[Masculine pronouns are used for the sake of simplicity. Women, of course, can also be sociopaths.]
You are feeling more desperate and miserable in this relationship with this person who you thought loved you. Over time you have experienced feeling less valuable, as you find your needs no longer seem important to him. Your feelings are not important. In fact, when you try to emotionally connect or bring up a hurt, a need, or a concern about something he did, it only seems to threaten him and make them act like a cornered animal. And, in the end, he acts victimized and you feel like the bad guy. There are many things about you or what you say or do that he cannot tolerate. You find yourself accommodating his wishes more and more to stop his negative reactions. You keep trying to figure out ways to get through to him, make him happy, save the relationship. You no longer feel safe and cared about. You don’t feel good about yourself anymore. You may feel victimized often. You probably feel anxious a lot, and perhaps even think you are paranoid about things that don’t seem quite right.
Perhaps you have already found out he has conned, deceived, played, or cheated you, or he has begun to abuse you. When you try to bring up the deception or the way he has hurt, dismissed, or abused you, he only gets enraged or turns it around on you or dismisses you again. Maybe you have walked away or threatened to walk away, after which he has turned into the lovestruck partner you had originally and wooed you back with sex and “love bombing,” convincing you to believe that you really are the love of his life and he needs you — only to go back to hurting and deceiving you in the same way once you’re securely tied to him again.
Maybe you’ve had enough and are ready to leave now. Or maybe you’re not to the point of being sure, but you are checking out the Lovefraud site for answers, wondering if you are with a sociopath. Whether you are near the point of being ready to leave or trying to get clarity about it, leaving is never easy to do. You have invested your heart and emotions, time and faith in this person. You’ve come to find your partner to be unpredictable, raging, even abusive. He has no regard for boundaries and yours are violated on a regular basis, so you are not sure what he is capable of once you decide to go.
Your conscience may give you hesitation. In examining yourself, you may be wondering where you haven’t been loving enough, good enough, desirable enough, etc. You may not be sure you have done everything in your power to make the relationship work. Breaking your loyalty, commitment, or vows probably goes against the grain of your convictions. And, then, looking beyond the relationship to life on your own, you have to deal with a tremendous loss — if not for the sociopathic person you have come to recognize, then for the dream you had for the relationship. You’d have to start over and be alone again, not knowing if you’ll ever find someone else. You may not have financial resources. You might even wonder if you can survive the climb to the other side.
Leaving takes losing your attachment to the sociopath so you are less affected by his manipulations and control. Leaving takes losing your fear of him, your fear of feeling loss and loneliness, and your fear of an unknown future. To reach that place of detachment and courage, you will need to get back in touch with your core self that got lost along the way. It’s a gradual process, but if you do some of the following exercises daily, it will help get you there. (These are abbreviated to get you started. Each category will be explained in more detail in future articles.)
Detachment Exercises:
With your arms, make an imaginary boundary around your person, as if you were creating an invisible shield. Make a conscious commitment to not let your self go beyond its boundary, not to let yourself “leak out” to accommodate your partner. Begin by just noticing when you do this. Notice what you feel in your body. Try to keep your self “contained” behind this barrier. Redo this exercise as often as you need to remind yourself.
Visualize an invisible shield between you and your partner that puts you in an observing stance. Step back and try to observe your interactions with him/her as if you were watching from the outside or from up above.
- Meditation/Prayer (guided or non-guided from Youtube.com, CD’s, or silently.)
- Body Relaxation — Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and relax each part of your body.
- Journaling your thoughts and feelings (you can always tear up or delete when you are done).
- Visualize yourself acting in protective ways, with strength.
- Positive affirmations about yourself daily (breathe them in).
- Breathe deeply. Locate fear in your body. Breathe in strength, breathe out fear.
- Acknowledge the things you do that feel good or that you accomplish each day.
- Appreciate something about yourself in the last 24 hours.
Be mindful:
Awareness breeds detachment breeds change. Begin to be inside your body as much as possible. Notice what sensations your body feels, where your emotions are located in your body.
One Minute Daily Mindfulness Exercise: Close your eyes.
- Focus on the thoughts in your head. Just notice what they are, don’t judge them. Acknowledge them by saying something like, “That’s the way it is right now.”
- Focus all your attention now on your breathing. Just the breathing in and breathing out, either naturally or deeply. Keep your attention there for a few moments.
- Put your attention now on your body. Notice any sensations in your body. Notice what it feels like to be inside your body right now. Notice any emotions located in it. When you feel ready, open your eyes.
Pay attention to triggers: (You may need the help of a therapist in gaining awareness of the following, but perhaps you can begin to notice on your own):
Notice what negative emotional states and thoughts about yourself get triggered by your partner — try to recognize what is being triggered from your past. And notice what your reactions are — how you try to get nurtured or validated (and of course how useless it is!). Instead, practice ways of validating and nurturing yourself.
