Editor’s note: Resource Perspectives features articles written by members of Lovefraud’s Professional Resources Guide.
Sarah Strudwick, based in the UK, is author of Dark Souls—Healing and recovering from toxic relationships. She has also created a wonderful animation that describes the antics of a sociopath, called Exposing the Mask of Insanity. View the animation here.
The sociopath’s unconscious death wish
By Sarah Strudwick
Sarah Strudwick profile in the Lovefraud Professional Resources Guide
I recently received an email from one of my readers saying that her husband and mother, who are both sociopaths, had suicide clauses in their wills, so I decided to write an article on the sociopath and suicide. Many people think that sociopaths never commit suicide, but I beg to differ.
For those who aren’t already aware, many of those who have symptoms of sociopathy often have other personality disorders such as narcissistic personality disorder. In fact, it’s one of the reasons why when I wrote Dark Souls that I grouped the two personalities together. Whatever we decide to call these people, whether it be sociopaths, psychopaths, or narcissists, the DSM-5 has now decided to propose putting narcissistic personality disorder in with the “psychopathic type personality.”
So what do all of these psychopathic types have in common? A need for admiration, narcissistic supply and attention. When the attention runs dry, they will resort to any number of tactics, using guilt, blame, anger, and so on, to get their needs met. I saw a very unnerving video from a death row inmate in the U.S. where the guy is asked why he did what he did to others and how he felt about being and death row. He said, “Because I just want to die.”
My encounters
I recently heard of an old acquaintance who I had had the misfortune of being friends with many years ago. He recently died under strange circumstances, although it appears he committed suicide when he got caught out. He was one of the psychopathic type personalities, a loner, a user with a distinct liking of hurting animals and children. I wondered whether the sociopath has an unconscious death wish.
Sociopaths have a distinct lack of impulse control, coupled with their own lack of remorse. My own ex threatened to commit suicide a couple of times when I said I would leave. Of course he never did it. Each time I was gullible enough to take him back.
My own sociopathic father even made a half-hearted attempt at doing it when my mother decided enough was enough. When finally asked in counseling why he did it, he replied, “It seemed like a good idea at the time.” My view is that it was more like he was concerned he wouldn’t have supply any more, and he knew that killing himself would hurt everyone, including his children.
The ultimate gesture
Often you will see headline cases in newspapers where sociopaths go on killing sprees and then just as they are about to be caught out, they turn the gun on themselves as the ultimate “f*ck you,” so that they cannot be brought to justice.
Most of us who have lived around sociopaths know that their sole need is to use others, and unless they are receiving attention, then their lives aren’t really worth living. Take the likes of Ted Bundy and Charles Manson. In their warped way, I am sure they love all the adoration they receive.
Some normal people may want to be come famous. They may be driven by a desire to do something good and succeed.
A sociopath doesn’t care about being successful or doing good. They don’t care whether or not they are “famous” or “infamous.” They don’t mind having a bad name or being associated with something detestable, which is why so many celebrities who have sociopathic tendencies will be more than happy to appear in the news doing pretty much anything just to get headlines.
Here in the UK all serial killers are hated hence our most famous psychopath, Fred West, hanged himself before trial, despite being on suicide watch. Thus he was never tried for his heinous crimes, which included raping his own 13 year old daughter and chopping up a few dead bodies.
But the moment the supply runs out for the sociopath, then what? They are happy with punishment in the form of everyone either hating them, which is why so many thrive in prisons. The worse thing people can do is ignore them, in which case they have nothing more to do than look at four walls, and put them in isolation, so they have to “talk to the hand” and have to face their own souls and miserable existences. And since they hate being ignored and probably died along time ago, what better way to be remembered than to give the ultimate “F*ck you” by blowing their own head off, or hanging themselves off the end of a bedpost in the hope they will have some kind of recognition?
girl4235 –
“That makes me smile, Aussie!! 🙂 That has to be refreshing for you! ”
Thanks – it IS! I would probably smile about it too, if I had the time…unfortunately, all I have done for the past week is type reams of documentation for the trial.
