Lovefraud recently received the following e-mail. In it, I felt like I was reading a rerun of my experience.
I was involved with one of those 1 to 4% sociopaths/scammers you’ve outlined in your website.
I lost everything — Long story — you already know it — he was so charming — the love of my life — kind generous, giving, very sexy in and out of bed —
Anyways, it’s been just over 3 yrs (I was only with him 2 + yrs with a 3-month breakup period. Yep I took him back — Call me a LOSER now and hit the delete button — Wait, please don’t.) and I’m living in a mobile home park. Not any of the three properties I had on a golf course. Sold two of them and the third is heading for foreclosure. Put all the money 250K+ into a condo in Mexico and took loans out on my condo that I had paid off while I was selling new homes from ’95 -’05) the year I met him to pay for “our dream” — live in Mexico. I had an offer letter to work for the Four Seasons (selling luxury time shares — the interviews were long and the background check very extensive — I passed) and that would help pay the mortgage on the 3,000 sq. ft. beachfront condo WE bought — none of his money till he made some payments. And my job would hopefully cover his expenses of running his dream job of being a charter captain on a boat that we would lease from the person we bought the condo from — OMG — Thanks for listening. I need a support group to go to but I’d rather just be one-on-one and I’ve been to the therapists — they all (so far) just watch the clock and tell me stuff I already know.
Been extremely depressed — always suffered depression but was able to work and acquire my homes. Then, all of his promises and “deals” shot all my $$ and savings out the window — at a very high speed mind you.
How long does it take to get on with life?
My friends, which are fewer nowadays, say get over it and move on. But, I considered myself to be somewhat “street smart”. And so I continue to beat myself up for the horrific financial things I did and the mess I’m in. I know I need to accept some of the blame — but — he had the plan. I didn’t know his plan and went along with the Love sick person inside of me — finally, my ugh, prince had come — yada, yada, yada.
At the end (two weeks before our big move to start our new “fabulous” lives together I finally confronted him about his 150K in credit card debt. I have no idea why I didn’t run his credit before that close to our move — other than he was always paying for everything, including ALWAYS having to upgrade our flights to first class, etc — I thought he was just spoiling me — as he told me time and again — I deserved to be treated like a lady and he was going to be the one to do that — and claiming to pay off his cards monthly with his construction job.
By the way, yes he allowed me to run his credit one night when he was having one of his daily 6 Bud Lights. I’d gone to bed early — he came home beyond plastered, woke me up from a sound sleep and poured beer all over me — threw me to the ground and threatened to kill me (“Do you want me to kill you now?”) I responded two-fold. “Why are you wasting a beer?” and “No, I’d like to make it to my 43rd b-day.”
I called the police after he got up from holding me by my neck to the ground of our bedroom floor. I called a cab, as I’d already sold my sports car (as it wouldn’t have been too practical in Mexico) stayed in a motel for 2 weeks — next day called some movers and moved all my stuff to a storage — then after two weeks in “hiding” because I was afraid he’d go to my girlfriends homes looking for me. I stayed with a girlfriend until the tenants in my condo found a new place to move.
Sorry for rambling on — to repeat it’s been just over 3 yrs and I can remember everything like it was yesterday.
How long till I regain my life? I’m sure the answer is in ME — maybe a lobotomy? Please advise or let me know that I still have a life that’s worth living. I’ll be 46 in Feb. He’ll be turning 60 next yr.
Insidious tactic
This reader described in living color probably the most insidious tactic in the sociopathic arsenal: They target our dreams.
What better way to draw us in than to promise to make our deepest desires come true? How can we resist someone who wants what we want, and seemingly has the capacity to achieve it?
And how do the sociopaths know what we want? They ask us, and we tell them.
It happens early in the relationship, under the guise of “getting to know each other.” It goes something like this:
“So,” the sociopath asks, with pitch-perfect sincerity, “what do you really want in life?”
“I want a family before I get too old,” we reply. (Or, “I want to live on the beach on a tropical island.” Or, “I want to send my kids to a top college.” Or, “I want to retire while I’m still young enough to enjoy it.”)
“That’s what I want,” the sociopath replies, with a touch of feigned surprise. “We have so much in common. We must be meant for each other.”
