Perhaps the hardest thing for those of us targeted by sociopaths to grasp is the extent of their inhumanity.
Sociopaths have no empathy. They do not feel connections to other human beings. We are mere pawns in their games. They view the world as predators and prey—they are the predators, everyone else is prey.
We ask, “How can this be?”
We object, “He said he loved me!” (“She said she loved me!”)
We argue, “I said I was leaving and he cried! He begged me to stay! He said he couldn’t live without me!” (The female sociopath did too.)
Well, let’s take a look at what their words really mean. A Lovefraud reader visited “They had a discussion going on things they said but what they actually meant to them,” she wrote.
Here’s what our reader sent:
The Cheat-Sheet for What a Sociopath Really Means
1. I love you: I am fond of your companionship and put you above most, but never above me. Consider it an honor.
2. I’m sorry, forgive me: I really do not enjoy the fact that your mood has altered. Please revert back to normal.
3. I’d do anything for you: I’d do plenty to keep you right where I want you to be.
4. My condolences for your loss: *crickets* … It’s just a body. See you later when you aren’t being an emotional train-wreck.
5. S/he fills my heart with joy: I haven’t had this much fun playing in a long time, and the sex is more than acceptable.
6. I love my family: They’re mine.
7. That’s simply shocking: You’ve touched my morbid bone. No need to stop now…
8. Deep down, I feel I’m a good person: I’m not in prison and I stopped abusing animals, mostly. What more can you possibly demand of me?
9. I’m not a monster, I’m a human too: I’m trying to seem human, give me a break. It’s not like this is particularly natural for me.
10. I have feelings too: I feel frustrated when your feelings get in my way.
11. I wouldn’t lie to you: I lie to you every time I say I wouldn’t lie to you.
12. I understand/respect your feelings: I appreciate your feelings because I use them to manipulate you.
13. I never meant to hurt you: mission accomplished.
14. I want to work things out: I want to work things out for today.
15. I’ll always be there for you: I’ll try to as long as I need something from you
Remember this: Never evaluate the words or actions of a sociopath based on what you mean by your words and actions. For a sociopath, it’s all about manipulation.
“HIS kids WILL because he’s ’told them everything'”
You can’t control what he says or does, but you CAN be pretty certain that most (if not all) of what he SAYS is a LIE and most of what he DOES is part of a scheme, right? So – don’t drain yourself trying to second-guess this. In all likelihood, he has told his other kids NOTHING that could hurt you. If he has told them anything, it will be lies, right? Prepare your daughter for this. I Don’t know how old she is, but kids can be prepped in age-appropriate steps, they are never too young to be aware of their safety – we teach toddlers and kindy kids about “Stranger Danger” don’t we, in ways that make them aware but not so that we petrify them. Just keep talking to your girl, make sure she knows that she can come to you with anything she’s not sure about or is uncomfortable with. That’s something you CAN do.
“to think that he would go to those lengths to hurt ME”.to destroy and poison his own daughter”
Remember, spaths do not see children – even their own – as having any special connection to them except that they are excellent leverage and ideal tools with which to play games. Any “normal daddy-looking” stuff he does with her or says to you has been carefully collected by his having watched how real daddies do things. It’s NOT REAL – even with their own flesh and blood. How many of us on this site are here because of BLOOD relatives (not just people we’ve been in a relationship with) – sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, siblings? The spath has NO BLOOD RELATIVES and NO FAMILIAL BOND with anyone. Not even those they dupe and seem to get along with happily. People are tools to use – nothing more and nothing less. You can not compare what a spath looks and sounds and smells and feels like with your experience (however trivial or seemingly insignificant) of how REAL people look and sound and smell and feel. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING. EVER.
I’m an open book – ask away and don’t apologise.
J was sent to live with his spathdad and I when he was 8 1/2 – about a year before we married and after we had been together for almost 3 years. The story was that the mother couldn’t control him, he was stealing and vandalising and lying pathologically. She couldn’t cope and was trying to extricate herself from an abusive relationship in another state (where she and her children had moved some 3 years prior). Her plan was to save up enough $ to return here where she had a better support network. We were originally asked to keep J with us until the end of the school year (so, for 8 months) until she returned.
