Editor’s note: Lovefraud received the following letter from the reader who posts as “SocioSibs.” She asks, “what would you do?”

What if you have reason to believe that someone you know is a serious danger to others? You’ve known this person almost all your life, grew up together in the same family.
Until recently, this person had a huge menagerie of animals housed on an acre of land, including a horse, 13 dogs, 5 cats, turkeys & peacocks and possibly a parrot or 2. Yet when she abandoned the property, all but 2 dogs she took with her disappeared in a span of just weeks.
Subsequent to this person’s latest move (one of 25 or so over a half-century), you found a couple of canine carcasses hidden behind a barn and miscellaneous skeletal remains strewn about the former property, which conjured a memory of walking in on this person during very early puberty as she was holding a live wild bird over the bathroom sink with a knife to decapitate it, exclaiming upon the surprise encounter that she couldn’t cure it so was putting the poor creature out of its misery.
Then you locate childhood friends and others from this person’s past, learning that one witnessed her strangling or drowning numerous animals, with that same explanation, since age 12. Another witness tells of repeated torture of animals, including punching & kicking her horse (one of 2 that a boyfriend bought her), savagely beating her dog daily, and crushing the skulls of kittens between her fingers and tossing them out of her car onto the ground, all during her mid-teen years.
You recall visions of her often hitting & kicking family pets, to the horror and pain of her parent and sibling, who tried but never could completely curtail it. And then you find a multitude of accounts from witnesses and public records of this person accusing multiple people of stalking her from age 13 through recent years, along with reports this person has made of others poisoning her plants & pets, some of whom died as a result, which stirs memories of childhood pets that died mysteriously, healthy pets whom this person hypothesized at the time must have been poisoned by neighbors or stalkers.
An ex-spouse reports that when divorce became imminent she cooked him a “special” meal, after which he became quite ill and came down with a severe rash all over his body, never experienced before or since. Concurrently this person was attempting to entice a former lover to relocate half-way across the country, unbeknownst to the would-be-again lover that this person was also accusing him of stalking and threatening to kill her due to his mad obsession.
This person has a now-young-adult offspring who has been plagued by mysterious illnesses since infancy, and ended up in hospital emergency rooms more often than most people who live to ripe old ages. One disease that was actually diagnosed was touted to some as the first case in the state, but she may have had access to the bacteria while a biological science student at a major university in the early 90s (for which someone else paid and from which she did not graduate), prior to the meticulous tracking these days of contagious pathogens. And you hear that her ex-spouse independently came to the same conclusion as you as to how your niece contracted it.
You recollect a tale she told of a male roommate brandishing a knife with the person’s then 10-year-old child present, and another when the child was 12 and sexually molested by someone’s 15-year-old son right in the next room.
You are aware of at least 2 occasions when Child Protective Services were called on this person, but in each case she wriggled out of charges. Then, when you contact CPS yourself to inquire, the intake worker on the other end can’t tell you what, if any, reports there may be that have not resulted in convictions. However, seeing it for himself on the computer screen, he urges you to call protective services in the state where this person’s child now resides, even asking you to hold on while he looks up the phone number for you and stresses that you speak with a supervisor there if you don’t get results during the initial call.
Indeed, other authorities whom you contact say they can’t do anything now that this person is no longer within their jurisdiction, while provoking guilt for your not having done something about her sooner. Some suggest you at least try to do something where she is now, recommending entities to contact, even if it’s too little too late.
This person has vilified anyone who could threaten to expose her, portrays herself as a persecuted, sweet, innocent victim of her targeted victims, has been abusing & killing animals since childhood but has come to be known as an “animal whisperer.” You have evidence that she’s been poisoning animals and possibly humans for years, has been lying & stealing and casting blame on others since early childhood, with a criminal record for larceny since at least turning 18 (juvenile records are sealed), and a felony arson record.
Then you find out that this person has fled to another state, welcomed with open arms by family into a home where a young relative resides, knowing that they implicitly trust and feel very sorry for her, for “all she’s been through.”
What if you, too, have defended, protected, and advocated for this person all through the years, because you, too, have been blinded by the bizarre stories she fabricates and sympathy she so ably elicits? And you staunchly held onto the lifelong belief that every person has a heart. But now you can no longer ignore that truly innocent people actually are, and always have been, in danger.
What if this person, knowing you could blow her cover, preemptively already got deep into the heads of the rest of your family and convinced them that you are crazy and evil and out to get her, even though there’s not a shred of substantiation of her claims, but she’s mastered the art of manipulation and has skillfully succeeded in obliterating your credibility & character?
