Editor’s note: Resource Perspectives features articles written by members of Lovefraud’s Professional Resources Guide.
Sarah Strudwick, based in the UK, is author of Dark Souls—Healing and recovering from toxic relationships. She has also created a wonderful animation that describes the antics of a sociopath, called Exposing the Mask of Insanity. View the animation here.
The sociopath’s unconscious death wish
By Sarah Strudwick
Sarah Strudwick profile in the Lovefraud Professional Resources Guide
I recently received an email from one of my readers saying that her husband and mother, who are both sociopaths, had suicide clauses in their wills, so I decided to write an article on the sociopath and suicide. Many people think that sociopaths never commit suicide, but I beg to differ.
For those who aren’t already aware, many of those who have symptoms of sociopathy often have other personality disorders such as narcissistic personality disorder. In fact, it’s one of the reasons why when I wrote Dark Souls that I grouped the two personalities together. Whatever we decide to call these people, whether it be sociopaths, psychopaths, or narcissists, the DSM-5 has now decided to propose putting narcissistic personality disorder in with the “psychopathic type personality.”
So what do all of these psychopathic types have in common? A need for admiration, narcissistic supply and attention. When the attention runs dry, they will resort to any number of tactics, using guilt, blame, anger, and so on, to get their needs met. I saw a very unnerving video from a death row inmate in the U.S. where the guy is asked why he did what he did to others and how he felt about being and death row. He said, “Because I just want to die.”
My encounters
I recently heard of an old acquaintance who I had had the misfortune of being friends with many years ago. He recently died under strange circumstances, although it appears he committed suicide when he got caught out. He was one of the psychopathic type personalities, a loner, a user with a distinct liking of hurting animals and children. I wondered whether the sociopath has an unconscious death wish.
Sociopaths have a distinct lack of impulse control, coupled with their own lack of remorse. My own ex threatened to commit suicide a couple of times when I said I would leave. Of course he never did it. Each time I was gullible enough to take him back.
My own sociopathic father even made a half-hearted attempt at doing it when my mother decided enough was enough. When finally asked in counseling why he did it, he replied, “It seemed like a good idea at the time.” My view is that it was more like he was concerned he wouldn’t have supply any more, and he knew that killing himself would hurt everyone, including his children.
The ultimate gesture
Often you will see headline cases in newspapers where sociopaths go on killing sprees and then just as they are about to be caught out, they turn the gun on themselves as the ultimate “f*ck you,” so that they cannot be brought to justice.
Most of us who have lived around sociopaths know that their sole need is to use others, and unless they are receiving attention, then their lives aren’t really worth living. Take the likes of Ted Bundy and Charles Manson. In their warped way, I am sure they love all the adoration they receive.
Some normal people may want to be come famous. They may be driven by a desire to do something good and succeed.
A sociopath doesn’t care about being successful or doing good. They don’t care whether or not they are “famous” or “infamous.” They don’t mind having a bad name or being associated with something detestable, which is why so many celebrities who have sociopathic tendencies will be more than happy to appear in the news doing pretty much anything just to get headlines.
Here in the UK all serial killers are hated hence our most famous psychopath, Fred West, hanged himself before trial, despite being on suicide watch. Thus he was never tried for his heinous crimes, which included raping his own 13 year old daughter and chopping up a few dead bodies.
But the moment the supply runs out for the sociopath, then what? They are happy with punishment in the form of everyone either hating them, which is why so many thrive in prisons. The worse thing people can do is ignore them, in which case they have nothing more to do than look at four walls, and put them in isolation, so they have to “talk to the hand” and have to face their own souls and miserable existences. And since they hate being ignored and probably died along time ago, what better way to be remembered than to give the ultimate “F*ck you” by blowing their own head off, or hanging themselves off the end of a bedpost in the hope they will have some kind of recognition?
Dear Yes,
I can hear the SANITY AND PEACE in your posts so loudly! I am so happy for you too….because following a suicide that is even remotely connected to “us” there is so much sadness and I am so glad that you have come through this with a move forward and a release from your unforgiveness. God has answered your prayers.
Sometimes All I can hear in my own posts is the INSANITY that comes back from time to time or the conflicting feelings and thoughts. It is a journey and I’m glad that you have moved past “go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200….” (((hugs)))
((((((CAmom))))))))) – chica, all my email bounces back for weeks now, and now your phone is disconnected. I am so glad to see you here as i almost had a heart attack when i called and got the disconnect notice.
Call when you can. besitos mujer.
Thank you, dear Oxy!
SANITY: Yes! What an incredible thing to feel after 10 mos of verging on total INsanity. After completely doubting everything about me & my life, feeling that I wasn’t worthy of even being alive, much less ever having anything good ever happen to me. And just consumed by bitterness & hurt & anger & unforgiveness.
Peace, well, yes, I do have a peace that’s descending on me. Even when things seem hard, I’m finally able to tell myself again that God Will Provide, & that just one step in front of another, walking in faith, is the one & only & best thing we can do.
SADNESS, tho, there’s a great deal of that. But it’s a sadness I can deal with peacefully & sanely…..something very different from the darkness & confusion of pain & hurt & bitterness.
I still have so many questions….questions that will likely never be answered…..&, of course, Jamie seldom leaves my mind…..he never has….but it’s not tormenting me anymore. I lit 2 Virgin of Guadalupe candles for him earlier….I believe that anyone who takes their own life will walk in sadness & darkness in the beyond, & I hope that he eventually will come to a place of Light.
