Downton Abbey was on TV last night, and Terry and I are among the millions of fans. Last night’s episode (Season 3, Episode 4) ended in tragedy because of behavior that looked so familiar to me.
(Spoiler Alert: The following description gives away the story.)
Lord Grantham’s daughter, Lady Sybil, is about to give birth. Rather than depend on the local country doctor, Dr. Clarkson, Lord Grantham has imported a more socially acceptable obstetrician, Sir Philip Tapsell, to deliver the baby. As the birth approaches, both doctors are in attendance at the estate.
Lady Sybil starts acting incoherently. Dr Clarkson fears that she may be toxemic. He recommends that they rush to the hospital so the baby can be delivered immediately by C-section. Sir Philip insists that nothing is wrong—Lady Sybil is experiencing a normal childbirth. The two doctors argue in front of the entire family and the nature of the argument is why I’m describing the show.
Dr. Clarkson worries that Lady Sybil may be in grave danger, but admits that he doesn’t know for sure. Sir Philip, on the other hand, is totally confident that nothing is wrong. He never wavers. He is pompous in his confidence. He practically sneers at the country bumpkin doctor for being an alarmist, and actually tells him to shut up.
Lord Grantham notes that Dr. Clarkson isn’t sure about the possible danger, whereas Sir Philip is 100% confident that everything is fine. He sides with Sir Philip, and they do not go to the hospital.
Lady Sybil goes into labor and the baby is born. But a short time later, she goes into convulsions and dies.
Argued like a sociopath
Dr. Clarkson was right all along. But Sir Philip spoke with unshakeable self-confidence, unwaveringly certain that he knew best. He argued like a sociopath.
I am not saying that the Sir Philip character is a sociopath. But I am saying that his extreme confidence, his self-righteousness and his hubris are all traits that sociopaths display when they are pushing to get their way.
I write about this in my book, Red Flags of Love Fraud:
How do they do it? How do sociopaths convince you to go along with their agendas, even to your own detriment?
They command it. This is a function of their charisma because they command unflinchingly, with complete self-confidence, they get results. Now, this doesn’t mean sociopaths are always barking orders. Often the commands are delivered on cushions of sweetness, or camouflaged as appeals for sympathy. But in their minds, whatever sociopaths want, they are totally entitled to have. Therefore, when they make their desires known, they show no doubt, only certainty. Compliance is demanded, and targets respond.
Those of us who are not disordered usually aren’t as adamant in expressing our views, opinions or desires. We may think we’re right, but recognize that we could be wrong. We may know what we want, but we’re willing to compromise. So when we come across people who communicate vociferously and forcefully well, we tend to be bowled over. Because of the sheer force of their words, we tell ourselves that they must know what they’re talking about, they’re telling the truth, and they’re right.
My ex-husband’s convincing lies
I’m soon going to be on another TV show I’ll tell you all more when I have details. The producer asked me if I had any more video or audio of my ex, James Montgomery. Well, I found some tapes that I had forgotten about recordings of voice mails, and a recording of our first telephone conversation when I arrived home after leaving him. The tapes illustrate the steamroller tactics with which he argued even when he was lying.
Let me set the scene. James Montgomery swept into my life, portraying himself as a successful entrepreneur. He invited me to be part of his business plans, which, if I could help him get started, were sure to make us fabulously wealthy. He pressured me to lease a car for him it was in my name, and I made all the payments. To feed his unending need for money, I drained my savings and loaded about $60,000 in debt to my previously zero-balance credit cards.
Montgomery also told me he was a member of the Australian military who had heroically served in Vietnam, and still acted as a consultant, particularly on terrorism. He often flew to Florida, telling me he was stopping by MacDill Air Force base in Tampa, home of the Special Operations Command. While there, he was able to get around by borrowing the cars of other military members that were parked at the base.
In December 1998, Montgomery dragged me to Florida, saying he had a contract to open a Titanic show in Orlando. We spent money we didn’t have to move down there. A few weeks later Montgomery admitted he never had a contract. Then, while he was flying to yet another business meeting, I discovered that he had fathered a child with another woman during our marriage. I left Florida, and took the car that he had been driving.
So, here’s part of my conversation with James Montgomery when I was back at my home in New Jersey. (Warning: Contains some profanity.)
Here’s what I know now that I didn’t know during the conversation. My entire marriage was a financial scam. James Montgomery was never in the military. When he travelled to Florida, he was visiting other women including, but not limited to, the mother of the child., who probably owned the car he drove.