J was behind the 8-ball fromt he start. I was fed (by the spath) stories of abuse and neglect of J by the mother, told she was violent and volatile, told she wanted to abort when pregnant but he had talked her out of it by promising to look after the baby, told that even though he earned good money (the spath) she threw the baby into daycare at 6 weeks of age and went back to work fulltime herself to fund her materialistic lifestyle, her recreational drug-taking and to avoid too much “mothering” as she was not the maternal type. As someone whose dearest dream was motherhood and who had miscarried twice and been told I was unlikely to conceive again (and I haven’t) I could not comprehend such an attitude from a mum.
He arrived exhibiting behaviours that, from my many years of working with kids, I recognised as either extreme anxiety, or else some form of autism, or both. Spathdad told me he had ADHD and was on meds for that and to sleep at night, that the mum would “dope him to the eyeballs for school” and “drug him again at night to make him sleep” because she “couldn’t be bothered discipling him”. He had been off the meds for a week or so when he landed.
Spathdad took him to a paediatrician to review his meds and returned telling me he had got much better, slow-release meds that would keep J focused for school, but would wear off by hometime so that he was not dopey and suppressed the rest of the time.
Long story short – everything was hard with and for J. Learning disabled (I taught him to read at 8 1/2, using books suitable for 3 and 4 year-olds), anxious and easily distracted, a pathological liar, thief, vandal, cruel to animals (not a good combo when I do animal rescue and voluntary wildlife work…he actually killed one of my native rescues outright when he was 11 and would deliberately ride his bike at my hens and ducks and would bang on the avairies of disabled birds to make then fall from perches)
He was with me for 4 years (until 12 1/2). There was a strange correspondence between when the spathdad seemed more settled and “normal” – J would do better in school and was better behaved and less violent – and when the spathdad was hyped and agitated and stirring trouble at home and/or elsewhere. At 10 he told me he wanted to kill himself, repeating this cry periodically as he aged. I convinced that spath to take him to a counselor/psychologist. She taught him EFT and breathing exercises to alleviate stress and help him to focus. After a couple of months she asked to speak to the spath alone (we had done a couple of family sessions, followed by the spath and J together, followed by J on his own for 3 sessions). After the appointment he came home and announced that we were never going back to that mad woman and that J was not to see her again. He never gave a reason but I suspect she had worked him out – and had said so.
By the time the spath left me (J in tow, as I had no custodial rights over him and could not keep him with me), J had been sending pornography to his friends (I know that pre-pubescent boys will do this as a matter of course, but there were other bad things happening at the same time that made it not just unacceptable but alarming) and been caught out by one parent who confronted the spath who shifted the blame to the mother’s partner for allegedly supplying him. J had stolen several pairs of my underwear; I found them while cleaning his room out while he was visiting his mum during school holidays and the spath’s mother was coming to stay the weekend and was staying in J’s room. They were hidden underneath his bedroom drawers along with some porn mags. When J returned, I caught him spying on me while I showered – he had engineered a “peephole” and subsequently confessed to having watched me for many months.
Strangely, I was left by the spath to discuss these matters with his son and to resolve them. Shortly before they left, J had raised his fist to me after I grounded him over a misdemeanor and said that he “could get angry with you like dad does”. I was scared but didn’t let on – I stared straight back at him and told him that if he ever touched me I would call the police and have him arrested for assault. Knowing I never lied or said things I didn’t mean, he backed down. His aggression toward me had been building in direct relation to the spath’s aggression and cruelty. To this day I don’t know whether J was mirroring his dad out of self-preservation – if we split, he knew he would end up alone with the spath – or whether these were signs of a similar disorder in him. The animal cruelty screams alarm-bells at me.
Yet this was a child with whom I had no bother when we were alone together, which was often. We laughed together, joked, did his homework together, I read to him at bedtime, we hugged, he told me his problems – the dynamic only ever changed when spathdad was around.
The day after I had the police remove the spath from the house (he had left 4 months prior, taking J with him, but I let them stay for 4 weeks after the spath’s family evicted them from the elderly grandfather’s home. I did so out of concern for J – not the spath. I made the spath sign a written agreement that they were back on my terms, which covered the safety of me and my animals – before I would let him in the front door again. Included was a clause that if I felt threatened by either of them (J was now taller than me) I would ask them to leave and if they refused, the police would be called and a restraining order taken out. 4 weeks later, that’s what happened) – so, the day after that, the spath puts J on a plane back to his mum. She has since returned to this state and recently, she and I met to swap stories.
