By Ox Drover
Donna’s great article about Victory, of a sort, over a sociopath the other day got me to thinking.
Just what is “victory?”
My wonderful stepfather was a young basketball coach when he got his first real job coaching for a very small rural school which had not had a winning game in over a decade. The team was dispirited and had no real expectation of ever winning a game.
One of the local coaches bragged that he would beat them “by a hundred points!” at the next game. The team thought there was a good possibility that that coach’s team could do just that. However, it is “good sportsmanship” for a coach playing a much weaker team to let their second, third, and fourth strings get a chance to play, and to win over the weaker team, but not “tromp” them.
Daddy thought this other coach’s brag to stomp and tromp his team was poor sportsmanship so he made a plan. When the fourth quarter started and Daddy’s team had the ball, they “froze” it (which was legal in the game then) and wouldn’t either shoot the ball or take a chance on losing it, so passed the ball from one of Daddy’s team members to another the entire quarter. They didn’t make any points, but they kept the other team from even getting their hands on the ball the entire quarter, and thus making points against them. Daddy’s team didn’t win, but the other coach didn’t win by his “hundred points” either. That little team went on the next year to win their division championship because of the confidence that Daddy inspired in them.
Sometimes “winning” or “victory” can be interpreted in different ways. I’m also reminded of the old Country and Western song, the “Winner” where an older man and a younger man are in a bar talking. The younger man wants to be a “winner” in bar fight brawls, and the older man is educating him on what is “winning” and what isn’t.
Sure, you can get into a fight and you may inflict more damage on your opponent than he inflicts on you in the fight, but like the old man said, “He gouged out my eye, but I won.” Sometimes it is better to walk away from a fight and not lose more than you have already lost, or allow your opponent to take another “pound of flesh” in your attempts to “get justice.”
It isn’t always about getting what you deserve, or victory over them, or even seeing that they get “what they so richly deserve,” sometimes, I think, “winning” simply means keeping them from taking more out of you and, like Daddy’s team, “freezing the ball.” Sometimes, it is like the would-be barroom brawler, walking away (intact) with the other guy yelling curses in your direction.
It is emotionally tough to watch a cheater “get away with it” when they have ripped us off, and go “waltzing away” unscathed and apparently the victor. It eats at our sense of fairness to let them “succeed” and not pay a price for their bad behavior.
Yet, sometimes, “discretion is the better part of valor” to use an old phrase, or to “be a live dog, rather than a dead lion,” and “retreat and live to fight another day.”
Those victims who are not able to fight for a “victory” of any sort, I don’t think need to feel that they have “failed” because they chose not to fight the sociopath.
Too many times fighting the psychopaths are like “fighting a circular saw,” as my grandmother would have said. It “just isn’t worth it,” because the damage to yourself will be worse than you can possibly inflict on the psychopath. They stack the odds so in their own favor, that even if you “win,” you end up like the old brawler sitting in the barroom, broken and so gravely injured yourself in your effort to gain a “victory, of sorts” that in retrospect the price was too high.
Sometimes, it is better to walk away a “loser” but still intact, and with your head held high, using the energy and resources you have left to focus on healing yourself, on recovering what you have lost in terms of finances and strength, and take care of yourself. To me that is also a “viable victory.”
This is a serious point!
The Peas in life cannot accept loosing! So for me letting him think he still had the goods on me was well worth the pride! I know who really won! NC is a winner , and it is also our revenge! Often the best kind!
.No contact is our only weapon and our ultimate salvation……
A very important and realistic post, Oxy. Thanks so much for once again sharing your excellent insights and priceless metaphors. Did you get this gift from your grandmother? 🙂
I don’t think you saw a comment I posted on another thread – one of the reasons I was checking in because the last time I was here, you had a confrontation looming. You were feeling strong, you said, which I was very glad to hear. If it’s transpired already, I hope it went well.
Thanks, guys!
Skippy, well the confrontation was actually with a minister that I thought might help me get my egg donor to stop sending money to the P-son. My sons and I went to him and told him our story (he is a long time friend of my parents’) and he listened, we also took copies of the letters my P-son wrote to the Trojan Horse EX-convict buddy of his telling him how to manage and manipulate our family.
Well, time passed and the minister had promised to read all the stuff, digest it and speak to my egg donor, but as weeks passed and nothing happened, I called him, “Too busy” was the continuing refrain….more weeks pass…and more. So I finally wrote him a letter asking him to send back my stuff that i had left with him, and “thanking” him for listening to me.
