Lovefraud invites you to complete a survey about your experience with a sociopath/psychopath/narcissist in order to help professionals diagnose this disorder properly.
Two days ago, the American Psychiatric Association released a draft of the fifth edition its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5). This book is the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health and other professionals. The revision has been underway for a decade.
A work group of 11 doctors and psychologists focused on the section about personality and personality disorders. They have recommended significant changes to the description of antisocial personality disorder, which is also referred to as sociopathy and psychopathy. In fact, one of the suggestions is to change the name of the personality disorder to “antisocial/psychopathic type.”
The new description of the disorder is much closer to what most of us at Lovefraud have experienced. You can read the description here:
Antisocial/Psychopathic Type
The American Psychiatric Association has invited public comment on the draft of DSM 5, and Lovefraud is taking the doctors up on their invitation. We thought the best way to do it would be to survey our readers, asking you how well the proposed description of antisocial/psychopathic type matches your experience with one (or more) of these individuals.
Please take the survey. This is serious, so be thoughtful and accurate in your responses. It will probably take you about 15 minutes, so please start it when you are sure you have time to complete it.
The survey will be open until March 3, 2010. After that, we will tabulate and analyze the data. We will prepare a report of the findings for the American Psychiatric Association. The results will also be published on Lovefraud.
Go to the survey:
I went to get my eyes checked for a new perscription for glasses as i am having problems seeing, thot I just needed a stronger perscription. Guess what – I have cataracs in both eyes and cant see worth a damn out of my right eye. This has really upset me, I know I can and will get it fixed with eye surgery even tho I dont have health ins. When I close my left eye I cant see out of my right, I have good perrifial (sp) but when I look into someones face i see a black spot where the face is. Dont know why this has made me think of (u no who) but it would be nice to have somebody at my side to go through this with. I know it would of been a big inconvience for him. I am gonna blame this on looking through rose colored glasses most of my life..I guess I am feeling xtra alone tonite..I have told my kids but just like explaining a sociopath it is difficult to explain cataracs unless you have it or have had it ..
sweet hens… i am sure there is a line of peeps behind me wishing we could come down and walk through this with you. it sucks to be alone when we are needing surgery and help with recuperation – mind you it sucks more to be with them.
i think what has happened is that you have developed spath vision – it’s a well known fact that if you look at emptiness long enough, you’ll see nothing.
my sight has been compromised by the toxins i am living in – i have lost about 10% of my vision in the last few months. i mention it to my friends and they vaguely nod (or maybe they are are nodding vigorously and i just can’t see it.)
I am sorry hens. this sucks. i am glad though, that there is very successful treatment. how long will it take to get surgery, and what is the healing time?
one step
thanks onestep – i just found out yesterday, i knew something was wrong but I never thot this wrong…I have made an appt with my Indian tribe health clinic, I am 1/16 th choctaw.. I am not sure about anything, only a few friends have said it is a quick easy surgery and no recovery time,,, my appt. is june 2nd unless i go to the tribal hospital emergency room i will have to wait till then.. i am gonna make some calls and see what it cost out of pocket and maybe save up for it wich ever comes first – thanks for the kind words i need em tonite..
thing is the surgery might give you better eyesight than you have had in a long while, and that is something to look forward too.
it would be nice to have it done sooner than later, if it’s possible.
(btw, my great grandma was either cree or anishinabe. one of my goals during this time of no job is to go to the 4 directions house at the uni and start to make some connections, ask some questions. i have a little information. of course none of that info was passed down – too many generations of racism)
choctaw and silver haired. good thing i am a lesbo…
onestep LOL When I told my older son I was gay he said “thats ok Dad I am a lesbian” not sure if i told ya that…
silly boy, trix are for chicks….
Sorry to hear about the surgery, but I can tell you from personal experience that it is amazing the surgery they do with lasers these day.
As opposed to surgery with losers. I had the S-ex’s so called assistance after I ruptured my achilles tendon, had surgery, and was flat-backed with a cast up to my thigh. He acted all put out. I ended up so stressed out and focusing my energies on him rather than on myself and getting better. Now I look at how perverse the situation was. So, trust me when I say you are far better off without Mike’s so called nursing skills.
Meanwhile, I’ve just about finished week one at the new job. Great office, great colleagues, great corporate housing, great job. I am so blessed. Back to NYC and my partner for the weekend. Haven’t made any decisions yet about selling my apartment. On the other hand, since I have made so many life altering decisions since I got the job offer a month ago, I guess I am entitled to sit on my hands and not make a decision for the moment.
matt – can you go respond to dancing warrior…she needs some support re dealing with a spath and splitting of assets.