A 24-year-old guy described himself in an Internet forum: He doesn’t feel emotion, is an excellent liar, becomes bored quickly, and experiences an adrenalin rush when deceiving or angering someone else. He asks, is he a sociopath?
I’d answer yes. The post is an interesting insight into how a disordered young man perceives himself and others.
Read Self-diagnosing sociopathy on the Dr. Robert forum.
Louise-mine had me feeling the same way-wanting to take care of his crazy ass!
one more comment – I think most of us are nurturing people to begin with – BINGO ~! think about it……….
Yes we are. I wish I could do something to help cranky tonite. She is so tough that it’s hard for her to admit when she needs something.
I refuse to put the responsibility on the ‘rest of the world’ to define my normal.
I have been told my whole life I don’t live a ‘normal’ life.
That is where my questioning arises from.
I can sleep well at night, I have a clear conscience, I don’t break laws and have no skeletons in my closet……
I say…..fuckem! Live a good life!!!
EB-just like Lily Allen always says! I have that song on my phone!
Lizzy, I divorced my family a long time ago. I miss the remaining ones at times, but I don’t make contact because I know what I’ll get **narcissism and manipulation**. It’s better this way. I don’t want to be around people who would make me feel bad about myself. Your father does not “see” you. He doesn’t see your beauty as a person. Too bad, so sad – HIS loss.
I don’t know if you read much, but I have really loved Tom Robbins’ books. His characters bust a lot of boundaries in every way in order to find themselves. The theme of his books is how to be your own person without letting other people’s judgments control how you live your life. I think you would really enjoy “Even Cowgirls Get the Blues.” The main character gets married, but she is not fulfilled in her marriage. She eventually finds a woman and a man with whom she falls in love with. She ends up with a woman in the end. Great, great book.
They always say nice things. It has no meaning:
On a Sunday phone call I got compliments galore, to the point where I was uncomfortable.
Tuesday, I mentioned I was nervous about us, since much of our time together involved being out and tbh, partying — no worries he said and that he was looking forward to spending quite time at my place Thursday and Friday.
Saturday, I was dumped.
You couldn’t be more correct. They are just words to them…nice or naughty. And I have come to realize that even what you say to them…they don’t really care if it’s good or bad. They seem to forget either way. I used to be afraid to say bad things to him for fear I would push him away, but I came to find out that it didn’t matter anyway.
Oh, yeah…I get that being dumped part so suddenly. It happened to me also. Same thing generally. We were together, everything was great and them boom…nothing. Let me say, one thing I have realized and not just from this relationship, but also observing other people, almost 100% of the time when there is a sudden drop like that, it is due to another woman/man. I can almost guarantee it.
Star-thanks for that. I am just feeling so unbelievably bad this morning. This afternoon I have a yet another phone interview with the same hospital that rejected me last week. It’s for a different position. I just don’t even feel like going forth with it because I feel like I’ll just be rejected again anyway. The constant rejection from all of them is getting so painful that I can’t stand it anymore. The last three shifts I have had scheduled with my temp job were cancelled due to low patient census and I have no money. I am totally scared and freaking out. Nobody seems to give a shit and my judge’s decision from my case isn’t going to anything to help me at all. I can’t seem to find an attorney who will take my case-to sue the pants off the hospital that took my career away. I am losing everything.
Ultimately, I am convinced my x-spath had somebody else lined up. The reason why I say this when I was still in contact with him, which happened to be right around New Year’s, he alluded to a long night of Guitar Hero and drinking (of course) with an unnamed friend.
Typically, when I guy says I was “out with Jane” or “out with Joe,” this indicate a platonic friend. When they say “I was just out with a friend last night…” you can be 99% sure sex was involved.
This was about two weeks after the end. However, I still believe that the real reason he dumped me was I was too close to his HIV issue. Perhaps it was both.