Yet listen to how he argued about the car. I was wrong for taking the car back to New Jersey, which inconvenienced him. I was wrong about him using cars from the base. And I was stupidly ignorant about the policy for using military cars. Montgomery was adamant and self-righteous in his argument even though everything he said was a lie.
At the time, the conversation was terribly upsetting. He threw many more accusations and threats at me, which, because of the conviction of his words, made me wonder if he was right.
Later, I discovered that everything he said that day, and practically everything he said during our marriage, was a lie no matter how convincingly the words were stated.
I didn’t know someone could lie with such confidence and conviction. And that’s how I got into the entire mess.
Babs, and kmillercats, I hope you find support here and feel better soon.
I hope you maintain nc and do not give in to replying to the jerk. It’s a manipulation set up, a trap baited with truth. If you reply, he can slam you, diminish anything you say, and leave you feeling accutely invalidated and devastated.
They have NO conscience. When they send such an email, there is ALWAYS a hidden agenda, and it’s NOT to be kind or give closure or express true remorse.
Don’t give him the power to know his email got to you.
Give yer new guy an extra long hug and sweet kiss, he’s where your attention and appreciation belongs.
Best, Katy
Kmiller, if you know your WEAK POINT that is a GOOD START on fixing your problems.
The psychopaths can “smell” our weak points I think like a dog can smell if someone is afraid of it, and it makes it bolder. The “love bomb” is their RED FLAG that they use on lonely people, telling us how special we are etc. which puts our guards down.
We must find our weaknesses so that we can WATCH FOR AND SEE the RED FLAGS and prevent them from using our weaknesses against us.
We start out our healing by learning about THEM but we complete it by LEARNING ABOUT OURSELVES.
I too tend to fall for the love bomb but am learning to watch myself when someone starts to get too friendly too fast. I no longer GIVE TRUST but make people EARN IT over a long period of time, and if they show ANY RED FLAGS I RUNNNNNNNNNN and don’t look back.
Hang in their Kmiller, iit takes some time, but you will get the hang of protecting yourself and living WELL even if alone. Alone does NOT have to equal lone-LY
This story,
is interesting to me because my exspath told me that crows are his favorite birds. The way he said it was like a tell.
Before he told me that, he told me about his friend’s cat. The cat lived at the airport with the dude in an apt. next to the dude’s hangar. The cat would “play” with the crows that hung around. The crows liked to tease the cat and the cat would chase them in an attempt to catch one.
One day, the cat was teased and he climbed a telephone pole in an attempt to catch the crow. Somewhere at the top, the cat was electrocuted and died. I had really liked the cat and was very sad about his death, when the spath told me about it.
For some reason, I’ve always considered crows to be “evil”. Interesting that they can think ahead.
this is long but well thought out and, if taken in small bites, can help get a good understanding of psychopathy.\
It does require patience though, if you want to get to the final understanding at the end.
Great article about the crow…extremely interesting. Your story about the spath liking crows as his favorite bird? Really? Wow!!!!! Who likes “crows” that much?? I also always felt like crows to be evil…how weird is that? I don’t know why, but there is something about them. Thanks for this…something to think about.
I love your other link on psychopathy. I bookmarked it for later reading as it is long, but I did skim through the entire thing and honed in on the part about having dysfunctional family/parents (as I did). This was extremely helpful to me because I display a lot of the behaviors of a child of a dysfunctional family that were listed. By the way, I have not forgotten about telling you about my family/parents. It’s nothing really groundshaking, but I will write sometime soon. I have not forgotten that I said I would write to you. Thanks so much for this link…can’t wait to decipher it more.
Thank you for reminding me of this: “When they send such an email, there is ALWAYS a hidden agenda, and it’s NOT to be kind or give closure or express true remorse.”
Since I have been away from him for awhile, I did have the, well, maybe he is actually sorry thought, even though the part of me that knows better was like, nope..he is up to his same old tricks. He is married now. He should not be sending me anything at all. I didn’t reply. 🙂
I do kind of feel like I might be pushing the new guy away a little bit though…I have a very hard time with the fact that he has some female friends. My spath had female friends but they were obviously never just friends. Or today for example, he always texts me in the am to say good morning..and so far today i have not gotten a I automatically assume that something is wrong, or that he has changed his mind. blah. idk. My spath has forever changed the way that I think about things, and that is not a good thing. Still healing but I hope I don’t end up pushing this guy away.
