What is the single most powerful signifier of sociopathy?
How about, lack of empathy?
I don’t think so.
As an isolated factor, I don’t think lack of empathy best nails the sociopath.
Many millions of people, after all, lack empathy and aren’t sociopaths. Also, exactly what constitutes empathy is a subject of some disagreement. Some LoveFraud members, in fact, question whether sociopaths even lack empathy (some asserting, to the contrary, that the sociopaths they’ve known have used their capacity for empathy to exploit them).
But the biggest problem with lack of empathy is its weakeness in explaining the single, truly best signifier of sociopathy—the characterological exploitiveness of the sociopath.
It is a high level of exploitiveness that most singularly exposes the sociopath.
Now exploitiveness is also associated with the narcissistic personality. For this reason extremely destructive (“malignant”) narcissists can be hard to distinguish from sociopaths. Still, a high level of exploitiveness is rarely the single best signifier of narcissistic personality disorder, whereas it is, I suggest, the best single indicator of sociopathy.
Why does lack of empathy fail to explain the sociopath’s exploitiveness? It fails because most people who lack empathy are not exploitive. Just consider the autistic spectrum disorders: Lack of empathy is commonly associated with these disorders, but exploitive behavior is not.
Now it is true that empathic individuals will generally be nonexploitive. Why? Because their empathy will prove a deterrent against exploitative impulses or ideas. Empathy, in other words, surely is a powerful deterrent against exploitation.
But in someone nonexploitative (someone, say, with Asperger’s Syndrome), empathy will not be needed for its deterrent effect. However, in someone inclined to exploitation, lack of empathy will be a missing deterrent in a situation where deterrence is urgent.
Effectively, the sociopath’s exploitive nature is undeterred by empathy, which is missing, thus liberating him to exploit. And it is the sociopath’s tendency, or compulsion, to exploit, I propose, that best characterizes his sociopathy.
I’d be remiss not to clarify my working definition of empathy. Empathy, as I use it, is an experience, or appreciation, of another’s experience that, depending on the situation, elicits a thoughtful, respectful, perhaps nurturing, but never exploitive, response.
While some sociopaths may possess an evolved capacity to read others’ vulnerabilities, this doesn’t make them empathic.
It is the particular response to someone’s vulnerability that indicates the presence of empathy, or exploitation. It is the particular response, or pattern of responses, to someone’s vulnerability that separates the empathic individual from the predator.
In this respect, I regard the sociopath as seriously, and given his exploitive personality, dangerously deficient in empathy.
What about his remorselessness? Certainly the sociopath’s remorselessness is quite notable and diagnostically significant. However, I would argue that the sociopath’s remorselessness is a byproduct not of his lack of empathy, but of his exploitive personality.
Many people who lack empathy are remorseful, for instance when informed that an action they took, or something they said, left someone else feeling damaged. They may struggle to relate emotionally (or even intellectually) to the effect their behavior had on the wounded party (their deficient empathy); but they are upset to learn that their action caused damage.
In other words, they feel remorseful even though their empathy is deficient.
However, exploitation and remorselessness go hand in hand. The essence of exploitation is the intentional violation of another’s vulnerability. The exploiter knows, on some level, that his behavior is exploitive.
By definition, the exploiter is grossly indifferent to the damaging effect of his behavior on his victim. All that matters is his perceived gain, his demanded, greedy satisfaction. There is indifference to the loss and damage to others resulting from his self-centered, aggressive behaviors.
This sounds a lot like callousness; and we recognize callousness as another of the sociopath’s telling qualities. But I would suggest, again, that the sociopath’s callousness derives not from his defective empathy, but rather from his characterological exploitiveness. Most people with deficits in empathy are not callous. On the other hand, the exploitive mentality will engender a callous perspective.
I discussed in a prior post the audacity of the sociopath. I suggested a correspondence between audacity and sociopathy. But here, too, we want to get the causality correct: audacity doesn’t make for sociopathy; but the exploitive mentality will make for staggering audacity.
