By Joyce Alexander, RNP (retired)
Wearing my “nurse Joyce hat” is part of what I am, although I am retired. Even though I am no longer in practice giving out specific medical advice to patients and billing insurance companies, Medicare and private payers for the advice, I still am inclined to look at things from a medical point of view.
One of the things I used to teach my diabetic patients about their condition was that I was the “coach” and they were the “team.” I could not get out on the field of life and play the “game” they had to do it. But if I were not a good “coach,” and didn’t teach them the “rules of the game,” they were not going to be able to play a good game. I told them that diabetes is a “do-it-yourself treatment plan.” They had to control their diet, their exercise and their use of medications in a wise way. It took all three things to successfully control the condition and prevent the side effects from literally killing their bodies, one organ at a time. In fact, lifestyle is one of the biggest things in any person’s health, not only in those with diseases like diabetes.
I have not always been a good patient myself ”¦ I have eaten too much, exercised too little, smoked cigarettes, and so on. I’ve put my needs last and others’ needs first. I am GUILTY of this, so I am not just throwing stones at someone else’s glass house. However, I have finally made a vow to make some changes in my life and my behavior, and put myself first. To make my own health a top priority.
Stress and illness
Back in 2007, during the “summer of Chaos,” I was living in my recreational vehicle with my adopted son D, hiding out on a friend’s property at a lake, while the man my son had sent to kill me was living in my mother’s home, conspiring with my daughter-in-law and my son, Patrick, to kill me, take over the family finances and ultimately to leave Patrick the sole beneficiary of the family trust. I was in such a stressed-out condition that I was a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wreck. I scored about 1,500 points on the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, and a score of 300+ is over the top.
My immune system had almost shut down, leaving me prey to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Though I was obviously “sick,” I was unable to realize that I had been running a continual fever for weeks, before I finally got to a physician to confirm my illness. He was very concerned about my condition and actually thought I had cancer, because my “labs” were so out of whack. Stress does a number on our immune system, and as well on our ability to think critically and make judgments that are logical.
Dealing with psychopathic attacks, and the gaslighting that goes along with them, as well as the doubts we have about whether or not we have contributed to our own downfall, or whether we are at fault for what has happened to us, the frustrations we have in trying to “mend” the relationships with the psychopaths, and the grief responses that we experience in coping with the losses of perceived loved ones ”¦ all these things do a “number” on our bodies and minds.
Care for yourself
When you fly on an airline, the cabin staff gives you instructions on what to do in the event of an emergency. They tell you that if you are with a child when an oxygen mask falls down, that you should put the mask on yourself first. The reason for this is that if you don’t take care of yourself, you cannot help others who are more helpless.
Many victims of psychopaths have small children that depend on them for emotional and financial support ”¦ and dealing with a psychopathic co-parent, poverty, loss of homes, finances, job changes, fear and frustration tend to make it difficult for the victim to focus on him or herself first! If our children are, or have been, abused, we would want to put them first because that is what a good nurturing parent does. Put the child first. If the child is sick, you stay up all night with them, depriving yourself of needed sleep, and then go to work the next day.
Well, let me suggest that you change your perspective and put yourself first before everyone. You cannot take care of your children or your job or your finances if you are not healthy. If you do not put your own health as a priority, mentally, physically, and spiritually, you cannot do an adequate job of caring for your other responsibilities.
Real danger
When the world was crashing down around my head, and my life was literally in danger from the “Trojan horse psychopath” my son had sent to kill me, I worried about my house. I worried about my shop and barn; I worried about my animals and couldn’t make the logical decision to get the hell out while I was still alive and walking. Then something shocked me out of my denial and I started to act.
I had trouble waking my son D in the mornings. I just could not get him out of bed. I became very frustrated with him. Why the heck was it taking me from 7 to 10 a.m. to get him to get up and get a cup of coffee and start the day? Well, finally I got it out of him that he had been staying up all night from midnight to daylight guarding me with a gun because he was concerned that the Trojan horse would come during the night and kill us. No wonder I couldn’t get him out of bed. He hadn’t suddenly just become lazy; he was exhausted from over 30 days of no sleep. Of course, he was putting me first! So we both decided to put ourselves first and get the heck out of Dodge. Leave the house, leave the farm, save our lives.
It was at that point that I started putting myself first. I realized that I could not guard this house 24/7 from sneak attacks, and that the house was not nearly as important as the lives of D and myself. So I decided that I needed to put myself first, not the house, not even the animals. In fact, as we snuck our essential things out of the house over a period of a few days, we left the outside animals in their kennels, vulnerable to the psychopath, because I knew as soon as they were gone, the Trojan Horse would know we were gone. The dogs went with the last load of important papers. In a week we had “disappeared.” As much as I loved my dogs, I knew that my life had to come before theirs.