Painful betrayal
Dreams explain one reason why the betrayal of the sociopath is so painful. Not only have they manipulated us, deceived us and stolen from us, but they used our own most treasured dreams to do it.
We have lost not only our love, money, time, home, and whatever else they have taken. We’ve lost our dreams. And that hurts.
Then, of course, comes the self-criticism. Why did we believe the sociopath? Why did we wait so long to check them out? Why didn’t we listen to people who warned us? Why didn’t we listen to ourselves?
Why? Because we wanted our dreams to come true.
It’s a brilliant tactic on the part of the predators. They use our dreams to hook us, and then because of our dreams, we don’t want to let go.
So how, as this reader asks, do you move on in life? “I’m sure the answer is in me,” she writes.
She is right. A lobotomy is not necessary, but a “pain-ectomy” is. We have real, true, genuine pain because of what the sociopath did. In my opinion, we can’t analyze away the pain, or wish it away. Pain is emotional, and the only way to release it is emotional. We have to allow ourselves to experience it.
The only way out of the pain is through it.
This isn’t pretty. In my case, I spent a lot of time crying. To get out my anger, I imagined the con man’s face in a pillow, and beat it as hard as I could. Because our dreams were damaged, the pain goes deep, and releasing it is a process. We get rid of some, and more rises to take its place.
Eventually, however, we get to the point where we’ve cried all the tears and released all the anger. We get to the point of acceptance. Something awful happened, we had a part in it, but it’s time to move on.
Then we learn something about dreams. Dreams are linked to expectations, and expectations have a down side. Sometimes, if our expectations aren’t met, we feel like we’ve failed. Or, expectations blind us to other opportunities that may come our way. Because the new opportunities do not match our expectations, we don’t even see them.
Maybe we have to give up our original dreams. But that doesn’t mean there will never be dreams again. Perhaps something better, and more fulfilling, will come along, and because we are no longer looking to make a particular dream come true, we’ll see the new opportunity.
Lady Rogue:
“I just found out THIS MORNING that the man I’ve been living with for 3 months is MARRIED! ”
You poor darling girl. You are not alone. Stay and share and heal. x
Thanks guys for all the support and whew it was a close one thank God for star 67 as it blocks my phone number, even called the dam detective and thankfully got voicemail and didn’t leave a message. I made it through and didn’t get their voices so onward i go. You know at the auction where i saw the s, i didn’t acknowledge him but i was in fullblown ptsd and at one point his woman came up to me as i was breezing through an d she made contact asking if i had purchased anything, this might sound strange but i’ve been trusting my gut over th elast year and it tells me that she was reaching out somehow, as i never would have stopped to talk to her. for whatever reason she made a point of letting me know she was there, like i ddin’t already know. I heard she just quit her job and he holds her mortgage and i know from all the other wives etc. he never took care of anyone so why would he now. Enough about him we are having a snowday here so im just thankful i made it through and yes i will get my butt back to meetings. kh
I would not tell your husband off (in the near future) because he might end up raging at you (the in-your-face kind of raging, yelling at you, being physically intimidating). This behavior is something that I had not experienced pre-spath and I do what I can to avoid having the h-spath get to that point with me (he will never do this to me again, period). When I have told him off, unfortunately, it doesn’t can past his “brick-for-a- brain” (literally speaking). The h-spath doesn’t want to be reminded about his transgressions, being unable to “take it” (process it) – he can never comprehend what he has put you and others through. I would just get him out of your life as much as possible and focus on you and your children. Cut your losses and realize that some things can never be said to him because it’s pointless – the spath will not be remorseful nor will he spend his time making things right for anyone.
I’m sorry to hear about the ongoing legal headaches you have going on, having to deal with different characters in relation to your situation (settling an estate). Hopefully, the drama will come to an end, reaching a peaceful state at some point in time.
Hey One, Oxy, ErinB–thanks for the celebration of my wo-manly capabilities. It was WOMAN VS. FLOOOD and WOMAN won! WOOO HOOOO!
I’m not kidding though, I imagine his smirking face just wanting to rub it in if I trip and fall, and say satisifed, “I told you so! You CAN’T live without me.” That’s my habitual dependent voice that I have to learn to laugh at, that mocks me with “You’re nothing without him.”
