What is the single most powerful signifier of sociopathy?
How about, lack of empathy?
I don’t think so.
As an isolated factor, I don’t think lack of empathy best nails the sociopath.
Many millions of people, after all, lack empathy and aren’t sociopaths. Also, exactly what constitutes empathy is a subject of some disagreement. Some LoveFraud members, in fact, question whether sociopaths even lack empathy (some asserting, to the contrary, that the sociopaths they’ve known have used their capacity for empathy to exploit them).
But the biggest problem with lack of empathy is its weakeness in explaining the single, truly best signifier of sociopathy—the characterological exploitiveness of the sociopath.
It is a high level of exploitiveness that most singularly exposes the sociopath.
Now exploitiveness is also associated with the narcissistic personality. For this reason extremely destructive (“malignant”) narcissists can be hard to distinguish from sociopaths. Still, a high level of exploitiveness is rarely the single best signifier of narcissistic personality disorder, whereas it is, I suggest, the best single indicator of sociopathy.
Why does lack of empathy fail to explain the sociopath’s exploitiveness? It fails because most people who lack empathy are not exploitive. Just consider the autistic spectrum disorders: Lack of empathy is commonly associated with these disorders, but exploitive behavior is not.
Now it is true that empathic individuals will generally be nonexploitive. Why? Because their empathy will prove a deterrent against exploitative impulses or ideas. Empathy, in other words, surely is a powerful deterrent against exploitation.
But in someone nonexploitative (someone, say, with Asperger’s Syndrome), empathy will not be needed for its deterrent effect. However, in someone inclined to exploitation, lack of empathy will be a missing deterrent in a situation where deterrence is urgent.
Effectively, the sociopath’s exploitive nature is undeterred by empathy, which is missing, thus liberating him to exploit. And it is the sociopath’s tendency, or compulsion, to exploit, I propose, that best characterizes his sociopathy.
I’d be remiss not to clarify my working definition of empathy. Empathy, as I use it, is an experience, or appreciation, of another’s experience that, depending on the situation, elicits a thoughtful, respectful, perhaps nurturing, but never exploitive, response.
While some sociopaths may possess an evolved capacity to read others’ vulnerabilities, this doesn’t make them empathic.
It is the particular response to someone’s vulnerability that indicates the presence of empathy, or exploitation. It is the particular response, or pattern of responses, to someone’s vulnerability that separates the empathic individual from the predator.
In this respect, I regard the sociopath as seriously, and given his exploitive personality, dangerously deficient in empathy.
What about his remorselessness? Certainly the sociopath’s remorselessness is quite notable and diagnostically significant. However, I would argue that the sociopath’s remorselessness is a byproduct not of his lack of empathy, but of his exploitive personality.
Many people who lack empathy are remorseful, for instance when informed that an action they took, or something they said, left someone else feeling damaged. They may struggle to relate emotionally (or even intellectually) to the effect their behavior had on the wounded party (their deficient empathy); but they are upset to learn that their action caused damage.
In other words, they feel remorseful even though their empathy is deficient.
However, exploitation and remorselessness go hand in hand. The essence of exploitation is the intentional violation of another’s vulnerability. The exploiter knows, on some level, that his behavior is exploitive.
By definition, the exploiter is grossly indifferent to the damaging effect of his behavior on his victim. All that matters is his perceived gain, his demanded, greedy satisfaction. There is indifference to the loss and damage to others resulting from his self-centered, aggressive behaviors.
This sounds a lot like callousness; and we recognize callousness as another of the sociopath’s telling qualities. But I would suggest, again, that the sociopath’s callousness derives not from his defective empathy, but rather from his characterological exploitiveness. Most people with deficits in empathy are not callous. On the other hand, the exploitive mentality will engender a callous perspective.
I discussed in a prior post the audacity of the sociopath. I suggested a correspondence between audacity and sociopathy. But here, too, we want to get the causality correct: audacity doesn’t make for sociopathy; but the exploitive mentality will make for staggering audacity.
(My use of “he” in this post is for convenience’s sake, not to suggest that men have a patent on sociopathy. This article is copyrighted (c) 2008 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
How come the roach motel commercial popped into my head when you said I could check in but I could never leave?(LMAO) I have a better idea…..just give me the entire West wing of lovefraud and name it after me and I promise ya’ll can visit anytime. It looks like Im gonna need it for an extensive amount of time anyway! Everyone has been so great on here and I cant begin to explain what a help it has been for me.