Without going into every detail, we each thought the other was a bunny-boiler who had abused J. Neither of us were and neither of us had. She never wanted to abort; did not want to return to work when J was a baby but was told by the spath that they could not afford her to not do so; spath did not look after J as a baby but in fact the only 2 times he was asked to collect him from daycare, forgot both times; IS maternal; does NOT do drugs; did NOT have J on wacked-out dopey drugs but on the slow-release stuff only for school (the stuff the spath had put him on was actually the wacked-out dopey drug); had always had Child Support taken directly from her wages and paid to the spath (He always said she didn’t pay which is why I ended up supporting J financially); had never beat J (but the spath had)..and on and on and on……right down to my supporting the spath’s successful application for custody of J (which is how the 8 months turned into 4 years) because I was convinced by the spath that she didn’t want him back (and she was convinced by the spath that the custody thing had been my idea, me pushing him, trying to snatch her child for my own.)
Outcomes? J lives with the mum and has little to do with the spath since he crashed the spath’s car some months ago. Kids here are not allowed to apply for a driver’s licence until after they turn 17; J stole the car and drove and crashed it at 16. Thankfully he was not hurt in the accident. The spath calls him abusive names, tells him he has s*** for brains and runs him down continually. J is one screwed up and sad boy. I have not seen him in 3 1/2 years.
If I had ever been in a position myself, to send J back to his mum years earlier I would have done so – but I was drowning under the spath-slime and couldn’t even get ME out of it; if I had know then what I know now (and continue to discover every day); if she and I had met and swapped stories before now; if we had known that we could….if, if, if…..
We are both determined now to do whatever we have to do to limit or stop J’s contact with the spath until he is an adult and can choose for himself (so, 2 more years). He keeps going back for more – as children will. She and I are working together on a plan to put an end to his abuse of J.
Bottom line – your son does not need the spathdad and is better off without him BUT you have to figure out how NOT to give the game away – just like we are trying to figure the same thing out over here.
I wish you a clear head and a calm heart in your efforts to do so. I know that’s what we are going to need here. If anything we do is successful, I will share it here. x
(Man that was BIG!)(Sorry guys – what a hog I am….)
Your texts, take a snapshot photo and email it to yourself.
OR take a digi photo and print it.
You probably won’t be able to dig up employement stuff, unless he was charged…..privacy rights…..criminal charges are public.
They don’t ‘giveup’ easily……this is why I feel… must put 10 times MORE pressure back on them… shoo them away.
Make it a risk to contact you… will not go unnoticed.
I’ve had restraing orderders in place for over 3 years. Our divorce final 1.5 years….and i’ll continue for as long as I need!
I keep sending messages to him…..with EACH attempt at contact….throguh the law.
I also plant seeds……like the last seed I planted was….you can run, but you can’t hide…..I had him served in an airport he shouldn’t have been…..about a month ago…..sending him reeling with…..HOW IN THE HELL DID SHE FIND ME?
I followed the breadcrumbs.
He’s got more to lose by not forgetting about us….than I do.
He’s also facing felony charges…..and I’ve offered info to the DA”S office. It’s 3 states away from heree……
Keep all records… written above….nothing is too may seem insignificant now…..but meaningful later.
Listen to his words…..he’ll tell you exactly WHAT he’s up to… deciphering the spathspeak. KNOW HIM, learn him, study him and your past together……that will tell you how to protect yourself moving foreward.
Felony charges…..YEAH BABY!!!
GOOD LUCK…..and welcome to LF!!! keep posting GF!
Dear Aussiegirl,
While I totally agree with you that the child does NOT need to be around a psychopathic parent, unfortunately, there is a GOOD deal of genetics in psychopathy as well as ADHD and Bi-polar and it is not uncommon for psychopaths to ALSO be ADHD and/or bi-polar as well. Add in the pith poor parenting from a psychopathic parent and you get 4 kinds of hell. It sounds like J has at least one or two of the problems plus the poor parenting from your X.