(My use of “he” in this post is for convenience’s sake, not to suggest that men have a patent on sociopathy. This article is copyrighted (c) 2008 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
Wow BloggerT. My ex was a sadist for sure.
The folk working with the NCAV came up with these typologies for rapists:
Power Reassurance: offender behaviors that suggest an underlying lack of confidence and inadequacy, or belief that the offense is consensual, expressed through minimal force and low confidence;
Power Assertive: offender behaviors that suggest an underlying lack of confidence and inadequacy, expressed through a need for control, mastery, and humiliation of the victim, while demonstrating authority;
Anger Retaliatory: offender behaviors that suggest a great deal of rage, either towards a specific person, group, institution or a symbol of either;
Anger-excitation (Sadistic): offender behaviors that suggest that the offender gets sexual gratification from victim pain and suffering;
Opportunistic: offender behaviors that suggest an offender who is out to satisfy immediate sexual impulses.
J. Reid Meloy talks about them in his book Violent Attachments. Of course there is also Groth, Douglas, Hazelwood, Dietz and others who all have numerous books and articles on this also. Hazelwood said “We’ve overused the term, sadism, in our society. In my opinion, sexual sadism counts for no more than 7-10% of sexual crimes committed. But the sexual sadist is the great white shark of sexual crimes. He’s the premier predator.”
Hello Steve Becker and OxDrover:
Thank you for the response, Steve. I think we have to keep in mind that we are in many cases dealing with consummate chameleons: the more skilled may have learned ways to mask their glee so that they can keep the “game” going.
At some point I realized that I would NEVER receive the tiniest amount of compassion or remorse or sympathy when he had run me into exhaustion through his pointless manic exploits–not even exploitation, directly, but stupid expercises in group manipulation like “human potential workshops” after I’d put in another 7-day week of 16- and 18-hour days, or two-hour marathon multilevel marketing conference calls that I just had to join him in. When he saw my obvious exhaustion, to the point of barely being able to walk the stairs to bed, he observed with a stony stare. Not a word. As I revisit the scene, and his fixed stare, I sense him psychically lapping up my misery. It may not have shown as “delight,” but remember that with some of these creatures, any “emotion” they present is just another variation on the mask. I felt him feeding off my destruction. That response goes further than mere “exploitation” — in the sense that we think of as “exploiting the workers” by paying sub-standard wages.
I believe we make a serious error when we try to understand a psychopath’s motivations and internal wiring by overlaying how we ourselves might act or respond in similar situations.
I see myself in that scene, at midnight, not having had time all day to find even a sandwich, sitting on a step, unable to stand, numb, speechless with exhaustion, with inexplicable tears welling up. He, however, had had time to spend several hours at the gym, attend a couple of conference calls, and visit two of my worksites to — unbeknownst to me at the time — countermand my direct orders to the work crews, costing thousands of dollars in damage, destruction, and unwanted, unnecessary and expensive labor. He may have looked impassive, but I believe he had cultivated that look to hide his enjoyment.
Yes, I think it was power, control, enjoyment of complete domination as Blogger T points out. I think it also had some correspondence with BloggerT’s description of sadistic behaviors intended to provide sexual gratification. I believe this gratification was as significant to this P as any sexual release — perhaps more so. And I think the mental health professionals and researchers who are “normal,” get off track when they try to describe this sort of gratification through their own understanding of gratification within their more typical spectrum of motivations and desires.
I think BloggerT is pointing out some significant issues, but they miss the mark as they don’t address the more subtle behaviors that may be exhibited by someone who hasn’t been so outrageous as to be put behind bars.
I learned a great deal by reading Carla Van Dam’s book, “The Socially Skilled Child Molester.” She describes the difference between “grabbers and groomers.” The groomers take time to insinuate themselves into society, make friends with the parents, join the Boy Scouts, participate in the church or school, take the kids on ski trips and camping adventures, etc., etc. — so that when they reveal their predatory nature, no one believes the victims. The grabbers jump out of the bushes. The socially skilled may be just as opportunistic, but they can control their impulses to delay gratification while they wrap everyone in their self-serving lies — and they appear to enjoy that part of their game. They’ll be opportunistic, perhaps, if they’re out of town, but they get off on the manipulation of the whole community.