Notice when in interactions with the sociopath you feel like a “victim” (we all have one in us), and what you do when you feel it. Recognize your abused, abandoned, hurt, lonely, or neglected inner child there. Soothe and comfort the child. Tell the child s/he is safe, loved, worthy.
Release/Regulate Emotions (after you become mindful of them):
- Yoga
- Exercise (walking, running, dancing, vigorous, martial arts)
- Journal your thoughts and emotions
- Scream or punch pillows, a mattress, or punching bag
- Tap parts of your body that have tension with your finger, or the vagus nerve (left side of neck) — this helps calm an emotional reaction
- Tap alternately the palms of your hands with the opposite finger, or drum on something with the palms of your hands (as above)
Get Support: Start talking to family, friends, a religious cleric, a therapist, a counselor about what’s going on in your life in order to get clarity and strength.
- Nutrition
- Exercise
- Do something nice for your body
- Pleasureable activities
Excellent article Mary Ann, it is difficult to become aware of what is going on, how we feel, and what makes us feel the feelings. The psychopath keeps us in such a “spin cycle” that it is difficult to know what we even think, much less feel. Your exercises are wonderful ways to get in touch with what is going on inside ourselves.
Personally I spent so much time trying to appease the psychopaths in my life/family that I didn’t have time to even know what I felt besides “stressed” but I didn’t realize what was causing the STRESS.
Once I stopped trying to appease them and got some distance away from them I was able to start to heal, to take care of Myself.
Today was a fairly stressful day, because I was talking about psychopaths with someone and so it was a bit stressful for me, but I have declared that tomorrow is a HOLIDAY and so I’m going for a drive into the Ozark mountains to see the fall leaves and enjoy a beautiful fall day. Thanks for this article, Mary Ann.
Thank you for putting this blog together, it is excellent and I hope more people find the strength & courage to leave the sociopath in their life. Living in fear is brutal, but facing it head-on and rising above it will bring a freedom that is indescribable.
This blog is 100% right on with my experience as a victim living with a sociopath, and as a survivor today praciticing self-care. You should see my pics while I was with sociopath and my pics today. You wouldn’t recognize me!
Keep up the good work! Exposing this behavior and sharing our knowledge/experiences will be key to giving others a second chance at life. That is my goal 🙂
Wonderful advice. I have recovered before after leaving the psychopath but it seems to be a recurring theme in my life as it is pushed back into my life by my family and the layers of the onion peel off. I just rejoined what I will call the “spa” to hopefully sound good and motivate me to go…just a health club at a local church but it is nice.
With my sister’s terminal cancer emotions are high, family tensions volatile and old patterns of dysfunction flaring. My husband said that we have all of contentions of little girls without the resilience of youth. And it is so true. Our inner children are all screaming at the cancer, the fact that we are aging and not as competent to handle a crisis. Thankfully my daughter is a very competent nurse and has accepted my sister’s request to be in charge. My daughter called me today for the first time since she went no-contact months ago. She agreed to keep me informed about my sister. This is so scary to try to have no expectations and complete fear of displeasing her again. Hope in a such a time of despair seems wrong or impossible.
All three sisters married pathologicals and I am the only one who admitted it and recovered. Both sisters and my daughter still want to believe that “it” is normal. My sisters have each divorced two psychopaths and “forgiven” or denied their transgressions. They do not want to admit that psychopaths exist nor does my daughter and they are suffering more than me by fighting to not know. And I cannot and will not deny what I know to be a fact because they want me to. I told each sister recently that it is okay to be angry when they were angry but all I get from all of them is that I am the only one who gets angry and I am not allowed to get angry. Granted, my anger needs some work but protecting myself from them and the ex is considered by them to be anger…and it probably is. Why can he not just go away forever like theirs did?
They cannot see the frightened little child behind my anger. I saw her clearly today. She said that she was not afraid of anger. We knew that and that she is afraid of abandonment. Her fear of abandonment causes her to lash out to save herself. This is just a new layer of the onion but it is an important one. She said that she was so ignored, left out and persecuted as the youngest child that being beaten by a raging giant (her father) like her big sisters were was good. It felt good because it let her know that she existed and mattered too. This is very hard for me to look at so I had to write it down lest I deny that little child again. Part of me wants to put it back into disassociation and make it go away. I will not, I will protect her forever and I will regain my physical, mental and spiritual power again so I am able to protect her properly as she deserves.
Thank you Skylar for the books you recommended. I ordered a copy of it for each of us. I am going to heal again and get through this family tragedy intact. This has to be a healing time, not a tearing apart time. My sister with cancer wants me here so I will be here. I want to be here for my sister so I will be here. Those who think I should not be here are wrong, ignore psychopathy and blame me. I must accept that. We all agree who matters most right now. She wants to make her own decisions now and she wants my daughter to make the decisions if she cannot do it for herself and I will be here and honor that.
Protecting my inner child is necessary to do what I have to do. Thank you for reminding me what it is that I have to do in order to keep my inner child safe from my sisters and to keep my daughter and sisters safe from my inner child. I have to be my own grown-up and take care of myself! The instructions given here are right on, I simply forgot.
