When she discovered her father, who had always been her hero, had been conducting extramarital affairs for decades, Jasmin Rosemberg, wondered if she had inherited his traits. A journalist, she wrote about her fears on LennyLetter.com:
“What if I’d inherited his inability to commit, his desire to win and dominate other people rather than connect, his incapacity to truly feel and love?”
The pain of her discovery, she writes, quite possibly saved her.
Following in a sociopathic parent’s path, on LennyLetter.com.
My father, I now realize, is a true sociopath. Growing up, we were the children from his third marriage. As a toddler, my mother left (what he told us was abandoned) us and never looked back. As an adult, I now realize that my young mother (she 22, my father 44), did in fact fight for custody, and when she failed to gain it, tried to kidnap us away from my father. My entire youth was rife with physical abuse , emotion abuse and lies…there were so many of them too.
The community thought my father a “pillar”-welcome on the front pew at church and commended on his morality. Behind closed doors, he beat his children and psychologically abused us daily. 10 times, that’s how many times DSS was called in for suspicions of child abuse, and 10 times his high dollar lawyer got him off and charges dropped. Heck, at age 12, he convinced my last DSS social worker of his great goldenness, and married her. She soon found out the truth, but, as long as he was decent to her, she turned a blind eye.
Being the youngest, I was the last child at home. At age 17, my father became upset that I had sex with my boyfriend, seeing this my stepmother packed her over night bag and went to her moms house for the week. My father beat me for 2 days, kept me locked in a room and ended up putting me in ICU. That day in August, I left home in an ambulance and he in the back of a police car.
The following trial was devastating. My father’s lawyer, the same one that got him off abuse charges time and again, encouraged the judge to decrease the charges from criminal domestic violence one within intent to domestic violence three. The first carries a prison sentence the last, a fine of $480. The sum of my life and its value was assessed at $480 by the court. I had just turned 18.
He was back on the front pew Sunday.
bets5614 – What a terrible story. I am so sorry for what you have endured. Thank you for sharing.
The level of child abuse that you endured leaves very deep wounds and scars – emotional and psychological, as well as physical. I hope you have been able to overcome what happened and are now living the life that you want and deserve.