What if you knew all this and so much more, and this person were still on the loose seriously harming others and getting away with it, invited and naively trusted to be alone around those most vulnerable, such as children and animals? What if, having been the most consistently present over this person’s lifetime, with nobody else recognizing the danger or mustering the courage or possessing comprehensive information, you find you’re probably the best candidate to piece together the puzzle so that others might see the whole picture, thereby alerting & enabling them to protect themselves, too? Would you speak up?
Now add that what got your investigative ball rolling was the death of the parent that resulted in the threat of losing your home. Because of a fluke when the parent helped save the sibling from losing her home several years ago as aftermath of a divorce, the deed ended up in the parent’s name, so that now both siblings own it 50-50 because there was no will. The sibling can file a legal claim by which she may possibly regain title to her house, but with the family turned against her, they will likely help this person fight the sibling in court, viewing this person as the tragic victim of a greedy sibling.
Suppose this person attempted to get a sizeable advance of her presumed inheritance, prior to creditors being paid, and prior to the estate administrator discovering that she destroyed what she had been deceiving the family as being the largest asset — the house she lived in that the parent bought her and made all the monthly mortgage payments on (in addition to paying most or all her other bills, even restitution & probation fees), so that now it’s worth less than the remaining note due on it. Third consecutive house that she irreparably demolished—the first being the one she burned down; as opposed to the sibling who originally purchased her own house, for the most part paid her own mortgage, whose house appreciated in value, and who certainly never caused destruction to anyone’s property.
Then it turned out that there will be no inheritance because this person depleted or destroyed all the parent’s financial resources already. The only asset left of any value is the sibling’s house (a small cottage with 50K equity in a low-middle income subdivision, compared to her 4-bedroom 2 bath on an acre that she ruined), while outstanding debts leave the entire estate at a deficit that can force a sale by creditors, debts that can be traced back primarily to this person. Despite these irrefutable facts, this person has convinced the family that the sibling is just trying to take everything, even though there is nothing to take. All the sibling wanted was to keep her own house that she bought herself 2 decades ago and has been inhabiting, maintaining & improving, and caring for ever since.
This all started as a pursuit of the sibling to rightfully keep her home, make it a fair fight, sibling vs. sibling, without the whole family against the one sibling. Now that so much devastating new evidence has since come to light, it has grown into a pursuit to enlighten family members so that they can protect themselves, including the sibling’s own life and that of her child, from this person.
At least one family member admonished that, under the circumstances, that makes you, the sibling, the worst candidate to speak up, condemnable for even considering it, no matter how much you’ve discovered that’s led you to acknowledge that this person is very dangerous and that people — including you and your child — are in harm’s way, because it only makes you appear to have a less than noble motive.
What, if anything, would you do?
Learn more: How to report your abuser’s crimes so the police take you seriously
Lovefraud originally posted this article on Oct. 27, 2010.
Dear Sociosibs,
What would I do? Well, my situation isn’t quite as complicated as yours, but my house that I paid for and built (a lot of with my own hands) and is debt free, along with my airport, hangars and barns sits on “family property” (I am the only child) along with my egg donor’s home, and another house that egg donor built for son C an his (now) X wife. At my mother’s death, the title goes to me, in the meantime it is in a TRUST of which she and I are co-executors. I cannot separate out my house and buildings to sell or even rent them separately until after my egg donor’s death.
In 2007, I had to leave for my own safety because my egg donor was in cahoots with the P son, my son C and his P wife and the psychopathic Trojan “friend” of son P’s.–son D and I literally fled for our lives. I thought possibly forever. I left my house, bought an RV trailer and left. Taking only the things I needed to survive and a few keeps sakes and photos and my dogs.
It was a wake ujp for me…I grieved over the loss of my home that I had built with my husband, and my place here–but I came to realize that place and house–bricks and sticks—aren’t as important to me as my life, my peace and my safety.
I was fortunate that my attackers for the post part ended up in jail/prison and I could come home, but I came home with a new outlook. Bricks and sticks don’t make my home! I make my home by hanging my hat where ever I am.
I know you feel violated, how could you NOT FEEL VIOLATED, this woman is a violater—a rapist of souls, a monster of evil.
I wish I could tell you “what to do” in this case, because I wish I could say “do this and your problems will go away and she will get what she deserves” but I don’t know what that would be—but doesn’t keep me from WANTING to be able to say that though!
