Most criminals specialize. They’re drug runners, or they’re car thieves, or they’re credit card fraudsters, etc. One of the indicators of a psychopath, however, is “criminal versatility.” That means psychopaths engage in all kinds of crime.
A Lovefraud reader sent me a story, and “criminal versatility” seems to apply.
Christopher Endicott, of Dakota County, Minnesota, was sentenced last week for stalking, burglary and identity theft. According to KARE11 in Minnesota, Endicott said in court, “I don’t pretend that what I did makes sense, even to me. There is no excuse for my actions.”
Here’s what Endicott, a former principal, did, according to KARE11:
- Broke into his neighbors’ home and stole jewelry, clothing and other items after their cat wandered into his yard.
- Parked in front of a different woman’s home — they were not acquaintances — hacked her family’s Internet, got into her accounts, and caused four instances of credit card fraud.
- Stalked a teacher for seven years, including following her on spring break after hacking her airline account. He also changed her banking information and email passwords.
- Broke into a home that he owned and stole sports memorabilia cards from his tenants. Then he returned to cards — along with items that did not belong to them.
The prosecutor called Endicott a “narcissist.”
Read the complete story:
Former principal gets 8 years for one-man crime wave, on msn.com.
Suspended Lakeville principal faces second burglary charge, on TwinCities.com.
I believe the biggest “tell” is his own statement as quoted in the news article: “Endicott insisted. “I’m beyond sorry that my actions led us here.” Not “I am sorry for all the pain and trauma I caused.” Not “I was wrong to break in, steal your identities and stalk you.” But – “I am so sorry I got caught.” Yep – narcissism incarnate! Glad he is going to jail – but it won’t cure him. He will continue to believe that he is smarter, cleverer, entitled and above the law.
Emilie18 – good observations. No, this guy will never change.