And you know what else just occurred to me Stargazer??? I never ever,ever, ever,ever put my car in the garage because its jammed packed with crap! And people know I am home because they see my car. Today, I cleaned it all out and put my car in the garage! So there was no indication I was even home and my garage is in the back of my house not seen from the street anyway. So I wonder just what her intentions were because now that I think about it, she looked just as surprised to see me as I did her! HMMMMMMM!
OMG, anetsu, you just reminded me that my S used to say the same thing constantly….”I PROMISE I didn’t…..(whatever it was)”. One day I just said to him, “no more promises, okay?”. “I promise I didn’t talk to that person!” “I promise my ‘ex’ and I filed for divorce.” “I promise……..” It was his favorite thing to say. I think he actually believed his own lies. Anetsu, girlfriend, you are in it up to your eyeballs, and I hope you are finally done with your toxic S. I’m sorry you got played like this. It will take a little while for the shock to wear off, and it’s not gonna feel so good for a while. Stick around here. The good people here are so helpful.
Ok so I went out to the snake pit’s last nite. Didnt see him, but talked to a guy that dated him years ago. He said he couldn’t handle the drama so he broke up with him. Then he told me lot’s of thing’s I suspected. He has a reputation of being a theif – a lier – and a con. Duh – why did I need more affirmation? Now I know why he had very few teeth in his head when I met him. He had them knocked out by a pissed BF. I looked around that gay bar and felt so repulsed – the sociopath’s are everywhere – that is their home – drug’s alcohol and sex. I am like you annette I m ready to turn in my lesbian card too. I never have fit in with the gay people or the straight people – I feel so hopeless – like nobody would want me unless they are out to use me. And I have been spath free for 9 months now. When I went out last nite I looked at the table we sat at when he said he has looked for someone like me all his life. I had a few guy’s come on too me but I didnt want to ‘just get laid’ gay bars and the internet don’t work for me – Indigo that blow up doll is sounding better all the time….
I remember one nite my x looked me in the eye and said ‘you are going to have to learn to trust me’ I guess he really thought I was stupid. I felt sorry for the asshole – that is the ONLY reason it lasted 3 years – but like the guy I talked to last nite that had dated him years ago said ” don’t feel sorry for him be mad at him – he used you big time”
First of all WATCH WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT SNAKES! Snake lover here!!! LOL Second, why did you go to that place again where your ex hangs out??????? What happened to NC? He could have been there. Where’s the skillet when you need one?…….Third, although I am not gay, I certainly can relate to the feeling of not being wanted. I think being an aging, middle-aged woman in this society is akin to being Darth Vader, even though I am attractive for my age. But you know what I was thinking about today, henry, as I was driving back from my little shopping spree? How every one of us as a human being has value. We have value just because. It doesn’t matter if someone wants us sexually or not. That cannot take away the beauty we all have inside. I think when we get that urge to find someone or go to the bar, it is not really a desire for that kind of empty contact, but a desire for real connection with others. You can get that anywhere. I get it a lot on this site! There seem to be a lot of weirdos out there hanging out in bars and on the internet. I just posted an ad on Craig’s List to find other snake lovers in Denver. And I have been emailed by every lonely old man, young boy looking for a cougar, and troll who hate snakes. However, I do think there are some real and genuine people out there to connect with. I am finding that the more real and genuine I become myself, the more of these people I seem to attract. Henry, you are too sweet of a person to end up alone. I believe your time will come.
Henry, and to all
this is your friend anetsu speaking. And I have the same question. Why did you go out to the same bar you met your ex in? Im not an expert by no means but “Ive been around the trailer” a few times. You may not have expected him to be there but thats not the point. I don’t know about your town but the gay social circle here is not that big so it is inevitably that if you have been “out” long enough and lived in the same small town and go to the same gay bars that your gonna go anywhere and have five ex’s staring you in the face. Or run into someone that has dated someone you have dated. Bars in general are “hook up places” and its THE SAME for straight bars! When you are in your twenties and thirties you go to these places.. If ur single you hook up for one night stands, when ur with sombody, you still go to have a good time, when ur single again, you still look in these places for a hook up! It’s a vicious cycle. I have yet to find somewhere I can be myself and meet someone that is my soulmate. I was never a “player” but always wanted to have a good time and I did. I met couple of people in my lifetime in these bars that I actually did connect with and had a duration of a relationship for over five yrs a piece with them. They both ended amicably and we are still friends to this day. My downfall came when someone suggested I use the internet to meet people. This the most embarassing time of my life but I want to share. The first wasnt so bad but when she wanted me to do things like PEE on her I ran like a bat out of hell. The second was a dream come true because we had so much in common with music and she owned a bar and I got to play all I wanted in her bar and everyone loved us! Then I find out that her ex bought the bar for her and was keeping it afloat because it was in the red and had been for quite sometime. I meet the ex at her very expensive home and all its glory with very expensive things and a Ferrari in the garage. I then realized I was dating this woman(and her sugar mama too) because they were one in the same. That one didnt end well(and if anyone has been following my story) it was also the woman that my current past ex “S” screwed after I had told her about it. Think the money lured her????? Then I meet my past “S” and believe her stories of woe and it has become three yrs of hell!!!