Mendingthebrokenpieces, something that I was always susceptible to was the idea that fairy tales suggested: a woman cannot possibly be a whole or complete organism unto herself WITHOUT having a Prince Charming.
Well, that’s just simple bullshit, and every parent should teach their daughters that they are whole and complete ON their own – that they don’t “need” a partner unless they choose one that meets their requirements.
Yes, the changes in our thinking are forever, but they will become GOOD things, in due time. When I am able to move through my life without seeking the approval, acceptance, and validation that I require from OTHER PEOPLE, I believe that I will be ready to pretend that I might be interested in dating, again. Having typed that, the damages to my psyche are requiring my immediate and focused attention. I do not have the time, energy, or inclination to dance around the May Pole in a vain search for Mr. Right. Ain’t no such thing.
That you haven’t received a text message (why anyone chooses to communicate in that manner is beyond my ability to comprehend) from him and that you are suddenly triggered that “something is wrong” would be a clear indication that you’re just beginning to recover and may not be prepared to enter into any relationship just yet, whether or not the candidate meets your standards, IMHO. Anxiety is borne of issues that require our attention, and suspicion, doubt, and an ever-present “feeling” that something is amiss is not what any healthy relationship is founded upon whether it’s romantic or platonic.
Perhaps, your psyche is trying to talk to you in the only way that it knows how through anxiety. It may be that some stuff still needs to be addressed, yet.
Brightest blessings
I know exactly what you mean, my parents have never pressured to me to get married or have kids, however, for some reason I have always felt like kind of a loser/inadequate for not being in a successful relationship. After my spath, I saw a few jerks here and there, but was really kind of ok being by myself when they didn’t work out other than the fact that I am very affectionate and I miss that when I am not with anybody. Now, I meet this guy(was introduced by a friend) and I thought I was ready, but you are right. I have so much anxiety. and I wonder if I really am imagining problems that are not there. In my head I call it “sociopath trained” If he does anything that the spath used to do, I freak out. If he is very affectionate for a few days and then not so much the next few days, I wonder why he isn’t being as affectionate as he was a few days prior and I think he must be losing interest. Plus, the sex is awkward and I feel that he will leave because of that even though it is not my fault. (I have never had this problem in past relationships so I believe he has some performance anxiety, which of course I am not used to since I was “with” a spath…I also wonder if he feels that he is cheating on his wife in a way since I am the first real relationship since his separation) But, anyway, I don’t know. I thought that 2 years afterspath, these issues should be gone. He is separated…said that he is ultimately getting a divorce but that it will take time, and says he is still civil with his wife. This all causes HUGE anxiety for me. This is the same way my relationship w/ spath started out . I don’t think this guy is a spath but I also don’t know if he is ready to move on even though he says he is (her stuff is all still at the house which I think is weird), and maybe I am imagining most of these things (other than the stuff, that is def there lol) or maybe I am not. I don’t know. I feel completely diff from day to day. One day, I think it is amazing, the next, I think he hates me and is going to leave or that he doesn’t like me as much as he did at first. I am thinking that maybe I need to go back to my counselor. I guess this is prob just the afterspath aftermath 🙂 My attempt at being funny, when everything else is always so confusing. I know I said this guy is understanding and all, but I am just so insecure and paranoid. blah. How could this way of thinking become something good though? What you said, “an ever-present “feeling” that something is amiss is not what any healthy relationship is founded upon whether it’s romantic or platonic”…is exactly how I feel. Like something is amiss. but I don’t really know if it is or if it is just my issues. I am so up and down. Almost feel like, I want to tell him to just forget know…like that marilyn monroe quote…”Wise girls kiss but don’t love, listen but don’t believe, and leave before they are left.” Thanks for responding to me 🙂 Once again I find myself back..never thought 2 years later I would still not be over what happened to me even though I sort of thought I was. *sigh*
It takes TIME and WORK tto get over these traumas and when we set a “TIME LIMIT” on healing of “I OUGHT to be over that” then we are pushing ourselves and it ends up back firing on us.
Learn to love yourself, learn to be OK with just yourself…and then when a relationship presents you wont’ have these feelings of paranoia etc.
Read Donna’s book RED FLAGS OF LOVE FRAUD and learn them and when you see a red flag in a relationship, RUN. Don’t look back.
Any DIS-honesty on the part of someone, any irresponsibility are two good signs that the person is someone you do NOT need in your life.
First in healing we learn about THEM, then we must learn about OURSELVES. God bless.