Genetics is not 100% of psychopathy, even in identical (genetically identical) twins raised apart there is only a 50-80% chance that if one is psychopathic that the other is as well, but that is a pretty big part of it. Even if environment can only dampen down the level of psychopathy it can at least maybe keep the child from becoming a criminal. Unfortunately, most times when the bad behavior (animal abuse, pathological lying etc) starts early it isn’t a really good indicator, but again, not even all children diagnosed as conduct disorder (what they call a psychopath before age 18) become full-blown psychopaths.
There are times that no matter what we do or try to do to help a child that has had a rough go of it, nothing helps, and other times it seems to, so I would say “don’t give up,” but at the same time, “don’t expect too much either.” And most of all, don’t beat yourself up because what you did didn’t succeed in rescuing the child—sometimes we “blame” ourselves for things we can’t have prevented…at least I know I have done so in the past. That is something I am learning to not do any more. (((hugs)))
ps aussie girl,
Don’t worry “big” just type away—I think Kathy Hawk and I hold the records for the most verbose, but we’ll let you join us! I’m Southern, so I talk slow, but I type fast! LOL
All you can do for a kid is the best you can, and offer them love, and sometimes it takes hold and sometimes it doesn’t. I think The parable of Jesus’ about the “sower and the seed” where the sower sows his seed (broadcasting it like they used to do by hand) and some seed found good, fertile ground and took root, and some fell by the wayside and the birds ate it, and some fell among thorns and rocks but the GROUND where the seed was tossed determined what happened to the seed. All we can do is cast our seed out there (our love) and how it grows depends on the ground where it lands, and we can’t control that.
You gave this young man a chance at being loved and valued by someone, so I hope and pray that his “ground” was on the receiving end and fertile for that love to grow. Sometimes you don’t know until decades later how much your caring and love meant to that child. I used to keep foster kids and sometimes the care, even for a few weeks, meant a great deal, and other times, probably not…but you do the best you can at the time and hope it grows.
Thanks Drover.
I know how much I did for J and I know how well I did it; I’m not big-noting myself here, it’s just that I know how much I love kids and how fair I have always been in my dealings with them (in my job, as well, it’s a given that we act that way)
J was not the first impossible child I’ve dealt with – there have been plenty at school along the way. Often, they are my favourites…
Also – he and I had good times together. I have always hoped that some of that might stick – he never had to doubt my love and care for him – even when he was being a vile little toad!
As you say, if the wiring’s not there to begin with or it’s too badly corrupted, little or none of that might make a difference.
All we can do is to hold our breaths and wait. x
I won’t be on for a couple of days – busy prepping for giant day in Family Court tomorrow. J’s mum coming with me. Security in the court, all aware of his convictions for breaching the Violence restraining order, decent Magistrate (had him before, the spath doesn’t seem to fool him, which is a bonus), and they xray you when you enter the building – so feeling as safe as I can under the circumstances. It would actually be great if he self-combusted in court; at least he’d be arrested; but I doubt that I could be so lucky!
Will let you know how it went once I’ve recovered from the ordeal.
Take care of all of your lovely selves. xxx
Dear Aussie girl,
We will be behind you like a TV commercial for a cell phone that has a huge group of people behind them “the net work”–we will be there for you in spirit!!! Just imagine that we are this huge army of men and women all carrying cast iron skillets over our heads to attack the P if he gets out of line! LOL Keep your chin up girlie!!! Piece of cake!
I’m past my bed time, so I’m going to bed. Goodnight!
I want to tell you how much I enjoy your posts.
You are clear headed and educated with your support.
GIRL….you got it going on!
I believe you’ll do just fine in court……
We are with you……
WOW….this week is a big court week for LFers….
Thanks for your contributions to LF!!!!
I have read your posts and am so proud of you all for realising its not you that are at fault.. its them. I have come out of the most confusing relationship with someone I now believe to be a spath. And its only reading your posts that makes me realise how lucky I am to have got out of it. I have a poem for you all. This has helped me, to love myself and not to love him.
Love after Love
The time will come
when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other’s welcome,
and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you
all of your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,
the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.
Stay strong and true to yourselves
Peace to you all
Aprilshowers xxx
Goosebumps…..tell you why when I have more time. x