James Holmes killed 12 people and wounded 58 others during the midnight showing of a Batman movie in the Aurora, Colorado movie theater.
Steven Paddock killed 58 people and wounded 800 who were attending a country music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Both of these cases were in the news recently as experts said they do not have a clear motive in either of the two mass shootings.
Holmes is serving a life sentence for the shooting, which took place on July 20, 2012. One of the court-appointed psychiatrists who interviewed him has just come out with a book, A Dark Night in Aurora: Inside James Holmes and the Colorado Mass Shootings. The other court-appointed doctor, Jeffrey L. Metzer, diagnosed Holmes as having schizoaffective disorder. Still, Holmes knew his actions were wrong, and was therefore sane under state law.

The Las Vegas sheriff’s department just released a report about the shooting from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay casino. By the time officers broke down the door of his hotel room, Stephen Paddock had killed himself. The sheriff announced that Paddock acted alone — there were no other shooters and no conspiracy. But although Paddock had “a troubled mind,” the report drew no conclusion on why he did what he did. However, the FBI will be releasing a report on his psychopathology by the end of the year.
‘Hidden in Holmes’ mind’: Psychologist describes findings after spending hours with Aurora movie theater killer, on FoxNews.com.
No clear motive determined in Las Vegas shooting investigation, on Huffingtonpost.com.
Psychopaths enjoy inflicting harm.
That’s a motive.