Maybe it’s just me. Maybe it’s just the way I want to see it all, but it’s a way that gives me peace. I know that peace can’t live in a heart full of unforgiveness, & I know that we do have to pray for & work to an ability to forgive. Like most of us, I’ve had to struggle all my life with unconditional forgiveness of the wrongs done against me. This is one I can now let go & it lightens my own load. God did answer my prayers. And now I can pray for that ability to forgive for all of us who’ve been wounded.
((((Hugs & Hugs))))
Re Oxy’s “The frequent and repeated “suicide gestures” … are used as manipulation attempts”it is the DRAMA QUEEN/KING thing, ”that feeling sorry for them is the key thing”.and they hook you back into taking care of them.”
That is exactly how the Superspath got me to let him live at my house.
He was in trouble at work – BIG TROUBLE, probably about-to-lose-his-job kind of trouble. 2 women who worked with him had accused him of sexual harrassment. I now know that it wasn’t the first time he had been in trouble for that sort of thing.
Money had been going missing from the store he worked at. He had numerous issues with his subordinate staff members at the store (he was the Manager).
He told me that he was “trying to catch the thief”.
He told me that the women were “setting him up”.
He told me that the store was in crisis due to bad staff and that that was the reason he had been transfered there – to “sort them all out and get the store running properly again”.
I believed him. I now know from the wife prior to me, that money was also going missing from his previous store, he had been accused previously of sexual harrassment and there were “staff issues” at the previous store also.
He had been summonsed to a meeting with his bosses at head office.
Before that took place, he left me a suicide note and disappeared for a night.
I had the police tracking his mobile (cell) telephone while I made repeated calls to it to try to get a location on him. His family were all out driving around looking in places where they thought he might go. This went on from 4 in the afternoon until well after midnight. The few times I spoke with him (He wouldn’t alwys answer my calls) he kept saying that he was “no good to anyone”. All of us always thought that I had talked him home that night – his family thanked me for my support, and for his life.
When he got home, his car was full to the roofline with dry wood. It was everywhere except where he was sitting. He told me he had been going to burn himself to death. Talk about addicted to drama!
There was no suicide “attempt” at all. There was just playing with me on the phone for hours, playing with his frantic family for hours, playing with police resources for hours – and most importantly, securing my sympathy for the next part of his plan.
He knew that I was a union delegate with good connections to powerful industrial movers and shakers – and he knew that he was about to be sacked from his job. So he got me on his side and the next day I went in to bat for him, hiring a lawyer, getting him a union rep to stave off the “talk” his bosses wanted to have with him. He took “stress leave” and I spoke with his bosses and convinced them that if they threatened his job they would be sued for harrassing a man who was clearly depressed.
When I think about it now my blood boils.
After that I moved him into my place so that I could look after him while he “recovered” from his “ordeal”. And got stuck with him because he didn’t move out again once he went back to work.
It was only after we were divorced (9 years later) that I worked out that he could not have even been where he said he was that night because there was no mobile telephone coverage there at all (there still isn’t). He had to have been in the next town along, in order to take my calls. So the police were searching the deep dark forest and he was sitting somewhere down in civilisation laughing at all of us.
Also – the thing with the car full of wood and the pretense that he was going to “burn himself to death”.
The area where he claimed he was that night, is in a state forest where we have had both our worst (in 1961) and our second worst (in 2007) bushfires in our state’s history. An entire town was lost in the first big fire and was never rebuilt. There was a fire ban in that area at the time he claimed he was going to kill himself there – we all knew about it because it was a recreational area where we would sometimes visit. The weather was hot and we were approaching the Summer, when the fire danger was extreme. Superspath knew all of this.
If he HAD gone ahead and done it, the fire would have been uncontrollable and it would have taken hours before anyone realised it was burning deep in the forest. Many homes would have been under threat and many other lives might have been lost.
Who chooses to burn themselves alive anyhow?
Spookily enough, we eventually moved to that forest area. Superspath still lives there. In 2007, we had the second worst bushfire, which came within a kilometre of our house.
Superspath was fascinated by all of the drama surrounding that fire. He wasn’t worried like the rest of us were – he fed off it.
Aussie girl, Your “drama king” story actually made me laugh! What a joker! LOL an id-i-jut to be exact! LOL ROTFLMAO
It wouldn’t have mattered to him if he had burned down the world. The thing is though, he was NOT going to hurt himself that’s for sure! LOL
Yeah,Aussie, I agree with Oxy. No one would choose to burn to death! But Your story did creep me out a bit. Is it possible that he was going to start a fire in the forest? Is it possible that HE started the fire you spoke of?
Starting a fire like that would certainly be DRAMATIC. Maybe he’s a pyrospath.
the threat of suicide was ever present in my time with the spath. ‘He’ was such a sick and dying boy, so emotionally and psychologically damaged by evil people in his short lifetime that….
okay, we all know this is a crock of shit!
There were suicide threats of omission and commission. one day i spent SEVERAL HOURS talking the fake boy our of a fake suicide. HOURS. she (the spath) is such a piece of crap.
really. i would still like to punch her in the face when I think about all that she solicited from me in time, heart and compassion – all solicited under false pretenses. I was genuine; she was a lying sack of crap evil *C*.
she was sooooo about the drama and trauma. fake suicide, fake boy, fake abuse ad naseum, fake surgeries, fake death.
fake resurrection – i mean really! i just want to punch her when i think of this. so, i do my best not to think of it.
i still feel powerless in some ways, i still feel raped. she is a danger to society. if i engage with her unholiness, she is a danger to me. lying evil piece of shit.
i have a better word Kim – how about ‘torch’? snort.
ouu, one joy is in ‘whack-a-spath’ mode again.
Yeah, like kim, I’m wondering if it’s possible that he started the 2007 fire. Sure sounds like the suspicious behavior of someone who starts fires…..the arsonist sociopath.