Actually my letter was VERY CAREFULLY worded so it wouldn’t come back to bite me in the butt later…and I got the package yesterday—-with a really “judgmental” and actually hateful letter back from him. It really pithed me off! And believe it or not, I can FEEL the stress today, I am SORE all over, achy, and totally fatigued. Just from the STRESS of getting VERY angry at that letter. I ALLOWED THAT MAN’S hateful judgmental comments to make me literally sick with a big jolt of stress hormones.
REPEAT: I ALLOWED this, but at the same time, I also realize that the reason this big surge of stress hormones hit me so hard was that I AM NOT LIVING CONTINUALLY 24/7 under the same load of stress that I had lived under, in which case ANOTHER upset wouldn’t even have BEEN FELT because i was already MAXED OUT.
Which goes back to the “victory” to be had in NOT fighting this stuff after it is “over”—-LET IT GO! Because when we fight it, even though I didn’t have a big expectation that this might help, I did have SOME expectation and I told myself if I didn’t take the OPPORTUNITY that runnning into this guy was, that I might always regret that I hadn’t AT LEAST TRIED. And I did my BEST to keep my expectations down, and I did a PRETTY GOOD JOB OF THAT, so I wasn’t too “disappointed” in the fact he kept “delaying” doing anything, but when I got the NASTY JUDGMENTAL LETTER FROM THIS N I let it “fly all over me” and I became ENRAGED at what a hypocritical JERK he was and OH, BOY! Did I want to WRITE HIM BACK and TELL HIM OFF!
But, Like with ALL Ns and Ps, there is no sense working yourself up, no sense letting what they say (however wrong) get to you, and I DID ALLOW this….so MY BAD on this, and I GET the consequences today—the mad last night and the FEELING LIKE I HAVE THE FLU TODAY….was it worth it? Nah, and my son C said “I told ya so, Ma.” (they dont’ get to do that very often so he took advantage of that! LOL) and then he went on and said, “He’s WILLFULLY BLIND” and C was right, that is a great description of the Rev. and his wife, both, WILLFULLY BLIND.
We frequently run up against people like that, they disbelieve our stories, they trivalize the dangers and damage to us, they just ‘DON’T GET IT” and aren’t interested in trying.
Yet, sometimes we keep on trying and keep on trying, thinking that if we just find THE RIGHT X to get it across to them, they will see. And the continually trying to get someone or some system to help us just uses our energy that would be better spent healing ourselves.
In retrospect, my son C was right from the start (he didnt’ think the Rev would believe us or do anything) and he said so, but I am pretty bull headed some times and I bulldozed my way to a stressful presentation with the Rev and his wife, and then when the devaluation letter came yesterday, I let it get to me….and i shouldn’t have, but the reaction and stress showed me that I did let it “get to me”—-so I hope I have learned a lesson here and will quit butting my head into stone walls.
There are lessons in success and also lessons in failure and sometimes just WALKING AWAY is the best of the options.
Dearest Oxy, Im sorry that the stress of yet another P,{the Minister} got to you yesterday. Years ago, by which time id divorced my Alcoholic, abusive first husband and was happily married to D. I used to go to this prayer group, held in the home of this old, retired pastor.I quite enjoyed the peace, the prayers, etc., but I couldnt understand why the Pastor kept on, week after week, praying for my ex, by this time wed been divorced for years, and he was living happily with another woman. Also, the pastor never, ever, prayed for my present husband!. Eventually I confronted him about it. “Oh, he said,”you are in an adulterous relationship with D., in the eyes of god you are still married to P. I have been praying for years that you leave him and go back to your true husband.” Can you believe it? No wonder I was feeling sick and confused, all this time hed been praying Id get back together with my ex! As well, a real female Judas in the group told me Id go to hell, living in an adulterous marriage, and the pastor said,”Thats right, dear!” talk about Pharisees! Needless to say, I quit that group, permanently, but still felt so wounded. I later found a wonderful book written by a christian solicitor,
explaining that, while god hates divorce, in some cases, such as wife beating, drunkenness, etc. God will haul you OUT of these dangerous situations! he explained how that so-called husband had long ago broken his marriage vows, so they no longer applied, and that God wanted us whole, safe, and well, not in danger from a drunken abusive husband! It was such a relief from all this condemnation when I read that book, but it sure was a lesson to me how cruel and judgemental so called Christians can be!geminigirl{{{HUGS}}}xxx
I’ve gotta say that this works for me. I walk away and use my energies on myself and the good people in my life. The N/S/P goes on to his/her next victim. That last part is kinda sad, but unless I’m willing to do time for murder, it’s inevitable.
Further, I find there’s value in simply not being “trolled”, on line and in real life. I’m becoming a lot more adept at identifying unproductive personal interactions.