The frustration you must feel is only something I can BARELY imagine because I was able eventually to come back to my house, my “bricks and sticks” and make it my home again by being here.
In the “fleeing” my home, I spent about half my liquid assets that were part of my retirement needs, hiring lawyers, and assorted expenses, plus buying the RV, so my retirement is much less well funded than it would have been by 50%—and I must always be prepared to have enough money to hire another attorney to fight another parole hearing for my P son (that’s another something I hadn’t counted on when I figured retirement needs) so they are still effecting my life in many ways.
But I think for me, the best thing has been to realize that my “security” my “happiness” and my “peace” doesn’t depend on having this house of bricks and sticks—I could live in a TENT and have peace there with me. THINGS matter very little to me now. “Consider the sparrow….”
ps. I also no longer care what these others think or say about me.
Psps..I wish you peace and security, whatever that means or comes to mean to you. You don’t deserve to be treated this way by the psychopathic sib and their dupes. (((hugs))) and God bless you.
Heard a good joke today—
I saw a psychopath fall into an alligator filled pit today, and being the good citizen I am, I went ahead and notified emergency services….but it is now 6 p.m. and they’re still not here and I can’t hear any more yelling from the pit, and I’ve begun to wonder if I WASTED A STAMP.
Thank you for your kind words of support, Ox Drover, and for the funny that followed in your 2nd comment.
And heartfelt sorrow for the wretched adventure you’ve endured at the hands of a handful of malicious & disordered family members.
The question has more to do with the comprehensive picture that my investigation revealed than with the single issue that started it, which was preventing an extreme injustice via the loss of my home. Now realizing how much danger we’ve always been in—obviously there’s more that was left unwritten—I can’t help but wonder whether there’s a life insurance policy in my niece’s future, and possibly something as sinister in store for my son and/or myself.
Dear SocioSibs,
I don’t think your Paranoia is unjustified at all. I would be wondering the same thing if I were you, and frankly I DO wonder if my P-son will try to come up with another scam to have me killed. Of course the more money my egg donor gives or bequeaths him, the easier it will be for him to find someone to do his bidding and at least TRY.
There was a $$$ motive for my P-son for me to die before my egg donor did and I have reason to believe he told the Trojan Horse they would SHARE the inheritance he got if the TH-P could knock me off and make it look like I had committed suicide.
Then one by one the rest of the family members would have fatal accidents until no one was left but the P-son and his buddy and they “of course would have lived happily ever after with lots of money and women.” Well, I am sure until it was just the two of them, because in the end it would only have been ONE OF THEM. My P son wasn’t about to SHARE with anyone.
Now that I have prevented that (well up to now I have prevented my own death from their hands, but the egg donor is still alive so if I don’t out live her, then P son does get half the land trust and at least half of my egg donor’s estate) so he won’t be a poor man but if I’m gone, only has brothers will have him to fear and his desire for revenge.
The worst part about all of your situation is that UNTIL YOUR NIECE IS DEAD there’s nothing you can do. You can’t prevent your sister doing it. You can’t have your sister arrested for thinking of doing it. FRUSTRATING to the max!
Even with the animal cruelty unless you have more evidence that she wasn’t really “putting them down” it is a “he said/she said” situation.
As for her hurting you and/or your son, keep in mind that revenge is a powerful motive with some of them. Watch your back! God bless.
hidden video cameras everywhere, especially where there are animals and small children.
How awful that your sister is the way she is, sounding like a very dangerous person. Torturing animals (fortunately, I”ve never witnessed anyone doing this) is just sickening – they don’t deserve such cruelty. It’s sad that human beings have to be afflicted with this mental disorder. It’s hard for me to imagine anyone wanting to act cruelly toward animals, just being mind-boggling (I don’t get it). I feel badly for all people (and animals) who have crossed your sister’s path, being affected by her devious, destructive, sick ways.
Thank you for your empathetic words, Bluejay. Yes, it was and still is painful to know and to have seen some of what she’s done, and now to have those horrific visuals in my head from my conversations and written statements from witnesses. And, true, anyone crossing her path is in danger, if not already harmed.
Thank you for the suggestion, Skylar. Unfortunately my niece and sister are now far away since their move, and her daughter is completely snowed anyway, as are any other family members who otherwise might protect her. The only good news is that my niece is away at college now during the schoolyear, in the state nextdoor to her mother, but at least not living with her for months at a time.
And thank you again, Ox Drover. I appreciate your validation, especially considering the lack thereof from my family.