Beginning recovery
Slowly over the summer, even though I was safe, the stress continued to weigh upon me, and then I got sick, which added more stress. It takes time for the effects of stress on our minds and our bodies to decrease. When I realized I was sick, I started taking care and seeing physicians. I also got EMDR therapy, and spent time on Lovefraud, which I had finally discovered. I consulted with a minister friend about my spiritual health as well. I started, for the first time in a long time, putting myself first. I was way behind the eight-ball, so my recovery did not come overnight.
When the Trojan horse and my daughter-in-law were arrested, in August, I waited a few months and moved back to the farm in the RV, though I didn’t yet feel safe moving back into my house. I literally lived in the RV, parked near the house.
Even with the worst of the danger had passed, I had not “cured” myself of either the lack of critical logical thought, or of lacking in boundary setting. Learning to put yourself first is a step-by-step process, and one that if you are anything like me, you have to learn from scratch, as you have probably never done much of it in the past.
I allowed some of the peripheral psychopaths and users in my life to move in on me ”¦ and when I caught them stealing from me, I was literally embarrassed that I had “embarrassed them!” DUH! I had to learn to set boundaries for everyone, even those people that I cared about. I confronted them and asked them to leave my farm. I set boundaries for my mother when she showed no desire to process the devaluation and discarding she had done to me when I was being attacked by my son. Then she started to lie to me and to send him money and support. I went essentially NC with her, except for necessary legal business as co-trustees of our family trust.
Mending my ways
I decided to quit smoking and to mend my ways on diet and exercise. Stepwise, I started putting myself first. If I needed rest, I let the dishes sit. Let the floor go unswept. Confronted people who were being unfair to me, even if it meant the cessation of the relationship entirely.
Having fewer “friends” who added stress to my life left more time for those people who added peace and pleasure to my life. Taking care of me ”¦ going to the doctor on a regular basis for checkups and follow ups, doing what my physician suggested, those were all things that added to my physical improvement. As I improved physically, I also improved emotionally and mentally.
When I did have something that was a stressor, such as some long-term relationships that I realized were not healthy, probably hadn’t ever been healthy, and weren’t going to get healthy because the other person wasn’t willing to make any steps in that direction, I was able to sever these relationships with a minimum of pain and stress.
When stressful “life events” occurred that were not connected to anyone being “out to get me—” like flat tires, the car conking out, my dog being lost, I was able to weather these storms much better than I did back when I was not taking care of myself.
Not only did taking care of myself help me in every aspect of my life, from physical health to mental health, but my own self-esteem started to grow as well, because I was recognizing that I AM IMPORTANT TO ME. I am willing to do what it takes to make myself healthy. I matter to me.
Take stock of what you are doing to take care of yourself, and examine those areas in which you are not taking care of yourself. Don’t try to fix them all in one day, or one week, or one month, but do start to look at where you can make some progress in putting yourself first. Putting your own needs above all else. Get a medical check up, check into therapy, try to keep change to a minimum. Don’t make big changes unless absolutely necessary for your safety or security, and in those cases, where your safety and security are concerned, do whatever is necessary to ensure that you are safe!
God bless.
Thank you Ox. I have recently purchased some guided meditation cd’s and I”m working on meditation, but I so often feel overwhelmed it just becomes more time spent ruminating. I’m not giving up though. Even bought some incense. 🙂 I have been reading up on Buddhist philosophy as well, it has struck a chord with me. Becoming enlightened is the exact opposite of the darkness of the spath’s world. The thought of the P coming back as a rat or fly also appeals to me.
I wasn’t aware dairy was sleep inducing. I do love yogurt, especially the Greek kind. I appreciate the suggestions.
This is what I’ve used on myself and others.…..ptsd/2010/
“A trauma is not an experience. It is an emotional response to an experience. If the emotional response is positive, the experience is not traumatic, no matter how harrowing its sensory details. (Think of all the people who pay money to have scary, dangerous experiences such as white-water rafting!)”
[The experience is the meaning we give the event. The emotional response is the hook we place on the experience.]
Thanks for those links, spoon, I read a bit on the first one and immediately got a knot in my stomach at the thought of reliving the events. I do think that the only way to get over it is to go through it, however.
Good news! New debit card arrived today! Old one was cancelled due to fraudulent activity on my bank account so I feel like I have a bit more control over my own money again. Very subtle son asks if we can go out to dinner now, not that he doesn’t love my cooking. 🙂
That knot is what you want gone. It’s the emotional hook. The intensity will lessen when you mentally step into the booth.
See the knot as the thing that is causing the problem. The event happened but it is over. All that is left is a little clean up.
The great part is it will be gone when your done. Like pulling a thorn from your foot. Do this a few times to the different events that are haunting you and it will become very easy and more simple to do.
Here is something you can do quick. Close your eyes and think of a clear bubble forming around you. It fits you like a glove. Nothing can penetrate it. Your completely safe. Now expand the bubble. Let it expand until you feel all the pressures leave you. Not a fix. Just to show you how our mental perception can effect us.
