you can let Donna Anderson know. Thank you and keeping my fingers crossed that you’re alive and well.
Wounded1 – I last heard from Joyce about 2 weeks ago. So rumors of her demise are highly exaggerated.
That’s good to hear, Donna. Thanks for letting me know. I hadn’t heard any rumors but just ran across an obit online that seemed like it could have been her, but that’s a relief to know it wasn’t. Thanks again.
Hurray, yipee, hurrah….BIG brass band playing LOUD!!!!!!!!!!
Me doing a happy dance.
Greetings Joyce and all – I was waiting to hear as well and expecting it by Dec 31…..
And now the news is wonderful – all that tireless work has paid off. Best regards and wishes to you and all those who literally and virtually support you. Thanks so much for sharing your story, your path to knowledge, and this good news.
Congratulations, and best wishes for your continued safety from your son, for many years to come.