Again, I can’t describe that level of behavior in the simple term of “exploitation” although that is certainly part of it.
Actually Rune that info was only about rapists and not about child molesters and pedophiles. There are other typologies for them as well. And the material listed is only a partial piece of the overall picture. I did assessments and treatment on high risk sex offenders for quite awhile and even the grab/groom is missing quite a bit. Like there is a big difference between a child molester and a pedophile.
I think one of the most interesting things I observed was a group that was divided between rapists and child molesters/pedophiles. The rapists could see the thinking errors and distortions the pedophiles had but not their own. The pedophiles could see the same about the rapists but not their own.
hey to you all. i have enjoyed this article and related toa lot of it. but you know some ofthe signs of a s path are more obvious than other but for us being in that moment and not til we look back after we go right i see that so clearly now. thye re in fact pretty stupid sometimes, sly like a fox mind you buti remember mine doing some really dumb stuff in a way aelf cidefeating almost. for eg like what i read here just now about th unoticing i think oxy called it. in the begining of y relations with the s path boyfriend he was working on me hard to win me over. then one night at my place he started talking about this girl he had been talking to that day he was very detailed about her going on for a while about her. it gave the sh…ts right as i thought he was trying to get me for himself here is talking about this other girl . it was so blatant he wasnt just talking with her but i knew even this early into our union that he must of been flirlting with her like crazy that day. but the unnoticing thing he was tatally oblivoious to how his talking about her was making me feel . i said to him did you ask her out. hes like clicked onto my feelings all of a suden and said no you know i adore you and she wasnt as sexy as you bla bla.he just clicked over from the unoticing my pain at his talk to back to the game of winning me over. i thought all that was strange but you know hood winked me for a while longer till i worked him ut and saw a whole lot more weird things he did. also in reference to the violence they can have, one after we split up i had some very revealing mail of his which was posted to my add his ph bill, he was so angry cause i saw a lot of what he was doing in that bill. he was in a rage and came to my house to try an get it. i was really upset with what i read on the ph bill, he was s till denying things but. he said raging give me the ph bill or i will rip this place a part and he started to go thru all my stuff my personal stuff wildly. i gave him the bill but isaw how he could of been very violent had i not done it. he walked out saying i was a phsyco. i was left sobbing. then after all this he rang me and said i dont want to leave it like this i am so sorry i love you. clicked over to keeping the game going again he seemed terrified of losing me there and then . ther was other times too when he just said things i am sure you dont want to say to a girl who you want to be with and i am sure it was this unoticing oxy talks of totally blind to our feelings. they seem to really let the gaurd down when they do this. like the real them showing. and sometimes we just dont notice it till later when we wise up to them.i evn think the blatant flirting he did infron t of me sometimes was the same thing not even realising you are going to blowit with me boy, so why the hell are you doing this. then they start to cover it up as innocent. tthis article is so interesting. thanks
hi again, something else i want to share with you all. ia m in australia. and read in the wekend papers the other day about this guy who is on a very popilar weight loss program on our tv here,he is a personal trainer helping them to lose weight. well recently he startd dating a high profile model and they were in the social pages all the time for a while like this perfect looking couple. then i read this article the model girlfriend wrote about him that they broke up and he was violent toward her verbally abusive and threatened her was very possesive and paranoid about her doing stuff without him. and a temper like nothng else. totally the opposite to what we saw in the photos of them together he was basically a monster behind doors and all show in the public eye with her. so she wrote a full page article with a photo of him and everything totally exposed him as a s path. then the next week the papers all these other woman he had been with came forward to say the same things happened to them while with him some said they were terrified of him. one of his exes said she had struggled to have normal relationship after her experience with him and she felt scarred for it. this guy is high profile here in this country and popular, well maybe not now he has been outed for what he is. they even had doctors write coments in the article saying they though he was s path or boderline ect ect. how great to see this happen and woman standing up to him so publicly outing him and his career will suffer there he is all fit and healthy promoting a healthy lifestyle when in real life he is totally damaged and damaging to people. wonder how he kept the facade up during the making of the program suposedly helping people… i felt good to read it in the paper and it reminded me of my ex s path he is now working as a sales man for a gym…. should be more people coming out publicly, she said she did it cause she didnt want him to hurt anyone else as he has obviously got a history of it. well done to her .she got out early enough to save her self. and publicly shame him too.