As much as I want this over with so that I finally have some kind of closure with the spath, I am finding that having to go back over my evidence and other people’s witness statements and compile it all for court (I can’t afford a lawyer), is causing me a resurgance of the terrible anxiety I lived with for most of the time we were together and then for a good couple of years afterwards.
It’s just awful – I catch myself grinding my teeth, clenching my jaw, frowning, holding my breath and then hyperventilating, getting shivers down my spine and butterflies all the way from the base of my stomach to the top of my throat (they are in there flapping away right now!), my palms are sweating and my sleep pattern has flown the coop. I know it’s just nervous energy for the job that must be done, coupled with a small dose of residual PTSD thrown in for good measure, but I really resent having to feel this way physically. Stupid spath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mentally, I am not concerned about the outcome of a trial (maybe I should be, but I’m not). The Family Court is evidence-based where property matters are concerned and I have receipts, witnesses and documentary evidence of every statement I have made in court (that would be because I am telling the truth…) The Superspath has nothing to back up his lies and has resorted to threatening my witnesses and his best shot so far has been to try to enlist witnesses to DISCREDIT my witnesses; just shows he’s desperate, I guess. As far as spaths EVER feel desperate. Which is good.
(Star, if you are reading this, look away now) It is making me think of the venomous snake I had to kill in my chicken/duck pen some weeks back. I stood out of its reach (so I could not get bitten) and then I whacked it with all my strength with a nail-rake. It was impaled under one of the nails and was twisting and turning and thrashing about wildly. I got a spade and chopped its head off but snakes keep moving for a long time after they are dead. That’s how I imagine the spath right now – he’s under a nail in my rake but he’s not out for the count just yet. Even when he goes down, he will be thrashing about, crying foul, changing the subject, diverting attention elsewhere.
I was able to watch the snake die and then dispose of its body.
Unfortunately, I won’t be able to do that with the spath, but I do hope to at least keep him pinned for a while and wear him out a bit. With any luck, he will end up in jail by the time we have finished with him. Maybe some nice big criminal type will finish him off in there for me? One never knows one’s luck. 🙂
I believe my youngest son’s dad was a sociopath. He was everything I have learned about sociopaths.
He took his life. He lost at gambling after he stole his mothers savings.
I always thought he was too mean and self important to take his own life. I was wrong.
I don’t know why his death surprised me. I always knew that either he would die by his own reckless actions, or his con game would run dry.
After his death his sister emailed the most recent picture of him. I noticed his hand looked mangled like parts were missing. The sister never gave me an answer about it.
He had no thought for safety. I remember him spraying bug spray at the ceiling while the ceiling fan was running. He blinked when the spray got him in the eyes and he refused to flush his eyes with water.
Or another time when he got on my weight bench (with weights) on the wrong end and it almost flipped over on him, but I was quick to steady the light end.
Another time he insisted on driving into a ravine cause he excitedly said the road we needed was across this ravine. Everything with this man was endless fighting and arguing to stop him from this madness.
He stole endless amounts of cash out of my bank account and told me that I must have been sleep walking to the ATM. Another time he told me the guy in line behind him must have stolen my password. Of course I didn’t believe this, but he always got his way by screaming at me. He would scream all day and all night if that is what it took.
He was mean and hateful to me and my kids. He saw us as servants in HIS house, and not very good servants at that.
I told him to get out. He taunted me and said “Make me”. Or he would say “I am not leaving, and what are you going to do about it?” I had no clue how to do it. Can you call the police and say this man is mean and I want him out of my house even though his mail comes here and he has established residency? And, it could be seen as nothing but retailiation because he was calling the police constantly on me.
Each time the police told me that I will go to jail if they get called back.
I finally had the police remove him. I figured out to call his probation officer. She arranged to have him removed.
The reason why he was on probation is because of what he did to me on a prior occasion. He was threatening me and my family saying he has Mafia ties. When I tried to call the police, he knocked over kitchen chairs to get to phone first, and he ripped the phone off the wall. My daughter, heard this commotion, and called the police on the extension upstairs.
So why did he take his life?
He seemed to be able to play his game and it didn’t matter too much when it ended cause he always found a new game to play.
What was different at the time when he took his life?
Could it be that he was the runt of the litter, even though he was 6’0 and 200 LB? His brothers are 6’4 and heavier. Could he have been afraid of what they would do when they found out he robbed their mother?
