Like us, Claudia Moscovici had her run-in with a psychopath, one that almost destroyed her marriage. Since then, like many of us, she has thoroughly researched this destructive personality disorder. She started a blog called “Psychopathy Awareness,” and wrote two books: a novel called The Seducer, and an upcoming nonfiction book called Dangerous Liaisons.
In her review of my book, Love Fraud—How marriage to a sociopath fulfilled my spiritual plan, Claudia writes, “I didn’t think I could learn much more about the subject, but Donna’s book proved me wrong.”
Read the entire review on Psychopathy Awareness.
Love Fraud is available in the Lovefraud Store.
Oxy thanks for the suggestion. I sure will because although I don’t want to insult anyone here, I also won’t remain passive and quiet if I think the psychopath wants to extend his harassment to this forum as well. As for Henry, sure I remember him. But not with the name of Hens. Back in those days, when I was reading lovefraud every day, he was Henry.
I have an email account that is just for a select group of people who have been vetted and agree to my privacy, and I have email for general. It gives me a safety zone. My private email account has worked so well, so far, that I don’t get ANY spam in it.
I accept that my “general” email includes spam, and that includes all the money making offers from Nigeria and male enhancement offers and beat the stock market offers… and it is the one where I communicate with my spath b/c I have to in order to get my divorce.
I also have a work email address and I know that strange names will pop up, but again, I treat them as spam. You’ve been able to ID your spaths communications, seems to me that spam button works as satisfying as hanging up on the jerk.
I’m so sorry, I need you also.
I know that the name jeannie,,,(not jennie) was a poster on another thread, I think though the post on this thread was intended for me, not jeannie.
Any way, I think one of the warnings posted of p’s were about me. I felt that way anyhow and reread, to make sure I had not been offensive. I’m a victim of one hoping to become a survivor…. my hope is small and weak but it’s better then none, with is where I was before I posted.
I’m so sorry Hens
I see that maybe you are triggered as well.
I don’t think your behavior towards Claudia is appropriate either.
Having said that, I DO agree that I don’t believe Hens is spath. I have taken offense to some of his posts, BUT, he has also been kind enough to listen to a response if I do indeed respond to something I feel is offensive to me. THAT is empathy.
Claudia, I COMPLETELY understand where you’re coming from. I think the work you do is GOOD and necessary, just as it is here. I”ve learned a lot from having read your site too. I’m sorry if Hens posts were triggering for you, but I DO understand that too and I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt because I know you mean well and that your intention is NOT to hurt others. We are human and we’ll make mistakes. You apologized for yours. As far as I”m concerned, you are forgiven!!!! I hope you keep posting. I chose to overlook the words to the song, as well as the link. That is MY CHOICE. But if it helps anyone else here in pointing that out….
I think it’s too easy to assume what people are without having met them. I see that it’s easier for me to come here and “let the girls go free” so to speak, rather than at home. I share what I have shared with my kids, but overall, that is NOT what happens at home. We only get bits and pieces of others lives and make assessments based on what’s being posted, but in reality, this IS just a blog. It’s safe to post stuff here. I probably should have been given the das boot! Awhile ago now…..but I’m glad I didn’t. It’s helped me to see the areas where I need tons of work.
Claudia, I really don’t know how you do what you do and have to live with your ex predator constantly monitoring you. it’s crazy making and a horrible way to live, but you are reaching a lot of people with your site everyday. Just like Donna is here.
The more the merrier! If you come up with any ways to which you are able to combat your own fear, I think it would be helpful to me too. I’m going to address this in therapy today. I’ll let you know if I find out or discover anything that might be helpful.
I have a separate folder for my spam, but spam still gets through to my regular inbox at times.
Ox, thank you! I’m really excited to go!
Claudia, you’re an inspiration.
Hens, You’re awesome! I don’t always agree with you, but you lighten the load around here A LOT! Hope you and the wieners are good!
Thank you all for understanding. But if I became so highly motivated to write books about psychopathy and to start my own blog, it’s in part because the psychopath keeps cyberstalking me.
OMG Caudia Hens is a sweetheart! He is the sweetest, kindest, BEST sense of humor, man that you might ever talk to.
I can assure you that if Henry were not gay, many of us women would be standing in LINE to date him…Lol…
To know hens is to love him.
Hatchet buried!
Claudia, I get the same stuff on my phone that comes as “restricted ID”. It wouldn’t matter how many times I changed my phone number, he could still get access to it. The “calls” and the emails put me into super PTSD mode big time, to me, it feels like being raped again over and over…..I just want the bastard to go away. Perhaps in time, his new victim will keep on the merry go round long enough that I will no longer be a thought. I don’ twant anyone to go through what this man has put me through, but I do know, just like it was with me for him, there are plenty of victims out there. I wonder if or how it would be possible to have the calls traced? You can’t put a restraining order on someone when there is no proving who the someone is. That is ENORMOUSLY frustrating.
I just sense the evil that it is. I refuse to respond to it or to HIM in a way that he would think I cared AT ALL.
It just feels so intrusive when I’m trying to heal from it all.
Hang in there claudia! I really feel for you and what you’re experiencing!
Witsend, I’m sorry it was a mistake. By the way, I should also mention, now that everything is coming out, that when I first left him in December 2007, the psychopath send me a message threatening to come RAPE me, which my husband, who is a lawyer, still has as evidence, in case the psychopath tries to harm our family. My husband responded to him that if he gets anywhere near me or our family, he’ll alert the police and take legal action against him. His wife also told my husband that he had raped her and a former girlfriend of his, so the threats sounded very ominous and real. But the covert harassment, misogynist songs and threats from the psychopath continue on a daily basis via the internet, which is why I related to LL telling us about her “stealth” untraceable phone calls.
Yes LL,
Spam doesn’t always go to spam until we put it there. But it is a particularly empowering feeling to click that box, just like I would hang up on the jerk if he was saying the words over the phone.
HENS!!… You have NEVER said a word that offended me. I LOVE your tongue in cheek humor and that manly quality of being able to speak directly to the point.
Claudia, As I learned about spaths, wiggle words such as “IF” takes away the sincerity of what follows, just like the word “BUT”. However, I will give you grace.
Please choose to restrain yourself from having to print the entire words from a hate song? At least when it was a link, I had the option to avoid it!