Like us, Claudia Moscovici had her run-in with a psychopath, one that almost destroyed her marriage. Since then, like many of us, she has thoroughly researched this destructive personality disorder. She started a blog called “Psychopathy Awareness,” and wrote two books: a novel called The Seducer, and an upcoming nonfiction book called Dangerous Liaisons.
In her review of my book, Love Fraud—How marriage to a sociopath fulfilled my spiritual plan, Claudia writes, “I didn’t think I could learn much more about the subject, but Donna’s book proved me wrong.”
Read the entire review on Psychopathy Awareness.
Love Fraud is available in the Lovefraud Store.
Very well put and I agree with you 110%….as well as like I told LL the other day, sometimes in very good intentioned reaching out to “help” others we are distracting ourselves from the thing we need MOST TO BE WORKING ON, and that is on ourselves.
I am the “queen” of “trying to help others”—and in taking on the problems and feelings of others as my own—but that is a PROBLEM for me that I AM WORKING ON.
We don’t have to be “100% healed” in order to reach out to others to comfort and help them—if that were the case, NO ONE could ever help anyone. To start with, none of us will ever be “100% healed”—no one is PERFECT. Not me, not you, and not even Donna. But, there does come a time when we are on the right side of the equation and we are where we have EXCESS energy and some ability to reach out a helping hand to someone else…at least at that instant…because we may ourselves fall down the rabbit hole again tomorrow and be reaching up for a helping hand from someone else.
Here is the link to the article I wrote called “are we there yet?” I think this article is very timely for where we all are TODAY! Right NOW! and we are ALL on the ROAD TO HEALING.
Do what ya gotta do……..
Good luck to you……but please…….learn about the community and posters here at LF before going off half cocked……because those actions/words affect us all.
Sometimes we also get so wrapped up in our own ‘stories/lives’ that we fail to see what we can learn from those around us.
That’s true we sometimes make a world of not so big problems.
But what about my problem? I want a non sociopathic stud and i don’t find it 🙁 Isn’t it serious my problem?
Eva, You are sooo funny. Spaths not a big problem! LOL! hahahaha. They are “small” moles (size of their humanity is VERY tiny as to be immaterial!) but damn hard to eliminate. Whack a mole!! LOL!!
They’re repugnant but we can’t kill them because it is illegal. Besides, they have supporters. And there are also many narcissists and many assholes. There are not so many good men. That’s not fair.
Psychopaths brains should be operated so we could use their bodies without so much risk. With those brains it’s very dangerous to get close. It is not fair 😀
You misunderstand. Not advocating killing anyone, never ever. “Eliminate” as in wishing there was a way to cure their dysfunctional personality disorder so you could have YOUR wish, a non spath stud…!!! (whack a mole is a reference to a game at Chucky Cheese, a way to keep a molehill from turning into a mountain.)
I have to say when I first read your post this afternoon about “Ana” and your exboyfriend and cyber stalking, it creeped me out a little. I couldn’t post anything because I was getting ready for a job interview, which btw I hope I get. It went really well!! But anyway…i was only indirectly (if you even want to call it that) affected by your ex and his stalking and it freaked me out a little bit. I could only imagine how it feels for you. I really hope you can rectify the situation for yourself. If your husband is a lawyer…UTILIZE HIM…you’re lucky, you get free legal advice. LOL!!! If he’s a good husband he should do whatever it takes to protect you. I really do hope you get some kind of legal recourse for the cyber stalking. That’s really not cool. Can’t you just change your email address?
I want to defend you for posting the lyrics to the song. I think Oxy stated in her post after you mentioned “Ana” and the song he recommended for LL that Oxy couldn’t listen to the song because her computer had limited internet access. After Oxy posted that, that’s when you posted the lyrics, I assumed it was so Oxy could read the words to the song. Right? I don’t want to rehash everything…just trying to clarify everything so everyone’s on the same page.
I’ve only been on here for a few months, but Hens seems like a sweet, unassuming guy. I totally missed how he even got involved in this little mess, but he seems pretty innocent to me!!
I really wish you the best with your current situation, and the cyber stalking, and just plain old stalking altogether. If he’s stalking you on the computer, God only knows what else he is doing. Nobody should have to live like that!
Best wishes!!!
Only to operate their brains would work.
But surely surgeons won’t do it in less than 30 or 40 years and then i’ll be dead or without sexual apetite. That’s not fair!
Yes, to make a mountain out of a molehill. Lack of non psychopathic studs is something not so unimportant that it is not fair 😀
Thank you SO MUCH! I admit I was afraid…. I can’t tell you how much it means to me to log on and see your posts! Thank you for taking the time to tell me.
Thank you for posting that. It does feel like I don’t know where I am. I never realized, well, no, I guess I did decide I have to stare this down to get out from under the smothering pain and anguish. To stop the storm inside myself. I just wasn’t sure I was actually doing it or getting anywhere.
I remember asking myself ‘what was i really doing?’ (Not long ago at all)… why was I really in this situation…what was I looking for…what is it that I really loved, really missed, really looking for?. What am I really feeling….
Leads to alot of mental images and startes letting out some real pain and tears that were becoming more toxic to me I think then even the p… if I might stretch it THAT far…. I’m still right there at the beginning though on it so I don’t want to try and sound like I REALLY know what I’m doing. It’s hard not to run and grab the phone to make calls so that other things are talked about or to start something to at least occupy some of my brain… It really did work better to not occupy some of my brain though and just let my heart feel and release…?
I think what I’m trying to say is… I am having to actually process the pain. I tried to avoid it and now I’m full and overflowing and can’t even see the truths if they hit me between the eyes…. turns out that avoiding a few feelings along the way, I didn’t avoid a thing, just delayed it.
I don’t know…
Thank you for your encouragement and I’m so glad that something I’ve said can maybe help someone… that feels good. I’m reluctant to offer help or advice because I don’t feel worthy or smart enough to really help… afraid of offending. I don’t like the new me…(after phub), the me before was young and needed some rough edges knocked off, but I like her better. Now I’m full of fear, doubt, confusion. Guess I was before though, really, cause it took me into the husband mess.
I believe it goes back to the melastation as a young child and for some reason I really don’t want to go there… like I’ll realize something about who it was that I can’t live with? I don’t know
One, please share what you are comfortable sharing with me as you process from your earlier post.