The local officials told me to contact CPS in the state where my sister and niece first went when I heard that they had moved in with family where there was a young child, and to call a mobile mental health services agency to check on her. By then I had some evidence, but not as much as now and none of the statements in writing yet. However, the threat was imminent with them in the same household and these officials were quite stern, chiding me for not stepping up sooner. So I did make those calls, those authorities did go to where she was staying, they never saw her because the family member whose home it was sheltered her and told them that this was just a matter of an evil greedy sister who had it in for her.
Sadly, they took this action as further evidence of my craziness, called me a monster, have shut me out completely, and have been spreading the shun throughout the larger family. To the best of my knowledge, this has never happened to another family member, but my sister has succeeded in making it happen to me. They are not bad people, just incredibly taken in by a master manipulator.
Among other reasons I’ve heard through the grapevine for their condemnation of me is that I should have spoken with the family member before contacting any authorities. Odd, since I did try exactly that, and my calls were not taken or returned. So I never had the opportunity to express my concern.
Probably the only good that came of my action was that it made it much harder for her to do anything awful and get away with it. So I think it did actually help keep the youngster and my niece safe, for awhile.
Hi all,
I’m new to this site and must say its been a great help to me since my S ex ran away and left me to mop up after him. To cut a long story short, I met him on Facebook (I know..big mistake!!), and then it went from there.
Basically I thought I’d found “the One”..he was unlike the others I’d been with in the past..sensitive, we could talk for hours, he was caring, couldn’t do enough for me, you name it, I thought the sun shone out of him..didn’t realise that all the flattery and compliments was the S way of getting you ‘hooked’ and I well and truly was!
He told me he had a bad past, how his Dad was a drug dealer etc, and how his Dad conned him over some deal that went wrong..he mentioned he used to do “drug runs” for his Dad at age 12, and how his brother had been in jail as his Dad had set him up over something to do with guns!!! God, I should have ran a mile but I guess i was already hooked on him by then. I had a bad past myself and I thought “well, people can change”.. I should have known better. He was living with his ex’s grandparents at the time, him and his ex had been split several months. He mentioned a couple of times how he would go round and have sex with her and that he had said to her that he would drop her the minute he found a girlfriend. I wasnt happy with him being at her grandparents so I suggested he move out of there. He moved upstairs at the restaurant he was working at, and then all of a sudden he posts something on facebook ..”Needs a plan”…I wondered what this “plan” was. He asked if he could stay with me until he got himself sorted out..turns out the restaurant was closing down. Fool here said Yes, manly because I wanted him with me..how stupid! Things changed from there.
He moved in and I had a feeling something wasn’t right..he would blow hot and cold and become distant. I went through his phone and found texts from a friend inviting him to go to a lapdance show..he had indeed gone out and lied to me about where he went..he also lied about going to a party and instead told me there was a Greek night at the restaurant and that it would be an all nighter..when I confronted him with this he flew into a rage..his first words were “for F**** sake!!”..and then promptly calmed down and started apologising etc, saying hes sorry hes let me down..etc etc..Anyway, by Christmas he was suggesting buying “commitment rings”.,.which never materialised..but things were ok until a couple of months later when I caught him texting someone else he met on Facebook – he had discarded her for me..(she was twice my age and old and fat) and when I confronted him with this he starts gaslighting me, saying I was paranoid and that I had better not start contacting people and hassling them, and that I was a control freak etc etc and then he gave me the silent treatment for the rest of the night..the next day i contacted this woman who denied all knowledge of him. I then told him I’d phoned this woman and he was totally cold, despite being caught out. I asked him why he lied and all he said was “because of the obvious”. Although I don’t think anything had gone on,it was the lies and deceit that got me. I had also found pieces of paper in his wallet with details of flats and apartment rental agencies written on..wonder if he had started to secretly plan his ‘escape’. He also used to keep mentioning that he wanted to move back to Spain and that he wanted me to move there with him, promised me a future bla bla bla..don’t really think he had any intention.
Push came to shove in April when he walked out on me..half an hour after he walked out, police came to my door wanting to arrest him on suspicion of fraud and money laundering. He had basically done a runner leaving me to mop up and see to the police. I was so blinded by him at the time I never even thought he was capable of doing this, but as the months passed it all came out. It turns out he had been administrating accounts set up by a “boiler room”..a group of conmen posing as a legitimate company in order to defraud unsuspecting investors. He had set all these bank accounts up. No wonder I never met his friends! Not that he had many, and I found this unusual as everyone who met him seemed to like him! We had contact after he skipped the country, at the beginning he was all lovey dovey, wanting me out there etc, and then after 3-4 weeks he suddenly changed, basically not wanting contact, and told me on one occasion that I’m “not brave enough to end it”. After several weeks of this and me fighting back etc he finally cut me off altogether, did not reply to my calls or my texts.