I am in New York. I want to know is it legal to write an article about your S. I would love to expose my S in the paper. He has 6 children including 1 from me that he doesn’t give an S___ about and he is in this particular club every Thursday looking for new victims.
I have pictures and I know many women have been his victims. It would make me feel better and help other victims know that they are not alone and how to heal from there.
janetf: i’m in nyc too. maybe we know the same psycho!
i’m interested in writing an article for the VV or some other nyc paper discussing how women can spot a s/p/n, and how to protect themselves. wanna write it with me?
i’d like to expose my ex too … esp. to his wife who is still with a guy who has gotten THREE other women pregnant while he’s been married to her — thank god i’m not one of them! but he continues to carry on with his new prego gf, and his wife is still clueless (or maybe not).
have donna give you my email address if you’re interested in talking about this.
I’m NOT an attorney but as I understand when you write about a “public” figure you have more leaway than when you write about a private individual who is not a “public figure.”
High profile people (actors etc) here in the US are “outed” all the time for outrageous behavior by the “yellow rags” and sometimes outright lies are told about them and they have very little recourse to fighting the scandal rags, but some have done so and actually won big settlements and retractions.
The problem is with “ordinary” people I think is that you would have to defend yourself in court at great or impossible cost to yourself for doing so, even if what you said was true, the legal bills could still cost you everything you have. Maybe our lawyer friend Matt could write some articles for LF on the legalities of slander and other things.’
Matt, are you up for it? Could you be our “legal consultant” and write some articles of general interest to LF readers? I know you can’t answer questions for each of us individually but it might be a GREAT ADDITION to Love Fraud to have some articles about say slander and liable, and proving fraud and stalking, ways we could protect ourselves–and yes, I know that different states have different laws about some of those things, but just in GENERAL, the kind of things that we need in Legal 101.
hilostin greif and janetf. the person i wrote about in the post above were both very mucch in the public eye. the girl who put the article in the paper has apeared in that paper in the social pages very often she would probably have very big connections with the writers for that paper to get the article written about her ex. that was how i figured anyway. but yes it is almost a comunity service she did i think it is great to see. i woul love to expose my ex but he keeps tight reigns on who he he tells what about the other woman. he did however stupidly tell me where his most recent victim works i could really tell her a whole lot of stuff she doesnt know about. but then would have to deal with the rath of my ex who knows where i work and live ect ect he could make a lot of trouble for me. so what do you do. in regards to what oxy says about some personalities in the public eye making up stories about exs and writing articles i ont think this was the case purely because she put her name and career on the line if it was a lie and came out it would damage her lively hood very much it just sounded too spot on like the hole s path behaviour to be made up i believe she told the truth and especially when they got letter and calls from his other exs. these guys should be exposed, she was lucky she had the power to do that and the connections of friends and asociates in the media.i nearly wrote to the paper myself to say i experienced the same thing except mine was not in a tv program just the same but.she just seemd like a really attractive lovely person who fell for the charms of a perfect s path like all of us here.i watched the program he was in and i felt something was not right with this man too he seemed fake and too nice to the contestants in the tv program. he also seemed obsessive with his body fitness and apearence hence it being a weight loss show makes sense but my ex was exacly like that too ass if they hide behind they way they look and thier bodies. aparently a lot of s path males are into body building and physical apearence makes sense really doesnt it its part of their whole trap so woman go wow look at that guy hes fit hes handsome. the girl ho wrote the article in the paper said he was perfect charming when out i public wither and when they are being photographed and doing th social circles but at home he was totally full of rag and anger and very abusive she was hurt by this man she loved just like us ladies. thanks again i wish i could tell you about the paper it was in you could read it over the internet probably even though it wasa few weeks a go now. thanks j…