Lovefraud recently received the following e-mail from a reader who we’ll call “Lillian.”
Yes. It happened to me. It took him six years but he left. He left me holding two mortgages in both our names. He left me once I ran out of cash. He left me when I got laid off. I am almost 50 years old and I have nothing. I haven’t heard from him in over a year. He encouraged me to buy a bigger, more expensive house than I would have on my own and came up with half the down. He moved in. Wouldn’t pay anything. Got us a joint account and credit card. I worked. He didn’t even buy groceries. He bought himself a boat after three years of hell as I got angrier and angrier because he just lay on the couch. Then he sailed to Mexico and didn’t come back. His rich widow of a prominent heart surgeon called me one day. He had told her he owned property up here and that he had ended a relationship—which he hadn’t. He got really angry then and cleaned out the joint account of my funds, of course, since there was never any joint about it. He lives in Mexico on his boat and has a house in Oakland. She feels like Cinderella right now and thinks I am the evil stepsister.
I had $400K in cash. No revolving debt. Two retirement accounts and supported my husband and kids. Well fast forward. I have no cash. No retirement accounts. $70K in revolving debt and no job. I am ruined. I am so traumatized and messed up that I can’t function. I just cry. I reach out and no one is there. I am extremely isolated. I want to die. He is living in Mexico and suing me for half the house. He isn’t done with me yet. And I am just two months away from living in a tent. No one cares. No one understands. Everyone thinks that somehow I either deserve this and or it’s my fault. I am done for. I don’t know that I can be helped even if I knew someone who could help me. That’s the story. Sad but true. I wish I were dead.
After a devastating encounter with a sociopath, the most important thing we have to do is stay alive.
We may have lost our money, our homes, our jobs, our health, our self-esteem, our hopes and our dreams, but we cannot lose our selves.
This is basic, but crucial. We cannot die.
Not everyone succeeds at this essential task. Not everyone is able to continue living in the face of monstrous personal betrayal. In these cases, the sociopath truly wins. Dr. Leedom calls it “murder by suicide.”
There is an old adage, “Where there’s life, there’s hope.” When dealing with the aftermath of a sociopath, this is the truth. A sociopath’s goal is always to win, and sometimes to destroy us in the process. When we stay alive, we deny the sociopath’s victory.
We can also start a process that, over time, will enable us to claim victory for ourselves.
It doesn’t seem that way in the blackness of despair as we survey the wreckage of our lives. But as many of us have learned, amid the wreckage we may discover that our broken ideas and beliefs actually needed to be broken and thrown away. We were operating under false conceptions of ourselves, conceptions that made us vulnerable to the predators.
We learn that if we stay alive, we can begin to rebuild our lives, and when we do, we will be living our own truth.
So how do we do it? We keep putting one foot in front of the other. We cry when we need to, then we pick ourselves up and push on. We keep going forward, even though we don’t believe we can.
The road to recovery takes time and patience. It takes recognizing that we may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD). It takes caring about ourselves and being kind to ourselves.
The first step is staying alive.
Please, Lillian, we know your situation is very, very bad. But don’t let him win.
wow i think shes on to something there……not only make a living, but a gratifying emotional paycheck as well
Please know that my heart goes out to you, as I am sure the hearts of many others go out to you. Choose life because you deserve more than the pain that he has caused. Choose life because you are valuable, and you are loved, even if you are feeling neither at the moment.
There are many of us who don’t post often, like myself, or don’t post at all but who still read this site and gain support and perspective from it.
Personally, I don’t post because it is so painful to specify the hurtful experiences. I am not exactly sure how to heal, but I do know that no contact works and time works, and perhaps feeling the pain in measured doses works too.
I had an unexpectedly bad experience tonight. It is a lovely Spring evening where I live, and I decided to walk to the grocery store before settling in for the evening. As I waited at an intersection for the light to change, I had that animalistic sensation that someone was looking at me (all in a pre-conscious, quick second), and I looked up and in that direction, and across the street diagonally from me, was the s/p and his new victim.
I feel so sorry for her. I wish I could rescue her, but I know that in attempting to do so, I could very well endanger myself. At first I was determined to continue on to the store, but the s/p and his innocent victim were headed in that direction. So, shaken, yet strong, I returned home and called a friend. Later on, I walked back to the grocery store, just so my path there wouldn’t be marred by the unexpected “contact” with the sociopath.
I swing between hating him and missing the charming (yet inexplicably inconsistent) person I experienced during the first few months that I knew him.
Sometimes, I don’t think very highly about myself. But I thought about it tonight, and there is absolutely nothing that I did to deserve his groteseque betrayal, his never-ending deceit, his grand manipulation and his unabashed exploitation and neither have you.
Please take care of youself. There are those of us out here who really care what happens to you. Choose life so that you may choose life.
I found this today and because of the name I explored the blog. At first I was interested till I explored further.
We have discussed the ability and the liklyhood of Sociopaths in every profession . Check this out if you want and see if this Psyciatrist does not fit the mold? I’ll let others read him and see if they read the same as me. I don’t believe there is a Wholsom Sociopath! I believe their only purpose is self gratification regardless of the cost to others!
I have a question..and feedback would be much appreciated. Being that I have a child with an S..and no contact…is a bit difficult. I have kept it at a minimum and STRICTLY about our son. I have been indifferent. I know they feed off of atention…positive or negative…and he isnt getting any….I feel a bit nervous now as I am not sure why…can anyone tell me from experience what the reaction of “indifference” is with one of these creatures..I know he doesnt like being cut off from me and having it be strictly about our son.
Dear Lillian,
I’m so very sorry for all the horrible things that were done to you. Even though my contact with a narcissist/sociopath wasn’t in the intimacy of a romantic connection, I got devastated financially and cut off from teaching art history, which I loved. I know that you can’t see it coming, and you’re so busy being run over that it takes a long time to figure out that what hit you was a freight train!