So this is what I think….. we are inviting these people into our lives and I am fricken 42 yrs old I thought I was old enough to know better and I am but we just dont have the capacity to distinguish yet whether our empathy is being played on or we are being taking advantage of because the very core of our souls IS being taking advantge of!!! I wish I had a wand that I could wave over individuals that would tell me they were not sociopaths but I dont! So in essence my own trust within myself is compromised! I am put on guard! And I hate that. That I have found out that I couldnt trust my own instincts!!!! Maybe it is as Stargazer pointed out that it is not the desire for “empty contact” but a desire for “real connection” with others. So maybe the point of study shouldn’t be why sociopaths/psychpaths,narcisistics/etc get to us in the first place. We know everything about how they operate. It should focus on the human element of being susceptible to these type of people… Afterall, its after the fact that we learn who they are!!!! And we were just being the caring individuals that our souls allowed us to be!
When You stand back and look at this from the side ? What do you see ?
It is not Sanity ! It’s Insane !
This is why I say there is more to it than Just Pshcological defecient people ! The EVIL that enjoys Toying with your SOUL your every fiber! This is why it hurts for so long!
I tell you Do not entertain evil! Feed the Good Wolf or the Good snake. The Force is Strong trust it! believe that you are worth loving! Henry ask those Grandkids ! See what they say! Ask Angel see what she says! I allready told ya!
Dear Escaped,
“How DO you tell the difference between a malignant narcissist and a sociopath? (Almost sounds like the set up for a bad joke, especially at this late hour). This has been a question in my mind from the beginning of my self education on my ex…”
I don’t think that the impact of a malignant narcissist on our lives is appreciably different than that of a sociopath. Ironically, I don’t think we need to be able to recognize the differences, but rather the similarities.
Malignant narcissists are usually less obviously disordered than sociopaths. Since the narcissists don’t have the same yen for excitement or pattern of criminal behavior, you probably won’t be able to identify a narcissist with a simple background check. The narcissist is probably going to seem unusually conventional.
In order to spot the narcissist, you have to notice the way they treat people whom they do not value. Narcissists need admiration, and they seek material gain and status. They’re usually slightly more interested in admiration and status over material gain. This means spotting the people whom they have no use for is somewhat tricky. In general, the more intimate the relationship, the worse the narcissist treats the person. Due to their unique pathology, narcissists have a marked preference for new acquaintances over older acquaintances. Further, if there’s no one to impress, the narcissist will not exert himself to do the right thing.
Sometimes it’s easier to find evidence that a conventional seeming, charming person is NOT a narcissist. Generally speaking, if a little digging and snooping will result in your “catching” the individual being good, then that person is not a narcissist. People who give ANONYMOUSLY of their time and assets are not narcissists. People who keep their bird feeders full and throw on the brakes to avoid foolhardy squirrels are not narcissists. Observe patiently, and truly good people will give you private as well as public reasons to admire them.
It’s important to understand that while the malignant narcissist is harder to spot than the garden variety sociopath, s/he is an interpersonal wrecking ball. S/he will do most of the nasty things a Sociopath will, minus the provably criminal stuff. Plus, they slander their targets far more effectively than sociopaths do. They may look different from Sociopaths in the beginning, but in the end a Narcissist will do the same damage as a Sociopath.
From my understanding (and Steve Becker’s article above), the main difference is the exploitation factor. Narcissists are not by their nature exploitive, but sociopaths are. Therefore, they are likely to be much more deceptive. They can carry out diabolical schemes without anyone realizing it. Mine was not the least bit grandiose in his behaviors. He came off as very humble and unassuming. But everything he said was a lie. IMO, this makes sociopaths more dangerous–because they are so hard to spot.
One thing you may notice is the way they treat animals. A narcissist has no patience for an animal that does not behave the way he/she wants it to. S/he will yell at the animal, beat it, or ignore it. On the other hand, a sociopath could be very good with animals (mine loved snakes and was very good with them), but then do senseless things that compromise the well being of the animal. Crazy stuff that doesn’t make sense.