He took his mask off when I saw him in Spain about 3 weeks after he cut me off..he knew when I was going to be there on holiday and according to a friend, he had actually gone to look for me at the place he knew I would be!
Now why cut me off and then go look for me???
I met up with him a couple of days later and I just didnt recognise hm anymore..he was so cold, like a complete stranger..he said we have no future etc, what am I going to do there with no job, bla bla bla, basically not wanting to take any responsibility for me. He also said that he had “always done this” and how “hopeless” he was etc etc, (he had fled the country at 15 to escape the police and also left two girls behind pregnant when he was 15 and 19, both subsequently had abortions) yet he showed no remorse for what he had put me through and didn’t even give me an apology. His friend had told me “oh, he was in love with you when he first came back here, he was very frightened but now no..he just wants easy money”..it turns out he’s drug dealing. What put the nail in the coffin was that he said he wanted to see me again before I returned home, so idiot me, I saw him again 2 days later and he totally ignored me, treated me more like a business associate than his partner. When I returned home I was in pieces and I told the police of his whereabouts, because I wanted justice, for the fact that he had done this and left me to deal with it all and also for his treatment of me the whole way through. He has not had any contact with me for 4 months and I have since discovered he has had someone else after I left Spain..she had become “friends” with his sister on Facebook and it was in my face which added insult to injury. Maybe I did the wrong thing but I texted him to let him know that I knew and that the game was up and that I had found him out ONCE AGAIN..I basically told him exactly what I thought of him, he didn’t reply to me but he dumped her like a hot brick 3 days later..dunno..maybe that was his way of ‘punishing’ her??
I had also spoken to his ex who said that they split up because she was sick of him scheming and scheming as to how to make easy money..she said she met him on holiday in Spain and got to know him by texting etc and that he had finally moved to England to live with her. She said he had scammed people before, once for £4000 and that the final straw came when he came up with another idea how to make easy (illegal) money and she had had enough. She said she was law abiding and that people should work for a living and was sick of him putting her and her house at risk. She said he was a “good person” at the bottom of him and that she really hoped he had straightened himself out but obviously he hasnt. The man puts money before everything else, even at the expense of his relationships. All he cares about is money and how much of it he has and it has become apparent that he will go to ANY lengths to get it, regardless of the risk of arrest and his own safety, and the safety of others!
He is still wanted by the police and I know I have a long way to go before I recover from this creature fully. I have looked into socipathy in great detail since this happened and he meets ALL the criteria. Its alarming and really scary. I have came a long way in the last 6 months. After he left, I got so low that I even thought about ending it all, I felt as if I had been robbed of a future, I basically just ‘existed’ for 3 months, don’t know how I made it through some days..only in the last couple of months have I started to feel more like myself. This going on and also finding out my mother has cancer as well. The b****** couldnt even reply and ask how mum was, even though he had spent 6 months going on about how my family were his “family”! I wonder still, how anyone could do this to someone who loved them beyond all compare? Still trying to get my head around it and have spent a lot of time analyzing and going over and over it in my head, I think it’s probably down to not wanting to accept what he really is, but I know I have to in order to move on and get this freak out of my life forever. I think, how can someone promise me the world, go on about having kids, and getting married etc and all the while he was doing this and probably planning his exit, I mean, how can people be so EVIL!!!! I think they should be lined up and shot! But thats only my opinion..at least if that happened, they wouldn’t be able to hurt anyone else ever again..at least now I have No Contact, and thats how I plan to keep it..
Thanks for reading,
…just hard to accept that someone could be this way, I mean, he promised me he would never leave, helped with bills and the house and stuff, and, ironically, his favourite two words wwere “TRUST ME”….
At least now I know the red flags and will be able to spot one of these freaks a mile off! Suppose its been a lesson I have needed to learn and will never repeat again..
Hi Christy, welcome to LF! I only have a second to write because I have to leave… I am so glad you found this website and so sorry you had to go through such a heartbreaking experience. There are so many great articles here about spaths… hope you will keep writing and posting, it really helps! A lot of good caring supportive people here. Talk to you again soon. God Bless.