Maybe I will report one day that I soldered pipes myself! And wrestled a python. Swallowed fire. Bent a spoon with my sheer willpower…. LOL 🙂
Dear Dancing –
When I first moved here 3 years back and after the spath-attack, I was faced with doing a lot of my own maintenance for the first time ever unassisted. I had done tthings before but always helping somebody else who knew what they were doing.
I was fortunate enough at the time to have the cash to spend on setting myself up with some good-quality electric tools. I figured that if I was going to be on my own then I needed the right gear to do the jobs.
Just after moving in, I changed over the plumbing in the shower and put in new fittings, I painted walls and ceilings, I fitted a door, fitted locks to windows, concreted posts into the ground (after hand-mixing my own concrete) and built a fence for Wallace and Grommett’s pen (they are my 2 pet sheep). I climbed trees and pruned them and went nuts clipping my front hedge with my new electric trimmer. I bought a whipper-snipper (not sure what you call them there – line-trimmer maybe? or weed-eater?) and slashed the whole yard of tall grass and weeds.
Naturally, this was all before the CFS and then the Fibro came and got me, but while it lasted, I was woman and you could hear me roar all the way to the end of my street some days!
Dancingwarrior!!! TOWANDA for you!!!!
Yes, yes, YES!!! Turning off, hitting MUTE on those old “bad voices” in our heads whether they are a replay of nasty things the psychopath(s) said or things our parents said to us—where ever they are from when you hear one HIT MUTE and turn it off forever! Do not listen to those “voices” tell you how useless, helpless etc you are. REPLACE THEM WITH
I can take care of me!!!
I am strong!
I completely relate to the rite of passage ritual and I really like the analogy.
It is painful for me, but it is, I guess, growing.
My rites entailed getting rid of reminders of the old life. Reclaiming the space as my own. He dominated my life so completely, crowded me out in every way, that in stages I’ve been making space by moving out anything that reminded me of him, such as pictures off walls.
Even when I go to work, even there, my space, my class is where I feel it somehow “belongs” to HIM. What? Memories of my getting the job, sharing it with him, his coming to my school, he was “there” with me, part of me. Weird, but sometimese I go in my classroom and feel as an imposter, that without him, it’s like I don’t belong there, or this space isn’t really and fully mine. Very weird.
No he will never comprehend what he put me through. He plays the victim so well, I am unreasonable, he thought he would be able to talk to me reasonably when I told him he needs get moving on out. “It’s not so easy” blah, blah, blah. “It takes a long time to plan, you can’t see everything because of the snow, I can stay with my sister and mom some of the time but don’t know where I would go other times, I can’t keep the fish and it’s sad that they would have to die. ”
Nope, he doesn’t get the havok he has wreaked on my life and daughter’s life. I did lose it and told him that his calling me crazy to his friends and family is defamation of character and I’m not afraid of him. Lord help me but I’m talking to a brick wall, he’s a freak. And I’m being unreasonable because I want a custody evaluation to make sure that son will be in a healthy environment.
The only person he makes sense to is himself. Who else could understand his gibberish? Hopefully I didn’t shoot myself in the foot.
“I can’t keep the fish and it is sad that they would die”?????WTF put an ad up on the bulletin board at the local food market and tell someone FREE TROPICAL FISH OR CRAIG’S LIST or “freecycle” or some place where someone who would want them would come.
Tell him THE FISH DOESN’T HAVE TO DIE, SO YOU CAN MOVE OUT NOW! LOL ROTFLMAO Snort, choke, snark! The fish dying!!!!!?????? ROTFLMAO I’ve heard all the reasons in the world now why he can’t move out—-the fish dying!!! ROTFLMAO
If that doesn’t work, then flush the fish down the toilet and tell him to get the fark out! Tell him what you want for CHRISTMAS is HIM TO BE GONE!!!! BEST PRESENT EVER! Maybe he will pack up and leave on Christmas morning. You and daughter can sing “Jingle bells” as he walks out the door! ROTFLMA
Oh, me, Oxy, you are sooooo bad!!! BOINK!!!! Me with a frying pan! (the visual of him leaving with a suit case as you and the kids are still in your christmas jammies withh him walking out the door and the christmas music playing in the back ground and the tree lights blinking! LOL That visual is just tooo much!
Actually cheers me up for the day, a great laugh is lifting to the spirits! Heck Hope4, I don’t even know your jerk and I despise him! LOL (((hugs))))