Could it be that I dug a ditch around him when I was hunting him down on internet cause he was stealing our son’s identity? It was around that time that he took his life.
Or was it only because he had no purpose in life. He wanted to lay on the couch, and be the king, and he ran out of willing women who have a couch.
He was whistling and singing Amazing Grace for a couple of weeks before he took his life. He was mainly heard singing “who saved a wretch like me”
I believe when the feel they are out of ‘supply’ this is always an option.
It’s a final punishment to the victims.
Nobody healthy could be the surviving victim and not feel any ‘afterthoughts’ of what if questions.
They do everything grandios…….those that choose suicide will be no different.
CAMom……girl….I’m so pleased you are coming to the point of healing and the truth behind his horrid actions against you.
You are NOT responsible…….and you now know this.
You sound so healthy……as sad as it’s all been for you.
Kudo’s to you, Kudo’s darlen!!!!
I just saw this page. This is where I should’ve looked first & posted the message about J’s hanging himself. I have much to add to this conversation, & will look forward to all your comments. Must close now, but will be back tomorrow.
I feel the same way as all of you do. If they do take their own lives what are we missing? I would not be hurt or sad at all to hear news about that. I feel like a horrible Christian for saying this but I am so hurt and angry that I WILL never forgive my spath for the cold calculated game he played with me. He is so cruel as they are all that…happen riddens.
Dear Seriously,
You are justifiably angry right now….you have been betrayed. Let your anger motivate you to do what you have to do…there will come a time when you no longer need that anger and you can get the bitterness out of your heart, but right now…the anger is justified, and even Jesus was angry at injustice. (((hugs)))
CA Mom, candy and jeannie,and any others of you whose ex spaths have committed suicide.
Its only natural ,I think, for you to feel SOME grief, but,DONT ever let them convince you it was your fault! As Oxy said, it the ultimate “Fark You!! They did it, for whatever reason. We can only REJOICE that there is one less Spath in the world, and maybe at least their ashes can help a tree or a plant grow.{On the other hand, mybe their ashes are so toxic that the plant dies!}
NOT YOUR FAULT, EVER!DONT let their final “F you” act lay any blame on you .They are sick F–ers.
Its sad in a way, even tho they were subhuman, once they were helpless babies, and presumably their Mums loved them.
Seriously, No you are not unchristian for feeling anger and hurt, as Oxy says even Christ was angry at times.
Love, and {{{{HUGS!!}}}
Mama gemXX
I think some sociopaths kill themselves as proof that there IS a God.
The spath was a diabetic who refused to control his blood sugar or high blood pressure by taking his medication or altering his diet. During an argument once I was so shocked that he actually rubbed his temples and said “I wish I could just stroke out and get it over with.” WHAT?!?
Another time we were at the store, and an elderly man in a wheelchair who needed assistance caught his attention. The spath said, “I’m jumping off a bridge before I get to that point.”
Again, I didn’t understand then what I was dealing with, but unfortunately I do now. Fortunately, NOT MY PROBLEM ANYMORE!
They are pretty good at denial, and I think to one extent or another we all are—as well as them–I know I smoked (and hey, I’m a health care professional, I know it is bad…!!!!!!) I gained too much weight KNOWING I have Type II DM in my family, and guess what! Yea, you got it! Diabetes…but I finally got out of my recto-cranial inversion (got my head out of my butt!) and got on the band wagon and quit smoking, went to a wt. loss diet, and so far have lost 30+ pounds and my blood sugar is fine now…but it has been WORK…. and unfortunately, psychopaths are not generally willing to do any WORK to take care of themselves, they want what they want by someone else’;s efforts and let me tell you, Baby-cakes, that ain’t gonna work when it comes to diet and exercise., I don’t care how Nish you are, or how rich, THERE ARE SOME THINGS YOU MUST DO FOR YOURSELF. You can’t hire someone to do it for you.
Denial is a way of life for them, but sometimes we let it become a way of life for us as well….but I am determined to start facing REALITY and taking care of myself.
At least he is not your problem any more! WHOOPIE!!!!! Valley Girl 1; Psychopath ZERO!!!!!!!