Much of the United States erupted in outrage at the news that Casey Anthony was acquitted of murder. Bloggers and citizens asked: What was wrong with the jury? Couldn’t these 12 people see through her lies? Even if they had been sequestered for the trial, the media had been reporting her loose relationship with truth for years.
Read Casey Anthony’s top 10 alleged lies on Investigation Discovery.
Lies, however, do not prove that Anthony committed murder. Even Wendy Murphy, the feminist lawyer who vociferously supports battered mothers and abused children, predicted that Casey Anthony would walk. Why? The prosecution did not have proof, beyond a reasonable doubt, that she committed the crime.
Read Wendy Murphy: Why Casey Anthony will be acquitted, on
Psychologists have had a field day with the case. The Psychology Today website has 17 posts, by various experts, on the topic. They’ve covered many aspects of the case, including Why do moms kill? and The science of jury selection.
Visit Not Guilty: The case of Casey on
Lovefraud readers are probably in agreement that Casey Anthony is somewhere on the narcissist-sociopath-psychopath scale. How did she get that way? She had to inherit the genetics from somewhere in her family tree. Then, since the origin of sociopathy is a mixture of genetic and environmental factors, her dysfunctional family probably played a role in the development of the disorder. Maybe she was, as the defense claimed, abused by her father.
In the end, we don’t know how Casey Anthony acquired her sociopathic traits. But I am fairly confident in predicting that at some point, because of her sociopathy, Casey Anthony will crash and burn.
Sociopaths as failures
As a group, sociopaths tend to be failures. They end up with health issues, financial problems and legal problems. They usually die sooner than people who are not personality disordered.
Just this week, I’ve received news about three of our True Lovefraud Stories:
James Montgomery: My ex-husband, who now lives in Australia, tried to hook up with a woman a few years ago and invited her to visit him. She did, and was not impressed. When he fell asleep on the couch, she snuck away and never talked to him again. The woman just saw Montgomery at a train station and reports, “He’s the size of an elephant, has a long white beard and dresses like a hippie.” So much for the guy who promised me that we’d be living “in the lap of luxury.”
Brian Ellington: I hear about this guy more than anyone else profiled on Lovefraud. The most recent news is that he was arrested again in New York City on June 11, 2011. The charges: drug possession with intent to distribute.
Anthony Owens: A commenter submitted this to the “Fight Bigamy” blog: “Bishop Anthony Owens passed away in a hospital on Tuesday, July 05, 2011 in a hospital in Memphis, TN. Funeral services is incomplete at this time.” Anthony Owens was not yet 40 years old.
So although sociopaths have highly inflated opinions of themselves, usually the charade falls apart. I’m sure that sooner or later, Casey Anthony will screw up on a large enough scale to put her out of circulation. Even sociopaths who skated for a long time eventually failed. Look at O.J. Simpson. Look at Bernie Madoff.
I would just like to seem them fail sooner, and with less collateral damage to the rest of us.
UPDATE 7/15/11:
Just got more information on exactly how James Montgomery was “dressed as a hippie.” Apparently there are hippie communes where Montgomery now lives in Australia, and my source speculates that he has joined one because that’s the only way he can afford to live. Here’s what she said:
He was wearing: red/orange pants, hippie sandles, caftan like long top to ankles in multiple colours, big round glasses with pink lenses, long scarf draped around his neck and over his shoulder nearly touching the ground and a hat which looked like a beanie. A long white beard probably about 12/15inches long and I would say weighing about 150 to 175 kilos or more (330 to 385 pounds). Imagine a man 6ft 2ins tall 175 kgs and wearing that get up!!!
DONNA!!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!! That “picture” you painted of his appearance is absolutely WILD and FUNNY!!!! I can see it CLEARLY….I lived in LA during the height of the “hippie” craze back in the 60s….and can WELL imagine the get up!
Hi. The guys on here know by now that I cut to the chase so here goes (and I sincerely hope it helps you to focus on what he’s doing to you)
I will try to explain using your words —”.