Mary Ann. Reading your post is like reading my story of 18 months with an spath. Thank you so much for helping me on my journey to heal and find real love.
Dear Betsy,
When you are feeling sad, bad, guilty, depressed….etc. it is your inner child being “beaten” by your “critical INTERNAL parent.” when you recognize these feelings. STOP yourself and ask yourself (let your INNER ADULT TAKE CHARGE) “WHY IS MY CHILD FEELING THIS?”
The answer will come to you…have “conversations” with yourself, let your inner child talk to your inner adult…and let your inner adult tell your INTERNAL CRITICAL PARENT to “shut the fark up!” Give yourself permission to MUTE that inner critical parent and “reparent” yourself with your own INNER ADULT that loves yourself.
You are NOT required to allow others to abuse you verbally or otherwise. You can allow your INNER ADULT to stand up for your inner child and PROTECT HER. She deserves to be protected and nurtured, and since your real life relatives aren’t going to do this, then you must allow your own self to do it.
It is a learning process but many of us have not had good nurturing in our homes when we were growing up and our inner children do not know that they deserve to be loved and treated wit respect. So as adults we can learn the things that we need and deserve and then we can (without going “off”) we can calmly express our needs, and expectations.
We CAN NOT however convince someone else of something if they DO NOT WANT TO LEARN IT. No matter how true something is, we cannot make someone else believe it with ALL the evidence in the world.
If your daughter and your sisters do not believe that Ps are “real” you are not going to convince them…so give up trying. Quit expecting them to do something they are NOT going to do.
If you try to teach a pig to sing you are only going to frustrate yourself and pith off the pig. So save your effort and focus on teaching yourself to take care of YOU. God bless. You are on the right track!
Mary Ann, thank you SO much for this article!!! It’s precisely what I needed to read, when I needed to read it.
OxD, spot-on, 100%. People aren’t going to be “convinced” of the truth, even if it fell out of the sky on to their faces and wiggled.
The “inner child discussion” is also 100% spot-on. We are not obligated by any law to tolerate bad behaviors, no matter who’s doing it, or what their excuses are. My “inner child” is a fear-based entity that requires a LOT of talk and assurances from my “inner adult.” Love, unconditional, and protection, uncondtional, are what I have the ability to provide to that inner child and nobody else has that ability except myself.
As a strict and off-topic aside, I am horrified by the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, and this disaster has been another painful reminder (like a SLAP in the FACE painful) that I don’t have it so dammed bad.
Brightest blessings
Hello all. I have not posted in awhile as once again I have let my guard down. In reference to the above article it really hit home with me about how I would re-examine myself over and over and wonder how I could have done things differently. It seem that the majority of articles here and the stories are about sociopathic men and sometimes I feel even more alone having been victimized by a woman sociopath, not that I am wishing more suffering on more men mind you.
I have a unique situation in that even though I know I have reached the stage where I no longer think about how I could have done things differently I cannot be completly free as this woman still is friends with my sister, which to me allows for a way in or, she now has an informant. My sister knows I don’t like it, but she mantained a friendship with my first girlfriend for 23 years who cheated on me every chance she had so I guess I should not be surprised.
I try the best I can and my ex has emailed me about money owed to me, which I quickly recognised as another way in. She even had the nerve to suggest that we become a friends with benefits since we could not live together. I will try the excercises mentioned and agree with the article. That said. Thank you and good luck to us all.
your sister sounds very toxic. Is there a reason why you haven’t gone NC with her?
Yes, I know that there are many female spaths. So sorry you had to run into one. I’ve met MANY. But I guess, since they can’t use sex on me to bond me, I’ve escaped pretty much all of them. So, I can only echo Louise, who adamantly insists that we keep our pants on until we know someone very very well. Sex is a trap that they ALL use.
Power to the pants! Haha! Keep ’em on!!!!
I have probably worked with many female spaths. My profession originally were a lot of uneducated women scratching and clawing to the top. I didn’t recognize them as spaths but as viscious and mean. I believe a long time roommate of mine was a spath and she is high functioning. That’s probably been the most confusing. I am finding there may be high functioning female spaths in my family of origin and I am just coming to terms with it.
So the educating of us all will help us all not feel so alone.
Like Skylar said I haven’t been seduced or love bombed that I am aware of by a female spath so it looked different to me than a male psycho/sociopath. I have seen the wreckage of these females but they were more twisted but high functioning. I saw a lot of jealousy and competitiveness with them when I wasn’t wanting to play but there is definite lack of conscience.
They have a famous female one on TV right now. They are calling her a con and fraud but her first son is describing her as a full blown spath. Says when he found out about his mom and his half brother (Sante and Ken Kimes)murdering people that he knew she was capable of it and he felt he was one of the only people who KNEW her. There are people vouching for what a kind woman she was. The first son says she would wear people down. Nobody could ever keep up with her in her game.
The helpful tips in the above article is just what I need to read daily……….and DO….