Happy hunting
My 2 Cent
Spoon, thank you, I’ve read of a similar technique a while back and I prefer my bubble to be pink and sparkly. 🙂
G1S, wow, your mom sounds so much like mine. ‘Who do you think you are’ was one of her all time favorite phrases. I was nothing but an afterthought to her, and she made sure I knew it. I was stupid, retarded, ugly etc, even though I made straight As in school. I finally went NC with her a few years back, but so much damage was done when I was a child. I don’t recall ever visiting a doctor. I know I had my immunizations, but that’s it. She had to take me to the hospital twice because her dog bit me in the face. Twice her pets bit me in the face and I still have the scars. She did not get rid of the second dog until he bit the neighbors child. My father made her get rid of the first one, but she divorced him shortly aftewards and moved on to husband number three who lasted but a few years.
I feel for what you must have gone through and I know the lack of boundaries due to being raised in that environment had many consequences in my life, and I’m sure yours as well. Thanks for your post.
Hi Ox, Still Reeling, Louise, KarmaChameleon, Spoon and everyone reading this thread,
Thanks a ton for the advice. I googled Post Traumatic Stress Disorder some time ago when I started feeling these symptoms – and according to ‘The List’ the criterion is that to ‘qualify’ you have to have been in actual physical danger. It shows how limited the ‘official’ definitions can be. Spath (I’m going to call him Spathetic from now on) was never violent to me. Although I did sense a suppressed violence in him now I come to think of it. Red Flag, Huh?
I will look up all the things you suggest. I have taken action already – I am on Wellbutrin and a tranquillizer to calm the anxiety. ((Hugs all))
Louise, you said: ‘that was me exactly”you wrote it so well”being so responsible all the time and then having someone come into my life who made me feel so euphoric”child like”free. I have not felt like that since and he hates me now which adds to the depression big time. I have tried to recreate that feeling with other things; constructive things as you say, but can’t duplicate it. I would also love suggestions from anyone, but I am afraid there is no substitute. I’ve done all the things I know to do”travel, read, write, etc. The only thing I haven’t tried is to find another man and I’m not going to do that. At least not for a long, long time. That would just cause more drama and I just can’t do that to myself; not healed and not ready. This blows ‘.
Of course, we know from Donna’s book that the euphoria is actually caused by all those feel good chemicals flooding our brains – oxytocin, dopamine, etc. And I think it is part of an ‘addiction’ that we former victims have developed. Drugs like heroin apparently have the same effect. No wonder it is so addictive! I think we have to retrain ourselves so that we don’t have cravings for that kind of unhealthy stimulation. The ‘euphoria’ is fake. I keep saying to myself now: ‘normal is good, stable is good, daily routine is good’. I wouldn’t want to go back to that roller coaster ride of adrenaline fuelled spikes, followed by troughs. Are you on something for the depression BTW?
ash phoenix
Sorry your having a rough time of it. They will no doubt come up with a new term for those that have ptsd and were never in any real threat. They may say you have an Anxiety Disorder. But if it looks the same, feels the same, with the same effects. Then that’s close enough. Until it’s dealt with one is stuck in a living loop of a nightmare that keeps on playing. Sort of an anxiety compulsion were they feed each other. Can’t stop thinking about it. But the more you do the higher the anxiety state until you, explode, shut down and go numb. Then it starts all over again.
Stripping the emotion from the event(s) turns them into a none issue. The emotion(s) we place on an event is how we
give meaning to the event.
It does get better.
My 2 Cents
Hi Ash,
How long has it been since NC? It is so very hard at first, just getting used to life again with no spath. You can’t rush it, and what I found was if you try to suppress your feelings, it makes things worse. So I did my best to feel my anger, even to the point of thinking homicidal thoughts. Of course we don’t act on any of those thoughts, we leave that to the spaths.
I found I’d let myself get financially depenendent on the P, I’m a single mom of an autistic child and it seemed there was just never enough in the bank account to cover everything, so having someone ‘take care’ of me was initially such a relief. It always came with a price, however. Piece of my soul here, piece there, etc.
I’m still working through it myself since I have not been NC for too long, but time really does help, and it sounds like you are doing your level best to take care of yourself, well done! My anger at his betrayal was so intense at first, I could hardly function. It will get better.
Ash, the exhuberance and euphoria will never be “duplicated” because it was based upon illusions that HE created.
With regard to his “hate” towards you, it may be helpful to you to understand that it is not YOU that he hates. He “hates” EVERYTHING and EVERYONE because he cannot have what they do: true emotional connections. So, what he cannot “have,” he must destroy with malice.
EACH DAY with no contact is one step further from spath cruelties and lies. Each day with no contact is one step closer to whom we were meant to be.
Do you have any interests in expressive creativity? Knitting? Singing? Musical instruments? Painting? Rock climbing? Belly dancing? You may not experience the “euphoria” that you believe that you did with the spath, but engaging in something that is solely for YOU will fill you with your Self (Self = soul, inner human).
Brightest blessings