Thank you Gemini, Yea, I am not going to let the Pharisees of this world get between me and my peace (at least for long anyway) and I KNEW GOING IN this guy was VERY Narcissistic, though I don’t think he is a psychopath, just very sure of his own “righteousness” and his own “rightness” and that is the way my egg donor is. They think somehow that they have God’s final word on everything. LOL
Jesus’ parable about removing the log out of your own eye before you try to remove the speckk from your brother’s eye applies so well to these people who are so sure they can tell you how sinful and bad YOUR life is, while not seeing the problems in their own lives. (If they even admit that they have any problems in their lives.)
elizabeth, I agree, and I knew I was taking a chance when I went into this whole thing with him, hoping a bit that it was a chance to get my egg donor to stop with the money to the P son, but I would have always wondered if it would have worked (if I hadn’t at least TRIED) so I set myself up for this, I just didn’t handle it as well as I expected ME to handle it. LOL
I got from HIM what I expected (and son C predicted) but, and here is the RUB, I LET IT GET TO ME—the N-letter he sent—and I should have seen that one coming and not reacted to it, not let it trigger me. I AM THE ONE THAT LET GO OF MY PEACE, I did NOT have to let his letter do that. I had control over it, but I LET MY POWER GO… there is a lesson here for me as well.
Yes, he is judgmental, yes, he is an N, and yes, he is not what he should be as a minister—but that is why he and my egg donor were such “good friends”—-so WHY should I CARE what he thinks of me? DUH!?! It wasn’t like I was his admirer in the first place—I knew what he was from the get-go!
I’m the one that needs the “BOINK up’side the haid” for this one, I chose to go into an interaction with this jerk, knowing what he was, and then I got bent out of shape when he proved he was a jerk! So this BAD is on MY head folks, I did it to MYSELF, I am responsible for what stress got nailed to myself, because I set it up and I allowed it to happen.
I think we need, me especially, to realize that a BIG portion of the stresses we feel we have ALLOWED to happen to us. We can’t change what the jerks think, say or do, but we can and should change OUR internal and external REACTIONS to it.
Sure, I am more apt to be “triggered’ by someone like him and his “holier-than-thou’ stance, but I didn’t have to let it “get to me”—but I did and now I am resolving to do better in the future. I’ve been GOOD to myself all day—I’m still in my jammies from this morning, haven’t hit a lick today at anything productive around here just kicked back for the day.
Going to get up tomorrow and start life anew with a NEW RESOLVE to be good to myself, and enjoy life and not let some jerk like him stress me out. THE RAIN FINALLY QUIT after raining nearly every day this month so I will have a couple of nice sun-shinny days to get outside and enjoy it while I can.
Has anyone here read the short sci-fi story from oh, 1956 called “The Country of the Kind”?
(hope that works – else look for the title in Google – the whole story is there in Google Books)
Synopsis: In a future materially very well off & non-violent society, a monster of a man is born – monster because he’s prone to violence. But this kind society cannot kill him; they just boycott him and ignore him (No Contact). In the end this drives him mad.
Love the circular saw analogy!!! LOVE IT
Dear Oxy,
Thank you for this very validating post… I really needed to hear this — especially tonight. As you may have read in some of my previous posts my recovery gets “stuck” when it comes to my feelings about not pursuing legal action against my ex S for slander, defamation, false charges, and withholding my rightful property. And again, as you likely know I made that decision out of fear of retribution and the safety of my children and myself. Even though I KNOW without a doubt that it was the *right* decision for me and my family I have felt like I “let” him “win,” “get away”with it all, appear weak etc. Your post reminded me that my victory is that HE DID NOT DESTROY ME and I am stronger and more capable in my life BECAUSE he turned my world upside down and TRIED to destroy me. And I really needed that reminder tonight because the !@.......#$% SOB is unexpectedly going to be at a function in which we may cross paths tomorrow… and because it is kid related my choices are limited. I hate feeling like my hands are tied but I have decided he can’t determine where I go or what I choose to do… and he certainly can’t ever make me talk to him or acknowledge his existance. My power is in the fact that he can not control me, right?! While he’ll likely get some sick pleasure from having his new wife in the vicinity, I willwalk through the room with my head held high with the knowledge that he did not destroy me. I was pretty damn wilted after his antics, but damnit I am blooming forth now!!!
Hoping that if I keep saying this and really believe it my anxiety about the fact that I KNOW HE must KNOW that I will be there and that is feeding his need for control over me and influencing his decision to be there… no proof but I just KNOW it…
Ya’ll can feel free to give me the ol’ LoveFraud words of wisdom and pep talk, now…
Thanks again Oxy for reminding me that my “victory” was the fact that he didn’t destroy me…
Hecate’s Path