Why have you come to LF now? —.because your head is telling you to leave (but your heart hasn’t quite caught up yet
The job”.you are his meal ticket (and he knows it)
buy something together” Yeah right?! So he can bind you financially
“Well you need to start working full time——.. Why should he when he has you to do it for him!
I have of maintaining that household—.he’s keeping you so busy so you don’t have time to think
and a step mum to his 3 boys ”..So a mum to his kids too
But some weeks I feel as though I need to be Wonder Woman
just to stay of top of everything—.Exactly
he was dying and was bed ridden for 3 days. ”..when he’s ill he’s ’dying’ and you have to care for him
when I caught the same flu a few days later, his reaction was”I was milking it—well you cannot be ill because then he cannot get his ’supply’
’bothering’ him and annoying him because it was inconvenient to him that I was sick—I rest my case your honour
Me me me all the time!……Yep it’s all about HIM
Is it hard to work through once they are out of your life for good? ”..Can it possibly be any harder than what you are doing now?
Can you breathe properly again? —.the answer is YES – eventually
One can only pray that there is a light at the end of the tunnel —Once you make the move the light at the end of the tunnel will become so bright ”“ it will dazzle you.
I still can’t fathom that people are capable of such behaviour”..yes they can, they are spaths
wants to buy me a diamond ring——.he wants to hook you with the happy ever after promise. Will a gold band really make a difference? Definitely NOT
You WILL get there. You are already making your ’exit plan’ (you just have not realised it yet)
Good luck.
Louise –
I never thought he was physically attractive either. Just shows you how good he was at love bombing me.
CANDY is RIGHT ON (goooooood job Candy!)
How can it be any worse? You are carrying the load entirely for him and his kids as well as your own kids.
Get real girlfriend! You will be waaaay better off without him to tell you how much of a failure and no good you are!
Title of your new book Donna………
A wolf in clowns clothing!
ErinBrock – That is funny!
OMG, I just read the update. How pathetic and shameless they are. The new get-up of CM is like bozo the clown or like the early 90’s vision of “Homie the clown.” It’s just beyond belief that they are that shameless and PROUD. The crash or burn is directly related to Proverbs 16:8, which states, “Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Sorry to get all religious here, but that’s the only thing I can come up with and perhaps only speculate the authors of the bible were referring, the sociopath when they came up with this and definitely in regard to crashing and burning. LMAO ROTFL
My first SP showed up 290 pounds in a big yellow shirt. All I could say was, “What’s shaking big bird” and at the same time howling while I observed this spectacle. My LAST and hopefully my last, changed his hair from sandy brown to orange platinum and shaved off all of his caveman hair, which his hair consumed himself all over his body, minus a balled spot in the very back (by the way which he denied having).
Oxydrove, just wanted to say again babe, one day at a time. And yes, in rehab, we are chimneys, so it would be no place for you. Hopefully, you won’t turn to drinking to replace that habit. God forbid!
Okay….MIL called again today….BOY she’s got impecable timing…..funny how she failed to mention the ‘ruling’ and how her spath son got off on the drug charges.
She pretended she was just ‘seeing’ who’s number it was on her phone…..DUMBSHIT…you’re the one who CALLED ME!
So……I said…..well, i’m glad you called….I wanted to ask you…….now that you know his behaviors….what do you plan to do about them?
SHe said…..well….we hope he get’s help. I said… you still hold out hope for him….she sadi….welll yes, it’s the christain thing to do.
I said…..Okay……that makes it clear to me. Thank you.
I ended it with……Don’t offer up anything you don’t want stolen from you.
I also told her…..they will only get it when the pain is too great. He won’t change. It will be when hell freezes over that he will change.
She said…..well, ill be able to ‘tell’……I can tell if he’s changed. I said…..oh, did god give you those powers?
I asked her how she will tell the difference between con….or true change…….because they are excellent at portraying what YOU want to see when they need something from you……and they DO NOT Change!
She said….she’ll just know.
OH, OKAY!!!!!!
Mother Theresa lives on………
thanks for today’s chuckle EB: ‘welll yes, it’s the christain thing to do.’ snort.
careful what you give her.
Donna- hey, sounds like my spath, but harrier and taller.