I was broken when I came here only several weeks ago. I felt overwhelmed because the life I was trying for was gone due to the systematic cruelty of one person, and worse, I felt stupid and guilty for letting it happen. Connection with the incredible people here at this site pulled me back from the brink! My family still doesn’t “get it” and doesn’t want to — they think everything was my fault for not fighting harder, but they’ve never dealt with a s/p.
Cry and get it out! I did – I still do. But in between times, read and read and read! You’ll begin to see that your only “mistake” was being human and thinking everybody else has the same set of emotions and a sense of values. Some are just missing those things, and most of us never really got how profoundly destructive a person like that can be. They will literally strip a life clean and work tirelessly to dismantle it.
The people here will help you. I can say that because they made me KNOW I’m not alone! I had no idea that anything like this existed, where people from all over would take the time and make the effort to lift each other up, tell their stories, offer great advice, and even laugh together! You may not believe me yet, but I promise if you read here long enough, you’re going to find tears of laughter running down your cheeks, and then you’re going to know then that you’ve begun to heal. It’s pretty great.
But first, for now, while everything still sucks the big one: Please don’t give up! If you can’t yet believe in yourself (and you will again if you hang out here), believe that this is a healing place and you are welcomed here.
I wish you all the best! I’m glad you’re here, but so sorry for what you’re going through.
My ex P and i broke up last november.He has my dog, my jewellery, art, household goods, photos albums, lap top,l ipod, clothing,kitchen and bathroom stuff…nearly everything i own. I know I won’t get back the ten grand I lent him.The dog is micro chipped in my name and he has given it to his daughter. He got an avo/dvo on me so that i can’t go near him or his adult kids to get anything back. A few times he has told me to write a list and come over to get my things and when I get there he calls the police and says I have breached my avo…a set up.
So far I have not been able to get anything back. He is an alcoholic and a dentist ( he only works two days a week). he thinks I am going give him up to the police as he defrauded the insurance and tax people for well over 100,00 dollars. But I’m not – because he can afford lawyers and I can’t.
Is there any way I can get my things back, or should I forget it?
Betty: After the S/P defrauded me of more than I can count (see Tilly’s post — I’m not her, but this sounds familiar), I was “rescued” by someone who sounds so much like your academic mentor that my eyes were twirling as I read your story several weeks ago.
The first thing we need to do is get past our own misguided “guilt” over having been targeted by them and not having recognized them more quickly.
I am so glad you told your story. That helps people here realize that this issue is far more than a “romance gone wrong.”
Stay strong. And know that your great heart and your integrity are your strengths — not your weaknesses.
Hello Tilly: I saw that you are new to the site, and I want to give you a hug in recognition.
As I understand, You want to get your life back, and this lunatic is stepping all over your things, and on top of that, he has your dog.
I understand this better than I wish I did.
The one manipulative tool you have is this “dentist’s” ego. If you can think strategically about this, he doesn’t want to look like the jerk that he really is. How can he look like a real “prince” by giving you everything that he should actually give you any way?
I suggest that you might do better by staying out of the courts but by not threatening and instead promoting him for giving you what actually is really yours.
Their egos are so huge they can’t see reason when they are being pumped up.
So, — would he look like a prince for wrapping everything up and sending you on your way? (Since keeping a dog and storing things is such a nuisance . . .)
When I fled, knowing he was criminally dangerous, I wasn’t able to take one of my dogs. Everything else that you mention is still out of my own reach, but the P returned the dog because I think he knew that it would be too traceable and to embarrassing for him if he hurt my dog.
I feel for you. Stay strategic, as best you can.
I agree with OXd, I don’t know what the heck you are getting from criminal defense? Your surrounding yourself with these behaviors but worst yet…..your DEFENDING them??? (I know some of them are innocent and that is your reward)
Family Law is your calling…..especially now! Going through it currently, I see for you the personal rewards you would receive doing this sort of work, concentrating on representing BPD victims. You recognize them and relate on a personal level. You know what to do, how to handle these people….your a shoe in! Like OXd said, you ‘get it’. That’s the biggest part of finding an attorney…..I know, i went through 15K with an attorney that ‘said’ he ‘got it’, but really didn’t have a clue. I am on to my second attorney and I believe she ‘get’s it’, but I am not convinced she is willing to go the length.
You would be a true HERO and make a good living for yourself.
WIN+WIN=Great feelings and rewards for yourself= HUGE self esteem booster=Great life=Happiness!!!
If you need a great assistant with tenacity and balls….I’m your girl! Heck, I’d even move to NY to shake it up with you on this venture!
Think of the possibilities.
I see a bright future with hope!! 🙂
Matt and Erin Brockovich….Kicking butt and taking names!!!
Thankyou Rune. I know he has already given my dog to his adult daughters (who assaulted me and hate me more than he does ! Still not sure why!). There are law orders in place that I can’t communicate with him or any of them , so I can’t actually “promote” him to get my stuff back. I am glad I can’t too as the NC rule truly is the only one that works for me!
What happened to me before this relationship was ten times worse. It happened in 2001 and i still can’t really talk about it without being terribly triggered. Suffice it to say, my grandma died and i inherited her house.
No, still can’t go there yet. So suffice it to say, a solicitor psychopath robbed me of my home and had me charged and locked up and,
no, still can’t go there yet.
Well, anyway, it took me years to mentally recover from it and eventually (2008) all the charges were dropped through the supreme court of appeal.
Well it was one week after they were dropped that the dentist tried to do the same thing all over again.
Thats enough for now. gonna have to stop. too traumatic.
Thankyou for responding to me Rune, it matters more than you will ever know. xo