Like us, Claudia Moscovici had her run-in with a psychopath, one that almost destroyed her marriage. Since then, like many of us, she has thoroughly researched this destructive personality disorder. She started a blog called “Psychopathy Awareness,” and wrote two books: a novel called The Seducer, and an upcoming nonfiction book called Dangerous Liaisons.
In her review of my book, Love Fraud—How marriage to a sociopath fulfilled my spiritual plan, Claudia writes, “I didn’t think I could learn much more about the subject, but Donna’s book proved me wrong.”
Read the entire review on Psychopathy Awareness.
Love Fraud is available in the Lovefraud Store.
We=me and the kids.
Vacation with the spath? Hmmmmmm only if I can feed him to the sharks!
“Here honey….let’s snorkel over there… go first!” 🙂
Yeah…..maybe I WILL invite him!?!?! LOL.
PHEW! **wipes sweat off brow** Just checking! LMAO I’ll bet even sharks do not like the taste of a sociopath.
Words of wisdom…… we all have the same number of hours in the day. It’s how we use them that counts!
You know, thinking about the role of therapy in my healing…….for YEARS I searched for a decent therapist. I believed I would not get better without one. All these years went by and I went through one crisis after another while my life stabilized. Then in the process of looking outside of myself for someone to help me, something happened. I started having fun and enjoying my life. Without a therapist. Imagine that! Now I’ve had a therapist handed to me on a silver platter. And guess what? I just don’t feel the desire any more. Isn’t the point of therapy to get to where you’re able to enjoy life? I have learned from this that we have within us the capacity to heal ourselves. It is not easy. But we can be our own mothers and fathers, our own therapists, and our own best friends. A very wise person told me this about 5 years ago. I didn’t believe him.
Oops, sorry, I meant to direct that last question about future dreams to HopeforJoy!! (sorry). But I would like to hear from LL as well.
Star – re sharks not wanting to eat spaths – it’s because they are such empty calories! 🙂
I’m looking into nipple piercing~!
hey, that’s great EB, you can hook ’em up to your ears and keep those babies from dropping!
Good point!!!!
OMG! ha ha ha